I’ve felt like whining a lot this last half of the week. The majority of my week has been filled with outdated stuff and struggles. Oh, my, so many struggles to overcome the obstacles appearing outta nowhere (some self-made, though).
The week has been dragging on and on, like an appliance garage door roller that’s seen better days.
I also discovered this week, while in the midst of working busily with my little ol’ Logit— mouse (the words on it and my keyboard have faded due to frequent handling),
that my work computer, running Windows 7 Professional (yeah…I never wanted to upgrade to 10), out of the blue screen of death decided to bite the dust and crash. Not burn yet – though, I’m hoping to rescue some documents if I can before the final death and recycling burial occurs.
But still – I have to admit to it – IT and our recently removed appliance garage are outdated.
I’ve loved both things. They’ve brought many productive and happy moments to my life.
Our appliance garage – man, oh, man, it was nice to hide things in. Crumbs and such. But, dang…it does take up quite a bit of space.

And then there’s my trusty ol’ work computer. I can’t believe how dependent upon it I had become to feel ‘productive’. It has aged along with me and has gotten a tad slow too.
I have become quite attached to the familiarity of both things.
A lot of fun has been had, toasting to life and breakfast and such things. Learning to cook up and create wonderful things all on our own with the technology at hand.
I can’t believe we’ve been together for so long. And how uncomfortable it is to let things like creative memories go.
I need some kid gloves to handle the changes coming. I also know it’s time to turn another corner and move on to newer things.
I know how hard it is to get back to comfortable with new stuff and technology. The daily ruts of life (at least I don’t have to clean off the caulking…the counter is going too!) have been revealed and the colorful past soon to disappear. The peach was the very first color we painted our brand new sparkly kitchen in 1990, aka, the tail end of the appliance garage fads.
It’s time to celebrate (good thing I won this tiny bottle of wine at the baby shower…).
I can do this, yes I can…I may be MIA for a bit though, just saying…
Post Inspiration – advancement in technology and whining a bit
PS – Do you have an appliance garage? What do you store in it? What version of Windows are you running (I know…you Mac lovers will remind me to just get a Mac!)? Do you like your wine mulled, room temp, or chilled? Do you remember your first time making your own breakfast, what did you make?
Oh the blue screen of death….my condolences
Love this post and your adorable photos.
I have a cupboard or 5 of half dead appliances, and a shed full of other things on their way to the techno graveyard! It’s hard to keep up!
But it’s the simple things that bring the real happies.
Loved reading you!
And hugs once more
LOL – you sound quite experienced in computers and hot steamy topics!!
Thank you – I adore your playful comments, you’ve brightened my day for sure!!
The simple things in life do bring happies, I agree!!
Hugs to you too!! Thanks for stopping by to take a peek into my lil’ ol’ empty nest!!
My pleasure!
I have a lot of varied, often useless, but mostly fascinating info on many a random and unconnected subject lol.
Keeps life interesting!
So happy to brighten your day, trust me the feeling is mutual!
Love your blog !
You may not be able to get rid of me now…

LOL – I adore fellow randomness queens, it keeps life interesting. It is fun how we all embrace such wonderment and adventure, or lust for life!
I’m smiling – thank you – I wouldn’t want to get rid of you – you’re a bright ray of the happies! xx I’ll be by to follow your blog too!! Thank you!!!!!
Whoo hoo! To all of that!!

