When the planets aligned 400 years ago, did the people living then think, “What the h*ll is about to happen here? We’re witnessing something that won’t happen again for a really long time.”
But that was nothing like what we’ve got going on here in 2020. Not just planets aligning, but a pandemic dividing and separating those who love to gather together from getting together. And dog spit spots on my dirty floors that got washed instead of me shopping at the mall. I’ve never had time to wash my floors during the month of December. It’s a Christmas miracle.

That tiny baby born so long ago, normally causes us to come together at Christmas time. Not this year, we’ll only do so in thoughts on a day as the planets align and shine brightly in the sky in 2020.
Year after year, people along with family and friends, and good cheer in our cups, gather. Until 2020, that is.
This year we’ll have technology via screens and people who are experts that weren’t alive at the first sighting of the planets aligning, let alone born within the last 20-30 years, telling us the planets will gather again. And other older experts telling us we won’t.
How old do you think this guy is who is an expert on the Great Conjunction? Are you going to make sure to look for the event on 12/21/2020? I’ve been watching it every night. It’s quite exciting to watch.

It’s Christmas week and soon all the anticipatory excitement will be over.
I’m as ready as I can be. Our tree is decorated. The cat’s have only puked once after eating some tinsel. I call it a good year. The house looks like ‘Christmas’ season. But it definitely feels different. And I still feel wonky.

The packages for the girls aren’t under our tree, they’ve been shipped to their homes. One daughter lives in Minnesota and one in Wisconsin, both within a few hours from us according to drive time. We mailed their packages on 12/14, the one for MN arrived on the 17th and the other one is still in transit. Hmm …? Another WTH moment for 2020.
I can imagine that the essential services of postal workers and Amazon Prime drivers are working overtime. Gathered together like a hot mess of masked Santa’s helpers. We never hear of them getting the virus though. Thank goodness for that.

Worrying about the packages arriving safely to the girls has made me fret this week. Plus, until they get them, I can’t tell you about the craft I made for them.
But, I can share – we did it! Mr. and I figured out how to take our own selfie. The first attempt made me run for my cellphone and call my daughter for help on how to set the camera settings. I don’t have a remote, and my camera is so old it can’t use one, so the 2 second setting definitely doesn’t cut it.
Mr. cheered me on, while he grinned knowing it wasn’t going to happen on that setting.

We had fun and he was extremely patient as I figured out what worked and what didn’t. After all the years of me requiring the family photo, he knows how long it takes to get the ‘shot’ we’ll use for Christmas cards. The perfect one of us that covers the empty couch with our growing family that’s not here this year.

Instead, it’s just the two of us. We had a good laugh at how long it took me to get the right shot of two willing participants.

With a sweater that had shoulder marks because I haven’t worn it in a year. So I ditched it for a better option. Added some side lighting too, and here’s the final shot.

Which I cropped for the photo card. So yeah, we did it, we may be a year older, but we’re definitely wiser.

And just as happily married as we were 31 years ago. We’ve built a lot together over the years.
When Mr. and I first moved into our house, we received a gift of these manger scene porcelain figurines. We didn’t have a creche, so Mr. whipped one together out of scrap pieces of cedar siding from our newly constructed home. This little treasure has stood the test of time, and I wouldn’t trade it for a new one made from China – ever.

I often wonder if the wise men questioned authority about the knowledge given to them, about what’s valid, what’s not, as they traveled by night to light of a star?
They were lucky not to have social media guiding their way, that’s for dang sure. They’d be like us, lost in the fake news.
Can you imagine how that scene would’ve looked when they got off course and ran into Santa and an Elf singing praises to being nice and not naughty so they’d get a gift wrapped in love under a tree or dropped down the chimney? Or delivered to your doorstep by a frazzled delivery truck driver?

