If there was an unlimited time in my day to discover the wide-wide-wide-world of other blogs to read, ah…what a joy that would be!
Maybe then I’d have time to sip on more than one cup of tea.
Despite having the same 24 hours as everyone else has, my time slot is restricted by the damn facts of the clock that keeps tickin’ away, a job to go to, an empty nest husband to share time with, pets that need my attention, and a house that probably maybe needs cleaning!
And Crapola! – there you have it, I’m left with not much time at all.
So my life as a part-time blogger prevents me from being able to do the task of reading other blogs any justice. (Tick, tock, tick, tock…the pendulum of time keeps swinging)
It frankly bums the hell heck out of me.
And I wish I could change it.
I know I can’t.
So I cut myself slack, and keep on giving it my best shot.
But, if I could just pause time for a bit…ah…that would be so nice. Blogger friends are special.
Am I alone in thinking that it takes a lot of time?
Doubt it.
I’m not getting any younger, and one thing I have learned is that I do have to abide by my chosen priorities so that I do accomplish other things in life that are important to me.
Part of that is confessing that while I do follow A LOT of blogs, I simply have little time to go back and visit them often, let alone read them on a regular basis.
I’m dang lucky to get my post written, to reply and read the blogs of those who comment on mine, and then…Shazam…It happens! My time allotted, has been consumed. And I simply can’t go read any other blog(s).
Time slipped away from me.
I have to deal with what is happening right in front of me, calling me (meowing me) to move on to other things in my life. Like, clean up cat poop. Why she left it here in our entryway, I’ll never know? Grr…I was serious when I mentioned crapola before…
I have realized, that is what happens to all of us who clicked to follow a blog way back when (or yesterday because I really liked a blog I stumbled upon…not the cat poop thing.).
For those bloggers who were so friendly to me early on in my blog’s life, I no longer wonder why they’ve vanished or that I don’t hear from them much anymore.
It’s hellish to keep up with reading so many blogs.
I miss hearing from them, though, and I hope in a way they miss me, too. I forgive them and hope they forgive me – we’ve simply gone MIA into the blogosphere, and that’s okay!
I get it! Even if it makes my head spin some days!
Did I mention that “Holy sh*t it takes a lot of time?”
I’ve read so many blogs in the past, I confess right here, and now, that I can’t remember who, or when, or why, oh, my…and that makes it difficult for me to even try to list them all, cuz’ I’m sure to forget someone.
So, please, don’t be offended if I’ve missed listing your name below. Just know that after I’ve published this post, and I’m up in the middle of the night (because women do that…) I’ll panic because I suddenly remembered your name, and feel horrible because I didn’t list you on this post! Sorry!!
Oh, heck…I’m only human. As much as I’d like to be one, I’m not a superhuman. Having to choose how I manage time, makes me the world’s best boss of it each day.
So here it goes…a listing of some of my favorite blogs I find time to read!
One of my first ever blogging friends – she’s the age my mom would’ve been, so I treasure the moments when I hear from her. Her posts are uplifting and I adore her encouraging comments on my posts – thank you – Ellen.
Special thanks to those who encouraged me to keep writing and to figure out this blogging world early on. I still stop by their blogs, and they stop by mine, each of us does so when we have the time – Dr. B, Donna, Marie, Mary, and Winnie. I’m forever grateful for their support and for inspiration they share on their blogs!
These super friendly bloggers keep me coming back to read their blogs often – I love how each one is so unique! Their blogs challenge me to think differently about life and how great it is to be authentic to your own desires for your blog (listed in no particular order): Andrew and Sprawly and Cindi and Rebecca and Esther and Denny and Gwen and Janet and Laura and Claudette and Cathi and “G” and Stella and Laura and John. THANK YOU – I adore hearing from you and I enjoy reading your blogs immensely.
My favorite way to reach out and meet new or other bloggers is by participating in photography challenges – Cee’s and Frank’s and Terri’s and Lens-Artists and Norm’s and Nancy’s AND writing prompt options at – Linda Hill’s and RagTag or Word of the Day.
And freshest to my memory bank of today are these new to me blogging friends – Laurie, OneLetterUp, Xan, and Anita – Anita has been one of the main troopers with this 30-day blogging challenge – I’m inspired by each and every day with her way to stick to the 30-day challenge post she writes! We’re almost to the end Anita, thank you for hanging in there!
Post inspiration – #MyBlogMyWritingStyle 30-Day Blogging Challenge (rules here) today’s word prompt (2nd to the last one!!!) is ‘favorite reads’ and the sentence prompt for the day is “Share 3 of your favorite blogs you read, and why?” I know, that if you had all the time in the world, you’d click on every link I shared above, you’d say hi to every blogger, and you’d follow them. I know that’s not gonna happen, but if you did or if you do check out a link or two, trust me, you’ll find some amazing bloggers who are kind, friendly, and happy to have you stop by their blogs!!
