Adventures · Emptying the nest

Oh dear, I checked on it, it’s not done yet!

Oh dear, I’ve got so many projects in the works right now, I may get more gray hair by the time they are finished.  What’s a girl to do when none of them seem to be completing?

Sigh.  And whine.  And take photos.

Yesterday morning we (my Mr. Tech Guy and I) started a check disk scan on my work computer.   To see, what?  I’m not sure, but something must be wrong with it? The scan will tell us something.

I hope.

The lovely outdated computer that is failing right before my eyes.  It has some mystery to reveal, along with some documents I hope to save off of it.  Sigh…


Damn windows…oh, dear…I hate it when this happens, it makes me so sad to see…


Since the majority of the work I do is on said computer, and my new one was doing its own slow install process, I couldn’t do any actual work.  I love IMAP and all, but 5 years of email syncing takes a really loooooooooong time to complete.

I ended up taking off most of the day, using PTO that I hadn’t planned on using.  I took a break from the computer-like work and got busy removing the rest of the border.

Oh, that lovely border is gone now.  I finished the last spot of the removal right before dinner time.


Cheers to me!  A wine glass appeared, courtesy of Mr. who thought I’d like to celebrate this phase in the project – he even made a steak dinner.  No picture, I was too hungry to stop and pause for photo ops – it was “Oh, so delicious! – trust me!


Oh, don’t ya worry, I didn’t overdo it with the wine.  I’ve got projects to complete.

How’s the computer doing this morning?  Well, I checked and it’s not done yet.  WTH?!?!!?!?


Oh, goody, at least I have painting to do to keep me occupied while I wait!

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – ‘Oh’.  And…she’s also invited us to enter into the 6th Annual SoCS Badge Contest.  Ooooooh…I think I might do that, I wonder what photo I should use!?!  Special thanks to Pam for her badge we’re saying goodbye to today.


Here’s my entry into the contest.


PS – What is your favorite part of a project, is it the planning or the execution of it?  Have you been to the stores recently?  Have you seen the Christmas decorations out taking up more space than the Halloween stuff?  What do you have planned for the weekend?!  

59 thoughts on “Oh dear, I checked on it, it’s not done yet!

  1. I abhor slow computer anything and computer issues, so I feel your pain, Shelley. Good thing there are other things to occupy your time, like home projects and wine. Have a lovely Saturday and fun with the painting.

    1. Me too – I go stir crazy waiting for them. Remember back to the early days of computers – how slow they were? Yes, it’s good to be able to get something done. The cats watch, just like Gibbs and Ziva do to you. Hope you have fun with your friend today – enjoy the weekend!

  2. I’m lucky to have a husband whose career is in IT so I have a tech guru at my disposal at all times. My younger son is majoring in computer science and when the 2 of them get together and start talking tech it’s time for me to leave the room. I do enjoy seeing how passionate they are about their chose caterers. But it’s all greek to me. I just want to turn on my computer and have it work for me all the time.

    Hope you are able to recover your files.

    1. You are lucky to have 2 gurus so close by!! My eyes gloss over too when the explanations go too deep. I’m like you – I just want it to work when I turn it on! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll be able to get my files. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Enjoy your weekend!!

  3. Hi Shelly, I know how you feel, whenever I have down time I have to decide which of my sixteen projects is a priority. Usually writing wins so not much remodeling happens at my house. Go girl!

  4. Ha! Computer updates and scans are the worst. I decided to upgrade my Mac overnight because it would be finished when I woke up. WRONGO. Took another half day and then it was slow as could be. So I set about finding things to delete in the system. That took another half day. Today it’s better, but now I have to figure out the changes for this update. Oy vey. Good luck and fingers crossed for you that the scan finds your problem.

    It’s definitely wine worthy to finish stripping wallpaper! Cheers!

    1. Wow – you’re the first person to tell me woes about Mac updates. I’m horrible at deleting things I don’t need. I’m glad your computer is better now. Mine is dead. The scan didn’t work. Oy vey is right. And wine helped a bit.
      Cheers to never using wall paper again, and wine and Tostitos! 😉

  5. I still have some tech anxiety so I completely understand the feelings with those messages. It’s a good thing we have other projects like painting to go to for a break from computers. Painting can be very satisfying since you can see your work unfolding right before your eyes.

    1. You’re right, it’s nice to have other projects to take my mind off the computer issues. Painting is both exhausting and rewarding. I do like how paint can transform a room. It’s the work in the middle and feeling that I’m not as young as I used to be that’s getting me this round of painting. Hope you’re having a great weekend! I love your badge entry.

      1. Thanks, Shelley. I know what you mean about painting reminding me I’m not as young as I was. I let my husband do most of the overhead stuff now.

        1. You’re welcome, JoAnna. I’m not a fan of overhead stuff now either. I blame the tri-focals often, glad I have occupational lenses. 🙂

  6. I’m sorry your machine is having so much trouble Shelley. Unless your higher-up says otherwise, consider a Mac?

    1. Me too. I’ve already purchased the HP to replace it. I hope the hard-drive can be rescued from the old one, so I can transfer documents to the new one.

  7. All that gobbledegook is why I have a Mac. I would never be able to handle all that. I do have to look into updating my software though and that scares me, even though it is just pushing a couple of buttons. Love your entry into the contest. It’s gonna be hard to choose!

