More and more each day, amidst this ever-growing messy pandemic scene,
I feel as though I’ve lost my sense of self in a weird and distorted kind of way.
When I try to blend into the background of conflicting messages being shared – I feel like an innocent wildflower reaching for something to make sense of it all.
If I stand tall, at the door of my beliefs, wanting to say what’s on my mind, I go silent instead.
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. – Dr. Seuss
I feel lost like a child running through mazes in a field of corn. I remember how fun and scary at the same time that feeling was. Aw … and I remember how our kids loved to walk through the cornrows with us, I miss them so much.
The cornrows as they hit this height can be so inviting. It’s easy to lose your thoughts as you focus on moving your way through the maze.
I’m fascinated by the mysteries of this bizarre phase in life that were trying to navigate our way through. We’re living in some wild-ass crazy time, that’s for dang sure.
The damn virus forms in droplets that can attack us when we pick it off of surfaces.
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. – Reader’s Digest
Or it can be airborne and spread that way too – even though the masks we’ve officially as of today been mandated by our Governor to wear in indoor settings may or may not help the spread. As I said before, the mask donning technique and proper care of it makes the difference when it comes to touching of faces and spreading viruses. Amen to the idea of frequent handwashing.
As the case count goes up, it’s been quite the mess in our state trying to come to a consensus on should we, or should we not wear masks. Frankly, both sides of the argument make science sense to me. Yeah, I’m one of those people – I listen to both sides and just shake my head in disbelief at the level of controversial factors and the hate expressed on both sides. Yikes – it’s disappointing, to say the least.
Embrace the glorious mess that you are. – Elizabeth Gilbert
It’s a matter of perspective I guess. And when the mask counts (or is required), wear it.
Should I take both sides of the argument at face value? Or zoom in on only one? Or just go back and forth between the two sides depending upon where I stand at the moment? When I’m alone in my own yard, I’d say mask-free is mighty fine with me.
All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure. – Mark Twain
When I find myself timid of expressing my own varying opinions with those that may be lurking just waiting to pounce out on me it makes me want to pull my wild hair out.
Then I remember, oh, yeah, “Duh, it’s an election year. Things are only going to get crazier and crazier worse the closer we get to election day.” Methinks it’s time to shut off social media and the news.
I know I need to hang on to the thoughts and values that matter most in my own head.
Why fit in when you were born to stand out? – Dr. Seuss
I take plenty of walks around my yard to clear my thoughts when they get too messy.
And I stop to admire the flowers who seem to survive in their messy container worlds. They don’t seem to fight like humans do. They just get along and grow and grow and grow – in their own unique ways.
As they bend and twist with the wind competing for the sun, it’s survival of the fittest when in tight quarters. Those with open spaces to breathe seem to do better.
When something goes wrong in your life, just yell, ‘Plot Twist!’ and move on. –
Whether I blend my thoughts into the background or let them float up toward the Vitamin D producing sun, it’s up to me (us) to find what solid ground I (we) stand on for support as we continue to grow and learn new ways to navigate twisting changes in life.
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – ‘more’ Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “more.” Start your post with the word “more.” Enjoy!
PS – I was surprised at how fun it was to zoom in on the corn as it is growing. I didn’t realize the stalks were so hairy! Do you remove the old morning glory vines or not? The vines don’t seem to mind either way. What do you do to clear your thoughts?
Great photos, Shelley! I never watch the so-called news. Tuned out.
Thank you John – you’re wise to stay clear of the doomsday news!
Thanks, I stopped viewing that rubbish long ago. It just brings me down…
You’re a wise man, John!
In some ways, yes! hehe!
Run with the compliment :-)!
Wonderful quotes. I loved the first Dr. Seuss but then others were equally as great. I think all we can do is hang on to what we believe is true and the rest will sort itself out. Love your pictures of the corn. Their “hair” is so amazing how it grows.
Thank you Anita, I appreciate your feedback and words of wisdom. Dr. Seuss is wise as well ;-). I was pleasantly surprised with the photos of the corn hair, it is amazing how it grows.
