
My Ginormous News Via A Look Back At 2022

Who knew that this type of post would be so fun for me? I hope it is for you too. By the encouragement of Terri and her prompt, let's see what happens. So, what's new here at my little ol' blog? This type of post is new to me...I admitted to the fact that it's… Continue reading My Ginormous News Via A Look Back At 2022


Anyway It’ll Eventually Melt, Won’t It?

Anyway, if you don't live here in Wisconsin, or haven't heard, it snowed here in our neck of the woods. We heard Sunday of last week that the storm was coming our way. Over the river and through the woods...literally, that's how it arrived for us. Anyhoo, as a last-minute decision to beat any mail… Continue reading Anyway It’ll Eventually Melt, Won’t It?


How I Dictated Away My Winter 2022 Blues

Does our brain dictate what we see? Or do we see something that dictates our brain's perception? Can we dictate the blues away if we focus our brain hard enough on the right things? Those are good questions, I guess. I often ponder them when I'm feeling blue at Christmas time. Listening to Elvis… Continue reading How I Dictated Away My Winter 2022 Blues


Dessy’s Between Holidays Keen Observations

Between holidays is a busy time of year here in our house in a town south of the North Pole. The Postal Delivery service has brought a couple of damaged packages for the humans to investigate. This most recent one smelled like laundry detergent. Thankfully, it was just external package damage and not the item… Continue reading Dessy’s Between Holidays Keen Observations


A Full Plate of Memories

As I type to you this morning, I'm reminiscing at the whirlwind week I had and how it fills my heart with joy. Those moments brought back memories of the family gatherings over the years that remain vivid in my mind. Thanksgiving week is a favorite time of mine. It kicks off the gathering season… Continue reading A Full Plate of Memories


Say Cheese to Reasons to Smile as We Age

Sunday morning has become my blogging morning. I've evolved into this time and scheduled space due to multiple reasons, including it typically fits into my and our cats' routines best. But, that's just trivial information, instead of belaboring those points, I've got a special post to make you smile. Trust me, by the end of… Continue reading Say Cheese to Reasons to Smile as We Age