We’ve (Mr. more than me) spent well over 100 hours on apartment renovations over the almost 20 years we’ve owned them. We’ve done some major work. Sometimes, it’s just a quick clean, and re-rent kind of deal. We love those times. Who wouldn’t? I know I love the charm of some of our places, especially when we’re done with a big project.
Each day’s work is a move toward the keyword ‘done’.
Mostly though, I’ve been reflecting on what matters most. What should be kept, what should be thrown, what can be reused, and what needs to go?
The places that had smokers make me reflect the hardest on what we want and don’t want in our rentals or our lives. Especially places where two or more occupants smoked at least a bazillion cigarettes over the years. NEVER again.
The place that we’re working on right now is the one where we’ve both said to each other more than a hundred times,
“It’s time to sell these effing places, I’m so DONE with them.” – Me
As I scrubbed well over a 100 1″ tiles I said it.
As Mr. tore up plumbing, piping, wiring, and flooring, he said it.

Mr. pulled out and replaced every single outlet, he said it too.
“It’s time to sell these effing places, I’m so DONE with them.” – Mr.
It’s especially hard to be busy at work on places when glancing out the window at the pub’s parking lot to see all the boats on the island … people gathering in groups of more than 100, despite over 100 days of warning not to do so. And dagnabit, they’re smelling the fresh air, while I’m smelling the stench of the smoke residues that still lingers on, no matter how many ‘new smells’ we try to incorporate into the place or how many surfaces are cleaned.
Until the bathroom is complete and the toilet installed, I have to limit my work sessions to 2 hours max, thanks to my tiny bladder syndrome. A small blessing, I say.
One of these days I’ll happily report to you that we’re on the homestretch to a quaint revival. Stay tuned!
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “more than a hundred.” Write your post inspired by something you have more than a hundred in your home right now. Enjoy!
PS – I just realized this is my 800th post, I want to say thanks for stopping by and for sharing your thoughts. I love hearing from you. I’m off to scrub something else, I’ll reply soon! Oh, and if you have any suggestions on how to remove smoke smells from every nook and cranny, we’re all ears!
Oh my goodness, I do NOT envy you this task. It seems endless. As for smoke smells, I helped a friend clean out his mother’s apartment in Queens after she passed away. He was going to throw out a little white (well, brown) vanity. I brought it home for our daughter. It was brown, and it reeked of smoke. We cleaned it with ammonia and water. I was able to get it back to white and it no longer smelled. Unfortunately, I’m not sure how that would work on porous surfaces. Good luck.
Yeah, I haven’t found anyone who is envying this task. Sometimes it feels like each step forward brings us to another step backward. Yes, I’ve used ammonia water in the past on painted surfaces, it works really well. The porous walls have been a huge challenge. Kilz over painted surfaces has helped some. The renters literally smoked in every room so every surface has residuals, even the concrete painted walls in the basement and the open ceilings there as well. I was happy to find yesterday that a wooden wall I washed the week before did stay clean when I went over it a second time just to check. I screamed a sigh of relief and a hope that I won’t have to wash things twice. Thanks for the good luck wishes!
Wow, smoking is a seriously disgusting habit! And I was a participant until 2002 when heart disease set in. Honestly, I’d contact a realtor with a solid track record, put the units on the market as-is and let them go. Shame on the folks gathering like that! This is how this continues to spread.
Yeah, glad you quit – your lungs should be healed by now!
We’re strongly considering the selling option. We want to make sure this one is ready to rent or rented before we do so.
The crowd was so big on Friday night there were still cars parked in the roadway (where they’re not supposed to park) on Saturday morning. At least they didn’t drive drunk. We found cans, cups, and masks in our yard too. In our state, protests and riots are okay gatherings, but bars aren’t. People are making their thoughts known I guess.
Some folks have no respect for others’ property.
I had a breathing test years ago, the woman said ‘are you sure you smoked’?
My lungs were in good shape not that long after quitting smoking, after several years!
That’s for sure.
Isn’t that amazing how the body rebuilds cells when we stop giving it stuff to damage them?! Glad your lungs have returned to good shape!
Good luck on those big jobs! Even two hours at a time is a pretty big chunk of life. Sounds like it just might be time to let the rental biz go, capture more time for the two of you? OK, now a grout question. Our bathroom is currently being re-tiled and re-almost-everything-ed–except for the original tile floor, which we’re keeping. There is some stained tile around the toilet (of course, 80 years of men with bad aim–or maybe just moisture). Anyway, do you have a good grout-cleaning solution you can share?
Thanks, Rebecca. You’re right, even two hours at a time is a big chunk of time. When we get this one renter ready we’ll be doing serious research on how to sell them.
Grout is a pain. We think that the original grout in ours was a dark gray, so if that’s the case, I think I’ve gotten pretty close to it. The urine stains came off well with a bleach/water mixture. And I’ve used 409 too with success. And also Simple Green. Ammonia and water works too. Yeah … I’ve used pretty much every combination of cleaning supplies over the years. LOL! Sometimes the grout can be painted over and resealed too.
You’re a font of knowledge, as always, Shelley! Thanks!
