Adventures · Emptying the nest · Going Gray

Mad mad mom goes all senior on us

Every morning, I sit in the corner of my office and write my 3-morning pages.  It helps me clear my sleepy head, and get me ready for the day.  As I finished up my pages today, I wondered how many months I have left in my 54th year of life?  I’m not dying, (yet), I’m just going to turn 55.

I’m hoping that by the time I turn 55 this plant on my shelf will be revived, too.  It’s reaching for something, just like me.  Plenty of new ideas are sprouting in my head as I write my morning pages.  There’s got to be something I don’t know yet about life, isn’t there?  What’s next?


Every time I think of 55, I hear Sammy singing, and I smile.  Life is racing by, but dagnabit, I’m not going to sit back and just enjoy the ride, I’m going to steer myself in different directions, occasionally.

So, why wait for some special date?  In, 199 days, or 6 months, and 15 days, I’ll begin the next phase in my life.  I’ve got plenty of time to practice how I’ll rebel against the baby booming crowds that are moving slower than I’m ready to be going.  Yet.

Holy Sh*t – that means, I’ll be a Senior.

That’s scary.  And exciting.  I’m looking forward to the discounts, though.  They still have those, don’t they?  Or are they an urban legend?

Remember that feeling of being a senior something when we’re kids or young adults in school?  We were so cool to be seniors.  Right?  Cool like Sammy Hagar, yeah, that kind of cool.

Maybe you were cool, I may not have been.  No, not really.  I was kind of quirky.

Wait, I still am.

At least I’ve got that going for me.  And I still like Rock ‘n Roll.  I do think Sammy should just admit to the gray hairs around the edges – at 71 he’s earned the right to flash his sparkly silvers without ridicule.  Some blondies can pull it off to keep coloring until the end.  At some point, though, it may not be worth all the hoopla, or the effort?


Despite all of my extra wrinkles and sags and things like that crazy hair of mine, I am still as quirky as ever.  Maybe madder.  But, once I hit that 55 mark, watch out world, all the other typical stuff that Senior Citizens have will be mine for the taking.

I’m going to be a Senior. A Senior Citizen.  Enter in Ageism right along with the looks I get with my own gray hair.

I don’t mind.  I don’t say that “I don’t care.”  Hell no, I care a lot about what is right for me.  Even if it isn’t ‘right’ for others.

Just don’t get in my way of discovering life on the wild side with my crazy a** hair that, by the way, I hid from the world for way too long.  It’s the perfect shades of gray for this phase in my life.  I don’t need no racy novel to have fun.  No sirree.  I’ve got garden beds, and things like that to entertain me.

Reminds me of this lovely lady that I had coffee with last week.  We both agreed that $3.90 for a cup of coffee was highway robbery.  Then she commented that she’s sick of ageism.  She finally told one of her youthful helpers off the other day.  The youngin’ was helping her with something she could do all by herself.  In a frustrating moment, she looked her in the eyes and said, “I can do this myself, there may be gray on top of my head, but the gray matter under it still works just fine thank you.”

And like her, I’m trying new things, no matter how silly I may look to some, it is a good thing.  Don’t give up, keep up the fight for what we want as we age!  Go Gray Team Go! Toss fashion sense to the wind!

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For those inquiring minds…this is me sneaking up on Copper
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Squatting down and lowering my camera to catch dewdrops on the grass

I love that lady’s outlook on life.  She’s 70.  And still rocking life, just like Sammy.

Meme from Reddit

Have I gone bloody mad?  Yes.  And no.  Mostly.  No.  Somewhat.  Yeah, let’s go with somewhat MAD.

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When I was about to turn 50, I spent my whole year of being 49 in preparation to be 50.  I spent more time looking ahead then I did living the moments of that year.  I spent time where I dreaded turning 50.  Oh, my, 50 is so old, right?  NOT!  It’s the new 30.  Except at 50, you move a bit slower and your skin goes only 55 mph when you’re trying to go 70 mph.  There will be parts of me that don’t keep up like they used to.  I’m mad that I missed the last year of my 40s.

Where, oh, where did that time in life go?  I know I found my gray hairs – and covered them up.  It was after many stressful years of caring for my still at home tweens and my mother.  And my career.

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I’m not going to let life blur so much before I turn 55.  So…here I am off to the races on my new pet project.  Myself.  I’m a MAD MAD MOM.  And no, I’m NOT going to cover my gray – maybe with a hat. Occasionally.

Post Inspiration:  #MADMADMOM, aka, the year I turn 55 and Made A Decision – Mining A Dream – Mothering Of Me.

PS – Doesn’t a trail cam capture the funniest things?  If you’re a MADMADMOM (or Dad for that matter), do share, is/was turning 55 a big deal, or not, to you?  What do you dislike about ageism?  If you have an occasional #MADMADMOM moment, go ahead and HashTag it to be cool like me – I’d love to read your words of wild wisdom!  


