
My Views on Autumn

Yesterday, I asked Mr. if he had any regrets about not doing more last year before this whole virus hit the world?  You know, like the things we miss doing and the trips we’d make each summer to see our kids.  I’m so glad we got to hang out with them last weekend.  It’ll make the wait until we see them again a little easier to handle.  I hope we get together again before the weather turns too cold to sit outside and social distance!

Look at me and smile …

Mr. answered my question by saying he had no regrets.  I love that about him, he doesn’t live in a world of hashing over regrets and he doesn’t fret like I do.

I guess I don’t either, for the most part, but I do worry a lot.  And I am sad that this spring I was literally numb so often.  I’d stand in the shower and just let the water runoff me.  Wishing it would somehow magically wash away the virus from the whole world.  It is water-soluble after all, just 20 seconds in soap and water and it’s gone.  Why can’t a rainstorm just take it all away and we’d be back to the preferred normal?


Now as we’re heading into the latter part of summer and autumn will be here soon, I’m having a hard time not feeling sad again.  I sure as heck am not looking forward to winter.  I do think that I’ll fit into my jeans, though, so that’s a good thing.  I do love wearing jeans and sweatshirts in the fall.

And I do love a few other things about autumn.  So on a lighter, less controversial post like my yesterday’s rant, I’ll just show you what am I looking forward to about autumn in Wisconsin.

Late summer and early fall flowers and butterflies dancing around on them all.

Foggy mornings and glorious skies.

Crops being harvested.


Our anniversary, and my birthday.


Mushrooms, anthills, and daddy longlegs crawling on around on the ground.

Harvest moons and chilly nights and changing colors on the trees.

And pampas grass blowing in the breeze.

Ah … I admit it, I’m looking forward to autumn, it is after all one of my favorite seasons.

Post inspiration – Patti for Lens-Artists #106 – Autumn

PS – Thanks for all of your candid comments yesterday.  What’s your favorite part of Autumn?  What are you looking forward to doing?  Do you like bonfires?  I forgot I love bonfires in the fall too …!

35 thoughts on “My Views on Autumn

    1. I was in Boston one October many years ago – I remember how the trees there were so gorgeous to look at! I’m thankful to live in a state that does get to experience all four seasons. Thank you for sharing your thoughts – stay cool today!

  1. Lucky you for being with your kids Shelley, I’m so happy you were able to make that happen. I agree with you that autumn is both beautiful and sometimes melancholy due to the oncoming of winter but like your husband we need to learn to appreciate what’s right with the world! Nicely done.

    1. Thank you, Tina. Our 24 hour visit with the kids has given me some hope to hang on to. Yeah, my hubby is one smart guy. Thank you for your feedback!!

  2. We don’t really experience the seasons change that much here but I would love to have the backyard ready for a fire pit by the fall. Sitting around a fire sounds so wonderful. Cute picture of your family.

    1. I can only imagine what it would be like to not have the 4 seasons. I think I’d miss one week of snow. Your yard sounds like it’s ready for a fire pit. I hope your wishes come true for it. We have a couple fire spots and haven’t had a fire yet – it’s either too hot or too windy. This fall hopefully we’ll get one in! Thank you – it was so nice to see the family. I’m glad I grabbed the camera for proof it really happened!

  3. You covered so many of the things that are special about Autumn. I like “Autumn” more than “Fall” as it sounds fancier. And Autumn is fancy in its way. My favorite part is the deep colors that show up before everything goes brown and gray. This year – who knows what will happen with the world – but one thing we can count on is that Autumn and its colors will show up 🙂
    btw – I really like your shower/water/rain window virus analogy and photo. I know what you mean. Sigh.

    1. LOL – I feel the same way about Autumn versus Fall – fancy is a nice way to describe it. I love to watch the gradual changes, as each different tree is painted by the acts of nature. It’s truly amazing and a color party at the end!
      Thanks, I appreciate the feedback on the window photo. Sigh is right! 😉

  4. Beautiful images, Shelley and lovely thoughts. I love your image of the foggy window–among many others. I’m happy that you were able to see your girls! And your situation sounds like my situation–one worrier (me) married to a fellow who’s pragmatic and has no regrets😀

    1. Thank you, Patti. I think you and I have connected on multiple levels 🙂 Gotta love a guy who knows what he wants and a gal that reminds him of the things he may not have worried enough about 😉 LOL!

  5. Fall is my favorite season – always has been. I love the smells, colors that you see, wear and eat … the whole package. It also means we are on the way to Winter – ugh. I like the Pampas Grass waving – I often try to get pictures of this in the marshy areas, especially when it is windy. These are all nice photos though, especially the slideshow. I did a Block Editor slideshow, a simple one … for 4th of July, I had various photos of a flag whipping around the pole. I did it as a slideshow – it worked in the blog post on my site but in Reader it showed up as a series of photos with black dots beside them. SMH I would like one day to see the colors in New England and go on a foliage tour and be a leaf peeper –
    I looked at the train rides – exquisite but $$$. But a gorgeous trip I am sure.

