“Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!” said me, a crazy, wild-a** gray-haired lady jumping around the bedroom in the middle of the night). After being jolted awake from dreams of what I got for Christmas? Or something else, who knows what…
“Grrrrrrrrr! Ow!!!!”
“Whew…it stopped. Sort of. Man, that hurts.” (Does one put quotations on their own thoughts when writing? – who cares its pain talking, it doesn’t matter if I know grammar or punctuation in the middle of the night or on a SoCS post! Especially when Ow gets the best of me. At least I’m not swearing, right? And my fellow bedmates slept through all of it.)
Where was I? Oh yeah – Toss and turn. And it still hurts. I can’t sleep. What should I do?
Drink pickle juice…it works for my father-in-law.
Yeah, try that. He’s smart, so I should take his advice.
But then I have to walk down the hall, go down the stairs, walk to the kitchen, stand by the fridge to find the jar of pickles, go to the cupboard to get a glass, pour pickle juice into the glass, drink it, put the bottle back in the fridge, then walk back to the stairs, climb the stairs, walk to the bed and climb back in. Without turning on the lights so I can go back to sleep. Yeah right.
Then remember I should’ve stopped to go to the bathroom.
Get back up, walk to the bathroom, do my business, then walk back to bed and climb back in. All in pain.
But, I did it.
All the while wanting to scream ‘Ow!’ at the top of my lungs.
Whew…Ow…it still hurts.
This morning, I’m still in pain. I researched what causes night cramps. I don’t have any of the ‘major’ things (at least I don’t believe I do) but I was a tad dehydrated going to bed.
You’re dying to know why…well, yep, you guessed it.
I figured out how to eat my Tostitos on the other side of my mouth. The missing filling on the other side of my mouth didn’t miss a beat staying clear of the chips. And I washed them all down with a beer. Wow, only 3 days into Dry January and…well the rest is history. I’m sure the guilt will get to me later. But the pain…what numbs pain?
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday and JusJoJan prompt ‘ow’. And, I’m not that guilty yet that Dry January has been given up momentarily on day 3? And fond memories of the gift that keeps on giving each year (feel free to check out the links I included if you want more to the story about the Nike shirt).
PS – What’s your cure for night leg cramps? I don’t get them often, but when I do, OW! Have you tried pickle juice? How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions? Do you feel like two holidays falling in the middle of the weeks made it feel like we went through 4 work-weeks? What fun do you have planned for the weekend?
Ow, indeed. Nothing really helps, except for moving around, if you can. I hope you get that tooth fixed do you can eat (and drink) well. In the meantime, an alcohol rinse isn’t a bad thing
Thanks, Dan. It’s a little less painful now that I’ve been up and around. It’s crazy how as I age I don’t bounce back as fast from these things! Cheers to your encouragement for a Corona with lime!!
Ow, indeed, Shelley! I have always heard leg cramps are a result of low potassium levels. I had one recently that lingered too long. I thought sure it was something much more devious. Massage s all I found that works to get rid of the lingering pain. Hope you are feeling better!
Yes, it’s a pain! I’m guessing I was lacking that yesterday. Thanks for the suggestion to massage it. I appreciate your well wishes, Maggie!
Oh dear Lord I could never have a dry month and not be committed. No, I don’t drink daily but some days that cold one and bag of Sour Cream and Onion whatevers keeps me from losing my mind. Lol Night cramps are awful! With what you consumed it sounds like dehydration could be the culprit. I do know that if my potassium is off I will get calf cramps at night. It hasn’t happened in awhile but when I first began BP meds. Stretch it out. Pickle juice? That might make me forget the cramps but then I’d be gagging. Lol pS love those photos.
Yeah, what was I thinking – Friday nights after a stressful week…chips and a beer just go together! I do agree, I think it was dehydration and probably potassium off too. I hadn’t had much of that this week, I ran out of my daily bananas. Yeah, pickle juice works the salt and vinegar replenishes electrolytes. Just think of dill pickle chips ;-). I took a Jigsaw supplement in the morning when I got up, that helped too. It’s heck getting older! Thanks for stopping by all the way over here from Blogger ;-)!
