Hello, there, welcome to my blog. How are you today? I’m so glad you’ve stopped by to share some time with me and my fellow blogging friends. If this is your first time here, let me fill you in on the simple blogging recipe I use in each stream of consciousness post I expose.
I aspire to inspire as my thoughts flow onto the page before they expire into thin whisps of hot air.
-Yours truly

If you’re one of my loyal readers, thanks for coming back! I’ve got a funny expose and an update or two to share that you’re not going to want to miss.
Read with caution – there’s some adult content. . .
The story is a glory, with a twisted plot and a few leading lines. And a couple of surprise actors.
First off, you’re not going to believe it’s a true story – story. And it has nothing to do with morning glories. I just had to share the photos – cuz’ you know, that’s what I do as an aspiring photographer.
Yesterday, I was standing on our deck taking a few photos before it rained. It was quite warm outside. It was warm enough for me to wear shorts. And apparently, too hot to wear any pants for another person.
Behind me, in this photo, the crime was happening at the end of our driveway.

Wait…did you catch that? What do I mean, no pants? Yep, that’s the funny part. Maybe not funny, but strange indeed.
An aspiring stripper was spotted at the end of our driveway!! WTH?
Yep – a guy, with no pants on. NO PANTS or underwear. Zippo. No shoes or socks either.
I saw him walking by the mailbox. At first, I thought it was a neighbor, kindly putting mail in our box that was delivered to their box by accident? Then I looked closer and saw his lack of shoes. Then looked up higher and saw he had no tan pants on either.
He was streaking down the road with just a t-shirt on. I yelled for Mr. so he could be my witness that I was looking at another mostly naked man. Mr. arrived in the kitchen as the sheriff pulled up next to the end of our driveway. We watched as the guy and the sheriff negotiated.
Cars drove slowly by them. . .us small-town folks aspire to gawk when the sheriff stops at the end of your driveway.
The guy wasn’t interested in riding in the car with the sheriff at first. Until the smart sheriff cleverly inspired by tools of the trade made apparel for the aspiring stripper to slip into for the slide across the seat into the car show. We watched the stripper wait as the sheriff grabbed a large garbage bag from his car. The black kind normally used to contain expired stuff.
Anyhoo, the aspiring stripper watched as the sheriff tore a couple of leg holes into it and handed it to him to put on.
The aspiring stripper obliged, then tied a knot at the top so the bag would stay on. He was officially diapered and ready for transport. In our 31 years living here, we had never witnessed such a sight. The closest to that was in 1974 before we even met.
Speaking of years together, Mr. and I celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary this past week. We enjoyed a lovely happy hour together. The above story would’ve been fun to discuss had it happened before our anniversary. Instead we learned the name of all the meats on the Charcuterie Board. Nibbled on the Ricotta Stuffed Olives. Delighted in the bacon slabs – they are so yummy! We ate until we were stuffed. We had leftovers to take home and eat for breakfast the next morning.

It was so nice to get out of the house and see smiling wait staff and to share delicious food on the pub’s patio located in our quaint little hometown. As all the cars rumbled by us on the busy street, we nodded and smiled in agreement – it was noisy! We like to go out once in and while, but we’ve become even more introverted and prefer staying home.
Where we can relax in our tea house, or in the comfort of our kitchen, or outside on our deck as we watch the sunset.

As our life together has unfolded over the years, we’ve learned to let things evolve and adjust as we go.

Sometimes things fall nicely in place, and other times they are random, and yes, even a bit messy at times.
We set off together 32 years ago, aspired young kids in love, inspired to stay married until we expire together. We’ve shared the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees and we’re still happily married.
Thank goodness we still enjoy each other’s corny sense of humor too. Well, maybe Mr. humors me and my rogue garden growing attempts more than I deserve! I’m pretty sure this won’t produce corn cobs before the snow flies.

