While Mr. and I have been through springs in Wisconsin together for over 3 decades, we still find it’s hard not to notice the comparison of the appearance of our yard in a week’s time. Especially in March.
A week ago, compared to yesterday. My, how time flies.
We had quite the week of changing scenery – we had the cold tundra, the frosty fog, and the melting lakefront look. The urge to purge layers of clothes and get out the shorts happened too.

We watch the weather closely at this time of year. The frost needs to come up or be close to coming up by the time the temps rise and the snow melts. And before the rains arrive – they’re due to start this week.
Check out the views of the catalpa tree.
The deer are happy to see the bare ground again. They’re busy finding treasures to eat. Their fawns are due to be born in April/May.

As the moon went into hiding on St. Patrick’s Day morning, the lakefront property was looking vast.

We were slightly concerned that the Tea House would turn into the arc and float away?

But that night it turned cold again so the water soaked into the ground overnight. The rabbit came out of hiding the next morning to say hello to the grassy knoll.

Wait, here’s a better picture of the little tike that survived the winter.

While Dessy watched the birds flying around the deck and landing on the fence, I got the spring cleaning bug in my butt to clear out more stuff.
With the arrival of warmer weather, I’d rather be outside working on the gardens, but it’s still too chilly in the wind.
I felt quite accomplished when I tossed out 5 things that I no longer need or use. First off were these two treasures. Why in the world would I save contact lenses from decades ago? I don’t wear them, I couldn’t wear them back then either. I’m just not a contact kind of gal.
I didn’t have the heart to throw out the old glass frames though. I’m going to compare them to the new ones. I’m so effing excited – Mr. took me on a hot date on St. Patrick’s Day. We went to the eye doctor to pick out new glasses and have exams. We haven’t been to the eye doctor since 2018. I’ve been a Shopko customer since I bought my first pair of glasses on my own back in 1984. We went to a new local clinic and let me tell you this – I have never had so much fun at the eye doctor! 3 hours later, we had ordered 5 pairs of glasses. Stay tuned – I can’t wait to show them to you! Mr. picked out 2 pairs of the same frame, – 1 for every day, and 1 occupational pair. I picked out an everyday pair, an occupational pair, and a pair of sunglasses that will look smashing when I go to the vineyard with my friends. I did rationalize that the cost needed to be split by 4 as if we had gone every year, we would’ve spent that amount over time, right? Mr. waited patiently for his indecisive date to make her choices on frames. PS – There is a 60-day return policy…
Where was I? Oh, yeah – the spring purge adventure.
I haven’t worn perfume in years. I gave up wanting those nasty chemicals on my body as well as the killing of my sense of smell. The perfume now appears to me as so STRONG – nauseating in a way! I think wearing it daily seems to numb ones’ senses as to how powerful the scent is? Plus, I work from home, as does Mr. – we can’t tell who stinks more or less or equal.
When I was growing up, my grandmother had pretty perfume bottles and crochet-covered lipstick tubes sitting out on her vanity table.

Revlon would be proud of me for hanging on to this little treasure and storing it in my china cabinet, right? I remember one lady who wore red lipstick at a meeting I attended with her. It ended up on her front teeth. I couldn’t help but see it. Not a look I’d ever want to go for. My grandmother was particular about her application. I don’t remember it ending up on her teeth.
I can say I only wore red lipstick once, and it wasn’t from this tube. Just like perfume, I don’t wear lipstick either, if I do it’s just some gloss or neutral color. I should probably toss those old tubes hiding in a drawer somewhere out too…
My mom did the same thing with perfume bottles as her mom did. We ended up throwing so many out when we cleaned out her house years ago. So, I must do that as well, was my thought process.
Yesterday, these three bottles took a trip to the garbage can and shall never be replaced.

