Mrs. (aka, Shelley your favorite MIA Blogger) is off looking for happiness inside her house where it’s warm and cozy and where naps happen at a moment’s notice.
It used to be nice enough for the empty nest family to sit outside, but nope, not lately. We’re once again stuck inside missing our Vitamin D sessions.
Dessy has to bird watch from here now.
Mrs. moved her plants inside instead of outside in the tea house where they did so well over the summer. They appear to be happy with the south facing view. It was a smart move on her part to make the move when she did.
‘Cuz we got snow this week and several frosty nights. Record breaking first snow of the season since 1925. The pandemic, an election year, and now record snow. Could the year get any more happier?! It’s snowing again today.
The snow’s arrival was after we finally got the last window standing replaced – it fit perfectly. 5th times’ the charm. The day was nice enough so Mrs. could wash it so it’s ready for watching winter scenic views. The window crew said this year has been a record year for window replacements. Guess all the folks stuck at home noticed their windows more?
Mrs. celebrated her WP blogging anniversary by not writing a post. Sadly because she was feeling more down than up for it. That sadness is lingering into this weekend too. Lots of stuff is on her mind. Especially about some dear elderly friends who passed away due to COVID. She heard a kind person at Public Health mention something wise this week.
It’s important to do a task that you enjoy that takes less than a half hour to complete. Small accomplishments bring us moments of joy when we’re feeling overwhelmed or down.
When one is feeling down, do something that brings you joy. That’s a good idea.
Mrs. made the bed today. That made Tizzie happy – she loves to nap on the bed.
But when it comes to writing Mrs. has to be in the mood for it, that’s for sure. Until she just writes to see what happens. A stream of consciousness kind of way is a good way to start.
As wise ol’ Pooh once said,
“Shh…I’m busy doing _________________.”
Let’s start by taking a smallish nap or two. Winnie the Pooh
Ah, yes, letting a brain doing nothing for a half hour helps.
And happiness can be found watching pets cozy up for a nap. Yoga sleep moves count. Copper sure has napping down to a beautiful art.
Mrs. started reviewing and editing photos from the rental renovation. She got mighty tired doing so. Copper fell asleep watching her labor away. Until she disappeared. And he had to find her again. His deafness and dementia makes him wander around looking for her often. That’s tiring too.
Reliving that whole reno experience is exhausting so Mrs. is off to take a nap, in front of the cozy fire place. Copper will be happy to join her.
She’ll return again soon . . . until then here’s a sneak peek at the completed hallway.
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “starts with ‘m’.” Use any word that begins with the letter “m” as the subject or theme for your post. Enjoy!
PS – From our home to yours we hope you all are finding moments of happiness in your day!
Nice to see you, Shelley! I can’t imagine all that snow. Congrats on the Blogaversary. Stay warm!
Hi Janet!! Thanks for stopping by to say “Hi!” I was stunned to see it’s been 4 years of blogging. I need to get back into the groove before I lose the groove. LOL! I hope the smoke has cleared in your area? We had weird skies this week due to the Colorado fires. It was the day we had thunderstorms on top of snow storms. Just adds to the oddity of 2020!
Hi Shelley, it’s great to see you back here! The floor and hallway look great in the rental, nicely done! Please give Copper a hug for me, such a sweet boy. I thought that rounded window was completed, I’m glad the fifth time was the charm, wow!
WP sent me that award a couple days ago for my ninth year on the platform. I wish things were different going forward for the WP platform’s future regarding that stupid block editor. So dumb.
And, you can keep the snow! Funny change in the weather here too with 79 today, then a high of 59 tomorrow. Wow.
I really like your IG uploads of the food you and the Mr. make, so delicious! Have a dandy Sunday and upcoming week!
Hi John, thank you for the encouragement here in blogosphere. I’ll give Copper a hug for you – thanks for sending him one.
Yeah it took a year to get the window right.
I’m not a fan of the new block editor either. I keep choosing Classic Block.
