In the background of life as an empty nesting mom there are memories, oh, so many memories. This week, those memories flooded in along with some tears. A dear friend passed away at the young age of 65. I hadn’t seen her since November following her youngest daughter’s wedding in October 2022.
We planned to get together this year when the weather was nice. There is no time like the present until the present becomes the past and we lose the moment to connect – just one more time. We suddenly feel all alone.

I met my friend through our youngest daughters who were friends in school and Girl Scouts (Daisies, Brownies, and Girl Scouts) starting in the 2000s. Forever friends we all became for the last 20+ years.
The kids in the forefront bringing us together in the background.

What a fun group of kiddos they were.

And the sound of their giggles and us moms giggling along reminded me of the show Sound of Music. The Hills Are Alive with music to my ears and eyes.

Our daughters brought us together and our friendships ebbed and flowed over the years. Now that our kids are grown and out on their own it reminds me of the song they sang in Girl Scouts.
While I love the original version of this song (back from when I was a Brownie/Girl Scout even more decades ago), this version is fun to see and listen to.
The friendship-sprinkled lyrics keep rolling through my brain.
I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for the handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let’s face it, friends make life a lot more fun.”
Charles R. Swindoll

In 2018 my friend invited us moms over to her house and taught us how to felt (crafting project). It was a delightful event, full of laughter and lessons. That post is here for me to remember how much fun we had when we were all together.
Mom #1 (aka, the Menopause Whisperer as I affectionately call her – I couldn’t have made it through that time in life without her words of wisdom): “When I tell my other friends how long we’ve been getting together, and that our daughters don’t even hang out with each other like they did when they were little, they are amazed that we Girl Scout Moms still get together.”
All of us: “It is amazing, it’s been a lot of years!”
My friend had an enchanting perennial garden in her yard. Come summer, when the daisies in my yard bloom, I will be reminded of her. I wrote about our friendship and her flower garden here.

My friend is no doubt welcomed in the garden of heaven.
As I searched our database of photos for furry friends, I discovered our pets were there as important friends in our journey of enjoying the adventures of kids growing up too.
Miko was our first cat and kept an eye on the hamsters (Rogue & Jean).

Miko & Nick, our Golden Retriever, got along well for a cat and dog.

The arrival in 2005 of Copper. Pictured here with Nick’s paw on my lap showed I still loved him too.

They were quite the pals.

The girls loved them.

Miko, maybe not so much.

Nick and Copper were inseparable. Nick taught Copper how to be a king of the house.

Copper was easier to contain so he easily won the hearts of the girls’ friends.

And he won my mom’s and the girls’ cousins’ hearts too.

In 2009 our current cats, Tizzie and Dessy, entered our lives, rescued as orphans. Each daughter had their kitten and the hope they would move with them as they grew older. Of course, that was our idea as parents.

15 years later, the teenage cats are still here with us – sisterly friends for life.

They rule over the house from as many spots as possible to remind us that kids and pets mean a mess is a mess no matter who creates it and it’s always the parent’s responsibility to ensure the messes are cleaned up. There are days when my brain goes to the song our oldest and I sang when she was a wee toddler and it was time to clean up messes.
The cats seemed less enthused by my singing the song than a toddler did.

Friends of all kinds that sprinkle our lives throughout our lifetimes are the best, aren’t they?
Post Inspiration: Linda G. Hills’ Stream of Consciousness Saturday: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “show.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun! Terri Webster Schrandt’s Sunday Stills: Apr 28 National Kids and Pets Day; and Egidio for Lens-Artists #297 Music to My Eyes (pingbacks don’t work on his site, so if you’d like to check out the post go to his website here and search for Lens-Artists.
PS – What’s your favorite friendship story or song? If you’ve had a pet in the past or currently, how did you come up with their name? Are you a fan of The Sound of Music, if so, why or why not? Have you ever sung a song to get you in the mood to clean up messes? If so, what song works to motivate you?
Awww, a few tears spang to my eyes when I read about the untimely loss of your friend, Shelley! Now that we’ve moved, I miss my girlfriends so much, and none of us are getting any younger. My sympathies.
But all your images of memories, pets and kids are so heartwarming to see. I love seeing early pics of your dogs and I chuckled at your capture of the cat’s face clearly annoyed by the dog! I also loved the image of the kids in the field and how it mirrors the iconic shot of Julia Andrews singing the Hills are Alive. Excellent! One of my favorite musicals of all time.
If you haven’t already, be sure to leave your link in Egidio’s L-A post. His blog site is irritable like yours
Have a wonderful week and enjoy spring!
Aw, Terri, I appreciate your kind words & sympathy about the loss of friends and the importance of them as well.
Thank you too for the encouragement about the photo/song choices. It was fun to go back and look at pets and kids growing up together. We had fun indeed.
Yes, thanks for the reminder, I did share my link on Egidio’s post. I hope you have a wonderful week too – Happy Spring!
Julie Andrews had a voice like an angel, her tones were perfect! Thank you for sharing your wonderful memories, guys. If only we could slow time down…
Yes, John, I agree – Julie’s voice is angelic and I adored listening to all the songs in that movie. I’m glad you enjoyed the memories. Ah, yes, time is flying by, good thing it is filled with happy memories along the way!