Thank goodness I have a passport. Lol. Thanks for the heads up about pickle juice. Too bad I’m not a fan of most pickle things. Glad your methods helped.
I’m with the low potassium crowd as the reason for your leg cramps. Those things are incredibly painful! As for the beer, well in the olden days they used alcohol for wounds all the time. So I’d say you were using the beer for medicinal purposes.
It’s allowed.
Thank you for your thoughts and encouragement to use home remedies :-)!!!!
Never knew about the pickle juice, but I’ll stick with tossing and turning. Happy New year to you
PJ isn’t for everyone and if the tossing and turning works, that prevents the need to get up and walk through the house!! You probably get back to sleep faster with that technique. Happy New Year to you too!
Dear Shelley,
For sure, add a good vitamin water to your diet. But what always helps me is at the first twinge, I shake my leg out hard, and keep vigorously sharing it until. Massaging of course can help, but you have to get deep in there and massage hard, and it hurts. Do the shaking … and stay with it … it should work.
Ellen, thank you for your tips. I didn’t do the shaking thing, that’s probably why it lingered for so long.
I’ll remember that if it happens again!
Wow, you need to find a dentist Shelley! Sorry about the cramps too, I do like to sip on the juice in a pickle jar!
LOL – yeah, now I ended up catching Mr.’s cold. So it’s a good thing that I don’t have a dentist appointment until the 13th. I wonder if pickle juice will cure the common cold?
It hurts thinking about your night cramps. I’ve jumped out of bed once or twice with really bad leg cramps, wanting to scream in pain, wondering how the body can cause such a thing merely by not drinking enough water or whatever. Maybe go for a walk, try an epsom salt bath and drink your water today? Hope that pain goes away..
Yes, they are nasty. The pain went away throughout the day, and no cramps last night, so whew! I think all the efforts to bring me pain moved up to my head for the head cold I woke up with. Dang…I was doomed to catch it…Mr.’s been sick since Christmas :-(.
Ugh! No fun, Shelley. I hope your cold doesn’t last long. Take care of yourself and rest!
Thank you, Mary, I hope so too!
That was supposed to be shake it until it stops hurting, usually just three or four minutes.
I can’t imagine a problem serious enough to get me to drink pickle juice.
That said, my mom and my DH both struggle with leg cramps randomly. My mom read that putting a bar of Irish Spring soap between the sheets at the foot of her bed worked, so she tried that for a while. Can’t remember if it worked, but I have my doubts. LOL. DH just jumps up howling in the middle of the night and walks it off. I’ve only had that problem once or twice in my life, but it’s AWFUL.
FWIW, a friend told me she is faithful about some concoction she found online that helps her leg cramps quickly. Have not tried it, so I can’t vouch for it, but the reviews are good.
LOL – yeah pickle juice takes some getting used to! I haven’t tried the soap technique. Or the Amish Caleb mix…that sounds interesting. Then that made me remember that Mr and I used to take a daily dose of a mix that contained much of the same things and I don’t recall getting leg cramps while we took that! Hmm…time to make some more. The label on that bottle is awesome – Stops them in about a minute. I’m still smiling. Thanks for sharing!
Ow is right. I don’t know a cure for them and thankfully I don’t get many. Sometimes my toes cramp and then walking is the only thing to straighten them out.
Yes, the walking it out seems to help. I’m glad to hear you don’t have many. They aren’t fun!
Never tried pickle juice. Does it matter if it’s sweet or dill? Usually if I get cramps I have to stand up and press my foot/let into the floor for a bit, and it dissipates.
You know, I’m not sure, but I’m guessing the dill version? I had to stand up too – but I wasn’t smart enough to really force the cramp out so the trip to get the pickle juice probably did the trick more than the juice itself. LOL!
Ow! Sorry to hear. I’ve heard pickle juice is good but I never actually tried it. If it’s bad enough I would sure give it a try.
Thanks! I’m guessing that the walk to the juice is what does the trick.
I don’t get leg cramps, but would probably drink pickle juice just for yum! After two days of school this week, we’re back into holiday mode–have an Armenian Christmas party (their Christmas is later than ours) to attend this evening. The food is amazing and the company is fun too! Hope you have fun in store that your cramps or tooth can’t interfere with!
