Good morning…or afternoon…or evening…or whenever it is that you’ve stumbled upon this post! Here I stand, with my white crown of glory, in the middle of a messy office. Messy on purpose though. Yikes…good thing, who in the world would want to show off such an incredible mess?
Here’s the scoop. Today is February 1st. Kick off day for “Freedom February – Letting Go of Big Stuff Clutter”. I’m literally knee-deep (six boxes surrounding me) in the process of starting an exciting decluttering month.
Oh my…sigh…really? Why would I share such stuff? Because…we can help each other succeed. I’m sure of it!

Wishful thinking, dreaming, and procrastinating do not breed success. If you haven’t acted on your plan, you’re not moving forward and you end up just stuck in a rut. Period.
Success comes when you hold yourself accountable and act on your plans. Period. So, I’m glad you’re here to help hold me accountable, I’ll help you too, just ask me to. Post a comment below.
I started this good graycious blog with a mission to learn to live on the lighter side of life. My dreamy plans were/are a bit foggy, loaded with lots of ideas floating about in my head (randomly). Instead of waiting for a magic wand to appear, it is better to hold myself accountable by telling you about my plan. Doing so is the first step needed for action.
Second step? Write down areas to work on.
What are my two going lighter areas to work on?
- Going gray – I’m at week 20 now. Incremental changes in my hair over time are now really apparent. I wonder if I’m ready for big changes coming with my first salon appointment in 20 weeks? Come back next week to see what I decided to do.
- Decluttering my home and life. I started the practicing decision-making muscle process in December with the 12 items a day plan. Building decision-making muscles has helped, but now it is time to delve into the Big Stuff Clutter.
Today’s post is about going lighter area #2. What the heck is Big Stuff Clutter?
Big Stuff Clutter (BSC) is anything that frustrates you, discourages you, reminds you of past unhappy memories, and stuff you simply avoid dealing with or deciding about or…worse yet, you feel guilty about it in one way or another. Big Stuff Clutter just sits there in your life taking up valuable space or thoughts. Every time you see it or walk by it you feel unhappy about it being in your life but haven’t let it go yet. YET. There’s no time like the present to go lighter and rid yourself of BSC.
Big stuff clutter is what organizing experts or other bloggers call the things you don’t love, they don’t serve a purpose, or aren’t beautiful. That’s good advice too. So if you like that definition, by all means go with it. I’ll probably resort to asking myself those questions during the process too. We need all the ammo we can get.
But…for now, honing in on things that just piss us off because they’re still in our life not sparking joy, instead sparking unhappiness or frustration is a good place to take some action. Join me on a mission to remove Big Stuff Clutter. Intrigued? Yay! I’m glad to have you join the mission. Stop back to get the Top 5 Big Stuff Clutter categories to work on! See you soon!!