I am so sorry for your loss of a friend. My goodness, the pictures of Copper as a puppy is simply too cute. Your cats look like they get along much better than our sisters did. I think my favorite friendship story is The Little Prince.
I hope you have a nice week, Shelley.
Thank you for your sympathy, Dan.
Yes – Copper was such a cutie, it was love at first-sight when I first met him and brought him home. Yes, for the most part the two cats get along well. They have their moments of playful howling and jumping on each other and their power struggles over food, other than that, they’re just like normal siblings that can share space and get along.
I hope you have a nice week too!
Shelley, what a marvelous post and beautiful photos you selected. The music is top-notch and perfect in each case. I could hear Julie Andrews’ voice in the kids’ photo on the hills. Also, what a lovely message in the “Make New Friends” song. The world needs to hear that song more now. Your song choices were tender and warm. In closing, Carole King’s “You’ve Got a Friend” sealed this great post full of fun memories and beautiful stories and photos.
Aw, Egidio, thank you so much for your feedback and words of encouragement. Your challenge was so fun to play with and to encourage us to play with more than just our sight when it comes to photos! Well done.
Favorite friendship song: Bette Midler’s “Friends” or Randy Newman’s “You’ve Got A Frend In Me.”
Our first cat was Kismet, after Mary’s friend who gave her to us. It gradually morphed into Kittyface, as in “Kitty face, you’ve got the cutest little kitty face…”
I don’t think I’ve ever seen “The Sound of Music,” believe it or not.
I can’t think of a song that gets me in the mood to work.
Hi John – well, lucky that I chose “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” song for the post!
That’s a cute story about Kitty Face. She sounds like a charmer.
What…you’ve never seen “The Sound of Music”? Some rainy day when you’re looking for songs to talk about on your blog, you might get a kick out of the movie’s playlist.
Not even, “Men at Work”?

Kittyface was a real piece of work. In our Chicago apartment, the stove was right near the front door, and she would sleep between the burners. She’d have been up there all afternoon, ignoting Mary, then when I came home, she would carry on like no one loved her anymore. I really miss her…
Aw, she sounds like a ball of furry fun! I can see why you miss her.
I’m sorry you lost your friend too early, Shelley. What a lovely tribute to her! I love “The Sound of Music” so that really made me smile.
Thank you, Janet, I like to think my friend would’ve been touched by my tribute too. I’m glad you smiled at the music too. That movie is a classic that I can still sing along to.
Shelley, sorry for the loss of your friend and what a great post to reflect on the friendship you and your daughter shared. The Girl Scout song sure took me back. Seemed like yesterday and is still a necessity today. I grew up with the Sound of Music, what a great one to include. But ohhhh, noooooo, not Barney!!!! lol. The schools are still singing that. lol. A fabulous post…and ya…life…. I hope your girls read this.
Thank you, Donna, I appreciate you seeing that my post was a reflection of the friendship and love shared all these years. It’s been a year for me of catching up with old friends and each one of us share the lines of Make New Friends. It’s a classic friendship song. I have always adored The Sound of Music – I even try to sing along. LOL – Barney. My youngest hated Barney so his adventure in our lives was a short stint, but my oldest adored him when I’d hold her and sing along with the songs.

