Adventures · Emptying the nest

My realization of being a tiny pixel in the blogosphere

This morning, as I walked into our in-progress project kitchen, I looked at the wall across from the kitchen sink, that is finally working by the way!   I can’t decide if we’ll put anything on the wall or not.  The calm green color has been a nice change of pace from the busy two-color wall with a border on it.

Yikes, could I, the Dubious Minimalist™, become a Minimalist and leave it all blank?

I smiled as I remembered I’m going for coffee and shopping with a friend today, so we’ll see if I see anything worthy of buying to decorate the wall with or not?

I headed to my standing desk, with my cup of coffee in hand, feeling like the boss for the day.  Hesitating all the way there…feeling rusty and dusty for writing.


I opened my email inbox to an ad for canvas prints.  Hmm…I wonder, maybe I should use one of my photos and make a picture to hang on the wall?  Do those prints really work, or do they become all pixelated?


That made me reflect on my fragmented week so far.  And if I do have any photo that would work?  Hmm…

I wondered.  And reflected on how small I feel compared to how large the world is.  And how many details there are to stop and take notice of.

This week I went all MIA this week.  As a blogger, anyhow.   Why?

Not sure.  Just did.

It started out on Tuesday when I had to head out of the house extra early, all dressed for a meeting.  I didn’t have time to write a post, and so I didn’t.  I was finally wearing an outfit I bought months before.  Apparently, that part of my wardrobe will not wear out fast.


I was feeling extra small in a world that seemed to be quite blurry.  It was a foggy day, and a foggy drive, and a tad slippery on the roads.  Thankfully, I made it to my destination and back just fine.


A trigger also happened when I read a few sentences in the book I’m reading.  Recommended to me via a sideways way (i.e., it wasn’t the book Denny was reviewing) in his blog post I read.  Little did he know that he was a marketing person for Michael Perry.

This was right before I decided to go missing in action (or in hiding).  It wasn’t Denny’s fault, nope, it was other things capturing my attention to stray away for an undetermined amount of time.

Like wanting to be able to sleep like a baby.  One person ( recommended that I cross my eyes while closed, it’ll shut down the brain from thinking so you can fall asleep again.  I’ve been using that technique, and it’s been mostly working.  That is when I can do so without remembering being told as a child, “Don’t cross your eyes, they’ll get stuck like that.”


And our project is still in progress.  Getting so close now.   Details, details, details to all the tiny pixels of tiles fit into place to create Mr.’s beautiful work of art.

And our windows were replaced – again, (two of them, the 3rd time for one of them), and they’ll both be replaced AGAIN.  This is our 1/2 circle window, cleaned (inside and out) with smudges remaining in between the panes.


It is not as pretty as looking out at real clouds from a seat by the sea.


Back to the book.  I’m reading Montaigne in Barn Boots by Michael Perry, that Denny recommended.  He said he loved it.  I’ve read other of MP’s books, so I figured I’d love it too.  So far, I am enjoying it way better than the Mark Manson book I read earlier in the summer.  Michael Perry does a beautiful job of using other writers’ quotes at the same time keeping true to his own voice in the process.  MM, not so much.


Michael and I have never met, but we’re the same age, we live in the same county, in rural Wisconsin.  So we’re technically neighbors.  One of these days, when he’s having a local at the library or theater book discussion, I hope to attend.  And shake his hand for sticking true to his rural roots while becoming larger than the life I could only fantasize about having.  A writer’s life.

Two back-to-back quotes in the book hit me.  I believe I’m using them completely out of context.  Silly me.  Ironically I read them close to the chapter he wrote about losing his thoughts/memories all too easily.  I felt a bit of reassurance being the same age and all and a tad forgetful at times.  I hate that about Kindle reading, I love paper books so I can flag the pages to refer back to them when I want to remember something.

So I grabbed a scratch piece of paper and wrote down the two quotes.

This is pixilation rendering us as more human. – Michael Perry

In our conversations with others, silence & modesty are most useful qualities. – Montaigne

And now…I believe I’ve exhausted my stream of consciousness thoughts.  I deviated away from the prompt a tad.  Lost in thought.  But, hey, that reminds me, maybe I should frame this photo for the wall…to remind me that I was momentarily ‘famous’ a few small dewdrops in time?


Post Inspiration – Join all the gang over here at Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt where Linda tells us:  “Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “flyer/ad.” Look at the latest ad you got in the mail (if it’s a store flyer, choose the product right in the middle of the page) or choose the next online ad you find, and theme your post on whatever the product is. Do not name the brand if you hate it unless you add that it’s an opinion/review of the product in question. You don’t want to chance of getting sued. Have fun!”

