
My Nostalgic Heart Writes a Blog Post

I don’t know about you, but seeing nostalgic things get me every time. They warm my heart. Just like Mr. did this week when an Amazon delivery truck dropped off a tiny package.

I watched Mr. as he opened the package. He giddily said, “The popcorn popper looked lonely without popcorn now that we don’t eat it – so I ordered 100 pieces of fake popcorn to put in it. I thought 100 pieces would look like more than this though.”

“When you take a picture, make sure to put a piece stuck like this in the lid to make it look even more real.”

I smiled as I snapped several photos. As I child, my brother and I ate popcorn for a snack every day. EVERY day! 3 years ago, Mr. and I snacked on it every day too. Not anymore, it’s too carby for us.

The average American consumes 43 quarts of popcorn per year.

Our Man Cave Room is filled with lots of nostalgic items. The room was built by Mr. 10 years ago. So many pounds of popcorn popped and consumed by us and our guests in those years.

Remember the first time you ever went to a movie theater? Ah…the smell of buttered popcorn. Yum. The faux stuff doesn’t have a smell, it’s epoxy resin, highly-degree simulation. Perfect for a museum-like statue such as our popcorn popper.

Sometimes, I’m not as creative as he is. Speaking of popcorn…that became quite the sidenote and turned into a feature of the post. Might as well roll with it.

My ideas can pop around in my head like faux popcorn. I’m impressed with this fake popcorn, though. I hope no one grabs a piece and tosses it into their mouth. I think it’d be a new kind of jawbreaker or tooth crusher!

It’s fun to roll with goofy ideas to break up the day-to-day things in life (especially in the winter) even if it’s pretending. Remember being a kid and playing pretend? I loved doing that. Bottle caps were plates and pie tins for my Barbies who lived in houses made of bricks from the yard. It was a mansion on green and yellow shag carpeting that filled my whole bedroom floor.

Tapping into childhood memories is fun. My thoughts wander as I try to regroup them. Sorting out the shelled nuggets.

I know for me, some warmer opportunities to catch outside time and Vitamin D would help me find new things to dream about and discover, or rediscover, as the signs of spring will pop up through the thawing dirt.

Ah…I can’t wait to sit outside in the sun on the deck, that’ll be heart-warming. Thankfully, I’m happy to report – the snow is melting and we’re seeing subtle signs of spring. With any luck, the predictions for 3-6 inches of snow this week will be faux.

Do you ever struggle to find words that will perfectly roll across the keyboard and onto the page? Sometimes I feel like a crazy red squirrel scampering about trying not to commit to something until I’m ready for a big reveal.

I pause to let my thoughts make enough sense to stay on the page. I focus on those that have avoided the swiftness of my right ring finger hitting the black-and-white backspace key. Remember white-out tape on typewriters?

Often times the sound of the backspace key is as loud as a squirrel chattering. They have a lot to say that maybe could be left unsaid according to the birds! Dessy could hear our deck visitor through the cracks in the patio door.

Some of my thoughts remain hidden on the sidelines waiting for an opportunity to make a grand appearance. Others dash away, hopefully not leaving too much of a trail of garbage behind.

Some days are rolling the dice kind of days to me. I never know what I’ll get. I often say, “That’ll have to do.”

I’ve learned that sometimes you gotta eventually put yourself out there. Look confident, be confident. Hold that pose. The Silver Metal Beak Wins!

You can prepare all you want, but if you never roll the dice you’ll never be successful.

Shia LaBeouf

What’s the story about the little vintage dice you ask? I liked how they looked when I cleverly displayed them on my bookshelf in chronological order. In front of books that tell a story of a childhood dream, I’ve yet to fulfill. But that’s another story, for another day.

When I set the dice out originally, I remembered that they were my mom’s when she was young. They’re vintage, so I must keep them! She kept the darndest things too. I notice that I’m fond of placing pops of red throughout our house and on my bookshelves. Mom loved red, her mom loved red, and so do I. Funny…I’ve never been able to pull off wearing red lipstick as they did. Have you?

Ah, to be a 1940s child who had so few toys that it meant so much to her to keep them. I playfully added the adorable little figure my youngest made when she was in high school. The tiny details she was able to capture in the clay intrigue me. The pink heart is precious. I smile each time I look at them.

I remember as a child making dice out of clay and Playdough. Making the squares square and using a toothpick or point on a #2 pencil to make the dots of the numbers. Did you ever make your own toys as a child? Suffice it to say, I find it’s food for thought.