We’re living in a world where disposable plastics from foreign lands, or shrinking toilet paper rolls are considered silver and gold to merchants. We’ve replaced gifts of frankincense and myrrh, with computer screens and video games. Again. Or still? All because we’re jailed to our homes with chairs and couches as our magnets. Stay home, stay safe, and stay plump.
Bah humbug to that I say.

With all the Christmas cheer I can muster, I’m aligning my thoughts to find some joy. I know in my heart, it’s the love of human connection we crave more than anything. Togetherness however we can do it is the best gift ever. And we’ll gather in person again. I know we will.
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “magnet.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

PS – Merry Christmas to all! May you and your loved ones be blessed with love and good cheer. I hope to see you all back here next year!
Thanks. Have a joyous Christmas.
Thank you, same to you too!
I like your selfie portraits, well done.
This Christmas feels like no Christmas at all to me being so isolated and 2K from my family. Let’s hope that 2021 will be more like normal! Wishing you two and your family a blessed Christmas.
Thank you, John! I wish you could be traveling to see your family. Will you do a virtual call with them? I remember how much fun you had last year seeing them.
When you’ve been out and about, have you seen any over-the-top decorations in Vegas area?
I’m with you in the hope for a normal 2021. Merry Christmas – I’m grateful for your blogging friendship, thanks for sharing the blogosphere with me.
Hi Shelley, it’s been fun following you guys on WP and IG. I stay in touch with the family mostly by text and phone, better than nothing but this just doesn’t feel like Christmas. Sad! Dad had knee surgery and is doing good thanks to my sister taking care of this wonderful 92 year old man. I can ramble on but… Be safe, guys!