PS – What would you do, leave the wall blank or decorate it?  If decorate it, with what?  What’s new in your world this week?  

52 thoughts on “My realization of being a tiny pixel in the blogosphere

  1. Have fun shopping today and you never know if something will inspire you to hang it on your blank wall. Then again, I think hanging your own photos would be even better.

    1. Thank you, Mary. I love your take on the prompt today – I need to run and check the mail to see if I have any 30% off coupons to use this coming week! Happy Saturday to you!

  2. The canvas prints are usually very nice. I had a very large one (30×50) hanging behind my desk at work that was made from a cropped cell phone photo (iPhone 4). You have lots of wonderful photos. If you buy them on sale, you can afford to rotate them – that was Deborah’s suggestion to me.

    1. Thank you for sharing that they work. From an I-phone photo too!! WOW. They are on sale now…hmm…thank you for sharing your insights. PS – your project looks so great, nice work!

  3. I am with you, Shelley. I like fresh, plain walls. Yet, they also seem to welcome a painting or photos. I have not tried canvas prints. We gravitate to enlarging photos from our vacations.

    From what I see with all of your beautiful pictures………….difficult making a decision! You have many photos that you could enlarge and they would look stunning on a wall. Thank you for the book recommendation. VERY thought-provoking quotes. And, yes, on your dewdrops photo!🙂

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Erica. I may try a canvas print some time, but I thought of something else I’d rather have. I just have to check with the artist in the family to see if she’ll paint it for me! 😉
      I’m glad you enjoyed the book suggestion and the quotes. I agree on the thought-provoking factor. I appreciate your encouragement on the dewdrop photo. It is one of my favorites. 😉 It’s always a joy to hear from you!

  4. Shelley, I love the pattern on the kitchen wall, gorgeous! And how could so many windows fail so soon? Your outfit looks great! And I noticed you went MIA too, have a great weekend. 😎

    1. Hi John! Thank you – we are happy with how the wall is turning out! They haven’t failed, they were just manufactured with the smudges. The installers are shocked and very frustrated. Thanks for the compliments and for noticing I was MIA. I hope you’re having a great weekend too!

      1. Thanks, all is well out here. Got some frost overnight. I’m glad the windows didn’t fail outright, yay! You are one of my favorite bloggers Shelley, always nice to see you in the inbox! I’ll bet your Mr. isn’t too thrilled with breaking out the snow blower again. 🥶

        1. Yay – glad to hear the weather is treating you well in Vegas. Thank you so much for all of your encouragement, I appreciate it! We’re not excited for the snow blower season. But…snow happens. 😉

  5. For the record, I did notice that there were not as many posts from you this week. I think I might put something on that wall just to balance it out a little and your SoCS badge would be great! You have such lovely high ceilings. The tiles remind me of a project my father did on the kitchen wall at our house. He made a napkin holder out of some of the leftover pieces and I just got it from my mom when we moved her.

    1. Aw, thanks for noticing. It does feel like there’s a lot on the opposite wall with the cupboards, etc., so I think I might do something. I might have my Sprout paint something for us. 😉
      That’s awesome that your dad made something you are able to treasure and remember from the old kitchen. 🙂

  6. You’re famous in my blogosphere! The kitchen is shaping up so nicely. And I hope you have a nice time shopping. I do think your own photography would make great artwork!

    1. Aw, shucks, thank you, Rebecca! We’re pleased so far with what we’ve done. I had a blast shopping – guess I needed a girls day to just get out and about. I even got a few gifts taken care of. All the stores have early sales.

  7. I was concerned at your MIA a bit Shelley. Any of the photos would do for your art work but I like blank too – says he who likes to stuff walls with pictures. Love Coppers photobomb too 🙂

    1. Thank you for your concern, Brian. LOL – photos are my wall weakness. I need to restrain myself. We’re both fending off our desire to clutter the space. Yes – Copper did enjoy his role in the photo op! 🙂

        1. YAY – wait…they make them in Australia too!? Another reason for me to visit Australia – does the list of pros never end?!

  8. Well, we have a large blank wall and an aunt (in law for me) that is an artist. We have a lot of art that we love, and several pieces of hers (she is a sculptor as well) displayed in our home. The first time she visited after we had moved into this house, she mentioned she had the perfect painting for that wall. (It’s a large “high up” wall above our great room.) The minute she left, I made it clear that I wasn’t eager to cover every wall in this house with SOMETHING. The eye needs a place to rest IMO. That said, I think your photos are magic, and you should definitely make the decision based on your own taste and how it fits into your total decor.

    The tile and fan above your stove are AWESOME. Is that copper tile? It’s amazing.