Thank you for your encouragement – I’ll have to send them the post to see if they’ll take the click bait and read it.
hahaha. Ya. I had a one who loved Barney and one who was totally creeped out.
In church last week, our paster talked about “making that call” to someone who is on your mind. He gave some powerful examples of why. But in most cases it was to reach out to others so they know there is still a connection.
LOL – Barney had that effect on kids and parents alike.
Shelley, that was a wonderful tribute to your friend and I like how you linked to the earlier posts you had written about the past. Your friend was obviously someone very special and I am sorry for your loss – no, she was not old either. I like that you had regular get together and remained friends long after the kids were grown up. That is longevity for friendship, something I find special. I do have a few friends that I keep in touch with on Facebook and, for example, the three of us had a “discussion” tonight on my large auto insurance premium as they weighed in for their price in NC and NY, respectively, but that is not a deep, meaningful friendship like you obviously had with your friend(s).
I was happy to see my little pal Copper back in your blog again – how tiny he looked with his cute white front paws and bright blue eyes. I am glad he learned the ropes from Nick for managing “his hoomans” and then welcoming Tizzie and Dessy into the fold.
You put this post together very nicely to show kids and pets.
I did like “The Sound of Music” though it has been many years since I saw the movie. I think if I wanted to clean the house that “Bohemian Rhapsody” would work and I’d be stopping to grab the feather duster to sing along to the high notes. I can’t say I recall any reason why a pet’s name stuck except Buddy and Sugar, my last two canaries: Sugar was named as he was pure white except for one tiny smidge of yellow on a wing feather and Buddy got his name as he would become my new “buddy” in the kitchen.
Thank you, Linda, I appreciate your words of sympathy and encouragement about my friends and the adventures we shared over the years. I think we supported each other so much more than we realized back then. I’m glad you still have friends to catch up with too. The auto insurance discussion is a reasonable topic, I think my friends and I have had talks about things like that over the years too!
I’m glad you enjoyed seeing Copper again. He’s my forever little pal. I remember getting frustrated with the kids when they’d let him dig in the mud and get those cute white paws dirty. He had a blast with the adventures Nick and the kids would take him on. Dessy and Tizzie are enjoying the lack of dogs in the house – they’re spoiled, adored, and they rule the house now.
Thank you – it was a challenge to weed down the photos to fit songs, but it was fun too!
LOL – I love it, “Bohemian Rhapsody” and singing along with the high notes. I’d sound like your neighbors dog howling, but if no one was home, I’d be singing along with that song too! Aw…I remember you telling me about your canary Buddy, but not Sugar. That’s a good name for an all white canary. Buddy was a special friend of yours, he was lucky to have you as his “hooman”!
You are welcome Shelley. In high school there were six of us and we were inseparable the last two years of high school. We got together the Christmas of 1973, the year we graduated high school – that was okay as we filled in each other with our “new lives” – three of us went to college; three got jobs right away. Then at a five-year reunion (just the six of us, not an organized class reunion), it was not the same – our interests were too diverse by then, with one girl married with two kids. The closest friend to me in this group was Sheila and she died of ovarian cancer at age 52 in 2007. We lost touch after she worked on Summer in Texas for her college roommate’s father who owned a factory. She met a guy there that Summer, quit school (was going to be a pharmacist) and got married. He died the same year as Sheila, about six months prior. It was a gut punch to me even though we’d not seen or spoken to one another since 1978 at our five-year reunion.
I was noticing how white Copper’s front paws were – I guess I noticed them more in these photos than others – maybe he was being carried or up close.
You did find photos to match songs and the quotes too!
“Bohemian Rhapsody” played a few times could get my whole house done (if I were so inclined).
Aw, I’m sorry to read about Sheila’s passing. So young. It is a gut punch when our friends pass away so young – really, anytime they pass is hard.
Copper’s was carried and held a lot.
I’m going to try that song next weekend to see if I’m motivated to clean an area or two!
Yes, I felt badly – she was my favorite of the five close friends I hung out with. I saw that about Copper since he was so tiny. Yes, the song is easy to sing to – I think I know all the words. “American Pie” by Don McLean is long, but not as spirited as “Bohemian Rhapsody”.
Wonderful Shelley, so much sadness with even more happiness. I loved seeing little Copper. I hadn’t seen puppy photos before, how sweet. Miss the little guy.
Thank you, Brian, sadness and happiness balance each other out when it comes to love and loss and friendship. I’m so happy you enjoyed seeing little Copper. He was such a charmer. I miss him too.

