
Oh, dear, trails of a deer party

Sunrays bouncing off the snow revealed proof.  Not too much damage, whew!  Live prints remaining – we definitely had uninvited visitors in our yard.

I’ve suspected it all along.  (I’m smart that way.).  A fresh coat of snow helped reveal the action.

Yep, proof positive – trails of a deer party going on in our yard.  Must’ve happened while us humans were sound asleep.  (Duh!)

From the looks of it, our yard was (is) the hot spot.  Imagine that dear – we are more popular than I thought we were!  Damn.

If I were an expert, I’d say it was a mixture of deer, fox, rabbits, maybe more – like an abominable snowman who joined in on the action?  (Not this time, that is just proof of the snow blower silly!)

I’m up frequently in the middle of the night, but they’ve never bothered to invite me to their party.  You’d think at least I’d be asked to join in?

Nope, nada once!  (Who am I kidding…it’s winter, the last place I want to be is out in the cold and snow…).

Over the summer, we tried a deer cam to see which critters are visiting us in the wee hours.  All we got was ourselves walking up to the camera to take it down (including a cute one of Copper’s ears as I tried to hold him up to see if my husband noticed when he looked at the images – a girl’s gotta have fun) – and cars driving by.  Lots of cars.  No hit and runs have been captured as of late.  Only once have we had that happen!  It’s hard to explain the horror of that scene.

I’m positive hit and runs happen more often down the road in the neighbor’s yards.  I’ve jogged by in the spring and smelled a less than pleasant scent rising from the ditch in. Ewe – the smell of it is reminiscent of mornings after a college party gone wrong (oh, come on, you know what I’m talking about, we’ve all lived once!).  Drunk trailing, ending with deer in the head lights – never to be seen again.  Some berries are toxic don’t ya know?

For those who make it, I wonder if they chat as they stomp to and fro?  Do they relate to each other by sharing jokes or what’s new in the neighborhood?

“Hey, where’s the best spot to take a nap?  How far between really good snacks now that the cornfield is gone?  Got any hot tips on yards with buds on trees, or flowers sticking out of the ground?”  You know, important intoxicating stuff like that?

What about varmints who are snacks for their predators?  Rabbits come to mind.  I know Copper thinks they are a delicacy to capture (wait, that’s their droppings he likes). When he chases them out of the yard – he knows they leave will leave rewards for his efforts.  They must have some fascinating radar to keep them safe?  It even keeps them from crossing the road in front of cars or hiding when the dreaded ‘you know who’ shows up?  The bad guys are out there somewhere, but hard to spot.

I can just hear them deer as they strut their way through our yard.  That is after first stopping to grab snacks of low hanging fruit off of our trees.  We didn’t authorize or advertise, they just take advantage of our open yard hospitality.

Resourceful chaps they are.

Clever too…

“Hey dude, did you see that fox?”

“Ya, mon – she was hot.”

“But, you’re a deer?”

“Oh, my…you’re such a dear to point out the irony of life in the fast lane.”


Daily Post Prompt:  Relate