Feeling super inspired to deal with something bigger, I proclaimed to Mr. “I’m going to tackle the clothes and get the items ready for donations.”
Mr.: “Okay, that’s what I’ll do too.” He beat me back to the closet and started to purge before I could grab my camera.
Having lost 30-35 pounds in the past two years, very few items fit him anymore. Unlike me, who has a ‘range of sizes, just in case’, he tossed out the stained/torn items without a second thought. A whole garbage bag full. He piled up anything that was size XL and L and kept only the Larges that run small, all the M new shirts, shorts, and pants that we bought last year when his other clothes were hanging on him. It was inspiring to watch him plow through the task.
I gave him the advice of a YouTuber – ask yourself 4 questions:
Does it fit & flatter my body? Have I worn it in the last 2 years? Do I feel cute wearing this? Is it in great shape?
BussBee Style
The “Do I feel cute wearing this?” question must’ve struck a chord. He went to the races…he was ruthless.
He was done so fast my thoughts about sorting my own clothes got lost in the beauty of the open space that he created in the closet. I had to organize that instead of purge my own items. While I organized the items left, dusted and vacuumed the shelves, floor, and hangers, and admired his handy work, Mr. prepared dinner.
A gifted man, yes, he is. Look at this tower of yum he prepared.

By comparison to the traditional Reuben sandwich, I didn’t miss the rye bread at all. And I was mighty full – no more closet clearing until today, or maybe next week? The weather is nice enough for me to go outside and watch Mr. take down the Christmas lights and sweep out the garage! In MARCH, not April, yay!
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “comp.” Find a word that starts with or contains “comp” and use it in your post. Enjoy!
PS – What is your favorite meal for St. Patrick’s Day if you celebrate it? How long is perfume good for? Does your significant other do better or worse than you when it comes to sorting items to donate?
Wow Shelley, you guys are lucky you didn’t float away! The lake got really huge. Mr. Bunny is sooo cute! I wish I could lose 35 pounds, that would be about right for my belly. And the amount of clothes not needed it amazing, a change for the better! The sandwich looks so delicious, a tip of the hat to your chef! take care, be safe, guys!
Thanks, John, yes we were lucky once again on the melting of the snow. A lot more of it melted yesterday. And now we have rain and cooler temps.
All we really did to lose weight was to ditch the carbs. It was amazing how it melted off like the snow. Mr. feels so much better now and he parted with his clothes so easily knowing he doesn’t want to ever fit in them again.
The sandwich was delicious and low carb!
Ditto to you, John!
But how to ditch the carbs? They are everywhere!
It was easier than we thought it would be. Start small – anything that is processed sugar is easy to ditch.
Spring must be a bit more dramatic for you guys. We were in the 50s all week, so yay! I love the picture of the bunny. I had to laugh at the contacts, but I’m the same way about glasses. I always want to keep my last pair in case I lose/break the new ones. But I never get around to throwing out the old-old ones.
I hope spring sets up housekeeping for good, soon.
Yes, Spring in WI is like spending 6-8 weeks with a drama queen. She was gorgeous yesterday – calm winds and lots of sun high of 60. Today, she’s crying and cold. Sigh.
with the new ones I bought. I hope I feel like I’m 20 again! LOL.
Glad you can relate about the contacts and glasses. I’ve donated old ones before to Saver’s, they give them to veterans I think? I get a kick out of comparing the decades of looks. I think I’m back to the look of the 80s
Yes, I hope so too!
It feels so good to create space in a closet, drawer, or cabinet. My closet is big and it’s easy to leave things there that I don’t wear anymore. I don’t wear perfume or much makeup at all these days, but I still hold on to a few items. Thanks for the kick in the tush to get rid of stuff.
I agree – the feelings of organization and space and clean are just so darn goooooooood! I’m thanking Mr. for his inspiration – he even mentioned the next morning, “It feels so good to have cleaned out all those clothes that don’t fit anymore.”

