I don't know about you, but seeing nostalgic things get me every time. They warm my heart. Just like Mr. did this week when an Amazon delivery truck dropped off a tiny package. I watched Mr. as he opened the package. He giddily said, "The popcorn popper looked lonely without popcorn now that we don't… Continue reading My Nostalgic Heart Writes a Blog Post
How I Let Go Of My Tunnel Vision And Got Past My Perfectionism Once Again
On a frosty February day, I, the long-gone-away bookkeeping perfectionist, became a let-it-go kind of gal. I've officially lost my be as detailed as possible desires. I'll leave that kind of count-the-numbers activity to the rabbits, cats, or birds. Have my desires been frozen in the past of being excited about the organized plethora of… Continue reading How I Let Go Of My Tunnel Vision And Got Past My Perfectionism Once Again
It Took Me 10 Years To Find Roses At The End of The Driveway In January
As I look out the windows in January, it's slightly hard not to admire another snow globe-shaking arrival of MORE snow. It's kind of magical, right? Not so much with the wind that came along with it, though. That kind of ruffled all of our feathers. The drifts left behind are pretty, in a way… Continue reading It Took Me 10 Years To Find Roses At The End of The Driveway In January
Breaking The Silence of Why It’s Important To Have Impeccable Meal Timing And Other Tiny Fibs
It's not breakfast time yet, it's 4 ish AM. I'm here at the bloggers' helm with just a cup of salty coffee to keep me warm. I sit here in silence as I scroll through the photos I took the past week: scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. Can I count on it (my SD card) to have… Continue reading Breaking The Silence of Why It’s Important To Have Impeccable Meal Timing And Other Tiny Fibs
How I Cursive My Way To A Blog Post & Squirrelly Thoughts About The Art of Personal Blogging
Once upon a time, I was a tiny little speck - just a newbie blogger - struggling to find my way through the abyss of the blogosphere. Still to this day, I'm amazed at how small one can feel as a personal blogger. I felt feel quite small indeed. I trudge my way through each… Continue reading How I Cursive My Way To A Blog Post & Squirrelly Thoughts About The Art of Personal Blogging
2023 Exercise Plans Aren’t Just For The Birds
I'm all in on the idea that it's a slippery slope to embark on an out-of-the-box exercise plan for a new year resolution, at least for finding one that sticks for the long haul, so I don't normally do so. But, I think I've stumbled upon a way to make it work. While we pondered… Continue reading 2023 Exercise Plans Aren’t Just For The Birds