What better day could there be to celebrate my 1000th post than Earth Day 2023? None, I guess. As it happens, both coincided nicely and conveniently for lil’ ole me – it was destiny, right?
I spent considerable effort and time going down a rabbit hole of old photos to put this post together. I needed proof that the tree experiments I’m embarking on in 2023 will most likely succeed.
Before I elaborate, let’s pause to see if you see what I see in the garden bed nearby where I transplanted my Autumn Joy Sedum plant.

It’s a rabbit nest, isn’t it? Oh, dear, what a silly rabbit! Sigh…it’s what rabbits do at this time of year. Maybe if I keep checking the scene mama will get the hint to move her babies?

The Sedum is growing though, so that’s good news to me!

Back to the story about the tree. The rabbit hole I took helped me find the proof that I have a magic green thumb for growing mighty trees from a single branch.
You see, back in 2012, along with the other flowers that came in the floral arrangement basket, I took a chance and planted a branch of a curly willow tree. I didn’t know it was a tree branch at the time, it just looked like it could use some dirt to see if it would grow into something I should treasure in my garden.

It’s that tiny twig next to the back wall on the left…it had something that looked like a sprout on it, so I stuck ‘er in the dirt next to the bleeding heart to see what would happen.

I checked on it throughout the summer.

I was tickled to see the first leaves!

After the tiger lilies (which I also relocated this spring) burst into their full blooms . . .

My little tree grew bigger leaves.

And got taller, with more leaves.

It apparently liked the spot chose by me! The original branch didn’t last, but the new sprouts did. I think that’s an important bit of info as the story continues.

Meanwhile, Copper and I contemplated life after losing my mom in April of that year. The company I was working for was closing at the end of the year and I would be looking for a new job. I scored a deal at JC Penney’s on a new suit for interviews. The suit I wore the day I interviewed for the job I still have both 10 years later.

Our oldest had graduated from gaining her first degree and was actively working and living on her own. Our youngest was heading into her senior year at HS and the next year she’d be off to SAIC in Chicago, meaning our nest would be empty.
That summer, I started my first blog (Random Thoughts By Shelley on Blogger). I filled my time after work with flowers, garden beds, learning how to play with my camera, and time in the yard with Copper that I wrote about all on that blog.

Apparently, taking terrible selfies was a thing I was into. But, I digress.
Copper contemplated life right along with me.

I planted so many flowers that year.

I took my camera with me every time I went outside to check on the flowers. Copper was there watching my every move.

I was glad I tried Gladiolus bulbs. I love them but am frankly glad not to do them again. They’re a lot of work and only survived my technique for a couple of years.

Then the summer was over. The Autumn Joy Sedum bloomed and attracted bees. I was so pleased that everything I planted that was a perennial survived.

The tree started to look like it was ready for fall in September.

By November it lost all of its leaves. I had to let it do whatever trees do for the winter and hoped for the best.

Fast forward 11 years later and the tree is gone from that spot (see my previous post) and our revival of the retaining wall project has been on hold due to weather.

A day or two before it snowed 6-8 inches, I asked Mr. if he’d be game for trying to grow some trees from the branches he cut off. Thank goodness he humors me.
Back in 2012 is when he built all my current flower beds. What a hero he is, no wonder he jumped in again to haul tons of bricks this year. Once a decade is probably good enough though, right?
He even helped me put the larger branches we were trying to save in water buckets. He tied them to the fence so they wouldn’t fall over in the storm and would stay moist until we can plant them.

I picked some more branches off the ones he had cut off the tree and put them in a bucket in the tea house.

And I stuck some twigs in the floral foam in a basket in the house. I looked but couldn’t find that I ever took a photo of the original basket.

That’s how the tree was originally discovered. It was a decorative branch, that grew to be a tree. What a show this year’s trees are going to be.