I don’t want the snow – can’t I send it to you?
Thanks for the IG food follows – there will be another one today, if Mr. can find the grill, the snow is coming down harder now.
I hope you have a great Sunday and weekend too!
Thanks, a great day so far. I think the snow will melt long before it arrives in the valley!
I used to use the LP grill in Michigan frequently all winter long, it still works just as well in winter.
It’s hard to believe it took one year to get that window right, I hope no birds fly into it again!
The classic editor will go away in 2021 so I’ve read, I might try the damned block thing for grins, but you are self-hosted, so you can use the classic editor plugin! happy Sunday!
The snow is still lingering in spots where the sun doesn’t shine much. Mostly melted, just in time to get more. But it will be warmer this weekend.
We grill all year long with our gas grill too. It’s a nice way to feel like winter isn’t as long as it is.
Yeah – one year to get the window right. We’re thankful it is finally done.
I didn’t know that I could use a plugin on my self-hosted site. I need to look into that!
I hope you’re having a great week, John! Take care!
All is well here, thanks! It’s warming up nicely this week here.
PS – Happy 9 years blogging!! That’s quite the accomplishment!!!
Thank you, Shelley!
I don’t think you need to worry about abandoning the blog – you’re a writer and you’ll need to reach out. It’s a stressful time for all and when you add the snow that confines you so much coming so damn early, it’s understandable you’d feel sad! Given all that, you posted a lovely blog-share today, and keeping your hand in seems a good idea. Thanks for including those suggestions, especially doing tasks that take less than half an hour! That’s certainly all I can focus for during these upside-down, worrisome days.
Aw, Ellen, I believe I’d be rich if I put away a coin each time you’ve encouraged me. For that I’m eternally grateful. Thank you!
I’ve been practicing the 1/2 hour technique since I heard it, and it is helping. I hope it is helping you too. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! xx
I’m not ready for snow yet – it is pretty, but I’m not ready to be that pretty yet.
LOL – it is a ‘pretty’ that is only ‘pretty’ for about a month at most each year!
Yeah, I’m also fighting acute amotivational syndrome. The dark times are coming and Covid is increasing. A nap sounds good. I like the half hour task advice. Today’s task is putting the down comforter back on the bed. Brrr. At least we don’t have snow yet…I don’t envy you that. But what can we do? Carry on. (Congrats on the Blog anniversary!)
I bet you’re feeling extra amotivational after returning from being with your family. I’d be looking at those pictures all the time, wishing for more moments like you shared.
The nap helped a bit, but makes for a tough night of sleep.
Mr. and I decided that we’re going to wait a couple more weeks until it’s even colder out before we add an extra blanket on the bed. This cold streak has to break long enough for the 30 degree hang the Christmas lights day ;-). I’ve been neglectful at being the whip-cracker due to the overwhelming summer of other tasks! LOL.
Thank you for being here with me on the blogging journey – your comments always brighten my day!
Naps are always good. I took on several Christmas craft projects. Looks like I will be done by Monday – 5 days ahead of schedule. Then its time to start organizing for Christmas decorating. Everything must be up by mid November. Must be early this year to help stay off the years blahs…
We should pay attention to our dogs and when they nap, they seem to be happy and content!
Wow – that’s ambitious, way to go. Your decorations do bring much joy, I hope this year’s decorating session helps with any blahs you may have going on.
Thank you for being here in the blogosphere – I will always be thankful and remember you and how we connected. xx
Me too. Hope to get back at it soon. Maybe 1 more week.
Hi Shelley
glad to see all is sorta OK with you.
Hi Brian, thank you! Despite my lack of getting around to visit other blogs, there isn’t a day that I don’t think about you – when I’m watching SkyNews from Australia and the day I heard that Australia is requiring extra paperwork to visit. Looks like it’s off my bucket list now. So I’ll just have to visit virtually through your photos.