PS – How do you choose what blogs to read? What challenges have you found in managing your time so you can keep up with reading blogs? What do you do to keep organized and how do you remember which blogs to read? Are you a part-time blogger too, and feel the same frustrations I do in trying to keep up with all of it?
I totally agree with you about not having enough time to visit everyone, let alone comment on every post! Thank you so much for including me on your list of bloggers! It has been fun reading your blogging insights this month. What’s next? I’m doing a 31 day word prompt starting tomorrow. The first word is jewelry.
You’re welcome, thank you for being so supportive and for sharing your comments, I appreciate you! Ooo…that sounds fun, I’ll stop by and see what you’re up to during the challenge!
I read on mobile at the rink while they’re at practice. In bed when I have a heating pad helping me to relax my tense neck muscles. Over coffee before they wake up. While waiting to pick up a kid somewhere. In the car when he’s driving and not up for chatting, stuck in traffic….
But there is never enough time.

Thank you for the mention!
You’ve identified opportunities to read, that’s great! I’m not that savvy on my phone, I barely find the time to wipe through all the Instagram feeds ;-)! You’re welcome on the mention – thank you for your comments and feedback and for the enjoyable stories you share on your blog, I’m glad our paths have crossed here in the blogging world!
Crapola indeed! Not enough time!
There really never is enough time and I am Retired….still not enough time. Thank you for the confidence and I see you also broke your on rule – way more than three. LOL. Have a great new week.
LOL! You’re welcome, you deserve much credit for sticking to the rules and the challenge! Yes, I broke my own rule!! Hope you have a great week, too!
Shelley, I read blogs with interesting or catchy titles and I read more blogs than I write posts. It has to be one or the other, there isn’t time for both!
Ah, that’s the trick, I just write every day, and that consumes all my reading time! Glad to know there isn’t time to do both!
I tend to read through a few blogs each morning, basically just choosing the ones which interest me. Some days they will only be one or two, others there are plenty for me to go back to. Yes, it is hard to find time as a part time blogger. Which is why I do a lot from my phone during those “dead” waiting times.
Thanks for sharing your tips, Lesley! I haven’t ventured into the phone to read blogs, I don’t even have mail on it. I’m low key with that technology!
I wish I had more time to read too! I enjoy catching up with blogger friends I’ve met since I started last year. It’s a continuation of them sharing about their lives, thoughts, and just day to day things and me doing the same.
I did a happy dance when I saw my name on your list!! Thank you!! I’m always so encouraged by you and how you make time to respond. I try to do that too, although sometimes I fail.
Hope your weekend was great and you’ll find more time this week to do what you enjoy and love!!
I enjoy catching up with bloggers too like you said, it is nice to hear what they share about their lives and to have them respond in kind. Aw, you’re welcome, I’m thankful you’re on my go-to list of blogs I enjoy reading! Yes, it was a great weekend, ditto to you, too! xx
Agree!! Blogging is more fun in a community than in isolation.
Btw, I love those quotes on your tea bag string. Emerson is my all-time favorite! Almost named my second child that name…
Ah, yes, that’s a great name for a child! I like the ones you picked though, they fit. But then again, any name would fit, they’d make it their own with their adorable smiles and charming personalities!
Thank you!! These guys are full of fun surprises and mischief. My favorite uncle’s name is Chris and his wife’s name is Esther. Their kids are named Elliot snd Ellis, so I thought it would be special to name our kids the same.
Aw, that’s a special tribute to the family! I’m sure they feel honored.
Aww! You’re so sweet Shelley. Thanks for including me on your list. I’m both surprised and honored by it. I really enjoy reading your posts and find a lot in common.
You’re welcome, I’m happy you’re pleased with the surprise – you deserve the kudos! Ditto to you! Happy Blogging to you
Thank you for the mention, Shelley. Writing about blogging was a great idea. Everyone reading your posts can relate to what you’re writing! about You don’t have to look for a niche like a book blogger or a running blogger or a faith blogger. The content of your posts is so valuable. I wish I had read a blog like yours when I was first starting out. It would have saved me a bunch of anxiety!
You’re welcome, Laurie, I’m happy our paths crossed on this blogging journey. Thank you for your words of encouragement, I so appreciate it. I hope my posts help those starting out feel less stress about the nuances of blogging. Happy blogging to you!
I feel the same way, Shelley! And I miss you!
Thank you for including me on your list!
Aw, Winnie – I’m happy to include you on my list, and I miss you too! Life gets in the way in so many ways. My heart and thoughts go out to you as you and your mom work through the challenges of this stage in her Alzheimer’s. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and say hi to me, I appreciate you!
So very true, Shelley! Thank you for your encouraging words. It is always a pleasure dropping by your blog.
Ditto to you, Winnie!