I’m smiling because I finally opened up the new sponge I got from Santa Claus. But for the life of me, I wish I could remember which blogger recommended the Scrub Daddy sponge so I could share the joy with that blogger. SO if you’re that blogger, please step up and chime in. – Thank you for the recommendation!
I threw out our old kitchen sponge (not pictured due to the fact I forgot to take a picture of it).
Did you know that – every two weeks you should toss the old one?
I tossed ours and replaced it with a Scrub Daddy! Santa found it at a kitchen store that was going out of business.
Isn’t he/she (not sure if it matters) cute?
Just look at that smile … who wouldn’t want to wash dishes with it? Laura’s kids might even like it?
It was cleverly packaged – with kid-proof instructions on how to open the package. Not from the top, but from the bottom.
With some elbow grease scrubbing action, it worked to get the old coffee stains off the inside of my coffee cup.
It floated on top of the bubbles and smiled at me as if it was there to encourage me to keep on cleaning.
So I got all motivated – and started cleaning the counters around the toaster. Those darn crumbs seem to multiply. And then I thought I should empty the darn toaster to get rid of old toaster crumbs. I tried to do that by feeling my way onto the sharp little door hinge so the crumbs would fall into the garbage instead of on the floor.
And I cut my finger on the edge of the door of the toaster – who knew toasters were dangerous to clean. I wasn’t smiling.
Then I had to stop cleaning.
I smiled though…that was one less monkey on my back for a Saturday.
End of post.
Do you think there should be more? It’s hard to type with a bandaid on my finger …
Post Inspiration – Sunday Stills – Old (via Hugh’s News). I hope he appreciates the new sponge instead of seeing my old one.
PS – Have you heard of or tried the Scrub Daddy? What motivates you to stop cleaning?
I hope your little finger heals soon Shelley, ouch! The sponge has a great smile, I’ll try one if I see it in the store. They have an odd looking texture. Stay warm!
Thanks, John. It was such a tiny wound, but it sure soaked through the bandaid! They are a fun little sponge. Supposedly you can put them in the dishwasher to clean them. Once my finger heals I’ll give scrubbing another chance!
I normally try to avoid answering the questions so I can comment on what you wrote. But “what motivates me to stop cleaning?” Beer, football, baseball, beer, the dog wanting to sit, beer, pretty skies to photograph, squirrels to feed, and did I mention beer?
LOL – As I’ve said before, Dan, you are brilliant! Beer and all those fun things you listed definitely win me over instead of cleaning too! And the Packers won…!
Haven’t ever seen that sponge, but I love it. So happy looking!
It is cute to look at. It was a whim purchase – stocking stuffers for a deal at 50% off. Otherwise, I think they’re overpriced. I can’t wait to put it in the dishwasher to see if it really can survive that.
Ouch. I have heard of these sponges and I do change mine a lot. I haven’t seen these cute smiley ones though.
I have a yellow one – and first saw it featured on the show “Shark Tank” – and was intrigued. It does work well as you very creatively demonstrate
Hope your finger heals up soon – that’s annoying!
Did you wash yours in the dishwasher yet? I’m anxious to see how that works. Finger is healing well – it forced me to do book-keeping for 2019 instead of cleaning. I guess that’s going to come in handy for tax prep.
I never thought of washing it in the dishwasher- didn’t know you could! Glad your finger is better!
After earlier summer Japanish holidays, I do prefer tawashi sponges. One face of the sponge made in bamboo-based fabrics which absorbs and rubs well, resistant stitchbonded fabric is provided.
I’ve seen those before, but didn’t know how they were made. Thank you for sharing!
PS – I loved listening to the video – even if I didn’t know what she was saying, it was fun to listen to!
– the cleaning and drying sponges with a cushion shape and absorbent heart and
– the washable sanitary napkins, handmade with a sewing machine.
Thank you for clarifying. It looks like making those would be therapeutic. I may need to ask Mr. to make me one of the frames!
Good on you for cleaning Shelley, ’bout time you came over here I have some “ideas” for your enthusiasm
OK Sponges, toss out – can’t be recycled! This is a good read https://grist.org/living/ask-umbra-what-do-i-do-with-my-worn-out-sponges/
My bestie gave me a whole lot of Bamboo kitchen scrubs and sponges. They work well and when they are too old to use any more, into the compost. This woman has some great ideas https://www.goingzerowaste.com/blog/zero-waste-challenge-27-bamboo-dish-scrubs
OK off my soap box and back to the kitchen for me to empty out my toaster as it is crumbing the counter too. Mine has a drawer and easy handle to open, tip, wipe and slide back in.
Have a fab week Shelley x
LOL – I love cleaning, I just wish the freshly cleaned look lasted longer than a day.
Okay…you’ve convinced me that Scrub Daddy wasn’t a good choice. It was a whim purchase – 50% off (otherwise way too expensive!). Thank you for the links – when I’m looking for gifts for next Christmas, I think I know what I’ll be shopping for!
Wait… why didn’t you share a link on the toaster? Mine needs to go – it’s cruel and not easy to clean!
I hope you have a fab week too, Brian!
OK Shelley Mine is the classic 2 slice
I would expect nothing less than a ‘classic’ from you, Brian! Nice choice. I think those toasters look a lot nicer than the one we have. Thank you for sharing the link!
I may have to try these, I’ve seen them many times on QVC
They are fun – I can’t help but smile as I use it.
they just do not last very long – they are nice but disintegrate after a while
oh, good to know!
well curious to see what you all think – they really are a great invention
Really…that makes sense to me then as to why they sell them in bulk! LOL! I doubt I’ll get a replacement when this one disintegrates. It was a whim for Christmas.
Fun xmas gift and I remember my spouse liked the way silverware could fit through the mouth part- great invention
Yes, I thought that was clever too. It is kind of creepy to push items through the eye holes though…
Ha! We got my husband one of those Scrub Daddy sponges for part of his Father’s Day gift one year. I don’t think he appreciates it as much as you do! Hope your finger is all better. I can say with confidence I’ve never cleaned the underside of a toaster before, but I bet your kitchen’s much cleaner than mine. And a kitchen re-do is always clean-inspiring, isn’t it?
LOL – that’s a fun Father’s Day gift. Mine was actually a stocking stuffer for Mr. I think he appreciates it, but it has found its way under the sink. We’re into very little out on the counter now that the re-do is over. So yes, that process has been always clean-n-tidy look is in.
Hi – we used to use them for about a year – but decided not get anymore – my SIL loves them and gave us our first set.
we noticed the scrub daddy works well – in hot and cold – but they do break down – we are back to regular kitchen scour pads
Very interesting – I’ll take note to see how long this one lasts!
I look forward to hearing any follow up
If I could only smile as broadly as this sponge does when doing household chores, the world (and my house) would be a better and brighter place!
The sponge smiles back
I love the smiley face sponge. I have a yellow sink strainer with a rubber duckie on it. Always makes me smile.
Aw, a rubber duckie sounds cute too! I find whimsical things make the dreaded tasks of clean up not so dreadful.
Happy clean smiles to you!