That’s the scene of where we’re at in April 2023. On Earth Day, it snowed and was cold, so it wasn’t the right time to be out digging holes and planting trees, even though it probably is the right time of year to do so. Our local Earth Day projects in town were postponed until next week due to flooding. So…maybe next week will be the week we plant the twigs/branches and watch to see what happens.
In the meantime, I have branches and sprouts scattered all about. Hoping one technique or more will prove to be the ticket to keeping the tree growing in our yard where it belongs. Memory trees from my mom and the year 2012 – a life-changing year for us all.
I checked on progress yesterday. The tea house sprouts have been chilly in the cold water, but seem to be thriving. The stalks are sprouting roots! Well…I’ll be…silly me…this experiment might just work!
The branches in the large buckets are still keeping their leaves.

I didn’t notice any root sprouts yet, but there’s a small branch that’s growing off of this one. Remember…that’s what happened with the first branch!!

From when we first stuck the branches in the buckets, I think things are happening.
The leaves are changing and growing.

This is going to be an interesting summer indeed!
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “scene.” Use it any way you like. Have fun! And Terri Webster Schrandt’s Sunday Stills April 23 – Earth Day
PS – Thank you dear blogging buddies for being here to celebrate my 1000th post with me. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you! Let’s take a vote, which branch saving technique do you think will work? How many trees will take off and grow? One, two, three, twenty, or none?
Congratulations for your 1000th post. Keep posting and enjoy.
Thank you, much appreciated!
You’re welcome
Hooray for 1000 posts, congrats, Shelley! A fun look back at everything you did to add plants and flowers to your yard. I wonder if you had that much snow back then in April? It’s been a winter! We have so much room to plant fruit trees, shrubs, giant pine trees, etc, and yesterday was a great day here for weeding! Yes, I uprooted 5 pounds of noxious weeds on Earth Day–sorry weeds. A fun post Shelley, love all your eyeglass choices, too. I have a few myself! Enjoy the rest of your week and here’s to more sunshine in your area!
Thanks, Terri! 2012 was a very warm April – the flowers were blooming outside of my mom’s window the day she passed away. We only wore light coats to the cemetery.
I agree, this has been one crazy winter.
Yay, for you, that’s a lot of weed pulling! I need to do that too. It’s amazing how they grow so easily no matter what kind of winter we have.
Yeah…I’ve had so many different shapes of glasses. That was a bunch I donated that year. They’re coming back in style, perhaps I should’ve hung on to them.
Thank you, you too – enjoy the week and every ray of sunshine that comes your way!
Ah, yes…spring in the Midwest. Will it be sunny or snowy? This year Earth Day was both. Loved seeing the pics of Copper. He was such a cutie. Congrats on your wonderful success! I look forward to another 1000.
Yes, you nailed it Anita – and your post with the Red Bud tree reminds me that once they bloom, the warmer weather isn’t far behind.
Aw, thank you, glad you enjoyed seeing photos of Copper. He was a very big part of my blogging life, even if he was such a little guy!
Thank you so much for your encouragement along the blogging way, I truly appreciate you!
We help each other.
Yes, we do!
Congratulations on reaching this milestone post, and the timing. I love it when significant posts fall on just the right day. I liked following the tree. I’m glad it has worked out for you. I’ve been about 75% successful when transplanting things. I just moved a 5′ maple tree–fingers crossed.
My favorite photo is the action shot of Copper running.
Thank you, Dan, sometimes timing of things work out for me! I’m thankful for your blogging friendship – you’ve been so kind and encouraging all these years!

