In a battle with my snarky side, I affectionately named her, Ms. Snarken. She kept me company as I scrolled.
And I scrolled.
And I scrolled.
And I scrolled. . .
through my bazillion photos to find when in the past year I captured rainy days. I had to scroll through the archives because we haven’t had much rain in 2024.
In March, if rain does come our way, it’ll look more like this – frozen and sticky.

Thankfully, it doesn’t stick around long. I love how quickly the ice melts and it’s cool to look at.

Where was I dearest, Ms. Snarken?
Scrolling, my dear…
Oh, yeah, grr…last year, for goodness sake, there were only four rainy days in my captured photos.
One in July,

Two in August

Including the rainbow after the storm. Aww, that was nice, wasn’t it Ms. Snarken?

Yes, Dear…
And there was that lovely drive in September with the rain falling on the colorful leaves.

Dang, I was letting Ms. Snarken ridicule me for not being a rainy-day photographer. I’m not too shabby after all.
Photography is the story I fail to put into words.
Destin Sparks
I finished scrolling through my archives and copied 16 photos onto my desktop.
Because when you have too many you should always make more copies in another place?

Um…yes. I organized them and left them in a clump to delete later – except for 3.
Here is one of the sky raining sheets of rain. Impressive, eh?

I liked the pop of red on the milk can and the overflowing rain shooting out the drain spout in the photo below. That’s a lot of ‘the’ in that sentence…
Ms. Snarken reminded me the more rain we get, the more weeds grow that I have to weed/pull.

Then I saw this one of my little Pal Copper, which I miss so much. He liked to investigate outside after rain storms, just like I do. I’ll have to venture out in the next rain we get. How will I keep my camera dry?

Aww…that’ll do for now.
I gave Ms. Snarken from the rainstorms of the past the boot. Don’t worry, she’s never far from me.
Before she left she reminded me to share the Last Photo on the Card for February 2024. It was a record-setting weather day for us. The next day, it was below 32 degrees and it snowed.

I scrolled again. The last photos I took were of the Mourning Doves. Do you think it was raining or not?
Nope, but, it sure looked like it could though.
Until the spring showers arrive, the Mourning Doves cry, or coo, as they welcome the tiny buds on the maple tree. How many doves do you see?

That’s all for now, see you back here next week!

Post Inspiration: Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “clump.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun! The Last Photo on the SD Card for February 2024 for Brian. Terri Webster Schrandt’s Sunday Stills Mar 3 Rainy Days and John for Lens-Artists Challenge #289 – Tools of Photo Composition where his specific instructions are to focus on Shape, Form, Texture, and Light.
PS – Do you ever let your snarky side get the best of you? How’s the weather where you are? What photography tools do you like to use the most – shape, form, texture, or light? Do you venture out in the rain with your camera? Are you ready for the Spring ahead time change? Queue your snarky side now…
Copper was such a cutie, I wish I could have met him. I suppose you could put your camera in a one gallon freezer bag while you walk, and take the camera out very quickly for the shot? I like the clouds in the July thunderstorm, beautiful. I think the weather channel people call the sheets of rain a rain shaft? Great photo memories, Shelley! Have a great new week, guys.
Yes, he was. You would’ve liked Copper.
That’s a good idea about the camera.
We’re blessed with a good view of the storms coming and going.
A rain shaft, I’ll have to look that up, thank you!
I hope you’re off to a great start to the week now that the wind storm has left your area. So scary, glad you’re okay and so is your house!
Thank you so much!! It was great to walk out front of the house and look at the roof. Amazing. This place is 26 years old. Apparently the contractor knew how to build homes that are tough enough for the Mojave Desert climate. Been in this house five years already! It was nice in the backyard this afternoon changing the food in the hummingbird feeders. No wind!

