On the right hand lower corner of my bookshelf in my home office sits a framed photo.
The frame was a gift from my oldest daughter. The photo is one of my favorite photos for a couple of reasons – it’s a picture of all of us together in one of our happiest of places and it represents our one love as a family.

Every time I look at the photo, I think of the song One Love by Bob Marley.
And I smile as I remember the fun we had in the sun. The fun we had watching our kids enjoy the beach as adults. And how much fun we had being together last year when we went there again.
Lately, when I look at the photo, I frown at times as I remember how the freedom to travel without worrying about the damn virus is maddening for those who love to travel.
I wonder how the lack of tourism has affected the kind souls that work at the airport, provide transportation to and from places, and for those who work at resorts in Jamaica? Are they singing One Love too as they pray for things to get better and for us all to get along and feel all right again?
Ah … thinking of those folks and the peaceful beach warms my heart. And with each sun that sets I see rays of hope that things will be all right again someday.
Mr. and I are smiling today, though, almost as much as we were smiling last March when we played in front of the camera for our daughter who was the photographer.
It’s her birthday today – wow, 28 years old. This is her and her dad hugging on the beach.
She’s the age Mr. was when we met and fell in love. Wow, where the heck did all those years go?
Forever, together in our hearts and memories of the love we share, that’s where.
My longing and prayers for us to be together again are being answered today. The girls are coming home for a social distancing visit! YIPPEE!!!
Post Inspiration brought to you by the wonderful and clever Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “song.” First, find a picture–the closest one to you. Your prompt is the title and/or the lyrics of the first song that comes to mind when you look at the picture. Have fun!
PS – Do you have a family song? What happy place do you long to see again? What fun do you have planned for the weekend?
Beautiful photos, Shelley, of a beach and beautiful family. Enjoy your visit with the girls today. Keep safe and well!
Thank you, Mary. Wouldn’t it be nice to stroll a beach freely again soon? Our safe-distancing visit in the warm sun and fresh air was just the healing medicine I needed to reclaim a sense of ‘ah, yeah, that’s the normal I’ve been missing out on’ for a bit. Stay safe and well! xx
I have thought about visiting the shores of Lake Michigan on an off day, to do that very same thing…stroll freely in the sand and enjoy the warmth of summer.
Have a wonderful Monday, Shelley!
If you live close enough to do that, I hope you take the opportunity to go for a stroll on the beach!
Have a wonderful Monday too – I’m like you, working from home and the week days blur into the weekends … getting outside for a dose of Vitamin D is my refuge.
A family song–huh, I’m going to have to give that a think! Enjoy your time with your girls, I know you will!
I bet you’ll find the perfect song, at just the right time in life. Ours came when the kids were teens and on our first trip to Jamaica. We had a wonderful time with the girls, and now I’m holding back moments of tears of how much I really did miss them. Mr. keeps reminding me to be happy that I got to see them. That usually snaps me back into reality.
I totally understand the bittersweet-ness of seeing loved ones–finally–and seeing them go again, Shelley!
Aw, yes, you do, thank you so much for your encouragement!
Such beautiful photos, Shelley. I believe things will return to normal in time. How wonderful that your girls are coming home for a visit!!!
Thank you, John. I believe things will return to normal in time too. Ah, yes, it was so wonderful to see the girls!
Love those pictures. How great that your family is so close. Have fun with the girls!
Thank you, Janet. We are grateful that the girls live within a few hours of us. We had a blast seeing them!
Fantastic Answer to One’s Prayers News! I have photographs like that everywhere on shelves and bookcases. These days they fill me with mixed emotions too. And, yes, where did all those years go – frozen in time in those picture frames… Enjoy your family reunion
I know you will!
Yes, I’m thankful for answered prayers. The visit and the weather was perfect for us to remain outside and socially distant. And dagnabbit we even held our breaths while grabbing hugs when they arrived and when they departed. I hope those moments keep me recharged until we can be together again.
I’m so happy for you, Shelley. Those moments are precious – pandemic or no pandemic. I don’t blame you for going for the hugs. I would have done the same thing.
Thank you, Andrea. You’re right – those moments are precious and they wouldn’t be the same without hugs!! I hope those few hugs hold me until the next time
You’re welcome Shelley. Hold onto those hugs
I am, and I will :-)!!!
I have no family song, but I will miss traveling and visiting with family this year.
Hi Kristine, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I hope you’re finding ways to stay connected until you can travel again.
I am so glad you will get to visit with your girls, Shelley. Enjoy that!
Thanks, Dan, it was wonderful to see them, we had a great time!
Beautiful photos full of love! Enjoy your family get together and birthday celebration. I hope you are able to return to your beloved Jamaica soon.
Thank you, Janis. We had a wonderful time, we even had Jamaican Jerk Chicken on the grill. The weather was as hot as it was in Jamaica so the meal went well with the happy vibes we all felt being together again!
You have a lovely family.
Our family song is “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.”
Thank you, John. I’m smiling at your family song – I think that would’ve fit my family when I was growing up!
Beautiful family and happy they are coming home!
Thank you, Alice – it was so wonderful to see them in person!
I’m sure, this has certainly been an unusual time
That’s for darn sure!
The news your daughters were coming home for a visit made you over the moon. Hope it was special and left you with memories, even if togetherness was in the tea house, deck or just on the couch.
Yes, it did put me over the moon. It was a very special time. We played yard games and sat around and chatted. I’m holding on to the new memories until we can do it again!
Great – like old times which is good. Hope you can get together again soon Shelley!
Yes, it was, and I hope so too!
So wonderful to see family members again! My daughter came from Chicago this weekend and my 88 yo mother is visiting, too. It has been a socially distant but safe weekend (fingers crossed). DD took a Covid test to be sure she is negative and isolated herself so she could see her grandmother. All in all, very heartwarming to finally see family.
Yes, it’s hard to put into words how wonderfully heart-warming it is to see family again. My kids socially distanced for two weeks before coming to see us and their grandparents (so fingers crossed here too!). I’m so happy your family was able to get together too. I hope they all got to see your new digs too?!
They did!
Beautiful photos! I too have been looking back at photos from travel in prior years. 2020 was supposed to be a big travel year for me and my husband. I”m glad you got to see your daughters.
Thank you, Lisa. I’m sad to read that your travel plans had to be canceled. I would be so disappointed if we had big travel plans for this year. Are you able to reschedule for next year? Or are you like me not sure if we should plan for anything or not? Definitely would consider travel insurance …