I’m glad I tend to be a documenter of things that happen around our house. We need the reminders now that we’re older.
Hmm…75% success rate is pretty darn good. I have hope now! I’ll keep my fingers crossed that your maple survives. We’re at 25% success rate with maples. The rascal deer like them too much.
Aw…thank you, I love that photo of Copper too. He used to run like a maniac when he was outside the fence.
PS – I enjoyed your post with Willow’s interview. I love how you all encourage each other on your writing and publishing efforts.
Copper’s expression in that photo makes me happy. We don’t see deer around here. Lately there have been bears nearby, but this happens in the spring as they start looking for a home. We keep removing turning their habitat into warehouse space, and then people get angry that there are bears.
Aw, yes, Copper running and enjoying life was one of his best expressions
We think we saw some bear scat in our front yard. They are on the move here too. We can’t get angry when we take their homes away. We have lots of neighborhoods being built near us, I’m sure that will mess our bears as well.
Good luck with your plants, Shelley. I hope the sun starts to shine very soon.
I’ve never thought to try rooting a branch but I will now if I get the chance.
I’ve been replacing the plants that died over the winter with hopefully hardier ones.
Thank you, Cathy. I just checked the weekly forecast, and it appears the old saying about April showers will bring May flowers may be all that we get for now. I hope I won’t be too late planting my tiger lily bulbs!
I hope rooting a branch works for you. What plants have you found to be hardier ones? I need to do that too. My irises, daisies, sedums, and some lilies seem to be all that I can get to return each year.
Where we lived before snow was very unusual but the back garden was very sheltered anyway, now the back is very open to the elements and I lost plants that thrived in the previous garden. the ones that came back this year were salvia, catmint, geum, alpines, heuchera, fushia, vibernam and buddleja. I was most sad at losing my favouroite hebe. I put a new in a pot so I can cover it next winter.
Aw, I feel sad too when I lose a plant that’s supposed to be a perennial. You have a lovely variety. I hope your hebe survives. I was thinking about doing the pot technique this year, hmm…thanks for the idea!
I’ve had hebes in pots previously and they were ok so fingers crossed!
I need to look into the hebes! Thanks for the suggestion.
You’re welcome
good luck!
Congratulations on 1000!
Thank you, John! I appreciate all your support over the years.
Hurrah for #1000. I enjoyed seeing our Copper again and such fun. Tortured Willow is a bit of a pest around these parts. Your Winters will keep them in check. You can see how easy they are to grow. Imagine branches breaking off and drifting downstream, stopping wherever and setting roots.
Thank you, Brian – I’ve so appreciated your support all these years! Copper did too!!
I hope you’re right about the winters keeping the trees in check. We need to be more strategic this time they are planted.
Yikes, I can’t imagine them drifting downstream and taking root. Oh, my, that’s not good!
Congratulations on 1000 posts!!! AND on the curly willow. I’ve always admired those at the nursery, almost bought one on more than one occasion. Who knew you could make more but just cutting off some branches! I know that willows, once established are pretty hardy, I predict you will have many curly willows in your yard soon!
Thank you, Dawn! I’ve appreciated your blogging friendship, thank you so much for the encouragement!
Mr. said, “A free tree is worth the effort.” Hopefully, many of the ones we try planting will take off like the original one did.
I love to watch all your changing, growing, and evolving things. And I’m so glad you’re my blogging buddy with 1,000 posts under her belt–that’s so impressive! Sweet to see Copper again, too. He was just the best sidekick!
Aw, thank you, Rebecca! I’m so glad you’re my blogging buddy too. You’ve encouraged me and my ramblings so much over the years, I can’t thank you enough!
Copper definitely touched our hearts over the years, he was indeed the best little sidekick ever!
One thousand posts is a terrific accomplishment. Here’s to thousands and thousands more!
Thank you, Neil! I appreciate your encouragement!!
Congrats to you for your 7 years of overcoming your writer’s block on your blog – in such a clever and witty way, by the way!
Congratulations Shelley, a lovely post to celebrate your 1000th. #sundaystills
Thank you, Debbie, I appreciate your encouragment!
I loved reading your post about Earth Day – riding bikes and hanging out with your family. I’m jealous of the weather that looked perfect!!
A thousand posts! Wow! Congratulations! I bet all of your growing methods succeed and you have willows to plant all over the place!
Thank you!! I appreciate you being here to cheer me on
we’ll be planting them in the ground this week. I’m hoping they aren’t attractive to the bunnies and the deer.
Fingers are
Great choices. . I had a Curly willow one time in our old house. I loved it. Congrats on that many posts. Wow, that’s awesome.
Thank you, Kristin! We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the willows take off and we’ll be enjoying them for years to come.
I enjoyed seeing all of your photos on your post. You hit the highs and the lows of our enchanting earth! Nice job!
First off, congratulations on your 1,000th post Shelley. That’s a lot of posts … I remember when you were posting daily and probably were racking up a lot of posts with that schedule. I liked seeing the whole process for the garden and it’s hard to say which tree-transplanting process works best. I have never transplanted a tree, only perennial plants in the backyard and they “took”. You have a lot of patience – that’s for sure. I liked all the pictures of Copper. He seemed very happy, frisky … that cute face and those white paws.
Thank you, Linda! I’m so grateful that our paths crossed here in the blogosphere. Your blogging friendship keeps me going more days than you probably would ever know!