Oh yeah Shelley. We are doing OK with the Covid thing. We had one big stuff up so that’s not going to happen again. SkyNews from Australia is one big right-wing propaganda machine so don’t put too much credence in their news. ABC News is much better or
Is it your summer there now? Was your spike in what would be your winter?
Thanks for the newstation tips. I’ve been intrigued by how the narrative shared on either side, right or left, remains consistent across countries. I often wonder if it isn’t just better to look at photo blogs instead of listening to the news?!
Yes Summer now. Only one part of Australia had a hard time over Winter. The lock downs and restrictions were quite harsh but effective. I don’t listen to much news….seem to switch off mentally when politics is mentioned
It’s cold here today, and the snow is trying to join in. Our lock downs don’t seem to be effective. I need to stop watching the news!
Lock downs don’t work when people are stupid. Yesterday was a 0 day for infections for all of Australia
Yay – I hope that trend continues for you and Australia. Summer weather helps, that’s for sure. We saw cases lower in our area over the summer months.
I’ve been wondering what had become of you. Clearly you have your priorities right, napping is a good thing. But snow already? Oh my stars & garters– or maybe galoshes!
Shelley, hugs for you, for the friends lost to Covid. It’s been an emotionally tiring and sad situation for so many people. Stay safe, stay strong, enjoy time away from blogging to find some peace and comfort.
The snow…ugh. We were lucky here in Appleton. Only a slight covering of white Sunday night and with the sun out today, a lot has already melted. I hope this is not an omen of a snowy and cold winter, but I suppose we’ll get through it because we are Wisconsin Winter Vikings – we buck up, attack the season and take no prisoners. Right?
Mary, thank you for sharing your encouragement for my blogging efforts and for our state’s COVID situation. Hugs to you too if you’ve lost friends or loved ones.
I appreciate your take on the early snow as a Wisconsin Winter Viking! At least the first round of it isn’t staying on the ground. That’ll come next month!
Thank you too for the bounce-back to your blog post, you’re so kind, I appreciate the share!! xx
You’re welcome, Shelley! I hope the state can get a grip on the Covid numbers and all of our loved ones choose to stay home for awhile. I would take the early snow over a pandemic any day.
Yeah, I’d take the snow over what we’ve got going on too!
You are right, Shelley, Vit. D is an issue in the Winter. It seems many areas of N. America have had record breaking cooler temperature and snow. Your photos show how pretty it is. Although, it may be a long season of pretty. The ‘small accomplishments’ quote shares a great deal of wisdom. Thank you for passing it along. You remind me how we can learn a great deal from our fur family. Congratulations on your anniversary. It is okay to enjoy the space between the posts.
Hi Erica. I agree wholeheartedly on the Vit D – I never believed it until I started taking it two years ago. It has made a difference. I prefer getting it naturally in the warmer months, but the liquid drops I take are a ritual I’ll keep on doing.
I’m glad you appreciated the small accomplishment quote.
Thanks for the blogging support – it means so much to me. I also appreciate your understanding of the being okay with space between posts. xx
The four-letter “S” word has already reared its ugly head?! Tell it to go away – I thought we were bad going from 78 degrees to 53 after a bad storm last Friday night. Yikes – snow! I’m sorry to hear about Copper, but at least with this big job out of the way, you will be home on the weekends ago and that will keep him happy and humming along, albeit a little slower than usual. Give him a pat on the head for me okay?
Yeah, that s-word makes me want to swear! It’s going to warm up a bit more to melt the rest of what arrived, just in time to get more I bet.
Copper has been quite confused – he’s adjusting to it so far so well, but he misses his long snif-the-air strolls around the yard. He’s thankful you sent a pat on the head his way. xx
I don’t blame you – you get so much snow that unless you are a snow sports fan, it’s hard to take (IMHO anyway). Poor Copper – he’s got a loving family who will make it easier for him just like you did with his new food regimen. I will keep your little guy in my thoughts.
Thank you, Linda!
