
Monday Morning Mad as…

If you want to make friends in the morning, you should be nice.

I know that, but I’m mad today.   Sigh…

And, I seriously have my second guessing doubts about using the Gutenberg Editor.  I didn’t hear rave reviews from my fellow blogger friends.  And sharing photos isn’t as fun as this editor that I’m typing in today.

And, Gutenberg is still not finished, they are still making changes to it, that means we’re the test pilots.

For goodness sake, it’s still in the mud making stages.  MESSY!


But, I’m not sure if it is that or something else due to WordPress and Bluehost not talking well that my Monday is messy?

You’d think they’d be on good terms – they make enough money off of each other, right?

I’m such a non-techy for explaining things, so pictures work for me.  But when I want to ask for support, I know it’s hard to just include pictures, or can I?  I can magically include all the problems I’m having here in a post.  Then send them the link to my blog post.

Boom…that should work, right?

Or some kind blogger who’s been through the same hassles that I’m going through might just stumble upon this post.  I’m hoping they’ll pounce in when they hear my bird chirping desperation call for help.  And they’ll rescue me by saying, “Aw…she’s a damsel in distress…I should really help her out…”!


Bluehost and WordPress should really talk more often, though.  Yeah, that’s it.  Get together, sit down, shoot the breeze, heck, even have a cup of coffee and get their sh*t straightened out.

Man…I am mad as…

Today.  Monday of all days of the week.  Way to start it out frustrated.

Here’s my 1st problem of the day.  I know there are what used to be called Happiness Engineers somewhere?  But they used to be free to talk to, but I can’t find them.  They are MIA today.

And if I log on to Bluehost, they have this cool link to WP Live thing now, but it isn’t FREE!?  To me, that tells me they’ve got major problems.  If they need to charge to help us.  $50 bucks a month…WTF?!


Actually, I’m just trying to figure out what went wrong?  I can see that I need to update my Bluehost.  It’s glaringly obvious.  Duh…


I can run the update just fine on my .com account.  It looks successful, so the screen pop-ups say.


But then I verify on my .org account, and it says this:


Why the heck can’t I run updates, that, by the way, can’t be automatic?  WTH?



And these messages just keep steady hold of whatever needs to be fixed.


I tried logging in and out. That didn’t work.  I tried logging into Internet Explorer and running the update on IE, and that didn’t work on my .org account, but it looks like it did on my .com login it works…


But on my .org account, the updates continue to fail.  Why is my little old blogosphere space an update failure?

I’m missing something…what is it?


I can update my theme just fine…I think…


It seems there is a mystery beyond my imagination that needs to be solved.  And I’m feeling ashamed I can’t figure it out.


I’m mad as…_______, here on this Monday morning.  There must be some cute little Mystery Man in Black somewhere that could solve it?


Post Inspiration – A-Z Blogging Challenge 2019 – M and Monday Blues

PS – Do I have any takers to help me?  How does one contact support on WordPress for free?  Is there a magical email?  Does anyone else have problems between their .com and .org logins?  And…if you can’t comment or like on this post, I’m guessing I did something else wrong :-(!  





27 thoughts on “Monday Morning Mad as…

  1. When I self hosted years ago, I found that uninstalling and reinstalling a plugin can help. Sometimes the persons who built the plugin stop updating it too which can affect its performance.

    I had a chat via keyboard with WP the other day. I searched “contact” in DuckDuckGo and got this. They are pretty quick to get with you. The problems you are having are a major reason I decided to let WP host the site, they do all of the “back end” work for you.

    I wonder what would happen if you disconnected the integration between Blue Host and your WP admin panel? Use them separately? The C Panel of your host in my View should be separate. I am by no means an expert with this stuff. 😮

    1. Thank you for your support and ideas to try. I’m hearing more people who just let WP host their sites. I just wanted to avoid the extension since I purchased the domain. Oy…so much to learn and figure out. It’s nice to have fellow bloggers, like you, to air thoughts to!

    1. Aw, sorry to hear you’re having problems too! I don’t believe we’re alone in the frustrations. I agree, hopefully everything will work out properly…soon!!

