As I’ve aged, I’m getting better at feeling it’s okay to be late. Occasionally, a day late isn’t that bad of a thing, right?
Anyhoo…delays happen. Now, let’s finish that post I started yesterday and got interrupted with other pressing things. So yeah, here we go.
As an aspiring young oldish aged personal blogger with gray frizzy hair, I find that the more I experiment with taking abstract photos, the more passionate I’ve become about capturing and mixing those photos with my playful nature photography too. Especially in humid weather. Talk about double the trouble – curly hair and humidity. Um…yeah…it’s instant volume.
Here’s an aspiring selfie below to prove the above. The photo was taken on a spa-like humid morning. I had tied it in a bun to control the fun.

In a quest for a sappy photo, Mr. reminded me that the day after he had removed another tree root while rebuilding the retaining wall, I had taken a large rock like a hammer to the stub sticking out of the ground – it turned all sappy. You wouldn’t have figured that out from the picture. I had to serve up the PSA so you wouldn’t think it was something more gross, right?

I’m late to the Sunday posting party because we had to finish cleaning tasks at one of our rental units. I’ll save that story for another day. It did involve spiders, webs, and moss.
For today – here are some double trouble, things in twos, photos I captured while bunny, and bird-watching from the less humid space in the confines of our house.

As the sunrise burned off the fog, I saw the little red squirrel returning to check out the yard for yummy treats. The little finch on the fence didn’t welcome him.

I could spy the two bunny scoundrels through the steam on the window.

I was pleased to see them eating grass instead of my flowers for a change!

The momma deer are still training their little fawns – they stay close to their hiding space in the woods.

In between days of AQI haze and days of clarity, the turkeys and the Sandhill Cranes travel through the field unbound on their summer quest for meals of bugs and small critters. Not sure who decides which way to go, but they cover the soybean fields multiple times a day.

The turkeys will sometimes chase away the deer too.

We have two families of cranes, two with a colt.

And another couple without a colt.

The crow families have also been entertaining and naughty.

Take a scroll through the murder scene…(no animals were hurt, it’s just what a bunch of them together is called).
A sweet pair of finches, just two youngins that are fresh off the nest.

Aren’t they cute?
And the best duo for last, two baby bluebirds with sapphire tips on some of their feathers make me think so.

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “sap/spa/asp/pas/PSA.” Use one, use them all, use them any way you’d like. Bonus points if you use them all. Enjoy! Terri Webster Schrandt’s Sunday Stills – July 23 Double Trouble, Things in Twos; and July 22 Dan Fenner of Departing in 5 Minutes invites us to join his UNBOUND SUMMER.
PS – I hope you have a wonderful last week of July!!!
Well done, Shelley, and don’t worry about being late. I still enjoyed this post. You have such a wonderful collection of photos in this post. The critters have certainly been keeping you busy. I love the crows in the birdbath. They sometimes seem like they need a kiddie pool instead. I hope you have a great week!
Thank you, Dan! LOL – that would be funny to put out a kiddie pool for the crows. I’m sure they’d make quite the splashing party.
Always better late than never Shelley! Loved your little birds in this one.
Thank you, Tina – I appreciate the warm welcome even if I’m late. The little blue birds are so cute when they’re learning to navigate our little spot in the world.