You’re welcome. What a relief. That’s amazing and lucky for you. Aw, I bet the hummers were happy to see the food. I can’t imagine how hard it is for them to fly in wind like that!
It must be very difficult. I suppose they stay on the ground under a bush.
I would too!
You did great photographing the rain. The August sky looks like a wash out was coming.
Hi Alice, thank you. Yes, that sky did dump a lot of intense rain!
Rain is not easy to photograph! You did great, especially that shot with the clouds! I usually have the camera under my raincoat until I see something I can’t resist photographing. Copper sure was cute!
Thank you, Dawn. I love your captures of the birds eating out of your hands. I’ve never attempted something like that!
That’s a good idea about the jacket. I’ll have to try that and see what happens.
Yes, Copper was a cutie.
PS – glad to see you’re feeling better and that Penny kept you warm!
Beautiful photos, Shelley. I hope you get back to a normal amount of rainfall this year. I know how hard it is to find those old pictures of the dogs we love and miss.
Thank you, Dan. I hope so too, we did get a short rain storm last night, just a tease for hopefully more April showers.
Yes…those old pictures of our dogs tug at the heartstrings.
LOL Shelley – most people would be very happy to have only 4 days of rain! We’re in for a week of it as we’re headed to NYC to visit with family and the forecast is miserable. I’ll think of you when I grouse about it!
Oh, no, dang…that’s a bummer of a forecast! I hope you have a fun colored rain jacket to wear and that the shelters from the rain you find bring you joy! Ms. Snarken is ready to travel with you in case you need her
Wow, those dark stormy skies alone should Ms Snarken away for a while! These are all great captures of rain and its aftereffects. I doubt I could find a picture of my little Aero in the rain (he hated the water, but I put him on my SUP anyway)–Copper looks very thoughtful in that shot! That pic of your thermometer showing 72F? Wow, totally crazy, Shelley! March can be like that here in my area. Cold one day (or part of a day) then the sun’s out and you’re taking off your coat!
Thank you, Terri. It was a fun challenge to figure out photos for.
Aw, Aero and Copper would’ve gotten along splendidly. Copper was terrified of storms until his hearing went. He never loved getting rained on or his feet wet or dried off when he came back in.
Yes, the weather was so crazy – we hit almost 60 yesterday before the storm rolled through. It’s been hard to figure out what to wear that’s for sure!
Great great photos. I love all the clouds, rain, and snow shots, and the rest.
Thank you, John. And, thank you too for the creative challenge!
Now what a minute, I just posted how by all accounts I am less snarky now than ever AND then you ask questions like these? Honestly I’m torn, do I try to revive my snarkiness or stay firm in my new nicer self? Life is complicated. The rainbow is cool.
Hi Ally! Yes, after reading your post, I was inspired to name Ms. Snarken and to let her appear. To test the waters (clump a drum stick on a drum because this post has a lot of water. . .)
Cool kids find ways to be ever so slightly snarky. I agree, life is complicated and rainbows are cool.
The sheets of rain were impressive Shelley, as was that rainbow photo. A fellow blogger in California took some rainbow photos after their bad rainstorms. I told her I’ve never gotten a rainbow picture, so she kind of challenged me to do that after a storm. Usually, I’m working and don’t take the time to step away and do that – but I will try anyway. I have to say I have not taken any photos in the rain. I know you can buy protective covers for camera bodies and lenses to protect from snow/rain/dirt on a windy day. It sure was nice to see my pal Copper back in the limelight again.
Well it’s easy to be snarky about life and everything going on these days. So I do try to count to ten before saying something I may regret later, but it’s difficult. I just have to listen to the news and start the day off with an attitude, but no one is around to hear me and I usually don’t take my views, nor my feelings, outside the door. The weather here in SE Michigan is like May, not March and I hope we don’t pay the penalty for this unusual warmth down the road. I’m going to just call myself a lucky photographer, since the most of the time, if it’s critters, I’m happy if I get them in the frame. A landscape shot I have more time to play with, but I only use manual on my DSLR and a lot of my photos are taken with the digital compact as I usually have it on me. I do not venture out in the rain with my camera. I’m no fan of walking in the rain, but I’m going to try to change that mindset. No, I wish it would stay as it is now as it is light earlier and now it will stay dark longer, but soon I will leave anytime, so yay for that.
Hi Linda, I knew you’d enjoy seeing Copper again and the rainbow. With the open fields by us it’s easier to see them. When you can find your way out to the parks after a storm, you might just get an opportunity to catch a rainbow too.
I agree, this weather is crazy and I hope we’re not going to have to endure a summer like last one.
You are a lucky photographer – the critters pose so well for you.
You’re going to be so happy to leave your home at anytime instead of working around your work schedule. I’m going to be jealous!
Your Ms. Snarken and my Ms. Snarken would enjoy chatting. There’s much to snark about these days!
Yes, sweet Copper … so many posts with him in them. That rainbow was really defined by that dark sky – it made it really stand out. My friend Ann Marie sent me a photo of a rainbow once – she was going to her car at the apartment parking lot and saw it and sent it to me.
We got to 75 degrees today – that was great, though I was inside at the time, but you have to figure that we’ll have a lousy Summer. Something has gotta give.
Yes, I hated coming home today – I would have gone another mile and taken my time or driven to a large park. Yesterday it was gray forever and cloudy. Yes, a lucky photographer would be me.
I have SO many photos of Copper! Less rainbows, but I do run to grab the camera when I see one.
Should I make another note about us worrying about the summer? 