In the end, I confess it’s the tiny nostalgic details that lead me to create a post that touches my heart enough to push publish once again for the 990th time. 😊

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “heart.” Use it any way you like. Have fun! And Terri Webster Schrandt’s Sunday Stills Color Challenge Feb 12 – Red.

PS – What was your favorite childhood toy that you made yourself? Have you or someone you loved worn red lipstick? Do you ever wonder how a herbivore like an American Red Squirrel finds its way to eating sunflower seeds instead of its normal diet? Did you know not many people or fellow critters like the Red Squirrels? Have you heard of or seen fake popcorn?

47 thoughts on “My Nostalgic Heart Writes a Blog Post

  1. Lots of heartfelt love in this post, Shelley! That popcorn maker with faux popcorn is delightful! I stopped eating popcorn last summer–the shells don’t play well with my digestion. Seems we have the same birds! I don’t understand why they are called purple finch when they’re rosy red. BTW, many of your images did not populate for some reason (may be on my end). Wishing you a lovely Valentine’s Day this week!

    1. Hi Terri, thanks for the feedback! Popcorn can be inflammatory, thus part of the reason we don’t eat it anymore either.
      Yes, we do seem to have the same birds. I KNOW, right, why are they called purple finches!!
      That’s weird about the images…I can see them, so who knows, is it a darn WP thing again?
      I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day too!! 🥰😍😁

  2. Fake popcorn? I’ve never seen it but love the real thing. The squirrel video is so cute! He’s on about something. Chirp chirp! I remember having a big white box that had all of my toys in it and the box was on wheels too. ❤️

    1. Yeah, I had no idea there was fake popcorn either. The item listing on Amazon said people use it for jewelry making too. Yikes…popcorn necklace doesn’t sound like an item I’d wear.
      Yes, the little squirrel noises are interesting. Dessy loves listening to it.
      I think I had a large white box for toys at one point in time too! I remember seeing photos of Mr.’s childhood – he’s the same age as you and they had a toy box like you described too.
      Such fun childhood memories. 😍

  3. I really like this post, Shelley. I love the fake popcorn – what a great idea! Of course, I like the squirrels.

    As a kid, pretend was mainly conducted with Green Army Men, cowboys and Indians and cap guns for Cops and Robbers. Perhaps not the best training for young boys to get.

    My favorite toy was my Erector Set, and I often incorporated living room furniture in my construction projects.

    I have a few tools that were my father’s and a couple that were his father’s. I have them on display, but I use a few of his at special times in the process.

    I do remember white-out, but I’ve never worn red lipstick. I did make some toys, but I might use that story as my one-liner Wednesday (lest I turn this comment into a blog post).

    1. Aw, Dan, I love your comments – thank you for sharing.

      My brother had many of those toys you described, and we have a few of like those that Mr. had when he was growing up on display in the Man Cave. Many of the little cowboy and Indians were sold at the big thrift sale. Ah, yes, the Erector Sets were awesome. We had Lincoln Logs too. The toys that you don’t want to step on in the dark could consume a room fast!

      That’s so special that you still have many of your father’s items. 🥰

      Yay…I’m happy to help feed your creativity for a one-liner Wednesday post!!! 😍

  4. Howdy. I had popcorn a couple of weeks ago, for the first time in years. It was a small bag, made by a good-quality company whose name I forget. Like you, I watch my carbs. But the amount of carbs in the package (about 15 grams) wasn’t bad at all. And the popcorn was deelish.

    1. Hi Neal, thanks for popping by (pun intended 🤣). Yes, some versions of the popcorn aren’t too bad for carbs. Glad you have a yummy version to eat! Once and a while is okay to nibble on a few kernels as long as they’re the real deal 😉

  5. Although I still eat – and love – popcorn, that fake stuff is pretty impressive. And, kudos to your husband for suggesting having one kernel sticking out of the lid.

    I remember having great fun with my brother constructing forts out of boxes and whatever else we could come up with. Best done in the early morning in the living room before our parents got up.

    And, a big nope to red lipstick. It would overwhelm my face… all anyone would see are my lips 🙂

    1. I used to love popcorn too – I’m surprised at how I don’t miss it now. Yes, he’s so darn creative. He made the popcorn daily so remembered what it looked like when it was done popping.
      YES – Forts made with boxes are so fun!! The hours of fun had, thanks for triggering that memory too.
      LOL – that’s what I think about red lipstick too. I wore it once and I felt like everyone looked at me with a ‘aw…poor girl…she shouldn’t wear that’ look! 🤣

  6. The average American consumes 43 quarts of popcorn per year. Is that true?!! I eat a bowl of popcorn every few years on principle. Not because I like it, but feel I should.