When I took my grandma’s lipstick out of the china cabinet and saw that it’s still red, and appears to be the same texture as when she wore it. The last time she would’ve done so is in the early 1970s. What kind of preservatives are in it and how does that not affect our bodies when we wear that stuff?
I have a hunch you don’t need this, but I’m sending you wishes for good luck with your clearing efforts!
Yes, I need those good luck wishes… thanks!
You’re a busy lady. I can’t wear perfume it gives me a headache but I never go anywhere with lipstick. I hope your spring stays on track and April warms up.
I’m with you on the headache factor from perfumes! My MIL always wears her lipstick, it gives a nice highlight to a smile when you’re comfortable wearing it. I just have never gotten the hang of it.
Thanks, Alice, I hope your spring is off to a nice start too!
Great post Shelley! I love the list of seasons. “Fool’s Spring”; I think that’s what we’re having here in OK. It was 80 yesterday but there is a chance of snow this week. I love perfume. I think it’s because I worked outside in barns with horses for many years and it’s nice to smell like something other than dirt and muck. I learned the other day that keeping your perfume in the bathroom shortens it’s life. Something to do with the humidity and temperature changes. I’ve been feeling the same about cleaning. I wonder why we feel the urge to purge things in the spring?
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the post. The wacky weather keeps us springing on our toes.

I can see why perfume would be delightful to cover up the barn smells. Yeah, that’s a good use for it, thinking back to my experiences of the barn smells.
Most perfumes, and medicine lives are shortened if stored in the bathroom. Yet, there’s always a medicine cabinet in the bathroom.
I’m trying to seize the cleaning idea before the weather gets too nice and I don’t want to be in the house! When my kids were young it just seemed appropriate to clean everything thoroughly so that they could mess it up all summer long! LOL. The last two years seem to have blurred together and the dust bunnies have come out in full force. Must.Clean.Must.Clean!!
Best wishes for your purging and cleaning!
Hahaha! Yes, WHY do we deep clean before we’re going to be outside most of the time for the next few months? Shouldn’t we do that in the fall? It’s kinda like why do I clean on Friday before Hubs is gonna be home all weekend? lol!
LOL – right, why do we do all those things? I clean the kitchen on Saturday before Mr. messes it up with one of his hankerings that require splatter guards and the overhead fan I had just cleaned. Good thing the meals and how they taste always make up for the messes.
We are dong the same comparison over here in Michigan. We do it every spring too. And every spring we think we’ve shed winter and we are wrong. Winter is a sneaky miserable old man.
Yes, you know what we’re going through. I hope Spring wins over Winter soon!
I’m not a contacts girl either. I happily stopped wearing them decades ago. I don’t wear perfume anymore either. I was always very picky about which scents I’d wear, but when I ran out during the pandemic I didn’t bother to order any more. Saved myself a lot of money. I would miss rye bread on a Reuben sandwich, though.
I tried 3 times to wear contacts and I couldn’t do it – the floating effect of seeing my vision going in and out made me sick to my stomach. Plus watching the finger approach my eyes to put them in or take them out freaked me out!
BTW – That was a delightful post of yours.