Wow–the hallway looks great. As does your window. And naps! I might be up for one of those myself, today. Haven’t been doing a lot of blogging lately either, desperately trying to finish my novel draft! I hope you’re having a good day so far, Shelley. Always like to catch up with what you’re up to! And Happy Blogiversary!
Thank you, Rebecca. You know the feeling of ‘done’ with a reno project, so I appreciate the kudos on our efforts.
I’m impressed that you’ve replaced one source of writing with another source of writing. I look forward to seeing your final draft.
I’m so thankful that you stop by to catch up – your comments have brought so many smiles to my day over the blogging years. xx
Thank you, Shelley! Your blog posts are always a bright spot in my week, too! xoxo
That window is finally done! Wow – that took persistence. Sorry about the early snow. All the challenges of 2020 were made a bit more livable with bright warm sunny days. Now that will change. I am with you on the mood to write. With so much else going on and hovering over us – especially COVID and the valid fears surrounding it – it is almost impossible to focus. I am so sorry about your friends.
Hang in there Shelley and take those half hours of (hopefully fun) accomplishment when you can. I like that idea. And Happy 4 years of blogging!
Yes – finally done on the window. And the day after the company promptly emailed me the final bill.
The challenges of this year keep piling up. Over the summer, sitting in the sunshine and listening to the wind blow was a source of calmness in my days. It’s not the same dressed in a parka, scarf, mittens and boots. It’s hard to get enough Vit D exposure without freezing first. LOL
I’m thankful for those friends who have been able to be helped by COVID treatments that are extremely time-sensitive, especially for the elderly. Those who passed weren’t so lucky.
We know a lot about how to treat it successfully, but not as many doctors know about it as should.
I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling the focus issues too. I hope you hang in there too!
Thank you so much for all your comments, they are memorable and add joyful moments to my blogging adventures. xx
Ah yes, the bill arrives promptly, never mind the actual correct repair!
Cold weather is not calming at all. The earlier darkness once the time changes this weekend won’t help. But I imagine we will persevere. I often wonder how people felt a century ago during that pandemic and how they dealt with it emotionally as well as medically. Old photos do show some mask wearing! Hopefully current treatments will prove more available – the sooner the better – as preventative measures aren’t being followed as much as needed in many places.
You are most welcome. Blogging does continue to be an adventure
I’ve looked at some of those pictures too – 1918 photos are fascinating. I’ve heard that unfortunately some people who haven’t treated their cloth masks properly have ended up with bacterial infections in their lungs. I think all the mixed messages make everything about this worse. I am impressed with the statistics that back in March 30% of those treated in the hospital didn’t recover, now that figure is down to 6%. Sad for any loss, but it does mean that we have learned a lot about how to treat the virus.
Yes, thank goodness the research is helping the survival rate. I am concerned about the long term lingering health complications for those who do survive. For some it’s a life long disability. Perhaps we should all be using disposable masks – I hadn’t heard about the bacterial infections.
Yes, it is. I’m concerned about the overall health of society – obesity is on the rise, and this whole year has contributed. And I worry about the long-haulers too. One bacterial case I heard about was a family member of my brother’s co-worker. The gentleman died. As I’ve always said, proper donning of the mask and proper care of a mask is a must. I still see way too many people not doing so. The more we touch our face (even just to reposition it) the greater the increase of getting the virus close to the openings that it gets in. Mr. has even watched people at the grocery store, pull their masks down to wipe their noses or to cough and then they put it back on and keep on shopping. UGH!!! Double UGH!! It still maddens me that there isn’t a push on “eat well, stay well” messages. That’s my soapbox for the day!
Well, I agree – more education about cleaning masks is needed. As well as how to wear them – under the nose is NOT adequate. “Eat well, stay well” is a message I have long supported, but now more than ever!
I agree – under the nose … why even wear it?! Jeez.
I’m 100% behind efforts to get healthy this year! It’s so SAD to me that the SAD diet isn’t being challenged and that people aren’t being encouraged to eat better to stay healthy, especially going into flu season!