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EverydayAdventures2017 –Meditation

I never get tired of the blue sky. – Vincent Van Gogh

Throughout your day it is easy to find moments to meditate and reflect.  As you start the day when you’re getting your first cup of coffee, pause and look at the sunrise.  As you pause for lunch, just look up and watch the clouds. Before you retire for slumber at night, sit quietly and watch the sunset.

Meditation doesn’t have to consume a lot of your time.

My go-to-meditation-happy-place is looking at the changing sky.  It’s free and always available.  I love to just pause and spend a few moments noticing what is going on in the sky.  It relaxes me every time.

Pause today as you rise.  Notice how the fog rises as the sun comes up and peeks through the clouds.


Pause today as you take your lunch break…look up and observe how the clouds change as they move across the sky.

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Feel the warmth of the sun, even when it is behind the clouds.

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Notice how the rays from the sun radiate out from behind the clouds.

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Pause today before you end the day and watch the sunset.

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Happy moments of daily meditation to you!