Adventures · Emptying the nest

Mom, it’s just hair, it grows

When I decided to let my hair go grey, I figured, “Aw, it won’t take that long to grow.  It’ll be easy.”  2 years later, well, I’m mostly “done” and it wasn’t that easy, nor did it grow that fast.  But it was worth it.

The easiest times during the process were when I wasn’t paying attention to it.  When I got absorbed in the moments of just being and living, instead of wishing for something else.  For the most part, I’d say my life going grey was easy.

I took myself seriously when I decided to be free from the dye.

Chicago Move-out Trip #1 021c

I couldn’t see the point in spending money needlessly, especially when we were spending money elsewhere, college isn’t free.  We took notes while traveling with the kids when they were young.  It appeared important enough to advertise.  I can say that it would be nice to see those gas prices again…


While my hair was growing grey, our youngest daughter’s hair was growing longer, and longer, and longer.  It seemed so unfair that hers grew faster than mine.  The last time it was this long was when she graduated from high school.

In retrospect, I imagine it was that I wanted life to slow down so she wouldn’t be growing up so fast?  Parents do that.  We want our kids to grow up, but not too fast.  We are kind of partial to the fun memories of adventures together as a family.  Like when our kids loved to dress up and meet princesses and characters from their favorite movies.  And wear ponytails in their hair.

It was almost a year ago since we moved our youngest back home from college.  She had survived the big scary world of Chicago and came home to land for a bit.  It was a much easier road trip to bring her back than it was when we took her there.

Our empty nest was full for a little while.  She was back in her old room, and life was “normal.”  I keep reminding myself that this stage of life is full of transitions.  She’s soon moving again.  We’ll crank up the engine, hitch up the trailer, and our (her) life story will add another chapter to the book.

For now, it was like she hadn’t been gone at all.  Ah, I love that little smile of hers.

The last official time that she was in that room before leaving for college, she left us a note to remind us she’d be thinking about us too.  I’m glad she wasn’t there to see me cry when we left her at the school and to cry again when I read this note.  We left it there for a really long time.

Sarah's Whiteboard 002c

Every big stage in her life, she likes to starts fresh with a new haircut.  She asked me to cut it, she got brave in Chicago and found the benefits of not having to pay for things you want.  I used to cut her hair when she was little to save money.  Now it was my chance again.


This time, I ended up with bloody fingers, from cutting myself with the scissors while trying to be Edward Scissorhands – I blame it on the trifocals…!  But neither one of us shed any tears over this cut.  We were happy to be cutting away the proof of 3 years of not having it trimmed to save money.


The smile on her face from getting a free cut, instead of having to pay for it, is priceless.  And I’m so proud to hear her want to save money and, of course, to see how she has grown.  She’s smart too, – she gets it and me most of the time.

“Mom, it’s just hair, it grows…and yes, you can blog about it, too.”

And so the hair grows, and so do we.


We wouldn’t want it any other way.

13″ of straightened curls were prepared, cut, packaged and shipped for donation to Pantene


9 thoughts on “Mom, it’s just hair, it grows

  1. aw. This made me smile! And I have to colour my hair every two weeks. I have considered going grey…wonder how long the process will take with me? I suspect years….

    1. Thanks, Claudette. It really takes 18-24 months to complete. Unless you go really short early on in the process. I took the long route, but cut it short at 9 1/2 months into it, I couldn’t stand the demarcation line any longer than that! I’m still glad I did it, and when you’re ready, you’ll be happy too!

  2. Your daughter is quite attractive, long hair or short.

    Mary colored her hair for a while, then decided that was stupid and let it go gray. She got nothing but compliments on it. Likewise, she stopped wearing makeup and started just putting Lubriderm on, and people said she looked gorgeous.

    1. Thank you! Natural beauty is the best. Thank you for sharing your story about Mary, she’s lucky to have you supporting her on the journey!

  3. this is priceless. A memory you guys will visit over and over. She is cute, Shelley. she looks like you. Bright smile too. Hugs.

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