The next photo I take will be my favorite. But…then again, if I think about that statement, I question the validity of it. I’ve taken a lot of photos that have been just that…my next shot and they are some of my favorites, so far…and with the help of fun photography challenges here on WordPress, I’m sure there will be more favorites to come.
It is rare for me not to include a photo or two (or more) in my posts. My camera is never far from me, and I adore how a photo ties my words and thoughts together in such a fascinating way.
Mr. has said to me, more times than not, “We’re gonna need a bigger server…”
Photography is a relaxing hobby for me. If only I could just do that all day long…
To grow my skills, I’ve found photography challenges to be an excellent place to learn from others and to also meet other bloggers.
The first photo I used to enter a black and white photography challenge is a favorite one of mine. My cat Dessy loves to pose so she makes the cut many times in my blog.
I kind of fell in love with the black and white thing so entered a bunch one week, read more here. The challenge runs on Thursdays over at Cee’s Photography. The prompt comes out later in the day from when I’m normally writing or posting, so I’m ahead of when it comes out, or I end up missing it often. But when I do join in, I’m so impressed with Cee’s friendliness and support for all who participate, and it is a fun way to meet a lot of photography bloggers who are like me learning about photography and anxious to see what’s around the corner in great photos.
Thursday’s seem to be a popular time for photography challenges. I enjoy participating in, (when I have photos that match the prompts) Nancy Merrill’s and Norm‘s Thursday Doors. Both bloggers are so welcoming and enjoy greeting you when you join in on their prompts. You can’t feel alone when you join in on their challenges.
On Tuesday’s I like to participate in Frank at Dutch Goes The Photo. On Saturday’s I enjoy the Lens-Artists, each week a different host posts a challenge. If you want to see more amazing photos from around the world, you’ll enjoy their challenge prompts. I love how they support learning-as-we-go photographers like me!
And last, but certainly not least, on Sunday’s, I like to participate in Terri’s Sunday Stills. Terri is so supportive and encouraging, and her photos inspire me to keep on shooting!
Post Inspiration #MyBlogMyWritingStyle – 30 Day Blogging Challenge (rules here) word prompt – photography and question of the day, ‘Do you use photographs for your blog – why or why not?’
PS – I’d love to hear from you about the photography challenges you recommend? Are you a photography buff and want to share your tips with me, let me know your blog link in the comments?!
Thank for listing all the photo bloggers. Pictures add so much personal touch to the blog.
You’re welcome, I’m thankful you appreciated the links and the photos!
Hi, Shelley! How are you? I love Cee’s and Nancy’s challenges too! They’re welcoming and helpful. I love your take on that grass. Is that grass?
Hi, Winnie!!! How are you!?! We always find each other eventually, I’m so glad you stopped by, it reminds me that I haven’t been by your blog for awhile!!!! Watch for me this weekend! Yes, that’s blades of grass in the early morning. Yes, Cee and Nancy’s challenges are so fun to participate in! See you soon – thank you for stopping by to check in!!
Sorry for not dropping by your blog too. I’ll try to catch up. Yes, we always find each other hehe. It’s okay, Shelley. You know how busy life can get.
Aw, I know you will, you’re so thoughtful and I appreciate every time you stop by!
I completely agree – challenges are great fun as well as excellent opportunities to learn about photography and to meet lovely people! Thank you for an excellent post promoting blogging!
Thank you, Leya! Ditto back to you and fellow Lens-Artists who support and promote each other!! I’m inspired every time I view all the photos that are shared around the world!!
This is such gorgeous post.
Thank you, Cee, I always appreciate your support and the opportunity to share photos with other bloggers!
You take such wonderful photos, too. Love the dew on the leaves. I’m trying to get better at detail like that.
Thank you, Janet! It’s all in the manual setting and the right lighting, and playing around a lot to see what works…don’t get me started on how many attempts I do…!!
A lovely, thoughtful post Shelley. And you DID sneak a fence in there, didn’t you! Thanks for participating with us
Thank you, Tina, yes…I DID find a way to sneak a fence in :-)! Thanks for stopping by to take a peek!