Man, o’, Man, it’s December 1st. For the next 30 days, I’ve got SOOOOOO much to do, I think I need a new challenge for Maself to keep it all straight.
Don’t believe me on Ma long list of stuff to get done?
Well, folks, go ahead and take a seat and settle right on into it, set a spell and ya’ll agree with Ma – the list is holy (sorry, couldn’t resist the holiday pun) sh*t long and ambitious for a month when there is normally a lot to do.
Ready, here we go:
So yeah, that brings me to the crux of Ma own damn problem and why there is such a long list. I fell off the BuJo sleigh…took a detour on YouTube, found this cute video by the way
Where was I? Yeah, I abruptly stopped writing in my BuJo.
So, yeah, Ma neglected, and unused for several weeks, glorious BuJo, hasn’t held up its end of the bargain. The supposedly aMazing bullet journal book to keep me all organized, and sh*t like that, is empty.
And is currently buried under a stack of papers on the corner of my desk.
And all of the other sh*t I gotta do or keep track of is floating around in Ma head instead of in the BuJo.
I’m pretty sure the stack of stuff on top of the BuJo contains items that I should do, could do, would do if I had already listed them in my BuJo as
a task to do:
• Task
Those adorable little task dots are supposed to be temporarily there and eventually changed to
a completed task –
or a scheduled task
or a migrated task
But this BuJo MaMa‘s got nothing…Nadah, Zilch, Nope – Nothing – just a blank page, ‘cuz its all in Ma head,
and it feels like it might just explode!
So yeah, this BuJo MaMa needs to find her way through the pile and then all those ideas and tasks and sh*t like that will be all organized.
By getting Ma a** in gear and listing all those tasks in Ma BuJo – I’ll be an accomplished and aMazing person.
But first, I’m off to take a detour, to the tree farm, to buy a real Christmas tree. For the cats to hide under…
Ya know ‘cuz they’ll think I’m aMazing, too, and will stop bugging me for food. And then I’ll have photo ops worthy of grabbing the real camera instead of clip art…and something to blog about tomorrow. I’m such a planner really, I am.
Shh…it’s my little secret – I don’t need to write down to write a blog post, it’s always a fun to-do task on that doesn’t need to be marked complete on a BuJo! It Magically happens all on its own.
Mr: Um…BuJo MaMa…what cha doing?…why are you still writing that blog post…we’ve both wasted enough time, let’s get going…we both need to go GET the SH*T you planned for me DONE!
Post Inspiration – Linda Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Ma
PS – This is the first year in what seems like forever that we’ve thought about getting a real tree. The artificial one sheds just as much as a real one, so what the heck, time to shake things up, right? How about you? Real tree or artificial? Any tips or tricks to keep cats out of the tree?
We are real tree people, generally only putting it up a few days before Christmas and leaving it up until after Epiphany. Luckily, my husband does the lugging of it in and out!
Yay, thanks for sharing. That’s what my family did when I was growing up. My dad did the lugging in/out too.
We have never put up a Christmas tree, real or artificial, precisely because of the cats. If we had had children, I’m sure we’d put one up, but we didn’t.
Mom always insisted on a real tree, even after we had all moved out and my stepfather had died. For her, it wasn’t Christmas without it. They’ve gotten awfully expensive, I know that, which seems to suggest that an artificial one was in order. On the other hand, if you have grandchildren, a real one would be worth the money. Your head spinning yet?
I love the cartoon with the reindeer, by the way.
Thanks for sharing, John. The real trees are expensive if you’re not a smart shopper. I loved that cartoon too – it seemed to fit ;-)!
Real tree for years right up to the time we realized it made us all sick. My oldest in particular is very allergic. And even though he now has a home of his own, we have stay with artificial. We had a monstrosity 9 footer at one time but downsized. I think this is the 3rd Christmas with our “baby” tree, not even 5 ft tall. Pre-lit for ease of use. Real or artificial, I remember the worst part was lights… finding that one bulb that made the whole string go out. Technology has much improved how we can decorate.
Yikes – yes, some people are very allergic to pines, so glad you figured out it wasn’t a good fit for your family. I love those small trees too – our artificial one is 7′ and it takes up so much room, so when we replace it, I think I’ll go for small too. Thank you for sharing!
For me, it’s all about the ornaments and the nostalgia they bring. Tree size is secondary.
Yes, I love the ornaments too. I was afraid the cats would break them, so this year I didn’t even bring ours out… But, we’ll survive as long as the tree does.
oh and BuJo, we have that at work called “organizing for success”. I fell back onto old ways very quickly. I live or die by Outlook reminders.
LOL – the thought that one method works for everyone seems so anti-success to me. That should be the advantage of BuJo, I’m still aiming to figure it out. I went to the store to buy the calendar I wanted, and they were all out. Guess my BuJo will now HAVE to work for me. Sigh… Glad Outlook works for you!
Real tree every time for me. I have one in a pot that stays in the garden all year round and then gets ceremoniously carried into the lounge a couple of weeks before Christmas to be decorated. I’ve noticed this year however that it’s started to get a bit lopsided. Ha ha at least it’s got character. Enjoy your Christmas tree shopping. Cheers Sebby
Thank you for sharing, Sebby! That’s a very creative way to have a real tree that keeps on giving year after year. Cheers to you, too!
LOL the lists and I’m glad to see that I am not the only one who falls off the wagon when it comes to “new” ways of making them. REAL tree for sure. I love the smell and they really are not that messy if you put a bag under them. When Christmas is over, pull the bag over the top and there you go. We have been lucky that none of our cats wanted much to do with the tree or the ornaments.
We’re a lot alike Janet! I’m thankful to be in such great company with you! That’s what the goal is for our tree this year! So far, so good.
I’d go with an artificial tree myself. Here are some cat proofing ideas from pintrest. I like the idea of decorating the scratching post.
Thank you, JoAnna – the link didn’t show up! I’ll check out Pinterest to see, thanks for the recommendations!
Sorry the link didn’t work. Hope you found some ideas.
Thank you, JoAnna!
Flipping the calendar to the December page does ramp up the anxiety level. Distractions can be a good thing – they keep life interesting. At least that’s what I tell myself when I get distracted from all the stuff I should be doing for the holidays. We have a small ceramic tree which we plug in and it lights up. That may do it, since we are traveling to our daughter’s for the holiday. Yay! Good luck with that journal….
Thank you for the recommendations – I’m REALLY good at finding distractions that keep my life interesting, so glad to hear that’s a good thing! Your decoration idea sounds perfect for a traveling parent. Thanks for the good wishes, I’m keeping my mind open to it working…now if I could just physically put my mind to action!
You’re a busy lady – the real tree smells nice but requires a little more maintenance and going and getting it – ah, you can fit that in your schedule too Shelley.
LOL! Good thing, Mr. is willing to help with the watering. I added it to his list.
Now that made me smile that you added it to his list … a “Honey Do List”.