    1. Updating computers seems to be a thing to stay on top of?!
      I was too late for the entry of a badge. I didn’t read the rules well enough either. Oh well – I really like your badge! It’ll be fun to see which badge is voted the winner.

  8. I’m having a flashback to the days of DOS type and checkdisc and defrag and all things Windows. It is definitely crazy making. I am hoping you have a backup drive… (as some other bloggers say…think about a Mac. Except for updating the operating system – which I don’t do unless absolutely essential -they put you through this nonsense you are dealing with).
    Yes – Christmas decorations are out with the Halloween stuff. Since September. Not ready for Ho Ho Ho 🙂

    1. Yeah, I remember those days too – and how slow computers were. Crazy making is right! I’m not ready for Ho-Ho-Ho or Snow-Snow-Snow!

  9. I too have a MAC and still sweat bullets over updates and such …but if you have a good backup system, you shouldn’t have to be fearful about losing anything if your computer slowly gives up the ghost.

    Your photo is amazing to me. I’ve never seen grass reflected in dew drops … so beautiful.

    1. I’m beginning to think I’m the only one without a Mac in the blogosphere!
      Thank you, I was surprised when I got that photo too. It’s one of my favorites.

  10. That disk check is what happened to my other laptop in July. The laptop still works but cannot remote into work. I should have Ron put the VPN on and it will be fine as a backup, but it’s Win7. I had the same message and it scrolled through endless computer speak and finally we were no further ahead, even reverting back a day. I was disgusted and it was a Service Pak update did it in (not the first time with those Service Pack updates either – my Dell desktop crashed and even Geek Squad could not put Humpty back together again. Well I took today and went on a mini-cruise (ostensibly a leaf color cruise, but it is not peak here for two weeks, but I booked the trip in August so who knew then) and walked a lot at the Metropark afterward. Tomorrow will also be a beautiful day as well – must get out to savor it.

    1. I think my computer is exactly where you described your laptop to be. Glad you got out for a walk!! Savor every moment!

      1. Yes, the strange thing was that I was watching it the whole time (it did not stretch to overnight hours) and it did this and that and scrolled through drives, disk checks and even removing the update that day (I looked what had updated before doing “go back”) and saw Service Pak … well, it was still not back to normal. So, usually if you search, you can find other options – there were none. So it was frustrating. I had to switch horses and go to the other laptop which had none of my favorites, nothing but the work site and that was a PIA. I finally went in later and copied everything I needed onto a flash drive, but I hold Microsoft responsible for this issue – not that they would do a thing about it.

        1. I think there is something seriously wrong with my computer. I hope Mr. will be able to help me rescue stuff before I ditch the old one. LOL – like anyone would ever be able to get Microsoft to own the responsibility of issues. There are WAY too many updates that can cause issues on the multiple versions out there. Too many variables, it’s a wonder it works at all.

          1. I agree and there are no issues with Macs ever. My friend lost everything on her Windows 10 laptop – didn’t back up to One Drive properly and something to do with Carbonite. Microsoft actually had her send the laptop to them so they could try to determine the problem after she ordered a new Windows 10 laptop. They offered to see if they could find her documents and had it there many weeks, but no luck.

          2. I may need to consider a Mac someday. Mr. was thankfully able to retrieve all of my documents. I think I’m almost to the point where my email accounts work. It’s been a very long upgrade experience!

          3. I believe it – I will venture into Mac territory when I need a new laptop after Robb retires. I am very frustrated with Microsoft/Windows,having lost desktops and now have one bum laptop due to Service Pak updates.

  11. My son’s technical comments:
    Sounds like an hard drive issue from what I saw on the article, that can be caused by corrupted files, or a damaged hard drive…
    At least it can still run the disk checker, there is still hope ! Maybe the check solved the problem, it always take hours though… Expecially if the drive is large :/
    If the hard drive is not physically damaged normally it can autofix itself or someone with a bit of knowledge can figure out a solution to extract the files.
    I hope that it is not damaged because it can get pretty difficult to recover data from it, but from what I saw, it’s probably not (at least not to much)
    If some of your files are important to you the best idea is to store them beforehand on another support. Even a simple USB stick can save a lot of precious data !
    There is also external hard drives that you can plug to your PC that will act as huge USB sticks if you need to save a lot of files 🙂
    Personally I only own Windows computers a few of them are still running windows 7.
    Microsoft provides security updates (the ones that make your computer restart when you don’t want it) to secure Windows 7 when a new vulnerability is discovered.
    This support will stop next year I think for Windows 7 so it’s probably a good opportunity to switch to windows 10

    1. Thank you so much for sharing with your son and for his advice. We’re still trying to discover what we can recover or not. We will use his advice going forward!!! 🙂

  12. I’m working on an old slow computer and I feel your pain. Good idea to balance the slowness with some productive projects. And some wine. That helps, too.

  13. Wow! What a gorgeous closeup. I’m waiting for one person to fix their entry in order to qualify–if they don’t get there in time, you’re number ten. Since I created such confusion at the start of the contest, I may go beyond ten entries anyway, so let’s just say you’re in! Thanks, and good luck! 🙂

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