And there you have it. I’m out of hot air again.
I think I win bonus points on this post, right? For more excitement, join us over at Dan’s place to learn more about our lovely host for Stream of Consciousness Saturdays.
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “inspire/aspire/expire.” Use them in any form you like. Use one, use two or use them all if you want. If you use two, you get bonus points! If you use all three, Cheryl will put your next drink on David’s tab. Enjoy!
PS – What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen at the end of your driveway? Do you remember when The Streak song came out?
A stream of consciousness blog is always interesting. When you add in a partly naked guy, it’s very interesting! Creative of you! Happy Anniversary. We celebrated our 31st in September by doing nothing at all. Hmmmm….we could learn from you. I would LOVE to go somewhere to eat anything at all that I didn’t have to cook, given we have not gone anywhere since February of 2020. Our fault probably, because we see the parking lots full of others. Maybe we’re being overly parinoid.
Thank you, Dawn! That streaker made for a fun twist. Congrats on 31 years :-)!! We’ve gone out a few times, mostly places that have dining outdoors. We’ll not do that this winter though
You’re right, it is fun to eat something neither one of us had to cook. Plus we got two meals out of it!
Happy anniversary!
Streaking was really popular at Northwestern just before I got there. We had a student teacher who was going there, and she got plenty of eyefuls. By the time I got there, it was over, just a few short months later.
Thank you, John.
Wow! I didn’t know it was a real thing to streak at Northwestern. Do you consider yourself blessed to have missed it?
I was a commuter, so I wouldn’t have participated in the festivities anyway…
Smart man! I would’ve done the same. I wouldn’t have participated in my streaking story had it not been at the end of our driveway
I suppose…
Happy Anniversary,i guys! I was laughing out loud at the nude dude, why is he doing this! I wonder what the sheriff charged him with? The flower photos are so beautiful, Shelley! I remember a few of Ray Stevens’ songs including this one, and “everything is beautiful” too. Such great music!
Thanks, John! I’m glad you laughed too – we didn’t want to be the only ones laughing. I’m not sure what the sheriff charged him with or where he took him? He drove off and headed south.
Yes, I love that song too. Ray had some fun tunes, that’s for sure!
Happy anniversary! Funny – and, I guess, sad – story about the streaker. I imagine he wasn’t 100% “there” (wherever there is)… or maybe he lost a bet. Hopefully the sheriff was able to take him somewhere he could get help. I enjoyed your stream of consciousness, as usual.
Thank you, Janis! It is a funny/sad story. He didn’t appear to be falling down drunk, but he definitely seemed off in some way. There are a few bars nearby, maybe he did lose a bet.
I always appreciate your comments, thank you for sharing!!
Let’s see, you used all the prompt words. You had a great story. The photos are beautiful. You linked it to the wrong blog (should be to Linda’s) but I’m not going to be pedantic – bonus points and a drink are yours! Thanks for joining us.
Thanks, Dan! I appreciate the feedback and the pass to the drink

(I went back to Linda’s blog and left a link). It was fun to play along, thanks again for co-hosting!
First, happy anniversary to you and Mister and at first I thought you were saying Mister had no pants on. Hmm. That is a funny story and on the news I hear stories about people who run in between cars on a major highway without any clothes – they are usually whisked away pretty quickly sans garbage bags. Yes, I remember “The Streak” – I remember it on the radio plus I was working on the college newspaper and our staff all hung out together in after-hours from school and assignments. So in the heyday of streaking and the song “The Streak” we decided we would concoct a story about a streaker to have on the front page. The paper’s photographer and the sports writer went to the school early on a Sunday morning – there was no classes on Sundays and they were lucky no one was in the language lab or library. Gary peeled off his pants and Dennis took the pictures from behind and Joyce and I pretended like we were there working on an upcoming issue of the paper and happened to look out the window. So, I’ve divulged that big secret right here, right now some 47 years later.
Thank you, Linda! Oh, my, gosh … that’s an awesome story/confession!!! WOW, I’m smiling!! Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome Shelley. It was pretty funny at the time because we pulled it off and it didn’t look staged.
Nice work!
This is hilarious. At first I thought it was Mr. in his unders. Ok… enjoying the weather…a lot. Then a guy literally with no pants. That’s freaky. Probably on drugs. I’d guess the charge was indecent exposure. Congrats on your anniversary! It’s quite an achievement these days. ((High Five)) We passed 33 this year.
LOL – I’m so horrible at picking titles to my posts. That’s awesome that you thought it was Mr. enjoying the weather!!

Yeah, that guy must’ve been on something. Years ago, down the road from us, there was a Meth home and one where they were using bath salts. It may have been that kind of situation? It was definitely indecent exposure. He didn’t appear to be bothered by the lack of pants at all. The cop was very professional.
Yay – congrats to you and your hubby! 33 years is a great achievement too.
I bet Mr. is wondering how he got drug into the scenario. LOL! Just up the road there was a trailer house that burned to the ground. They said it was a meth lab. People were arrested. This was like 20 years ago and way out in the country.
LOL – Mr. always wonders about how I drag him into my posts! Sounds like we live in similar neighborhoods – or that it is just that prevalent, we’re likely to run into or hear about those situations.
I’d say it’s prevalent unfortunately. At the time, we were living way out in the country. Seems like no place is immune.
Glad you had a good anniversary Shelley. Starting off with an adult content warning and the photos of Morning Glories, well I must say I did plunge into the gutter and was wondering how a fine woman such as yourself was going to write about and how. Anyway the flowers look a treat and ptish about the corn
Thank you, Brian!

Sometimes I just have to run like a streaker with a story that appears right before my eyes.
Glad you enjoyed the flowers and yeah, as you know, I’m not the best gardener. The corn wasn’t planted in fertile ground I guess!
Happy Anniversary! That’s a crazy memory and I wonder what that guy’s story was (or maybe I shouldn’t – LOL). What timing to have your camera all ready. Gorgeous slide shows!
Thank you, Andrea. Yes, that’s the craziest anniversary memory we’ve shared. Mr. used his phone camera. I confess I chose to Snapchat the event instead…
Glad you enjoyed the slide shows.
You’re welcome. It will definitely be an anniversary moment to remember – for better or worse.