Adventures · Inspiration

Let it go, let it go…a bad renter freed to leave

The sheriff called yesterday and said, “The place is empty, and the place looks pretty clean.” (Whatever that means).  He said he’d shut the windows and lock the door on his way out.

Mr.:  “Thank you, sir, we appreciate it, we’ll be by tomorrow to change the locks.”

And there you have it, our doom and gloom spirits instantly lifted.  Let our happiness about the departure unfold.


Like a creepy bug, hiding in the shadows, the renter is gone and never to be seen again.

Let it go…let it go…the monster is no longer lurking in the background of our thoughts.


Our (my) avoidance of talking about the renter who has haunted our existence as landlords for the past 8 weeks is gone, and I’m free to speak about the horror of the ordeal.  All we wanted was rent money.  Doesn’t seem that hard of a task for a renter to do?

Connect the dots…you pay rent…you get to stay…you don’t pay…you have to leave.


We avoided the volatile situation by following the statutes, and now we are free to break our silence about the long process of eviction.


No more having to sit and wait and wonder what happens next.  Let it go…let it go…


The need for comfort food, along with a frosty beverage, to relieve the stress won’t be needed…the guacamole remnants in the bowl can turn brown, and my frown shall turn upside down.


Happier times to come…

We celebrated the good news by going outside to our favorite happy place to relax and enjoy time together.  We sat on our front patio, watched the clouds go by, and enjoyed the warm summer evening with smiles on our faces.

But…the story is not over…more to come on…we’re off to see what “looks pretty clean” means!

Post Inspiration – Word of the Day – Volatile; Late entry into Dutch Goes the Photo TPC – Lift and 30 Day Blogging Challenge (read instructions here) #MyBlogMyWritingStyle-Day 2 Favorite, with an answer to the question of the day “What is your favorite part of blogging?”  

Answer:  My favorite part of blogging is having the freedom to express my thoughts with photos and in words.  There’s no pressure, it is just fun for me and constitutes my daily dose of creative therapy.  I thought answering that question would be easy to do, but it wasn’t.  There are many things about blogging that I enjoy.  The next best thing is interacting with visitors who comment here or when I visit other blogs.  I look forward to hearing your answer to today’s question if you’re joining me on the challenge or not!  Please share your comments or blog link and I’ll stop by to check it out!

PS – What do you do to lift your spirits?  Do you enjoy watching the contrails of planes and clouds floating by in the sky?  Have you had the chance to sit outside and enjoy the summer nights?  For those readers here in the US – Happy Labor Day!  



21 thoughts on “Let it go, let it go…a bad renter freed to leave

      1. I am healing slowly, Ms Shelley. This morning Kat is preoccupied with looking out the window so I am resting. Thanks for your concern. g.

        1. I’m glad to hear you’re resting and taking care of yourself. Nice that Kat is letting you do so, she’s a kind cat! You’re welcome!

  1. I have mixed emotion about your post. I have some money to invest and have been reluctant to invest in income property for this very reason. So so sorry, you had to go through this. You pay rent you stay seems like such an easy concept. Yet, it is foreign for many.

    I have friends who have also had experiences of their property being virtually destroyed,

    Hope you have clear skies from here on out. No one deserves the worries or headaches you had to experience. Have a wonderful holiday.

    1. Ah, yes, Andrew, you’re right – investing in rentals is one of those things that causes mixed emotions. We really have two rules (backed up with attorney approved lease agreement) 1. Pay rent and 2. Take care of the place. Seems so simple. We’ve been in the rental business for 16 years, this is our first eviction. We’ve lived through worse treatment of a place, so hopefully, with fingers crossed we’ll find a nice renter this time around. I could’ve used some of the sorcerer’s magic powder to rid the bugs left in this place! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and well wishes, much appreciated! Hope you have a great holiday!

  2. How awful to have to deal with that unpleasantness. Glad it is over except for the clean up. My favorite part of blogging is interacting with new people I meet along the way. I also like stretching my imagination to come up with something new to blog about. Following challenges is fun too. Guess I just flat out like it all! As far as what I do to lift my spirits, I craft and craft and go to concerts when I can. Happy Labor Day!

  3. I am so sorry you are having to deal with that nonsense. I have done it in the past with a “not so clean” renter! It makes you wonder how people can be that way. It is so much easier to get along and do right. I fear I will have the same issue next spring. Rent to own situation. Don’t think they will be able to swing the rest. Praying for your peace and better clients. And Happy Labor Day to you and yours.

    1. Thank you for your understanding, Anita – I agree, some actions sure make me wonder about renters. I hope your spring renters turn out okay too, it is no fun to have to deal with these challenges. But we have become smarter in the process. Thank you for your prayers – Happy Labor Day to you and your family too!

  4. Yay, Shelley! So glad to hear you’ve come out the other side of this one. Being stuck in situations like that always crank my stress levels through the roof.

    1. Thank you, Laura! It would’ve been a hoot to have you around as we talked this situation through each and every bump along the way!! 😉

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