testing…I wrote a comment and lost it when it was denied: Not Acceptable!
An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.
WP is so darn frustrating some days. Thanks for trying – I did see the comment eventually.
Sorry about the test comment above Shelley. I don’t even know what that denial means. Apparently it has something to do with my VPN being on. Anyway…
I’m so very very sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. I could feel your sadness in your post. The smiles of the kids with the pets made me smile though. I was surprised to learn that Tizzy & Dessy are 15 now! Of course little Copper made me smile too.
I’m often perplexed by WP. Thank you for your persistence in attempts to reply.
Thank you for your sympathy. I’m sad in many ways about my friend. I’m glad she’s at peace and out of pain.
Yes, the cats are 15 and spry as they were as little kittens. They are enjoying life without competition of the dogs I think. I miss Copper, probably always will. He’s been gone 3 years this coming August. My how time flies.
Wow. It’s been 3 years. It’s already been 1 since I lost my last dog. The cats have an excellent home so it’s no surprise they’re doing so well!
Yes, I agree, wow – 3 years! Aw, the first year is the hardest, I hope your happy memories are helping you as you miss your dog. Our cats definitely have us wrapped around their furry paws. They have become quite the cuddle buds. Not lap cats yet, but we can hold them way more than ever before when we had the dogs. They’re like young kittens some days – then they’re like elderly cats who forget where the litter box is and we’re catapulted back to reality of how old they really are.
Great photos. Dogs, kiddos, and cats. Excellent.
Thank you, John! I’m glad you enjoyed the photos.
Your teenage cats all grown up are sweet as can be. I remember Copper of course. I had a cat growing up and then Z-D & I had two cats, but the harsh reality is that I’m allergic to cats so it is unwise for me to have them around. Never had a dog, but there were goldfish along the way.
Hi Ally – thank you for sharing your thoughts. Our two cats have grown on us as much as we on them since there aren’t any dogs in the house. We all miss Copper though.
Aw – our youngest has allergies to dogs and cats (that we didn’t know about when she was growing up). It’s sad when allergies take the lead in the pets we can’t have. Goldfish are a nice alternative and they rarely talk back.
I always find it fun that when we share and look back over our memories, our pets are always there. It was great seeing Copper as a little puppy. Such a cutie. I am thinking of that breed for my next fur love. And then you girls, now grown. Wow, time waits for no one. Have a great week.
Hi Anita – it’s great to hear from you! Yes, memories are fun indeed. Our pets sure have a gift of being there at the ready to engage or support us (and frustrate us occasionally too). Copper was a Pom-Chi and he was so stinking cute. I still miss him every day. It’s been 3 years since we said goodbye to each other.
Yes, the girls are grown and time just keeps on going by!
I hope you have a great week too!
A bittersweet post and a tribute to life too. I’m sorry for your loss, Shelley.
Thank you, Sofia, I appreciate your words of encouragement and sympathy.
You really poured your heart into this post. So sorry for your loss.
Thank you, John. Yes, the memories were flowing in many ways.
A sad post Shelley but more importantly to have had such a good friend for so many years is an amazing gift. My dad passed away at 65 and I remember everyone saying how young he was. I didn’t think at the time that 65 was so young. Now it seems incredibly so! My sympathies for the loss of your friend – you’ve give her a lovely tribute. Thanks for sharing her with us.
Thank you, Tina. Aw, sorry your dad passed away so young too. My mom passed when she was just shy of turning 71. I remember her doctor saying, “She is way too young.” I just made it over to see your post – it made me smile all the way as I scrolled. Your photos danced across the screen with each song you chose. I had never heard Nelly’s “I’m Like A Bird” song. It reminds me of my friend and the felt hummingbird she helped me make at her house in 2018. I’m smiling remembering happy memories.

What a beautiful post. Thank God for friends–blogging friends, like you, as well as in-person friends, furry ones, and all!
Thank you, Rebecca. Yes, I agree, thank God for all the special friends in our lives. I’m so thankful for your blogging friendship too!

I’m so sorry about your friend. Sending you hugs. I love what you said about there is no time like the present…wow. that is a powerful thought. An eye opener really to the fragility of time that we take for granted. I loved this entire post…all the photos, stories, memories. Thank you for sharing.
I loved the song Friends by Michael W. Smith. Recently I’ve used the song by Andy Grammar in some videos on IG called A Friend Like You. I LOVE songs and music, so my playlists are HUGE. I also love the sound of music!!
Thank you and you’re welcome, Kirstin, I appreciate your sympathy and encouragement. I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. I need to look up those songs you shared, I’m not recalling them as I type. Listening to music is such a heart-warming way to spend time. I should listen to it more often. Believe it or not, I’ve yet to figure out playlists on my phone.
You’ve inspired me to get busy figuring that out!