Wonderful post with wonderful quotes and photos. I was wondering what those threads were
Thank you so much for your feedback!
Beautiful and unique images (as always!) and fun quotes too. I hadn’t realized that corn silk had color to it. Very cool shots. I think I may clear my head (if and when that’s possible lately) by doing what you just did – go out into nature and take photos. Forced to focus
Thank you Andrea. Yes – excellent idea, I hope you did so and I hope you had fun too!!
You’re most welcome! Yes I did and it was a calming kind of fun
Thank you, Andrea. It’s been a long time since I stopped to look at the corn in this stage. I hope you had fun clearing your head and playing with your camera.
You’re welcome, Shelley! I did
Stunning photos, Shelley. We’re all in a very strange place these days. I’m working hard to practice grace, especially for myself.
Thank you, Laura. Yes, indeed, it is a strange place we’ve found ourselves in these days. Grace is a nice way to navigate it!
On the pragmatic side, do you all know that if you microwave an ear of corn (after cutting about 3/4″ off the flat end) for 4 minutes and then let it cool (the hard part), the shuck-able stuff comes right off and doesn’t get all over everything? It helps to be lazy! Loved the Seuss quotes.
Thank you for sharing, Ellen, I had never tried cooking corn that way. After you posted this comment, I saw a video on Facebook of someone demonstrating the technique. Impressive, and not lazy at all :-)! Glad you enjoyed the quotes.
I love the photos of the corn tassels. 2020 has certainly been a crazy year.
Thanks, Dan, indeed it has!
Great photos as always, Shelley. Love the hair on the corn. We have been masking for a while now and while our county was the last in the state to become one, we are now on the “watch list” as our count gets higher again. I don’t wear a mask when walking Benny around the neighborhood but do cross the street if someone else approaches. Craziness for sure and I can only hope things get better and not worse in November.
Thank you, Janet, glad you liked the photos. Your state has gone through lots of challenges – Wisconsin has too. We don’t wear a mask when we’re walking in the neighborhood either, but do wear them where required. I agree with you, I hope things gets better in November!
I so relate to your thoughts of losing oneself in a weird, distorted way during these times. Writing helps me clear my thoughts. I appreciate the quotes you shared! I like the plot twist one, I hadn’t heard of it.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for your thought-provoking post too – it gave me a sense of peace as I let my mind wander about wishes. xx
You’re welcome! And thank you for your kindness! I really enjoyed writing that wish post and also let my mind wander about wishes, too, when I was writing it. xx
I really enjoyed your post. Thanks for all the beautiful photos, especially of those flowers, and for the balanced and relatable perspective. I can completely relate to feeling too timid to express my own opinions. When you wrote, “Yeah, I’m one of those people – I listen to both sides and just shake my head in disbelief at the level of controversial factors and the hate expressed on both sides. Yikes – it’s disappointing, to say the least.” I had to chuckle. I know some people (in my own family) who, if I even try to remain neutral and non-argumentative, they get upset because I’m not agreeing with them.
Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed the post. And that line in my ramblings. I agree with you, it is challenging when others get upset when we don’t agree with them, or choose not to argue so their point can be reiterated. Some topics are best left alone is my preference in those situations ;-)! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!
Lovely photographs and I really like your reflective blog posts; I can definitely relate to things that you write about.
Thank you, Rob, I appreciate your feedback. Indeed, us 50-somethings have plenty to relate to each other about. I sure hope there’s still time for us to help make a positive difference :-)!
I understand that at this time of year you can actually hear the corn grow.
