Adventures · Cheers

Miraculous gifts from fellow bloggers

This week, leading up to one of my favorite holidays, I have witnessed, experienced, and treasured miraculous events.  It’s common to consider the day of Christmas the big deal.  But to me, it is so much more than all the festivities & presents wrapped under the tree (no matter how darn cute they are!).


It’s about people caring for each other.

We put away grudges, have more patience (by not letting ourselves get stressed over trivial things), and treasure moments that warm our heart.

This month, of all the busy months, I decided to challenge myself to learn tricks of the trade of blogging, (who am I kidding, I’m still a novice at best…way to add stress to the season!).  Holy crap this blogging stuff isn’t easy.

Despite all of my struggles, it has been a remarkable learning experience.

I owe gratitude for the gifts I’ve received from fellow bloggers.  Those who have ‘liked’ my posts or made comments or even shared a link or two, I have appreciated and smiled at their willingness to extend a ‘hello’.  Some took time out of their busy schedules to extend special (heartwarming) gifts my way.

Five special bloggers have given me cyber gifts this year, and I want to say THANKS!

These lovely women, who I’ve only met in cyberspace, stand out to me as special gifts to the blogging world.  The kindness they’ve extended is extraordinary to me!  One who reached out to ask me a question Ellen Diamond; one who took the time to say ‘Hi’ from across the state we both live in Mary J Melange, one who took time to help me troubleshoot a random clicking off of a setting in WordPress that I had NO idea I had clicked it Donna at Windkisses.  Thank you, ladies, you are SENSATIONAL!

A photography blogger has helped me learn about black and white photography by weekly challenges.  Cee’s encouragement (she responds to everyone who participates – to me that’s supernatural powers – she has a lot of participants!).  Her prompts have been fun and challenging.  I’ve never used the B&W setting on my camera (I think it exists -color is my first choice).  Instead of a setting, I figured out how to edit with Windows 10 (it’s a Christmas miracle…).  I’m amazed at how simple filters like Vanilla and Mercury change my photos by miraculously replacing color with black, white and gray.

Cee’s challenge this week is Arches, Domes, and Half Circles.  Baby, it’s COLD outside, and I don’t really like taking my camera out in the cold (I’m a wimp that way).   So with a bit of creative twist and a double dog dare ya effort, I compromised.


I used pictures I’ve taken over the year, and the one time I did venture out in the cold to get pictures.  Check out my gallery below.

I can’t leave without mentioning my 5th and favorite blogger of all time.  Since day one, she has been a faithful supporter, critic, and, a patient saint who’s full of ‘mom it will be okay’ hugs.  I really don’t know if I would’ve continued on through tears brought on by the challenges had it not been for the support of  Questioning Sprout and her little BEE – our youngest (growing so fast) grand-kitty!  (Kittens are adorable, and yes, I CAN wait for the grand-baby stage!!)

Share the love this season by checking out their blogs – you won’t be disappointed – they are all warm, welcoming, and have great gifts to share!  (Links to their names above.  There I go showing off my novice skills – I have to explain things I discovered…someone might not know, just like I didn’t one day in the not too distant past – call it my gift to you if you’re new to blogging…).  

Daily Post Prompt:  Miraculous

Cee’s Black & White Challenge:  Arches, Domes, Half Circles

11 thoughts on “Miraculous gifts from fellow bloggers

  1. Shelley, thank you for the mention and link. I appreciate it! I also very much appreciate your B&W photography. Windows 10 and Instagram has saved me numerous times when the color version of a photo isn’t quite what I expected. Love, love, love the photos of your kitty!

    You are doing an excellent job with blogging for being a newbie. I am truly impressed. It helps to have support from the blogging community and family in this adventure. Have a good Friday and very Merry Christmas!

  2. I have been reading blogs but i have not seen a reminding blogger like yours.all that you mention was very articulate and the love you showed to other blogs is warming to me.more grace to you🤗

  3. hello Shelley, wow I never knew you were a newbie at blogging. You do very well. Love the black and white photos. For me they create a mood quite apart from colour. I can’t put my finger on why. Blessings to you. from Shar. 🙂

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