PS – and WOW – your collection of majestic and breathtaking photos sure hit the mark of unbound!!! I’m in awe!
Hello. I like a lot of these photos. My favorite is the one of two finches on a wooden beam. There’s something very touching about it. And the selfie is a work of abstract art. Take care.
Hi! Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. I was touched by watching those two finches. They put on quite the show (moving about made it hard to catch a clear shot of both of them).
PS – I enjoyed your Ringo Star post – very thought-provoking!
I love your critter photos, Shelley, so cute! So amazing that the scoundrels aren’t munching your flowers for a change. The humidity must be extreme, your windows are soaking wet! It’s okay to be a day late too, no worries! Have a great new week, guys.
Thank you, John. The critters come out in the morning and then between 4 – 6 pm so I get to see them twice a day.
The humidity is high – add that to the heat and the smoke and it is very poor air quality on top of the heat. UGH.
I hope your week cools off a bit…111 is way too HOT! Stay cool and same to you – we hope you have a great week!
Sometimes ya gotta give yourself a break and be late–which you aren’t, Shelley! Love what you did with the SPA words, LOL! Two bunnies, pairs of birds perching an bathing are so precious! I also love the two juvenile finches and baby bluebirds learning how to be birds! Enjoy your week and I will “see” you in August!
Thank you, Terri – I appreciate your words of encouragement!! It was fun looking through my photos to see how many pairs I had.
Enjoy your week too – and your break on July 30th! See you back in August!
I LOVE the bluebird babies!
Thank you, Dawn, I was happy with the photos – they’re so darn cute when they see their reflections in the water and then look at each other like, “Did you just see that?”
I just love all the wildlife you have in your space. Always something to watch, families to witness, and life happening around you. So nice Shelley. I especially loved your abstract rain and am glad you are getting rain water for your yard and plants. The squirrel was a fun capture and my gavotte was the series of birds on your bird bath. Life is good in your neck of the woods.
Thank you, Donna, this year we have quite the collection. I think the soybeans versus corn help us see more.

Yes, we’re thankful for intermittent rain storms. The humidity is so high it has been helping keep the dew on surfaces for a good portion of the mornings.
I’m glad you enjoyed the photos!
Enjoy your travels – I can’t wait to see what photos you capture that are your favorites when you return!! Happy trails and lobster tails!
Thanks Shelley. I think you are so lucky to live in your little slice of heaven.
You’re welcome – thank you too – we do love our little homestead!
We’ve got the bunnies, we’ve got the crows, but we don’t have the cranes. I know how you feel about allowing yourself to be late, not easy for anyone with perfectionistic tendencies. Still this is a lovely post. Everything in its time, I suppose.
Ah, yes, the cranes. They’re not always in our midst – they do enjoy the soybean seasons the most. They can stroll around and eat and then take a nap and blend in without being seen.
Yeah…those PTs strike me often.
Thank you, I appreciate your words of support and encouragement.
PS – CONGRATULATIONS on completing installment 3 of 3 and the soaring stats!! I enjoyed reading all the Q&As. I’m now wondering what are you going to do to top that extravaganza of work and fun?

What am I going to do now for blogging fun? I’m going to return to my basic ways, writing SHORTER posts, reading what other bloggers write more than fussing over my own stuff.
That sounds like a wonderful plan!
Love your abstracts. It’s good to make use of the out of the ordinary. And quite an amazing variety of animals too!
Hi Jazzibee – thank you, I appreciate your feedback. I enjoyed your post too – you’re so lucky to have such quaint and stunning spots to visit. I’d definitely be there taking photos too!

