After spending months of valuable time researching, testing recipes, and experimenting with what works best for lowering blood sugars and blood pressures, weight loss, maintaining goal weight for me, Mr. and I definitely feel convinced we’re on a healthy track for our overall health and well-being.
Heck even red wine is fine. I used to LOVE beer, haven’t had one since January 17, 2020. And it isn’t because I thought I’d get coronavirus from it, it was just that I found out that a low-calorie beer (or several) was like eating a loaf of bread when it came to carb-loading benefits detriments.
We’ve found great value in experiencing that a low carb, high fat diet is not only doable, but it also’s enjoyable and satiating and we’re not missing the foods we thought we would.
We still have pancakes, with bacon and eggs for breakfast a couple times a month.

And yes, topped with some maple syrup. This isn’t as good as the sugary kind that comes from maple trees, but it does the trick.
We’ve even had pizza for breakfast. That pizza is so satiating, we’re not hungry until dinner time.

Sure, there are times when we have a hankering for heading out to a beer joint down the road to have a burger with fries, chased by a frothy beer. But when it comes down to it, there’s nothing better than a home-cooked meal, in a cast-iron skillet, by Mr. who learned that cooking Keto/Paleo friendly meals is right in his cast-iron skillet wheelhouse too.
We skipped the fries and made coleslaw instead.