Thanks for following us here in the virtual world. I’m glad to read you stay in touch with family. 92 – wow, there’s longevity in your family. I hope you can see them soon. Be safe, and hang in there, John!
Me too, Shelley, it’s been over one year now since I’ve actually seen any family and I am not happy! My dad is awesome!
I bet, that’s a long time to not see family. Hopefully you’ll be back there this summer! I wish your dad continued healing so he’s ready to walk around with you on your visit.
Hi Shelley, he’s doing really good. Still using the walker but can get around pretty good. I sooo hope to be up there next summer!
That’s great news. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you to be able to go there this summer.
Great job on you photos! Thanks for the reminder about the planets! I have it looked yet because it’s been cloudy , but I will tonight . Merry Christmas!
Thank you! It was way too cloudy here to see the planets – I hope the sky was clear for you and that you had a Merry Christmas too!
I saw them and took photos ! Not great photos but I did get some . I couldn’t see Saturn’s rings like some did . And I had a great Christmas, thanks!
YAY, congrats. I’ve never been too successful with nighttime photography. Glad you got some shots and that you had a great Christmas!
Nice work with the photos. We will meet again with those we love. Hopefully before too much of 2021 has past.
Thanks, Dan. I’m holding you to that promise. I agree, hopefully it will be sooner rather than later in 2021.
Merry Christmas! That’s a very nice picture of the two of you. Hopefully by this time next year you and yours can be together again.
Merry Christmas to you and Mary, John! Thank you – we’re kind of proud that we pulled off the photo session on our own. And a dear sweet lady that we know from years ago when we first got married sent us a note back about the picture – telling us we look like 19 year olds. LOL – her vision may be going?! But it was a fun comment to read. I hope you’re right that by this time next year, we’re all gathering with loved ones!
Great job on the selfie! We are lucky that two of our kids live with us but because the hubby just tested positive, the third one can’t come over and she is not taking it very well. Going to be a tough Christmas for us. We may postpone it until January. Crossing fingers that the rest of us test negative. Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Thank you, Janet. OH NO!! Sorry to hear about the positive test. Are you all doing okay? I hope Christmas wasn’t a disappointment. You’re in my thoughts and prayers for speedy recoveries and that your holidays are merry despite the uninvited virus.
From the Bandidos and I . . . Merry Christmas Young Lady!
Thank you, g and Bandidos! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!!
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and New Year. <3
Thank you, Barbara – same to you, I hope your Christmas was merry and that the new year brings you much joy!
Good on you for doing the selfie thing. Great results
have a joyous time Shelley
Thank you, Brian. Us old farts can still learn new tricks! I hope you and your Bestie had a joyous time.
It was a great time thanks Shelley
YAY! Glad to hear it!
Great portrait shots – complete with the “one of a kind” signs above your heads. Well done!
Aw, thanks – I had a hunch you’d notice those signs. They are from our honeymoon – we hang on to everything! LOL.
You’re welcome!
Nice picture of you and the hubs. I’ve been trying to get a good picture of myself for… well, I can’t say right now… so I know how hard it is. I think you did a terrific job! Your discussion about the Wise Men reminded me of a joke going around that if it had been three Wise Women, the gifts for the new baby would have been much more practical (diapers, onesies, and such).
Have a joyous holiday!
Thank you, Janis. It’s SO hard to get good photos – I think it just comes down to the fact I normally quit before the good shot happens so I never figure it out? I remember when the girls were young and had small cameras, they practiced selfies non-stop. Now they look great in Zoom calls, Facetime, Snapchat, Instagram. I struggle.
LOL – that’s a great joke, and right on the gift choices women would make!
I hope your holiday was full of joy!!
Merry Christmas, Shelley and Mr.!
Thank you, Rebecca – I hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas!
One of the only benefits of losing our dear Benji this summer is no more dog slobber spots on the floor. I vacuum and scrub the wooden floors so much less now but I would gladly vacuum and scrub to have him back!
Loved how you got “the shot” for your Christmas card. Marry Christmas, Shelley!
Aw, thanks for sharing that. I keep reminding myself that in the not to distant future I’ll be missing those doggy slobbers too.
Thank you – we’re happy we got ‘the shot’ we were going for.
I hope you and your hubby had a wonderful Christmas!
Well practice made perfect on the poses and selfies Shelley. Mr. probably got tired of smiling while you practiced. He is a good sport. Well the Conjunction is exciting but we won’t see it at peak tonight as we have clouds as it’s been raining so we are out of luck here in SE Michigan. Hope you had better luck seeing it. Merry Christmas to both of you and your family that you will not see this Christmas. I hope the same-state present arrives by Thursday!
Yes, we pulled it off! LOL – yes, we were both tired of smiling by the end of it. Mr. was a great sport.
Yeah, we missed the Conjunction too due to weather.
The same state gift did arrive on time. It took a week where the other state one only took 3 days. Weird.
We had a nice quiet Christmas, I hope you did too and that the squirrels enjoyed any treats you shared with them.