41 thoughts on “Mad mad mom goes all senior on us

  1. Don’t wait until 55 for your Crispy cream or Dunkin Donut discount, they’ll let you have it now, and as for things to come you’re way they will just sit back and enjoy life

    1. Ah, I haven’t had a Crispy Creme in years! I had ice cream recently, though. I love your spirit, Alice, thanks for the good cheer!

  2. I’ll be happy to have you as a senior sister-in-arms. Go to the head of the line, take the seat, demand the discount, wear your crazy-a** hair (and anything else) like the badge of honor it is. Flaunt your experience, your knowledge, your wisdom, your snark and feel free to shake your head and laugh at the younger people in your life whose parents raised them to feel entitled to everything that is rightfully yours – cut them off and take it!

    1. Aw, Dan – you’re hired for the Go Gray Team Go – you’re an awesome cheerleader and gray spirit inspirer! I love your words of wisdom!

  3. I’m 50 and I’ve felt like crap all week. 😛 Basically I feel a lot older this week than I did before. Boo.

    But I get it. I actually thought 50 was a turning point for me. Something shifted in me, and I have spent more time since turning 50 living in the moment than I had during my whole 40s. Then again, when I was 40 I still had a nursing toddler (early 40s) and then all the hands-on stuff with small children…so little time to worry about me. Even if I wanted to. But now, their teen years? It’s different. Not better or worse, but different. The main difference is that if I quit, no one will starve or set the house on fire (hopefully). Right? So I am living life on my terms (when I can, and I do more than I did before) because if not now, when?

    You are a vibrant, contemporary woman in the prime of her life. Take that, 55! 🙂 And the discount. That’s just a perk, not an indication of aging. Frankly, they should move the discount to 45 if you ask me…isn’t that when the grey hair really starts to get annoying?

    1. Aw – I”m guessing your weather has contributed to your funky mood. Blame it on that instead of your age. I love how you describe the minions at their age. Way to take charge of your life at 50 – you’re right, do it now, don’t wait! I was sick of coloring my hair at 50, but I hung on for a bit longer…to all the shades of browns I could muster up trying. Ugh… Glad to be done with that. I’m going to start a bucket list of places I want to use the discount at…now that sounds like fun! I hope your week brightens up. You have such a fun sense of humor, even if you find gray hair annoying still ;-)! I’d welcome you to the team of rebels any day of the year or week or month of gray moods! Hang in there – thank you for cheering me on, I do appreciate you!

  4. You make me laugh. Ageing is a right of passage and we grab it boldly. Yes discounts are fun and the young people will treat you as old but remind them that one day if they are lucky they will be an wise old codger that knows how to write cursive. And they will walk off wondering what cursive is. We have a lot of beautiful memories and ways of doing things that new generations will have no clue about because of their dependence on electronic devices to survive. They have no memory of wading in the creek to chase tadpoles or run across the grass at dusk to catch a lightening bug. So many wonderful things in our lives and now we get to aggravate our children like they aggravated us when teenagers. Its a new era of teenagerism, yea I know that not a word. Enjoy your accomplishments and strive onward to new life.

    1. Anita – I love your spunk and words of wisdom – even the made up one – teenagerism! LOL!! You’re right we have a lot of fun memories of growing up in the mud and muck of ponds and green grass and have the pleasures of writing in cursive under our belts too. I still write that way every day. Hand eye coordination comes in handy as we age, so I hear! LOL! Thank you for sharing your good cheer and words of wisdom!! xx

  5. I’m three years ahead of ya Shelley, I’m offered or ask for those discounts! Where did the time go? Wasn’t I just 45? I like the trail camera photos!

    1. I don’t know why Mr. (who’s a year older than you) doesn’t look for more of those discount opportunities! Maybe he’s waiting for me to pave the way? I have no idea how that time has flown so quickly! At least we’re all still 45 at heart! Glad you enjoyed the trail cam photos!

        1. I hear ya – good thing you’ve got your head in the game, it will keep you dragging and screaming and kicking your body right along after you! Right? LOL

  6. I think it’s healthy to go mad like this. Grabbing on to the age, whatever it is. Acting out: very important. Otherwise our generation gets ignored. NOT! Ageism is so rampant. I would love to see a cultural shift to embracing all ages for what we all bring to each other.
    The senior discounts are a nice bonus; although in some places they won’t just offer – you have to ask. They don’t want to insult anyone (implying that it is insulting to be older…), so they say. I have yet to be asked for ID though LOL.