This keto coleslaw is way better than I’ve ever eaten before. It has no sugar in it and it tastes wonderfully delicious.
The best part of the diet changes we’ve made is that we don’t feel like crashing after a meal. No matter how warm and cozy it is to lay around like a cat. I don’t lay around the house dreaming of my long-beloved Tostitos anymore either.
We’re full, though, and sleep well. We wake up in the morning without feeling the need for snacking between meals. Our favorite website for finding yummy recipes is with Lisa over at LowCarbYum. Mr. bought her recipe book and he smiled at me when I said, “Hmm … I think I could even cook some of these recipes.” Staying home to cook meals has some value in it for sure. I wonder if he’ll let me near the stove or not?
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – ‘Val‘ and Amy for Lens-Artists#94 – At Home.
PS – I hope you’re all doing well staying home and safe. We’re finally snow-free here, and the temps hit 70 degrees this weekend with sunshine! We’re spending as much time as we can outside to get healthy Vitamin D doses! That makes me extra slow in responding to comments, but I WILL get to them! What have you been doing to stay busy at home?
Yummy post. Don’t think I have ever had slaw on a burger, BBQ, yes but not a burger and I put tomatoes in my slaw – it was my mom way so it stuck. As far as beer goes, I have never understood the love of the flavor of beer. I guess it an acquired taste – now a good Merlot, yep, I am there. Your food look delicious.
The food looks wonderful. I’m glad you’re making the low-carb thing work. I would not want to go there, although I do sub coleslaw for fries, but that’s because I like it better.
We had some nice weather. I hope yours is there to stay.
Stay well!
OM Gosh, the food looks so delicious Shelley! You married a chef!! I’m glad your snow is finally gone, yes!!! Vitamin D is a beautiful thing.
Oh, I’m glad your weather is cooperating for getting outside. We ate dinner on the patio last night–a little chilly but just nice to eat outside. We can’t do that in summer much because it’s too hot. So we’ve got to grab it in spring. As far as your yummy food–wow, you’re becoming such a skilled food photog, not easy! You know I love the looks of all your choices, except I opt for no syrup if I can’t have maple syrup. We used to sometimes tap our own tree, so I just can’t get used to anything else. This week, I need to really commit to getting outside more (rainy today) and walking more. It always makes me feel better. Nice to hear from you–and keep staying safe. Hopefully, restrictions will start easing up before too long!
Those meals look delish! It really isn’t that hard, is it? Thanks for sharing the link to the recipes. After doing this for a year, I’m ready to try some new things.
So glad to hear you are feeling better on your new diet. Photos are really nice! I am waiting for warm sunny days – spring is our “in-between” weather, still getting some snow. I am more than ready to have this stay-at-home thing over and done with. It can be a scary time. Take care!
Yummy post! Low carb high fat is really easy to follow. We have been doing it successfully for five years
That food looks great! My husband and I don’t follow any particular eating program but we – for the most part – eat fairly healthily. We must be doing something right since neither of us has gained weight during the shut down. I could use some help getting a solid night’s sleep, though
Well all these meals make my tongue hang out for something tasty Shelley. If I’ve never mentioned it, I’m reluctant to eat anything out due to Michigan’s Hep A crisis – 32 people have died. I dream of pizza. I don’t use the toaster oven and should just buy a pizza and put it in the regular oven but stuff is stored in the oven, and using the ceramic-topped stove is a pain as the Windows 10 laptop is still sitting on it – nowhere else to plug it in but behind the stove and still not using Windows 10 at work. That is the single thing I crave, although that hamburger looks tasty, I’ll tell you that. I’d try coleslaw on a hamburger. I like it on lunchmeat which is slapped on crusty bread with butter – on ya, very tasty, especially an Italian-inspired slaw with light vinegar and oil. I did get extra sleep this morning, but I might have just blown that extra sleep staying up late and still not caught up with life (nor housework) choosing instead to crank out tomorrow’s post and pick through pictures from three months ago instead. The weatherman said rain so I decided to sleep in – got up and it was sunny, so marched out and the rest of the day was cut up and I was behind after that.
Thanks for the compliments, Linda. Mr. does do a great job with making mouth-watering meals. I’m super happy he’s found low-carb pizza recipes. I’m like you, some days I just crave pizza!
WOW – you have Hep A crisis ontop of COVID-19 in Michigan. Are they overinflating the #’s for Covid because of that?
I hope the weather cleared for you so you could take a walk. Are the parks opened back up yet? I have given up trying to get completely caught up – dust keeps piling up while I’m busy with things I didn’t plan for! I’ll be by your blog soon to take a peek at your adventures! Take care and stay safe and well!
Hi Shelley – it looks wonderful. I may have to break down and get a frozen pizza – it is a pain to use the stove top as the Windows 10 laptop still languishes there – no word when we will go to Windows 10 and I’ve decided I’m not going to ask. It is a bigger laptop than what I’m using now, and since I don’t have room, nor the plugs, I have nowhere else to plug it in. We both have Windows 10 laptops, we have our Windows 10 workstations and he is done with school for the year, so no more Zooming with students for class, so …. Heating up anything on the stovetop requires moving it. I have a toaster oven but have not used it for ten years plus – not sure that is safe. Our Hep A outbreak has been going on for several years – maybe five now. Insurance does not cover the two-part innoculation and it is pricey. I don’t know if the Hep A problem which, according to experts, is simply because people don’t wash their hands and then handle food.
The parks are not open yet and I fear that even if the Governor opens them up, the Mayor will leave them closed – it is the gangs of people playing soccer or gathering, many after dark according to the City Crime/Info site (don’t know if that is true or not), but they were not social distancing. I am angry and feel they should have been fined, not closed down parks.
There are some fun frozen pizza options available. I remember you telling me about how you use the stove for a computer stand ;-).
It is amazing how the people not following the rules dictate how soon things open up or how quickly they are shut down. Sigh.
Yes, I am pretty disgusted by it to be honest – the police should have ticketed offenders or given a warning, then ticketed them – it is not in other parks, just this one so they could have driven by or read the “reports” by the neighbors across the street. Someone was tattling this morning to say that some kids were playing hockey in the inline skating arena. The people that complain likely never set foot in a park or went on a walk in their life – more like a couch potato. I will have to do the frozen pizza when the laptop is moved – it is annoying. It’s been here one year – no word on when Windows 10 will be implemented fully. I have a toaster oven, but not used it in ten years. For that matter, I’ve not turned the oven on in about 6-7 years, maybe 8 … not since I started my walking regimen. I would maybe have to have it checked out to ensure everything is fine don’t you think – that long without baking in it? I don’t have a microwave. Had one and gave it away to my neighbor. It was in the basement. No counter space!!
It is interesting to see the different behaviors humans are exhibiting with all of this.
Yes, I think I’d have the oven checked before using it after all those years of resting it has been doing! You’re resourceful, I bet you’ll figure something out so you don’t have to resort to the peanuts you bought for the squirrels!
Yes, I would want to do that … I had looked at toaster ovens, but the same problem exists as before. The cords are not long enough to extend to the plug without an extension cord which gets very hot. It sits on a butcher block and it must have a metal pad to siton. All that steered me away from getting a new toaster oven, then went on a rating site, maybe Consumers and it showed pictures of glass breaking on a Black and Decker model whiich is what this is … I decided not to pursue that. There is so little oven cupboard space, that we had always/still do store items like pots/pans inside the oven. So using the oven meant moving it out of there and finding a place to put the pots/pans to bake. So always a pain to bake. That’s why my mom used the toaster oven so much.
Your food looks delicious, beautifully photographed, but I am jealous of your glass of wine. Stuck with beer here, which I like ok, but feel like it’s a loaf of bread every time I drink one. That being said, we’re doing great and are just waiting to get outside and goof around in the garden. Don’t have any plants at the moment, but I’m working on that. Apparently a local garden nursery is going to have online ordering/curbside pickup so *YAY*
Thank you, Ally. The wine is organic and, yes, much lower in carbs than a beer. LOL – you’re right, even a low calorie beer is like drinking a loaf of bread!
Glad you’re doing well and getting ready to get outside. We’re not planting flowers yet either – it’s too early, they’re predicting snow for us again in a few days.
I hope the line at the garden nursery is as enjoyable as the grocery store adventure you had! Yay!!!