    1. That’s great – I love that story, and I’m with you on letting the high up spaces open. Plus, someone (aka, not me) would have to dust it…!
      I’m thinking about soliciting the artist in our family to paint us something for the wall. We shall see – until then, the color is calming and we’re enjoying it.
      Yes, it’s copper tiles – (faux of course). We wanted to have a ‘feature’ wall since we chose not to do a full subway tile backsplash. We’re happy with how it is turning out. Thank you for the feedback!

    1. Blank walls are easier to keep clean! Especially in a kitchen. Thank you, I appreciate your kudos on the photo. I hope your weekend is going great!

      1. I have a reason for blank that I do not often share but after our home invasion back in 2006, we never really put back everything. Afterwards it became very evident to us that re-decorating was a chore and if we didn’t enjoy, then it was not worth it. That could be your answer … hang the picture if it makes you feel good to do it.

        1. Sorry to hear about the home invasion. I think I’d feel the same way. It has become quite evident to us that re-decorating or re-cluttering isn’t our thing at the moment. I’m going to wait to see if any picture is worthy of dusting before it gets hung!

  9. I was wondering if you were taking a blog vacay! I am glad the cross-your-eyes to sleep is helping (I remember the warnings too LOL). Canvas prints can be really nice on a large blank wall – I enlarged a favorite family photo for a canvas print. It was a large file, but I think if the pixillation would be too much, the website should warn you. Your kitchen looks fantastic. Love the range hood – wow!
    Welcome back 🙂

    1. Thank you for noticing. 😉 I love it when family photos are enlarged. I’ve never done that though. I would hope the company would say if it won’t work. I’ll see – I’m still waiting for the right idea to pop into my head. In the meantime, the range hood and wall behind that can get the attention. And a stove under it instead of in the dining room would be nice too. 🙂

        1. LOL – it made for easy cleaning – plenty of space to clean all sides of it. It’s a gas stove, so no cooking happening at that campsite. 😉

  10. The kitchen and the outfit look great! I can’t leave a wall blank for long. You’ll find just the right item to go on there. As for crossing my eyes with them closed, I’m not sure if I’m doing it right, but I can see 🙂 how it would take my mind off the merry-go-round of thoughts. Enjoyed your stream!

    1. Thank you, JoAnna. I’m holding out until we find the right thing to go on it. I’m like you, I struggle to find the right technique of crossing my eyes, but when I get it right, it works! I enjoyed your stream too – thank you for sharing the Harriet trailer. That looks like a great movie!! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend.

  11. MIA can be a good thing (as we have sorta discussed before) and like that outfit!
    like the quotes a lot
    This is pixilation rendering us as more human. – Michael Perry

    In our conversations with others, silence & modesty are most useful qualities. – Montaigne

    1. Yes, indeed on the MIA. Thank you – going outta my comfort zone for a day was kind of fun. PS – I tried several times to reply to your post, but it said “site couldn’t be reached”? Great take on the cold prompt! I had shared a few thoughts about Seth too.

      1. Site could not be reached – ? Sniff
        I wonder if there are more security updates going on?
        Well come back later if you get the chance – and I will check spam to see if the comment went there?

        1. I found out later it was my router that caused the issue. I couldn’t remember what I did write, so I tried again today – I think it stuck this time!?!

          1. Oh you are sweet to come back – and I actually meant to say no worries about coming back! Lol
            And you know how we chat about the blog experience and our lessons and all that. Well I was reading an old post of mine (summer 2018) and realized I missed replying to three comments – now I know we can skip some – but one after a missed one I clicked like – and it appeared that I was ignoring the previous one – I dunno – but I thought “how rude” and it would have bothered me if I had been slighted – and I think I miss comments on posts if they don’t show up with the little bell notification – anyhow – going into 2020 I am going to try and work on that – not missing any stray or late comments

  12. I’m grateful for the shout-out, Shelley; thank you! I hope you enjoy Montaigne in Barn Boots as much as I did. It’s one I’m going to add to my personal collection someday. I hope. If you ever do meet with Mr. Perry, please let him know he has a fan down in Tennessee.

    As for the wall: if it were up to me, I’d leave it blank or add some subtle or minimal ornamentation. The Boss, however, abhors a lot of blank space, and I tend to defer to her decorative impulses. Unless they border on distastefulness, in which cases I speak up. But gently

    1. You’re welcome! I think I’d like this book in my personal collection too. I think of you often wondering – ‘Did Denny laugh at that line too!?!’ If I ever get to meet him, I’ll be sure to tell him about his fan in Tennessee.
      You’re wise to gently guide the Boss in decorations. This round, Mr. is driving the decorating scheme. He’s put up with many years of my questionable additions to fill the empty spaces on the walls! 😉

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