You’re welcome!
I’ve always figured that maintaining rental properties is labor intensive, and you’ve confirmed it. I don’t know how to get the smoke scent out but trust that The Google will have the answer. Congrats on your 800th post. That is worthy of note.
Labor intensive is spot-on. We figure that all the calm periods are just simmering pot periods for the arrival of big jobs that surprise the hell out of us. Yes, The Google has been our friend a LOT! I must’ve been sleepy when I looked at the # it was actually my 880th post, but who’s counting?
Charmingly put, this post! Your cheery ability to see the humor under the dirt is really something quite special, Q. Now, as you may know by now, I’m all about location. Where are you? Where is that? How did you get there? How long did it take you, and so on. So for you, I have the following question: what body of water is that, and looking so inviting beyond the cars in your photo?
Aw, thanks Ellen. I do love to look for the sparkle in life.
Did you see the Titanic Movie? Remember the scene on the bow of the ship when Jack talks about ice fishing on Lake Wissota? That’s inaccurate information, the lake wasn’t there at the time of the Titanic, but the lake is real. The island is on Big Lake Wissota. The pub is on the Small Lake Wissota side. We live not too far (with walking, biking, driving distance) from there, so drive past it often.
Being landlords is a whole lot different when you’re in your 50’s than it is in your 30’s, isn’t it? Your husband’s right: it’s time to sell those places and let them be someone else’s problem.
LOL – you’re right on so many accounts!
It is always amazing to me how filthy people can be. I agree with you on selling. It like that car you love and now costing more and more trying to keep it. Best of luck in whatever you decide to do.
Yes, I agree! Thank you for the well wishes, we’re gonna need them!
Oh my goodness, that’s truly a mess. Congrats on the 800 posts. Great use of the prompt today.
Thanks, Janet! Yes, it’s a mess, but getting better One.Day.At.A.Time!
We were sad when my husband sold his rental property (just before 2008 the crash, thank goodness) because the duplex was beautiful – streamline modern architecture – had a lovely view and, for the most part, his tenants were pretty good. BUT, we were also so relieved to be out of that business for good. I thought he may have had some regrets as time went on but that never happened. One of these days you’ll make that decision too, but it seems that you have a few more years on landlording still in you. Better luck on your next (non-smoking) tenants.
Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I’m sure we’ll have regrets and thankful moments once we make the decision to sell. It’s been a big part of our life for almost 20 years. We’re hopeful the next renter will be a good fit.
PS – I’m enjoying Eleanor’s adventures!
Leaping rabbits Shelley, it does sound like it’s time to move on. Leave the wooden floors I say. I do await you saying done for sure
LOL – Yes, it’s time to move on. But first we need to get it done. If only the floors were nice wooden ones, but they’re not. We do have a flooring to put down that will be nice looking. I’m looking forward to saying ‘We’re Done’ too!
What’s going on in Australia? – I’ve been following the news there. Yikes – I thought we were bad …!
Yes I knoiw. Some part here are not doing the right thing and are just bonkers. All is great in my part as long as the idiots from the big cities stay there and don’t come here. Unfortunately I live in a desirable holiday place where they come from all over Australia (and the world)
At least our dickhead leaders aren’t as bad as the big T and the Republican, MRA, white supremacists, right wing nutjobs…………the list goes on.
Stay safe my Shelley x
I rescued this comment from my trash bin! Glad to hear you’re okay and live in a desirable part of the country. Depending upon which news station a person listens to opinions definitely vary on who’s to blame. I hope you and your bestie stay safe, Brian!
Oh dear….in the bin
thanks for getting me out Shelley
You and yours stay safe as well
You’re welcome!! Ditto to you!
This is so crazy – I replied once, and it disappeared?! I’m glad you’re in a desirable area that you can remain safe in. The list is long of who’s to blame. Stay safe, Brian!
It disappeared to my place

LOL – glad it’s safe there!
Especially in my part of Australia
What is going on with that rabbit in the last photo? LOL. Yikes! Anyway…it sounds like the closing chapter in your landlord life. I can’t imagine doing all of that repair work myself. Ever. Maybe this could be a good time to sell! Side note: you could take all your horror landlord stories and detailed photos and write a book – Tales of a Landlord’s Tenants from Smoky Hell – or something to that effect.
I hope you take Sunday off!
That silly rabbit was stretching out and up and I couldn’t resist trying to catch a photo of it.
Yes, it’s a lot of work and Mr. does the majority of it. We’re getting very tired of it especially when it takes up all of our summer.
I love that title, yeah, we could certainly fill a book with our stories!
We didn’t take Sunday off, we’ll take a Sunday off when we get the work done.
Well I hope you can see a light at the end of the rental repair tunnel soon! Time for a Sunday off!
I sure can see your point and Mr.’s too … after a rigorous overhaul of this rental place, I’d give it a serious re-evaluation and a Buyer is looking for this piece of business, go for it. On a happier note, congratulations on your 800th post … whew, where did you get the time to accomplish that milestone in between scrubbing the tiles too?
Thanks, Linda. Yeah, selling is looking like the better option.