Emptying the nest

Vintage or Not, Those Boxes are Still a Tripping Hazard

Why in the world would there be boxes everywhere? Oh, yes, because it's the 3rd time we're (I'm) preparing for a thrift sale this year. That's a LOT of thrift sale time, aka, staycation time. You'd think I would've used the previous two + years of a forced staycation to get that kind of clutter-removing… Continue reading Vintage or Not, Those Boxes are Still a Tripping Hazard


How Dew Drops and a Book Helped Heal My Broken Heart

It's not like I'm bored with photography or reading, it's more like I miss that part of our relationship so much more than I thought I would. I keep trying, but it's been hard especially when I glance out the window where many an adventure has happened over the years. I was trying to capture… Continue reading How Dew Drops and a Book Helped Heal My Broken Heart


3 Keys to Finding a Story That Must Be Told

Walking right past it is the key to not freaking out. When you see this, it's not like when you're out on a 3 mile walk and glance down to see a dollar bill on the side of the road. Then you cheer as you stop to pick up a dollar bill. Or a $20… Continue reading 3 Keys to Finding a Story That Must Be Told

Going Gray

Underwhelmed to Overwhelmed Blogging Experience

Underwhelmed with writing a blog post lately? Underwhelmed with my silly posts of late? Now, that I've got us both nodding our heads, YES, I have the perfect cure to get us back to being overwhelmed with joy. LOL. Just kidding. Maybe not kidding, we'll see. Seriously, though, I've been pondering those underwhelmed feelings. I've… Continue reading Underwhelmed to Overwhelmed Blogging Experience

Going Gray

From Wallpaper to Salad Smelling Hair For the Win

Well, well, well, Linda has thrown me a curveball with the prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday. I'll make it work...somehow, someway. The prompt...Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “wallpaper.” Use it however you’d like. Have fun! But, dang, I wanted to talk about something else, besides wallpaper. Oh, well, first, a bit… Continue reading From Wallpaper to Salad Smelling Hair For the Win


Grr It’s a Tsunami of Rabbits

I think a tsunami of cute rabbits are passing through my gardens. Their scoundrel presence in the yard is overwhelmingly tear-jerking. Everywhere I look there are rabbits. My neighbors have blamed me because I talk to the rabbits. They're just so darn cute. I can't help myself. If you ask me, it's not just me… Continue reading Grr It’s a Tsunami of Rabbits