Re the coronavirus, I think the biggest issue is that there’s so much they aren’t telling us. What constitutes a case? They’re not distinguishing between those who have an active case, those who had it and got over it, those who have it and aren’t showing any symptoms, those who have had to be hospitalized. When they list the deaths, are those people who died of the virus itself or those who had the virus when they died of some other cause? There are a lot more questions I could ask, but you get the idea…
Thanks for sharing your thoughts – I agree with all you said. I have all those questions running through my mind on a daily basis. Ah, yes, we are hearing the corn grow. It’s at the stage right now that it rustles in the wind and sounds like rain falling or waves crashing. I close my eyes and dream I’m on a beach somewhere far away from any viruses or political ads. It’s a nice place
Fantastic beautiful photos! I just choose to try and keep my mouth shut, and go outdoors. Even if it’s 100 degrees! I just want to know the truth, and be free. That’s all
Thank you, Lisa. I feel the same way as you do. I’m glad we live in a rural area so being outside and free to roam our own yard is easier than it would be if we lived in a busy city.
I can’t even imagine being locked down in an apartment. Yikes!
Shelley, what a lovely post and beautiful photos. The black-eyed susan is one of my favorites.
I get what you’re saying about losing sense of self during this pandemic. I believe we all are to some degree. I don’t like being more of a hermit, not being able to hug my friends, and missing the comraderie, and yet I know I need to keep myself and others safe through the pandemic. Perhaps we’ll be better for it when we return to our former selves, with the gratitude of knowing what’s truly important to us.
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Thank you, Mary, I appreciate your support and the sharing of words of kindness and wisdom. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. And that your last few weeks of work life are enjoyable.
Great photos that are way more cool than I’d think an ear of corn could be. I know what you mean about the shifting sense of self during this pandemic. I stay home mostly, but wonder how I will have changed because of it. For the better, I hope.
Thank you, Ally, I was pleasantly surprised by the photos too. I don’t know that I’ve looked at corn at this stage quite so much as I did that day while playing with my camera. I’ve only been out of the house to any particular place less than 10 times. I do take a daily walk. I definitely feel more like a hermit now. I think we all are changing. I hope for the better too!
I really like the collection of photos of the corn and the twisted or messy silks Shelley … very creative and the collection of quotes surely fit the photos and the narrative to a “T”.
Aw, shucks, thanks, Linda!
Many thoughts that have no replies intermingled with superb imagery. Be careful of entering corn fields, many enter but not all return in the same condition they left. I am sure your shadow photos are a subconscious desire to be taller.

I must admit that when I saw the first photos, I did think that you had let yourself go in isolation and went with wild woman hair
Thank you, Brian. I haven’t entered the corn fields yet, but I’ve been tempted to see if I can get any other kinds of photos.
LOL – yeah, at 5.3 1/2″ there are days when I wish I was taller.
Who said I hadn’t let my hair go wild? I have – I’m embracing it frizz and all (humidity is not a curly girl’s friend!).
You’ve made corn silk much more beautiful than I’ve ever seen it! You’re not alone in the confusion and loss of self. Hang in there girl!
Thank you – I appreciate your words of encouragement!
Wow–I’ve never seen cornsilk look so pretty! Hang in there, Shelley. Yes, I pretty much ignore all the talking political heads in an election year, and every other time. Their job is to stir us up, and I’ve got enough stirring me up at the moment!
Thank you, Rebecca! I’m doing my best to ignore the noises. Yes, you’ve got plenty going on – I’m thankful I don’t have school aged kids right now, that’d just add to the chaos of everything else.
I think your photography practice probably forces you to ignore the noise and be still. I should take up something like that–just feel I’m going in a hundred directions all the time! You said it: chaos!
Yes, I agree – photography does help me focus and shut out the noises – the silence is refreshing. I don’t think I would’ve done well with the hobby when my kids were your boys’ age. Like you said, a hundred directions all at once is more of the norm than not. Hang in there – you’ll have a quiet day soon when they head back to school.
Really great opening line, Shelley. And then the photos of the shadows. Goosebumpy.
Dr. Suess’s wisdom stands the test of time. I always like Elizabeth Gilbert. Your photos are stunning! A thought-provoking and beautiful post. Hang in there, Shelley. This, too shall pass. xx
Thank you for your kind feedback, Erica! Yes, Dr. Seuss and Elizabeth Gilbert quotes are favorites of mine. I sure hope this does pass, sooner, rather than later! Take care, xx