    1. I can so see you doing the acting out part – your quick wit should never be contained! I agree, we should all appreciate what we bring to the table no matter what age we are. LOL on the ID – whenever I’m with my daughters 23 and 26 (soon to be 24 and 27) they get carded, just like I did at their age. I always pull mine out at the same time so that I can show mine too – I’m proud of my age! The picture on the ID, not so much, I think I’ll smile this time, and I’ll put GRAY as my hair color too. Milestones…milestones…just keep on a rolling!

  7. Wait, are you telling me that I’ve been missing out on discounts for over 5 years now? What the heck! Is there such a thing as senior portions at restaurants? That would be great. It was a shock to hear that Sammy Hagar is 71!

    1. Yeah, I guess senior status (at least here in WI) starts at 55. Some of the places here have senior portions – in a carry out box LOL! No really, I’ve seen it, just didn’t qualify for it yet. Soon, though. I know, he turned 71 way too fast!

  8. I don’t think of 55 as being a senior citizen. I think of 75 being a senior citizen. Thus I’d say you’re just in the middle of your middle age. See what I did there? Change your definition, change your life!

    1. Excellent advice, Ally! I love it! I’m in the middle of my middle age! Plus your comment this time didn’t go to my SPAM folder this time – WordPress better not be monitoring your advice?

    1. LOL, thank you, Janet! I hope I’m as active and doing fun stuff like you are doing when I’m your age!

  9. Your post made me stop and think what I’ve done and then I remembered I did some blog posts about things on my bucket list done after age 45, then after age 60, and what was left. Probably now that I’m almost 72, I should update the last one! Bucket Lists

    1. Wow – Donna, that’s an impressive list of completed items!! All 50 states and ride a motorcycle and be in a community theater…etc. I just want to fit into my jean shorts to start with!! LOL – thank you for the inspiration to rock being 55 – and beyond!!

        1. It’s so fun to hear that following your dreams makes time fly by in a good way! Aw, thank you :-)!

  10. You’re a very young 54 1/2 Shelley – I never felt my age until 60 and then it did not just feel subtle either. I never came out and said “don’t trust anyone over 30” but I can remember when we all felt like that and being 30 seemed ancient. The trail cam likes deer and the deer all seem to have a deer-in-the-headlights look.

    1. Aw, thank you, Linda – I still feel young at heart that’s for sure. LOL – I remember thinking 30 was really old too. Not so much anymore. I don’t feel 54, but when I’m with my kids I’m reminded quickly of the decades between us.
      Yes that deer cam is a hoot to see the expressions on the animals faces and eyes.

      1. You don’t look your age Shelley and you are on the treadmill every day and that is good. Plus you’re standing more than sitting (even on the exercise ball). I have to start doing warm-up exercises before going out to limber up – I am not limber at all. There was 30 years difference between my mom and me.

        1. Aw, thank you. I do try to move quite a bit during the day. Alternating positions helps a lot. My standing mat makes me move too – it’s designed to not promote a static position while standing. I do stretch every day too. I learned the stretches when I went through physical therapy for a work comp injury. It is preventative stretching now. Aw…my youngest and I are 30 years apart too.

          1. I need to start stretching – I’ve been trying to stand up during the day but need to do it more. I still have the laptop elevated and if it is a photo I want to look at – anything but text – it is dark due to how the screen displays (I have it elevated one foot) (I am still waiting for the new laptop – computer guy has obviously forgotten about it – not going to remind him – I’ve always had to nudge him about everything). We ordered the first phase of equipment 2 months ago – this last phase (workstations and accounting software) 3-4 weeks ago.

          2. Yes, stretch! How is your shoulder by the way? Hope better. Hope your equipment shows up soon, too – what a long wait that has been!

          3. My shoulder is better than last November when I first had the pain but I still have not much range of motion. Today I was speaking to the guy whose wife had dementia (the reason why I walked away after him telling me about her, meeting her last November and saying to myself “be glad all you have is the sore shoulder”); his wife died two months ago. I told him I left the two of them and had this shoulder issue and minimized it and learning to live with it and I said I noticed problems last October when I could not fasten the fanny pack all of a sudden. I was demonstrating trying to reach around and realized I can at least meet both hands so they touch. I could not do that before when I reached around. So, thank you for asking – I think I am making some progress. I am still toying with the idea of seeing someone – still hoping that I can eliminate the problem by sitting, sleeping with correct posture/ergonomics.

          4. Glad to hear it is somewhat better – you’re on the right track if you’re slowly recovering – it took years to get it that way, it’ll take time to recover. PS – Sorry to hear of the loss of the guy’s wife. Keep me posted on how you continue to heal!

          5. I did housework this morning and used that arm to vacuum. The range of motion is not good and I’m going to look for some more ROM exercises. The pain is not bad at all compared to six months ago. But I can’t reach up to the top of my head yet and I have to buy an electric razor as I did a number under my left arm today as I can’t raise it so had to shave blindly – ouch!

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