I’ve never taken a selfie with my camera and I don’t have a smartphone, but a fellow blogger has taken a few selfies with her point-and-shoot camera and the photos come out great! The weather is weird. We had 2 inches of snow for Christmas (supposed to be a dusting, maybe an inch) … then the next day 1 1/2 more inches. We have freezing rain later this week. There goes walking … have many more months to catch up though. The squirrels did enjoy their treats. Here is them on Christmas Eve:
Maybe 2021 you’ll give a selfie a try?! I used my point-and-shoot camera to record the transition of my hair to gray. A picture a day helped me find the better shot, not THE shot that works. LOL.
We had about the same amount of snow too. We haven’t been outside walking since the freezing rain came before the snow that polished it making it extra slippery.
Your post is delightful! Thanks for sharing the link and the website you use for your creative touches to your photos. Those squirrels sure are lucky you treat them so well for the holidays. And they didn’t have to social distance either!! xx
I’ve tried a few times to take a selfie … like the day when the “Fogaway” spray failed on my eyeglasses and there was condensation that froze and it was like a washboard and slick out. I wanted to take a picture of how they looked and I had everything but my glasses on my face. Even removed them to try but by then, the ice had melted. Yes, we have the freezing rain coming, tomorrow night and again Thursday night – hopefully it gets warm … I draw the line at walking on ice. Slippery snow, I walk in the street. Bring on Spring! Glad you liked the photos and poem. Yes, that’s a free site and it worked well. I used it at Halloween to put a trick-or-treat bag inside a black squirrel’s paw and you can put text on a photo too.
That was an extra challenging moment to try and capture in a selfie. If you had a smart phone it may have been easier? But, who am I to give that advice!! LOL.
The photos were so adorable, I’ll have to give that site a try.
Do you use YakTraxs on your shoes or do you just not go walking if there’s the potential for ice?
My photos with the point-and-shoot were pretty bad.
I do have YakTrax and also have a pair of crampons, but when I’m at the Park I walk on the grass which works better for me as most of the time the path is icy or slick. Sunday it had not been plowed, but the snow as soft, and so it felt safe. We get a fine if snow is left on the City sidewalk for more than 24 hours, but they must not ticket homeowners as I see it all the time. If I can’t walk in the street, I usually don’t go. All our Christmas Day snow has melted for the most part, but we’re getting two inches of snow, followed by freezing rain – too bad, it was perfectly clear this morning.
Which do you like better, the YakTrax or the crampons? We’re trying to decide if we should get some or not or just be safe and stay on the treadmill unless the roads are completely dry.
Bring on Spring, right?! LOL Stay safe – its the season for wintery mixes.
I’ve not tried the crampons yet because I don’t like driving in the snow and ice, so I walk down to the Park when the weather is bad (within reason anyway). The crampons you can’t wear if you must walk on concrete as it damages the “teeth” which are pretty big and sharp. They’re quite heavy and that means I have to carry them with me and put them on there. I already carry a bag with critter food and tote along my gloves to use with the camera … there is nowhere to put anything now that the picnic tables are gone so they are still in the package. I really would advise you use the treadmill – your weather is much colder than ours, so I’m thinking the chance for ice embedded in the snow would make it riskier. How about walking in the soybean field Shelley? When I’m at the Park, unless the path is cleared, I walk on the grass and to get to the Park I walk in the street as the salt has cleared it better than the sidewalks.
Oh, that makes sense why you haven’t tried the crampons yet. This week the roads here should be clear enough to maybe walk outside. Fresh air and sunshine remain important throughout the year. We do have a few nice parks nearby with trails that we could walk on. Maybe we should get some snowshoes? We could walk in our fields too, just never do, not sure why? The geese and deer seem to think it’s a nice location to hang out in. When we live in Wisconsin, we have to adapt to the changing weather. And hit the treadmill when the weather turns nasty.
My boss goes up to the Upper Peninsula and stays at our building landlord’s house (when he is there … it’s a big place). Occasionally he goes up between Christmas and New Year’s and it is a woodsy area so he always takes his snowshoes and says he likes getting around that way. He told me it is good exercise too. He recommended I get snowshoes when I said I walk on the snow at the Park as they rarely plow it. The crampons would work well, but if there was that much ice, I’d not likely be driving to get somewhere first. Snow I’d walk in more than ice. I think the fields would be a good way to try them out just for routine Winter exercise and you don’t even have to drive to get there!
I’ve used them once with my kids, and they are a work out and fun. So far our snow fall hasn’t been plentiful (not that I’m complaining) so not sure if I’d even use them. But we do have a walking path in the woods just a mile from our house … Hmm … we’ll see! Thanks for the encouragement.
A snowless Winter would be nice … you’re welcome. We have had freezing rain out there since mid-day. Ugh. Then snow, then more snow Saturday into Sunday. My walking takes a hit already.
Hopefully the slightly warmer week we’ve had here heads your way so you can get some walks in! Bundle up and stay safe!!
Yes, the last two days have not been good for walking – freezing rain, then slushy rain. There are miles to be walked – you stay safe too Shelley.
Your selfie shot made me smile. Especially the one where you didn’t quite make it. I’m glad you shared it. You’re a cute couple!
Aw, thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed our crazy photo session. I hope you and your hubby had a very Merry Christmas!