Okay, I get it, I’ve been complaining a lot about my lot in life being a staycationer this year. The truth of the matter is, being home in our backyard’s Teahouse is my favorite place to be.
The Mr. and I built our home together 28 years ago, and we have been living here ever since. Once we got through the house building stage, we didn’t stop with construction projects throughout the years.
I need to confess, the projects are always Mr.’s and I get to help by holding objects, handing him tools, and by saying, “Oh, you poor thing” when he hits his fingers with the hammer. Most importantly I help with the refreshments. It is important to keep him hydrated while working or to join him in celebrating the accomplishments of the day. (I carry the glasses after he mixes the drinks, as every good wife should do, right?)
Our first big project was our deck. The year we moved into our house, we had a small pallet sitting on the ground outside our back door for a deck. We sat there in the evening hours, watching the sunset, and waiting for the monster mosquitos to eat us alive. We had our whole lives ahead of us. We talked and dreamed about what we wanted our yard to look like. We knew we wanted to enhance the view.
Our view is full of surprises.
Once we decided on where the deck would go, he set off and designed it. He figured out the supplies needed, ordered them, and they were delivered. Then he (we) set out together to build a deck fit for a King and a Queen. It was then, that I fell in love with him all over again. Not only could he cook, he could design and build things with his own two hands. Along with the help of several tools that fell into the category of, “I was thinking this tool would come in handy, so I’m going to buy it, okay?”
Ever since we built the deck (like how I always fit myself into the building part?) we’ve enjoyed hours together on our thrones, we’ve toasted the peaceful view, and we’ve soaked in plenty doses of Vitamin D.
As if building a deck wasn’t enough, Mr. said, “I think we should build a Teahouse for the kids to hang out in and us to enjoy. We can even design a garden around it, eventually.”
I was sold on the idea. I’ll be damned – he did it once again. He designed it and he built it – with my help, of course. There were several “Oh, you poor thing” moments while we applied the shingles. But I digress, this is about how a man and his talisman tools built a Teahouse from scratch.
Our Teahouse is my secret favorite place. It’s a seasonal staycation spot, right in our own backyard. With the arrival of spring (finally), I’ll be able to make my way back inside it to spruce and clean it up for the spring, summer, and fall.
Maybe this year, I’ll even put some plants in it. It seemed to be the perfect greenhouse for my daughter’s plant collection last summer.
Mr. built it in 2007 just in time for our youngest’s birthday party sleepover. Not many dads build a Teahouse for their daughter’s party, but hey, it worked and it was a hit for sure.
So many happy memories made here in our backyard.
Many more to come, I’m sure of it. Now I wonder if I can talk Mr. into that garden he envisioned would go around the Teahouse…holy crap, that was 11 years ago…
Please share, I’d love to hear about your favorite place!
Isn’t it amazing how many wonderful moments can emerge from a such tiny structure (love the wallpaper)? Doesn’t it just say how ready we are to feel happy and be thoughtful and creative? Reminds me of recent studies that showed that “boredom” can enhance the imagination far better than constant activity. How’s that for perfect excuse to head over to the Teahouse right now?
What a great photo story!
Thank you!
I could use one of those in my back yard. I’ll gladly serve y’all drinks if you come to Tennessee and build it for me!
I’ll check with the Mr. to see if he’d enjoy taking his building show on the road! Cheers to adventures!!
I could use such a lovely tea house in my back yard. I’ll gladly put y’all up for a few days and even serve you drinks if you come build me one in Tennessee!
Love love love your tea house. So wonderful. Great story with great photos. Thx
Thank you, Cindi! We love it, too!!
No wonder you spend time in the teahouse — it’s adorable! And what a Dad to build it for a daughter and her friends! Thanks so much for following Oh, the Places We See. We, too, love projects (HGTV headquarters are in Knoxville) but we’re not too handy. So, it’s great to see what the handy people of the world are doing!!! Best wishes for a wonderful spring.
Thank you for stopping by, so nice to hear from you!! I look forward to seeing what you’re doing in Knoxville!