You’re lucky – you must hydrate well and get all the potassium you need! Keep whatever you’re doing up and you’ll be free from cramps! Ooo…that sounds like fun. Did you take a plate of cookies?
I’ve moved on to the next best thing to cramps – a head cold that Mr. gave me. Oh, well, he also gave me a bottle of saline spray, so I’ll be good in a week! 
After so much partying and feasting I’m about ready for a good fast, but we’ll see how I feel come breakfast! Lots of water for your head cold. Hope you feel better soon, Shelley!
LOL – I’m ready for a fasting too. But then there was a cookie calling my name this morning. I know better – coffee (dehydrates) and cookies (sugar) are both BAD for colds. Sigh!
I’m off to get a big glass of water now!
and I thought you stood on a Lego block then remembered you’re an empty nester……..but then again you still have one possible child lol
LOL! You’re on to something there!
Hi Shelley, I haven’t seen any of your posts for awhile (probably me and my Christmas blog slacking) so glad I found you again. As for midnight leg cramps, I don’t have a good solution, but don’t think I could bear pickle juice in the wee hours. It might cause taste bud cramps which sounds like a terrible affliction. I have to take baby steps in the morning, oatmeal and toast rather than leftover curry or . . . pickle juice. Hope somebody else has a solution. Happy New Year.
Hi Geanie! Thank you for stopping by again. Don’t worry about not getting by here for a while! Believe me I get it and I’m guilty of typically only finding my way to other blogs when they stop by to see mine. The woes of being a PT blogger is my excuse. I so enjoyed your trip to Ohio you shared. I think my blogging buddy Rebecca would enjoy seeing what you wrote too, here’s here blog link https://rustbeltgirlblog.wordpress.com/ & I’m sharing your link now too!! https://libraryladytravels.com/2020/01/04/favorite-u-s-destinations-columbus-ohio/
Thanks Shelley, I check out your friends blog.
You’re welcome. :-)!
Well that’s a lousy wake-up in the night. Dehydration is the top cause as far as I know. I think pickle juice might make it worse – the salt aggravating the dehydration. Massage or manually bending the spasming joint back to normal (if it’s a joint) can help. Good luck!
Yes, it wasn’t a fun wake up call. That’s so funny…as I was drinking the juice I thought to myself, this seems so wrong, it’s salty! LOL I think the walk to the kitchen is what worked. Thank you for your tips, I’ll use those next time. Hopefully I’ll remember…it better be a long time from now before it happens again.
Let’s hope it was a once in a while occurrence. Not fun at all.
I prefer you to messaging is the best way for come down your Dehydration.
Thank you, I think you’re right!
Make sure you have some water before bed to help prevent the leg cramps . I have had them not very nice. And if you get cramps in your leg a slow stretch of the leg before you get up yes painful but it will get circulation going.
It seems dehydration and vitamin deficiencies win the cause! That slow stretch hurts but it works! Ugh…I hope I don’t get them again. Thank you for your tips, I appreciate them!!
I hope the issue has subsided by now Shelley and the one I had the other night (having not had a charley horse in decades – can’t even remember the last one), did not subside by drinking pickle juice, just went away on its own for which I was ecstatic. After my mom was gone, I cleared the fridge of pickles and relishes as I don’t really care for either, though I like a nice dill spear with a bar burger, though it’s been years since I had one of those. I think cold pickle juice on a cold Winter’s night is not a welcome thought.
It has subsided. Walking it out helped the most. Pickles aren’t my top snacking choice either!
That’s good – I’ve never been fond of pickled anything. My mom loved pickled beets. (Ugh – IMHO anyway.)
I love pickled beets too – they’re good for the heart (blood pressure)!
I may have known that about their great properties, but do you rinse them due to the high sodium content? Maybe they come low sodium or sodium-free. Maybe I shall do some “adulting” and eat them again.
I don’t worry about the sodium content ;-)!
Oops I am in a pickle as my comment went to SPAM!
I didn’t find it in spam, so you’re good to go!