I had to be very picky about my scents too so as to not be offensive to my MIL. She no longer complains as I don’t wear any to confuse her nose. Yay for saving money on an item you don’t really need or want to have part of your life anymore. The Goblin Mode strikes!!
Mr. and I haven’t had bread in 2 years. We do substitute with chaffles, but we decided to go bunfree and brave – living on the wildside. We still may try the rye flavored chaffles some time, maybe the next time we make the burgers. We (he) went out and bought the spices to do so…
I stopped wearing contacts in 2009 after I got laid off – I missed them during the pandemic because of the fogged-up glasses. When I first got contacts I was over the moon about being able to walk into the house or a building on a cold day and no more fogged-up glasses. I am used to myself in glasses now, so doubt I would go back again. I also liked “Pleasures” by Estee Lauder which I switched to after I thought “Knowing” was too heavy a scent. Congrats to Mr. on the weight loss and cooking such delicious. I hope the snow, ice and cold are gone for good.
Hi Linda, thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I did like the feeling of not having glasses on when I tried contacts too. They just didn’t work well for me at work. I’m like you, used to glasses now, so won’t try contacts again ever.
I really liked Pleasures too – I don’t think I remember what Knowing smelled like, but if it’s heavier than Pleasures, I’m sure I wouldn’t like it.
Thanks from Mr. – he’s been a real trooper in our adventure of changing up how we eat.
We had snow overnight, but it won’t stick around. It was only less than an inch. I’m so ready for warmer weather!!!
When I returned to glasses, I found the lightest pair I could find to not have anything sitting on my face. Pleasures was nice – I still have some from when I last worked on site in 2009. I am ready for warmer weather – two days next week, then a cold and ugly weekend (what else is new there).
The new trends in glasses are thick frames. Think the 70s and 80s… I’m hoping I like what I picked when I finally get them.
Amen for warmer weather wishes!
I like my outside glasses better than the ones I wear in the house – the outside glasses are thicker and a dark frame and transition lenses. Sturdier too. Last time I was picking frames, I went with the same indoor frames as I can’t see … so the guy who assists in the optical department said he’d help me next time. I can’t see well enough to judge frames without my glasses. Got eyeglasses on my 7th birthday – ugh.
7th grade is young – you’re used to wearing them then. It’s interesting how those of us who have been wearing glasses the majority of our lives have our preferences. I tried the transition lenses for my everyday glasses once. I liked them outside, but for inside I didn’t care for the never quite clear coloring – made it hard when I was picking out paint. We repainted when I got new clear lenses a few years later.
It is nice when the staff help pick out frames. I’m nervous that I’ll like the frames I picked out as they youngins were helping – they don’t remember the 70s and 80s looks…….
I got the transition lenses in the heavier frames so working outside, they aren’t flimsy and break. My inside glasses don’t have transition and they are lightweight frames – I’m constantly having to fix the frame which comes apart … new glass frames are in order! I remember the 60s looks with the cat eye glasses. Not a good look!
I’m nervous to go get my new frames. Today might be my lucky day… Yes, you should go get new frames so that you don’t have to hassle with them falling apart.
Some people can really pull off the cat eye frames. Not me…
I despised cat-eye frames as a kid and I really don’t “get” the big, oversized glasses look that is trending now. All these years, since returning to glasses after wearing contact lenses for 35 years, I chose the lightest frame possible, initially I guess to trick myself I was not wearing glasses. I am going to ask the optical department person their opinion since I can’t see without my glasses and I have to tell you that I looked at their selection (massive collection, a good portion of them designer frames) and they all looked so similar. My favorite style for years was aviator-style frames and I still have a pair of sunglasses that I wore for years when I wore contacts. I just liked the style and thought they were flattering.
My new glasses are a combination of all of them. I’m still adjusting to them, so we’ll see what I end up with. I have to ask for help too – I can sort of see what they look like in the mirror there, but when I get them with the lenses, it sometimes is a different story. We’ll see……..literally…which ones I end up with.
You’ll have to take a photo so we can see them and your “new look” Shelley.
Soon, once I get them all adjusted and confirmed on which frames I’m keeping!
Perfume gives me a headache, so it’s off the table, although my mom has worn Chanel No. 5 all my life, and if I catch a whiff of it, I turn to look if she’s around.
Excited for you and your new glasses! Always fun! I got new lenses this year, but kept last year’s frames. I still like them, but new ones are always more exciting. I did take a pair of older frames to Costco and have my new script put in them a couple years back, but I find I always wear one pair more than any others. And of course, I always need new prescription sunnies. It’s fun but expensive! Can’t wait to see yours.
I get perfume headaches now too. That’s sweet that your mom’s scent brings happy moments to you though.
I’m so excited for the new glasses. They should come in this week, hopefully. The first few nights I dreamed about how great they’ll be, and then this week I’m starting to have regrets and doubts. I watched some documentaries from the 70s and 80s and it was dejavu with the glasses people were wearing back then. I wonder if Mr. will think I’m younger looking with them? Oh, dear, it’s going to be interesting! Thanks for the encouragement.
I hope all is going well with Maggie – she’s so sweet looking!
Oh, I’m drooling over that sandwich–and very impressed with your husband’s clothes clean-out!
Thanks, Rebecca – I’m drooling thinking about all the fun food you got to enjoy in Philadelphia. Your trip sounded so fantastic. I’m so happy for you. What you accomplished and the people you met and shared time with will no doubt sprinkle success on your writing adventures to come.
I’ll be smiling thinking of you while I’m back here sorting clothes and watching the birds ;-)!