Oh, yes, he was so happy and frisky then.
That’s the year he became very attached to me. We connected and kept each other taking adventures outside. Copper adored your comments as much as I do.
I think it’ll take me a lot longer to get to another 1000 posts!
The planting of the twigs/branches is happening this week. Keep your fingers
I am equally as grateful and feel the same way Shelley. That is nice of you to say that – that makes my day … well my evening too!
Copper was full of life in those photos – I liked seeing him looking out the door with a cat by his side too and one picture of Mr. working, I saw Copper running nearby. He will always hold a special place in your heart as he should.
I do not post as much as I did years ago. I had that Dollar Photo subscription as I did not know about Pixabay or Creative Commons. I would be out walking and see something and write a post that night and slap a picture on it and call it done – one picture, no hours wading through images to find what I needed for a post. I would not have racked up 1,800 + posts had I not done that. Now, two a week is plenty unless it is a holiday or a special exception.
I will keep my fingers crossed the twigs/branches planting works 100% and they thrive!
You’re welcome, Linda!
Yes, Copper was in his prime those years and won my heart. My mom loved him too, so I think he was extra close to me knowing she was gone.
I can’t believe I posted daily for so long. I couldn’t do that now. I don’t know how you keep up with two posts a week with such level of creativity. I’m impressed!
Thanks…we’re hoping they survive. We need to get them planted soon. The farmer was working in the field yesterday, so I think it’s a good sign to get them into the ground!
Animals have such a strong sense of what is going on around them – people have no idea. Cooper feeling the same sense of loss as you and bonding to you even closer then.
You did it – it was amazing. I have several bloggers posting daily and more than once a day … I cannot keep up with them doing that, so have to be selective and just comment on one, not both posts. I thought I’d make headway tonight but likely will not. I am glad I have the blog as it keeps me from going crazy with everything else, like work, noise in the neighborhood … all these little things, but I can lose myself and escape when writing, so it is fun.
Well, you may have to cover them this weekend, though they are trees so likely have more oomph in them than flowers do. Take your cue from that farmer!
I love that line – “Animals have such a strong sense of what is going on around them – people have no idea.”
Personal blogging is a balancing act – when you find the right groove it feels great – getting behind is rarely fun for me.
We planted some of them and now it’s nasty weather again. UGH!
I don’t think people realize that about animals and especially our pets whose lives revolve around you … they have no outside interests … it is just you.
This weather is the pits – do people still say that. I think “ugh” is the substitute. Got rained on yesterday in that “window of opportunity to walk” and today I just had a short walk in the ‘hood … it will be uglier tomorrow and Tuesday. Enough already with this. Hope the trees survive – do you have burlap to cover them? My little tree out front I planted in 1985. It was small and the first three or four years, I put stakes into the garden and wrapped burlap around it and on top of it – it looked like a Christmas present so I put a red bow on it for the holidays.
I got caught up in Reader last night – where did today go, but I have posts done thru Mother’s Day and am happy for that. If the woman still wants me for the guest blog, I did a Word document with info for pictures and have the pics ready too … if she doesn’t want it, that’s fine too. I hope it is better weather next week.
Well said, Linda – we are our animals world!
The weather is the pits! You’re right your Monday and Tuesday won’t be nice as you’ll be getting what we’ve had the last 3 days. Pits, Ugh, Enough Already – all good words to describe the feelings we’re having about weather.
Maybe we should cover the trees? That’s cute about the burlap you used, the bow was a nice touch!
WOW – way to catch up in Reader and be prepared for May!!! That must feel great?!!
Yes, let’s hope for a better month of weather with May!
Yes, I wrapped it faithfully until the trunk got bigger and it could withstand the cold. I used to put all my roses under cones too. We have snow showers right now and that dusting overnight. I don’t think I’m going to make it to Reader tonight. I had a long day and worked late as I took my car in this a.m., then left when it was ready, in the middle of the day and walked almost five miles today as I walked to the allergist for my shots, then back to the mechanic this afternoon. I am pooped! I’m going to try and set time aside daily to read – new month, new affirmation, but not tonight.
I should’ve protected some of our bushes over the winter. I’m not sure they’re going to survive the rabbits mowing of them throughout the winter.
It’s better to start on the 2nd of May as then it’s a true 30 days. 

