
Let’s party like the Orioles do!

Skittishly perched on branches in disguise, it’s only his songful presence you become aware he is there.

Precariously adventurous, ready and willing to flip around the party to get the best bite.

Fittingly flitting from spot to spot to share the space.


Predominantly handsome, with a belly as bright as his target.

Playfully pausing as if to say, don’t you dare not notice me.

Delicately delightful, eating a fresh orange, the Mrs. doesn’t miss much.

Characteristically a comedian, he flaunts himself as the star of the show.

Ravenously attacks the orange for one final meal.

Randomly vacates, until the orange shall be replaced.

Reluctantly, therefore, this post shall come to an end…stay tuned…

Post inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Adverb (Per Linda’s direction – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “adverb.” Start your post with any adverb and just run with it. Have fun!)

PS – What show are you watching today?  Enjoy your weekend!!  

44 thoughts on “Let’s party like the Orioles do!

  1. So many creative components coming together here! Great shots and beautiful birds. I like how you tell their story.

    1. LOL – I would’ve gotten an “F” on the paper with all of them – at least my English Lit teacher would’ve fround at it. But the bird photos made up for everything! 😉

        1. Aw, shucks, that’s nice to know – I wish I would’ve had one of those kind of teachers along the way! 😉

      1. no but my ever faithful chickadees and mating pair of cardinals are still here. same with the sparrows and common finches. the yellow finches have migrated back so I’;m seeing them once again.

          1. yeh. don’t forget I have a mating pair of mallards that are in my yard too. I like them. they help clean up whatever the sparrows spill onto the yard. too bad they will only be around for only so long before they leave.

          2. I missed that post – do share the link! Ewe…don’t mallards poop a lot too? I’m all ears on learning more!

          3. Thank you! Yes, now the cleanup crew make sense to me!! We have mourning doves, rabbits and deer that clean up our bird feeder area. No mallards yet – but I do hear them flying around.

  2. Orioles are such pretty birds and you have done a great job capturing mom and dad, along with use of the prompt. Wonderful, Shelley!

    1. Yes, they are, we’re so happy to have such a lovely little family to watch. Normally just one stops by for a bit, but this group is hanging around and entertaining us. Thank you, Mary, I’m glad you enjoyed the post!

  3. Wonderful fun. You and I were both in birdly land today. I have not known about the orange before. Is that for all birds or just oriels? Great pictures.

    1. Thank you, Anita – yes, and you were playfully entertaining in your post – great job! The orioles and the house finches like oranges. Navel oranges are favorites for them. Just hang one out like we’ve done and you’ll see. The oranges do attract ants, too, so don’t hang it too close to your house!

  4. Very beautiful Shelley. You captured him in all his glory. Then they need a bath to rinse the sticky orange and orange flesh from their faces. You have a perfect vantage point for viewing them it seems.

    1. Thank you, Linda. You know, I haven’t seen them on the bird bath yet – hmm… Yes, my viewing spot from our kitchen nook has its advantages, plus my zoom lens helps too. 😉

      1. That’s for sure. When I still had the birdbaths and feeders, I would do my birdwatching from my mom’s back bedroom window. Because there is a patio overhang covering the entire patio, the blind installers could not install a rolling blind on that window (nowhere to put the box where the blind rolls into). So it was a great place to birdwatch and take pictures.

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