    1. 🤣LOL…according to one source, that’s the ‘truth’. We live in a world where ‘truth’ is what we find by searching the internet to support one’s point to be made.
      Popcorn has kind of been a food staple for as long as I can remember. We had a special pan for making it when I was growing up. I don’t miss it and with the faux stuff there now, I don’t want to sneak any either. 😉

  7. You should read the book The Dice Man by Luke Reinhardt
    Not big on the red lippie Shelley 👄 but did enjoy the Red Squirrels capers 🐿️
    I used to make all manner of things as a kid, I even made my own golf clubs from scrap wood. Mum and Dad thought they were quite good. Didn’t enjoy the holes punched in the lawn with a sledgehammer though 😲

    1. Thank you for the book suggestion! I have not read that book. I added it to my TBR list.
      I love your emojis 😉 Red is for hearts 🥰😍
      That’s an ambitious goal to make your own golf clubs. I’m impressed too!! Yikes on the holes in one’s yard, though.

  8. Is the die on the right ivory? I know ivory has been banned for years, but that makes it a collector’s item.

    I feel sorry for your corn popper, though I completely understand you not eating it. You might need to put a sign on the machine…

    1. You know, John, now that you mention it, it might be ivory. The color matches the ivory keys I have on my grandmother’s piano. Do you think I should roll the dice and sell it and take a trip to Jamaica? 😉
      Yeah, the corn popper is just a dust collector now. You’re right, we may need to do something. Mr. is thinking about a sign or putting a screw in the door to keep the door shut.

  9. I can’t say I ever had a toy I made myself to be honest with you Shelley.

    I like the vintage popcorn machine – very cool. We used to have a vintage hot dog cooker. It only cooked one hot dog at a time, steaming the wiener in a metal dish with hot water and the bun went into a plastic trough up top and it steamed the bun. It was called a “Coney Island Steamer” – we had it for years and it finally broke and they’re off the market now.

    I didn’t know there was any such thing as fake popcorn, but it looks real to me. Back when we rented movies from Blockbuster or had a bunch of taped shows to watch, we always had popcorn – mine was always cheese popcorn. (Nothing like orange cheesy fingers.) I have not had it in years though. A friend of the family ate popcorn, got chaff stuck in between his tooth and gum and got a nasty infection. We both finished off our bags of popcorn and never had it again.

    I used to wear darker lipstick colors back in the day, but a matte, not glossy as to those darker lipsticks. And that was only when I wore my “full face of makeup” like to work or going out somewhere, not for everyday. I don’t wear any lipstick now. A far cry from my very vain days.

    Variety is the spice of life for that little squirrel. 🙂 This “Squirrel(ly) lady has never seen a Red Squirrel before!

    1. Hi Linda! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Ah…a Conney Island Steamer. That would’ve been fun to own. I can just smell the air of what it would’ve been like. Reminds me of the first time we had Chicago Hot Dogs in Chicago – it was a restaurant that just sold those…such wonderful scents!
      I have to admit, I found a photo of me back when I was in my early 20s in a wedding that we wore bright red dresses and I had bright red lipstick on and it didn’t look too bad. I have never been a fan of wearing lipstick though – I didn’t admire those that would and it ended up on their front teeth.
      I’m smiling as I have that less vain look on EVERY day now! 😉
      Yay – I wondered if you’ve ever seen a Red Squirrel or not. Glad I could show you one!

      1. It was a cute little gizmo Shelley – only problem was we had to eat in stages as you could only make one at a time. Every time I would go to Home Depot, they had a hot dog vendor in the vestibule of the store – all he sold was hot dogs, just catsup and mustard and relish … nothing fancy. You could buy chips and a pop and people would line up into the store … a lot of contractors always stopped as well, but a delicious smll.

        I remember when I wore dark lipstick, I had the kind that was a three-step process, a waxy white balm, then you let that set, then you applied the lipstick that was very dry, then a sealer to set it. You couldn’t move your lips for about five minutes so it was completely dry, but it stayed on all day even drinking coffee, eating lunch and I’d scrub it off at night with eye makeup remover pads. Never moved on your lips or onto your teeth. I only did that for work though. Less vain is me all the time.

        Nope, never and they are so cute – wonder why they are not around here?

        1. Quick, easy, on-the-go lunches that smell good seem to always attract crowds.

          Oh, my, goodness…that’s quite the ritual for lipstick. Impressive that it stayed on all day. I’d worry about what chemicals were in it? I have a girlfriend who wears lipstick all the time, she’s usually reapplying after meals, etc., so it must not be that kind. Do you use chapstick or anything like that for walking in the winter? I use castor oil, that seems to work well.
          I wonder why you don’t have any red squirrels either. They are quite sneaky so maybe they’re always in hiding like your chipmunks?