Wow – 75. And you were inside!!!
I just glanced at my whiteboard and saw the post-it note that I wrote when you and I were complaining about the cold & winter last year. It was dated 3/8/2023!
Copper was photogenic and very loved. Yes, we shattered records left and right Monday. Wow, our note is almost a year old. Yes, you might as well start another note for our weather woes come Summer. You know we will pay the piper for our nice mile Winter down the line. We are having a rain/snow mix Sunday.
Yes he was.
The weather here seems close to late March, early April. A few showers would be nice.
Okay, I’ve updated the note!
Good, we must always have proof and be accountable for weather whining.
Love the Mourning Dove silhouettes, wonderful Last Photos.
I did an aww at Copper too 
Those storm photos are a wow too Shelley
Thank you, Brian – I’m glad you enjoyed the silhouettes in the tree – when I grabbed my camera I thought of you – you capture birds in trees too.
We’re lucky to be able to see the storms coming and going.
Aww…thanks for remembering Copper
I like how you named your snarky voice Mrs. Snarken! And you showed her what’s what with your lovely rainy photos!
Hi Michelle – thank you. I keep Ms. Snarken in check as much as I’m able to. LOL.
I’m glad your eye is better – way to get the treatment in time.
I would sure love some of that rain. But ya…the weeds! I laughed at your frozen rain and the ice melt drips. When I lived in a cold climate, it just felt warmer to see the drips thawing.
The red milk jug positioned next to the waterspout is a great photo. All the elements of composition in that one…. And I guess Eency Weency spider is half way down the street after that ride. Nice post. Stay warm, Shelley.
Thank you, Donna, I appreciate your words of encouragement. You’re right the melting is fun to watch. A great reminder it is getting warmer.
I love the spider comment – my mom loved that song, she sang it to me and then my kids when they were little. I do think of the spiders in the spouts when it rains that hard!
Do I ever let my snarky side get the better of me? Doesn’t everybody?
Weather here has been rainy, but temps in the low 70’s, and we’ve had some great afternoons.
And no, I’m not looking forward to the return of Daylight Saving Time.
Sorry I didn’t write sooner: I had actually written a fairly long response to this on Sunday, and it got rejected because I left my VPN on.i..
Thanks for coming back to reply – I finally got over to your post (that I’m still laughing at – it gave me a giggle for my Friday morning).
Yes, I agree, we all have the snark sneaking out moments.
Can you send some rain our way?
I’ve been practicing for the time change with our cats and we’re ready for it.
Now I’m curious what you had typed that disappeared!
So am I. Next time I think I’ll copy what I type in the comment box so if it happens again I’ll have a backup. For whatever reason, your blog and Cathy’s have a proiblem with my VPN occasionally.
Thanks for thinking of a plan incase it happens again. I wonder what happens and why? So odd. Thanks for letting me know, I’ll have to add it to my list of things I should figure out about my blog.
It flags something in the security module of the Apache web server. Are you self-hosted?
Interesting. Yes, I’m self-hosted through Bluehost.
Such a wonderful collection for this challenge!
frozen and sticky click, my fav.
Thank you for sharing these wonders.
Hi Mr. Philo, thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I enjoyed your post too!!
Our winters here in the PNW are full of rain, but I don’t like to be out in it and since I don’t enjoy it and see it so much I forget to stop and take any photos. haha. I enjoyed what you found.
Hi Kirstin – I’m so sorry it took so long to reply. Your comment went to Spam for some silly reason! I’d be like you staying in the house if it was raining so much. Now I stay in the house when it’s too cold and windy even when the sun is shining. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos I shared. Stay warm and dry and I hope spring treats you well!