Wow – that’s a long day. Great that you got 5 miles in while doing errands too.
I had to chuckle, I made a big list of things I’d like to do this month, I didn’t do any of them.
I hope you rested and feel better today!
I like that reasoning about the thirty days … yes, I started a book and read it and relaxed as the weather was so ugly outside. That was part of the reason I was happy to get everything done … they had predicted two torrential rain and snowshowers days … they got yesterday wrong, today right and ugly tomorrow morning as well. I have these lists and promises to myself in my head which never come to fruition … good thing they take up residence in my brain and I don’t waste pen and ink writing them down.
It’s the 3rd now and I looked at my written list…and…drumroll…I MAY give up on the ideas
The weather isn’t even for the birds right now! Today might be nice though.
Us too and I’m looking forward to it … Thursday improves but overcast.
It’s a miracle, it’s 50 degrees upon rising today! It was 70 outside and 70 inside at one point yesterday.
Maybe…just maybe…spring has finally arrived!?
It felt like it today – beautiful morning and I hated to come back home. I’m looking forward to a few days of sunshine for a change.
Yay for nicer weather! It’s cloudy and 56 here, rained all night. We’re finally getting the April showers in May.

We had a beautiful day today … I had intended to go one more place but wore myself out … did about six miles again today going to two parks. We are still having this storm with hail and high winds tonight. Ugh. Rainy day until afternoon tomorrow.
Yay for 6 miles!! It was rainy on Saturday, thunderstorms overnight here and then sunny on Sunday. Roller coaster weather. I hope your storms weren’t too bad!
No, they weren’t as bad as predicted thankfully, but we have thunder rolling out there now, supposed to have a few thunderstorms overnight – SMH.
We had those thunderstorms…they were loud and long. I hope they lost steam by the time they got to you!
They did and now they are calling for three days of rain Friday through Sunday. I took this Friday off and when I told him that I was taking it off, I said because the weekend is going to rain half the time. Now, Friday will be iffy from mid-morning on and thunderstorms Friday afternoon. (Well, I have my book …) And rain over the weekend on/off. Not great news. It was beautiful today – too nice to work.
I agree, it was SO nice yesterday, I was glad it was still nice after work so I could sit outside in it and enjoy it. We’re expecting rain too, the forecast keeps changing. I hope you have a great day off on Friday!
It was beautiful weather today and I came home worn out after walking nearly six miles and it was 81 degrees coming home in the car. Ridiculously hot and humid too. Our forecast is strange … first we have rain, then not – it rained a while ago. It will be gray and gloomy as well.
WOW – 6 miles, I’m jealous!! That’s quite hot though…we need a gradual increase in heat. It’s raining here, so no walk for us today.
I did almost 6 miles today too – it was chilly and I could have used gloves (49 when I got there at 8:30). It was nicer than walking in the heat – 81 was too hot. We said we would not complain, but no – that’s too hot!
It’s the roller coaster weather that gets us every time!

I struggled with not turning the heat back on today – it got to 68 so back went the hoodie I wear in the house and the fur-lined ankle-boot slippers.
I think the rest of May will be like that, up and down. Hopefully the heat bill will be a pleasant surprise.
Yes, here too. Not had the heat on in a week nor the A/C … my DTE bill should be a lot lower next time.
Yay, we sure could use a break and see some cost of living item not go up for a month or two!
Congratulations! I’m late to the party, but that’s not new. 1,000 is a doozy of a lot of posts to write. You’ve persevered wordily!
Thank you, Ally, I appreciate your encouragement along the way in this blogging journey. You help me remember to keep it a personal journey that is genuine to my own voice. You’ve inspired me more than words can describe. Thank YOU!

I’m flattered. Thank you!
You’re welcome!