          1. I don’t know about the chemicals – I don’t have any of those lipsticks anymore. I really was all about makeup back in the day and long-lasting makeup, so it took a while to apply everything so it lasted all day long. My face was oily when I was younger, so there was a primer, rice powder, rice powder sheets and the makeup … it took a while to do makeup to not look “made-up”. I think every woman should use makeup as it enhances their looks. That I don’t wear a speck of makeup now still amazes me and had you told me that years ago, I’d have rolled my eyes for sure.

            I wonder why we don’t have those red squirrels – they are so cute and those tassel-eared squirrels are cute too. I don’t think we have the tassel-eared squirrels in the U.S.

          2. I wear less and less makeup now too. I think naturally healthy skin is more beautiful than covered up skin. But that thinking helps me from putting on the stuff in the first place. 😂 I roll my eyes when I look at my little bin of makeup that I no longer use, but keep just in case.

            I haven’t seen those tassel-eared squirrels either, but according to Wikipedia they are in Colorado and Arizona and New Mexico. They’d be fun to see, I’ve never been to any of those states so the odds of me seeing them is zippo! LOL

          3. If I had a dollar for every piece of makeup brought home through the years, I’d be a rich woman. I keep it in case too, but I doubt it is okay to use now.

            There was a photographer I followed for a while and then his posts got too out there with all the Photoshopping, but he was Danish maybe or Swiss? He would photograph those tassel-eared squirrels (sometimes thy call the tuft ear squirrels) and then put them into scenes, like in a garden sniffing a flower, or handing a flower to another squirrel. The photos were actually great, but then became a bit unbelievable with Photoshop.

          4. Yeah, the shelf-life is one of those things to pay attention to especially items that we put directly on our skin.

            There are some people that believe the photoshop photos are special forms of art. I find many unbelievable too, but, at the same time, it’s kind of fascinating what can be done. It’s when photoshop is used to create a narrative to manipulate the facts -that I cannot support.

          5. Before Photoshop was a “thing” I went to a hairdresser (hairdresser before “stylist” was a thing). She was probably in her 70s or early 80s and had trained under Jheri Redding (inventor of Redken products). She also studied to be a hairdresser in Paris years before. I wanted to trade my one-layer locks for a layered cut, a la Farrah Fawcett’s feathered style. Anne the hairdresser said “your hair does not take a curl unless it is a permed wave – it will fall flat, you will be sorry.” The photographers work with the hair to get it right, then put small fans to blow back the hair just right – voila, perfect hair! I didn’t believe her, cut it anyway – she was right and I began to grow it out again almost immediately thereafter.

          6. Ah, yes, the feathered look. I tried to get my hair to do it during the hot trend and it just ended up looking like a huge sausage roll around my head. Models have lots of people surrounding them to make the ‘look’ look perfect. It’s a good thing when a hairdresser gives tips as to why it won’t work for our hair. Now that I cut my own hair…I sometimes miss the advice on what to do or not do! 🤣

          7. I’ve been cutting my hair for awhile too and have not been back to Jill since my last haircut and highlights in October or November of 2019. I should reach out to her. She follows my blog and has for a while, however, she’s not ever commented on any posts and when I was still going to her and mentioned something I’d seen or written about (not to quiz her, just while I was there as the haircutting/highlighting process was about 2 1/2 hours long, she didn’t say “I read about that.” Oh well. I forgot to look for my haircutting scissors and hopefully I remember where I put the other scissors. I am mindful I could have spent my recent downtime being productive in the house, I really was not in the mood to so.

          8. When you mentioned the time commitment for hair appointments…I shuttered and was thankful!! Can you imagine adding that back into your schedule now?

          9. Yes … you’re right about that and I went for a haircut every six weeks and a haircut/highlight every 12 weeks. I was high maintenance. 🙂

          10. I forgot to say I use Chapstick, the old-fashioned one that’s been around for years for Winter, but Blistex with a high SPF for Summer, but I have a mask and pull it up if I’m not alone and someone starts walking with me.

    1. Hi Nikki, I’m glad the post gave you a chuckle! My hubby was talking about how much he enjoys seeing them and the little piece stuck in the popcorn popper – it reminds him of how many times he made popcorn over the last decade. Happy memories!
      PS – I enjoyed seeing your snowdrop photos, they are beautiful. I’d go for seeing some here since all we have is a new foot of fluffy white snow!

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