  2. I wish I could offer some help. The WordPress site I maintain for our company is hosted with GoDaddy. I used to maintain a site for an association I belong to, on Bluehost, and nothing ever seemed to be easy. Between those two experiences, my decision to let the folks at host my site was born. I am having problems at the moment, but the Happiness Engineers have been working with me.

    I would echo the comments above. I’d start by deactivating or uninstalling the plugins – update the site and then add the plugins back. We’ve had to do that (often) on our self-hosted site. It either works, or it lets you identify the problem-child.

    1. Thank you for the advice and support, Dan. You sound way more versed in it than I am. I hope your problems resolve soon!

  3. Oh my. I am now completely convinced to keep it simple. I have their .com site and a small fee to have a domain name without the wordpress in it. This is supposed to be fun! I did a chat with the Happiness Engineers this morning and it was free. Not sure why yours is not.
    What you describe is crazy-making. Good luck!
    I like the unplug and replug advice. That seems to solve many tech issues. It even solved my washing machine issue. To stop it from turning on the spin cycle at random. But I digress…

  4. Are you on or I do at the Business level and support is occasionally helpful. Although last week I tried getting a straight answer from the Happiness Engineers about why I cannot both like and comment on some blogs. They were unusually unhelpful, evasive about why the platform does not work like it used to. Just sharing here so that you don’t feel alone in your struggles.

    1. I purchased my domain and have an account with .org as well as .com. I sent an email to JetPack for support – I pay for that for assistance. So far…no help, yet. Thank you for sharing you’ve had struggles as well. Sorry that you do, though.

      1. Just checking back in to see if Dan’s idea of commenting first, then liking second will work here. He got farther with the HE than I did. Ok, here goes…

          1. Bummer…I don’t get it, and that makes me sad. Or mad…yeah, still mad. Nope, no help from the HE’s yet.

  5. Wow girl, you went way over my head with this one – I hope it got better and you have not lost anything! Tostitos are in order for sure!

    1. LOL – not better yet, still the same problems. Sigh. Apparently my comment to the Happiness Engineers went to spam? 1/2 a bag of Tostitos didn’t help either.

      1. That’s terrible – they need to correct this spam issue too. They have adjusted the spam filter within the last 2 weeks as lots of us are ending up in spam. I had no idea they charged for the Happiness Engineers as you showed in your post yesterday. As to WP – as the saying goes: “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” Here, have the rest of my bag of Tostitos … I’ve not heard from the computer guy yet and I’m not going to press him, so unless I venture into Gutenberg again, I won’t need them. 🙂

  6. check with dan antion at no facilities
    because he was just writing about this (something like this) on his blog.
    and hope you get it worked out

    1. Thank you, yes, Dan is a great help! Still not fixed, yet, nothing to do with Dan, though, just WP and Bluehost.

  7. Sorry, but I don’t have any words of wisdom. I have mine hosted through GoDaddy. Hope someone hands you a magic wand soon and makes your issues disappear.

  8. I don’t even know what Bluehost is, is it something connected to the fact that you host your own blog? I like the fact that you are on too and it allows me to comment on your blog here, as some self-hosted blogs on here post but don’t allow comments which is annoying. I wish you luck. I have no patience with any tech stuff. I just switched my internet provider yesterday, and with the new modem installed, now my wireless printer does not work. I tried to set-it up myself but no luck……now I’ll have to borrow a teenager….

    1. Bluehost is my website hosting company. Yes, due to self-hosting. Yes, I agree, it is nice to have a .com account so I can share comments and likes. I’d miss that terribly if I didn’t have that access. Thank you for being someone who stops by and brightens my blogging world. Bummer on the new modem issues – love that you can borrow a teenager to help you with it. Send the teenager my way – maybe they can figure out what is happening with my problems! LOL

  9. I generally find the Happiness Engineers helpful. I did not know that new editor was still in the testing stage, so I think I might wait to try it out until later, closer to when we are forced to switch. I know you and Linda have attempted it with some success, but I am not as techie.

    1. They are helpful if you can get a hold of them. Yes, they are making changes to the new editor frequently. I hope they don’t force it on people until it works well. I’ll give it a try again some day, but probably not too soon!

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