    1. Yes, and fall is the perfect weather for walking too. Thank you for your kudos about the post – you probably saw all the photos before.
      I’ve been having issues with my feature photo and WP. I can create it in my .com, but if I want it to stick, I have to go to my other admin account, preview it, then go back to the .com login to publish it. It adds a whole layer of pain in the you know what.
      I’ve only been to the east coast by Boston once, and it was in October and it was beautiful. I can see why they love autumn there. I bet you’d enjoy a trip there.

      1. Yes, I love the Fall and heard today that we will have an exceptionally warm September and October. Well, last year, or the year before, we had a hard frost in September and I brought the hose into the garage shortly after Labor Day – crazy. WordPress does not know why my photos are disappearing from old posts – I said “because they are on Classic Editor and I’m on the Block Editor?” They say “clear the cache” … doesn’t work and I have issues with previewing too. I have to change browsers sometimes to preview the last draft, otherwise I get a 404 message. I have wanted to go to the East for a color tour for a long time, then saw the train trip – so you have stops in various New England states, but you’re also inside the train with big glass windows in case the weather is not so great (which would likely be what happens to me). My mom and I asked around for the best week to view the colors in Northern Michigan. We did not want to go the Upper Peninsula, just far north as we could go without crossing the Bridge. So everyone I polled gave us a good week and I scheduled that time off – we got up there, everything was green!

        1. I remember the Fall 31 years ago – it was 80 and sunny and windy the day Mr. and I got married on 9/30. I can’t remember when it froze after that, but I do remember it was a warmer September than usual.
          I had that 404 problem once. Clearing the cache did help, so did rebooting, and double checking if there were updates to run. And I’ve also found that doing a free scan with Wise Registry helps as well.
          I hope the trip was fun, despite not seeing any colors!

          1. I finally heard from WordPress – the problem is I have pictures that are deemed “unattached” – she said lots of them … like 3,000. I said “how can that be?” They are running a diagnostic to find the problem at their end. It is frustrating, even though they are old posts. I have to go through the blog to see what photos are missing.

          2. I’ve had multiple responses from the Happiness Engineers – one has said to run a diagnostic to find which images are attached. I seem to be an oddity (to them) as I keep my photos in my pictures folder with a subfolder for each blog post and subdivided by topic. So I put the text into the draft, then add in the photos the way I sorted them. I have a lot of photos in some posts, so to load them into the media library, it is not always easy to distinguish them … I also do select and insert, and don’t drag in images … I’ve never dragged images, just drop them that way, so always done it like this. That seems to be “different” too.

          3. I haven’t run into those issues yet. Knock on wood, I hope I don’t. Thanks for sharing what you’ve learned so far.

          4. Yes, I am thinking Hugh may do a post on it as I’ve kept him in the loop and also he has experienced a photo issue as well. I will keep you posted Shelley.

    1. Thank you, John. I enjoyed your dog on a leash photo, too. The pops of reds you captured grabbed my attention.

  6. Beautiful photos and slides for the fall, Shelley. Each tells wonderful story, and I love it! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Amy, I appreciate your encouragement. I enjoyed your post as well – still smiling at the Monarchs all lined up on the bee balm!

  7. Autumn is my favorite season of the year. I’m looking forward to it, if for no other reason it looks beautiful outside. I don’t regret not doing more last year, but am sad that all our travel plans for this year are a bust. This was to be my reward year for all the crap I put up with last year getting the house in shipshape. Oh well.

    1. I agree with you, the beauty of Autumn is what I look forward to seeing too. It is a bummer that travel plans didn’t work out. Are you planning for a better trip or two next year or waiting until everything settles down to decide? On an upside, you’re not needing to go out and shop for home improvement stuff during this year. You get to rest at home in style and comfort 🙂 and windows that work!

  8. A perfect series and love that you met up with your kids! My daughter is home over summer – such a joy! I chime in about the window and the shower…

    1. Thank you, Ann-Christine. Being able to see the kids gave us something to hold onto until the next time we can be together. That’s wonderful that your daughter is home – I bet that brings you much joy!! I look forward to seeing your winter photos – your Autumn ones will be tough to top! 😉

      1. Thank you, Shelley – my heart is overjoyed when she comes home! Just like yours! Let’s see what we can find for winter…

        1. Treasure each moment!! I’m searching through photos and getting ready to chill off (it’ll be 90 degrees on Saturday when I get ready to share the post).

  9. I always loved summer the most, growing up near the lake. But summer here in MD is sweltering, so fall it is! I always loved the pumpkin patch trips when the boys were little. Mostly not sweating is glorious after the summer!

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I agree, summer by a lake beats sweltering heat and no way to cool off! We had that kind of weather yesterday. Aw … my kids loved pumpkin patches too. Fall is my favorite time of year.

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