I have to drive a 30-mile trip to see the cranes and you just look out back – see you catch a break there and those cutie-patootie birds made me smile. The crows are a pain and spoil it for the little birds. We have a lot of crows lately – some mornings I hear them and think I am on the “Hee Haw” TV show set as they are that loud. Murder is such a funny word for a group of them – who comes up with these animal and bird group names. It is okay to be a day late, but if you’re a dollar short, you must’ve bought a lottery ticket.
Yes, I’ve been taking photos of them for a month and finally had a post to share them in. I knew you’d be happy to see the cranes. I’m glad you liked the little birdies too. It’s like all the birds have had another batch of offspring!
LOL – Hee Haw show – YES, they do resemble that here too.
I didn’t buy the winning ticket that happened in our town this past week. Dang…oh, well, I’ll hold onto the dollar I didn’t spend – it’s worth a penny saved.
Do you remember a post I did on baby blue jays? Your babies reminded me of them. They were learning how to fly down for a peanut on the path. Their mom went down to demonstrate and they were practicing landing and retrieving. I had put down a lot of peanuts just to watch them and take photos.
The crows really belt it out sometimes. I have some pics of one eating a donut to use for a Wordless Wednesday. It WAS a donut, though up high it is difficult to tell what it was. Sounds like Hee Haw … just need Grandpa, Luann and Roy and Buck.
I am not lucky at winning the lotto for myself, but have given a winning ticket to someone. Bought one for myself at the same time = 0 for me.
Yes, I remember that post about the baby blue jays. The baby blue birds do a lot of flying up and down from the fence to the ground to catch flies and moths and grasshoppers (from what I can tell). Do you know if Blue Jays learned in the wild that peanuts are a tasty meal?
LOL – I flashed back to the days we used to faithfully watch Hee Haw. CAW, CAW, CAW!
Me either, never play, never win.
Those little jays were so timid … Mama had to show them how to be bossy. Their calls were not loud, but squeaky. So cute.
One TV in the house and my father liked Hee Haw, so we ALL watched Hee Haw.
Those big jackpots are an outrageous amount of $$ even taking the lump sum which is usually about half. I bought a $5.00 instant after I found $5.00 on the sidewalk. Not a single number and you get a ton of chances to win.
It’s fun to watch the little birds learn from their folks.
Yeah, I grew up with the ONE TV too – my dad loved Wheel of Fortune. We only had one station to watch for a long period of time too. We didn’t know what to do when we got two as we wanted to watch both channels. Now I can’t find anything to watch with 100000000 channels of nothing!
Better to just save the $ you find or buy the critters some treats instead. They bring you more joy than a losing lottery ticket
Very true – it was $5.00 wasted. At least I get “critter smiles of appreciation” from the squirrels. My parents bought me a small B&W set for the chest in my room so I could watch “younger shows” .than they watched. “That Girl” was my favorite show at that time – I wanted to be like Marlo Thomas’ character when I grew up. I’ve watched more TV the last 18 months than the last 18 years on Amazon Prime … my TV is very old – 1990s so I’ve been streaming shows. We used to watch Wheel of Fortune too – I did better at that then Jeopardy.
I loved “That Girl” too!!! That’s fun that you had your own TV and that your current TV is still going strong. I think everything was made better back then.
Me too – we watch Jeopardy every night and on a rare occasion, I pop out the answer and feel quite proud for a moment until the next question comes up and I have NO clue!
Well, Wheel of Fortune I would feel smart but Jeopardy I would not. I do Wordle every day and my win streak is nothing special, believe me, but I do it and the Spelling Bee (where I do better) everyday. Brain training.
“Oh Donald!!” … Ann Marie’s favorite expression. I saw Ted Bessell in a Broadway play … he and Loretta Swit were in the play “Same Time Next Year” … could not get past him being Donald.
Same here! I haven’t played Wordle for a while, maybe I should get back into that.
LOL – Yes, Oh Donald!!
I am not stellar at Wordle – today I had 4 of 5 letters and did not see “bathe” in those letters. I’ll try for a while to figure it out, but not too long. Yes, her voice … husky, can hear it now!
I’m hit or miss when it comes to Wordle. I find if I give it a shot after I’ve had some coffee, I do better
I often end up on the last line (a/k/a Phew)!
LOL – me too!
I just got a Phew today!
Beautiful wildlife and raindrops, Shelley. Lucky you having them so close! The little birds talking in the end are my favourites.
Hi Leya, thank you, I appreciate your feedback – I’m glad you enjoyed the little birds, they were so sweet sitting there.
I enjoyed your post about Prince Eugen, it was an exquisite twist to the prompt, well done!
Excellent. This post is mostly for the birds.

Thank you, John! I enjoyed your part 1 and part 2! Soaring to a boar and the skies the limit, great job!
Lotsa birdies here!
Yes, the birds seem to like our yard this year. I remember you like Crows so I hope you enjoyed the photos of them being naughty!
Love the bird clicks!
Fab collection for this challenge.
Thank you!