I’m holding on to my old appliances. They work and they keep me moving, I’m not ready for “Alexa” to preheat my oven. The walk from the couch to the stove usually gets me doing other things instead of sitting around.
Fun post, good luck with the computer
LOL – I agree with you – if the appliance is still working, why replace it. The garage they were sitting in…that’s gotta go.
You will never catch me having ‘Alexa’ help. It’s bad enough our cellphones are listening to us.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and well wishes for the computer!!
An appliance garage – I’d never heard of that!
Mostly I need more counter space, then I could maybe use all the nifty small appliances that are now hidden away in tall cabinets. Too much trouble to get them out to use.
Interesting – I’m trying to remember back to when we picked the garage out originally. I think we just fell in love with the idea we could hide the toaster and other appliances in it. It did take up a lot of space though. Outta sight, outta mind, right? Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
I remember wanting an appliance garage when we had this house built and the builder said they weren’t safe because they were too close to the stovetop and were known to catch on fire. That convinced me to forget about them and I bet you will soon, too. Happy weekend!
Interesting…we never thought about it as a fire hazard. Now we’ll be safe from that hazard, whew! Happy Weekend to you too, Ally – happy window washing to you.
Wow, that garage did take up some real estate, looks better without it. It’s amazing how home decor changes over the years. A complete kitchen remodel can cost waaaay too much.
LOL – that it did. It is interesting how home decor changes. A complete remodel is definitely out of our budget!
The garage on my little house is so small, my neighbors across the street barely get a car and truck in it. 1996 thinking… Those stupid 4 door trucks just won’t fit. My 2 door truck barely fits, and vans? No way, far too low. Those 4 door trucks are not really trucks, they are cars with a truck bed on the back. Wannabe trucks…
I had a friend who bought one of the first SUV’s and didn’t measure the garage before buying. Oops! Luckily your truck does fit in the garage!
Oh man, what an oopsie!! Why the heck the builder made these garages so low is beyond me. Apparently, the thinking on home construction has radically changed sine 1996 when this and the other homes in this sub were built. It’s an HOA so I can’t put up a tower for my ham radio antennas either.
So strange indeed. Bummer that you can put on your antennas. My oldest has been house shopping and looking at much older homes. It is amazing to me how many only have small, one car garages. I’m sure back then only one car families were the norm. Some of those cars were boats though!!!? LOL
Boats indeed, the 60’s and 70’s cars remembered. You could put an enormous amount of things in the trunk! My truck would have roughly 4-5 foot to spare if backed against the garage door, and it’s an actual, real pickup with just two doors.
I totally missed out on the appliance garage – this post is the first I heard of it. I can see how useful it was!! It is hard to move on from things we depended on for so long. Now, the Windows computer….I can’t help you with that – we moved from one of those (SO many problems) to a Mac in 2010 (my daughter’s urging) and haven’t looked back. Good luck – I hope you can recover the files you need.
It was useful, we’ll miss it, maybe. It was handy when the kids were little and we had a cat that liked to chew on the bread bags.
Ugh…computers…that’s all I’ve got to say about that right now…!!
Nice post Ms Shelley, I also use Windows 7 on my desktop. We do like to use what is comfortable. g
Thank you, g. So you’re not having issues with 7 and the recent updates? I agree, we do like to use what we’re comfortable with. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for stopping by – it’s always a joy to hear from you!
White Zin is my favorite when I drink wine, which isn’t often nowadays. I am one of the Mac people who will tell you to just get one and no, I’ve never had an appliance garage but I LOVE the name of it! We don’t have enough counter space or I’d definitely go for one.
I prefer dry wines, but when the prize bottle appeared, I didn’t have the heart to not chill it and drink it. You, Mac lovers, I hear ya… I need to contemplate a switch some day.
Counter space is a hot commodity. We’ve enjoyed the garage, it’ll be interesting to live without it now.
My daughter’s iPad died a few months ago. It was an old one, one of the first versions, and it served her well.. I’ve lent her my backup computer, (which is still a nice computer purchased for photography,) and I discovered yesterday that it is falling apart. I’m dreading the day when I have to replace it. I use a small 13 inch MacBook Pro for my personal use, blogging, and photo editing. It is convenient to bring anywhere I go, it fits in both my camera bags, and still has the features of a powerful computer. I try to have a separate account for emergencies, appliances dying etc. last summer’s medical expenses put a big dent in it, unfortunately. I’ve started to build it up again. My goal is to stay debt free, never purchase anything on credit, unless it is a life emergency. I enjoyed reading your post….and just maybe I should pick up some wine for tonight
LOL. I don’t drink much, but one glass of red, or one IPA on a Friday night is pretty nice. Have a wonderful weekend!
I rescued your comment from my spam folder. I have no idea why it went there?! You’re on a computer roll too! It’s a sad day when we have to part with our ol’ faithful computers. I’ve yet to venture into a portable blogging mode. I’m afraid I’d be too sucked into it all day long. You have great financial goals, way to plan and stay on top of things. It is tough when emergencies happen. A treat on Friday is a great idea – hope you enjoyed your evening. Happy Weekend to you!!
Oooo, I better check my spam, I sometimes find comments from friends there.
It is tough when you have to part with a computer, all the information and memories saved there.
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
I check my spam every day. I’m frequently surprised by what goes there. Yes, parting with a trusted computer isn’t easy.
I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend too!!
I should check mine more frequently. Thanks for the reminder!
The weekend is great so far. We went hiking on some sand dunes in Mojave Natural Preserve (CA) yesterday. My body feels happily tired after that exercise. Going to have dinner guests tonight, so today will mostly go towards preparing for that. Always fun
Have a great day!
Your weekend sounds wonderful. It was nice enough for us to take a walk in the early morning fog yesterday. I’m like you – getting out in nature helps my mood tremendously. Hope you have a great week!!
No appliance garage. Room temp on the wine (but I usually have beer – cold). I am sipping some wine now because s very nice person made me a steak. Windows 7 is on its last leg. I’m switching to 10, with a newer machine. Then I will clear out the old one and instal Windows 10 on it. I want to leave it on my desk, so I can work quietly in the morning.
WOW – you had steak and wine too. Great minds think alike! I’m a fan of a cold beer too.
That’s what I’m doing with my computer too – I don’t know if all the bugs are out of 10 yet, but they aren’t supporting 7 so we’re forced to move on I guess.
Hope your morning is off to a great start!!
Windows 10 is nicely stable. I will miss 7, but yeah, time to move on.
Yes, it is.
I have the Windows 10 laptop on my glass-top stove – now I can use it as Ron has finally configured it to remote into the office, but I am still clinging to my Windows 7 because I am not a bells-and-whistles kind of gal and use it until the cutoff date the beginning of next year. And if I could get a Mac I would do as my Mac friends say “just pull it out of the box and charge it up and go” … I understand they are effortless, don’t crash so when I’m done here, it will be a Mac next laptop I need. Like you, while we are tied into a Windows-based network, we must go with the flow. My first breakfast I made was waffles or pop tarts.
(That would be Eggos, not from scratch waffles.) I used to cook at the diner weekends when the cook sat down for their meal/break time. I can cook on a grill better than a stove.
I love how you use your stove for Windows ;-). It’s a good thing you like to cook on the grill since your stove is busy serving as a desk. My two kiddos were cooking Eggos in that picture!!
No, I don’t have a grill and I don’t like the toaster oven as the cord gets too hot. My mom used it all the time and I never knew hot hot it or the cord got (she used a heavyweight extension cord which was permitted) got, until she was confined to bed and I was doing the cooking and we used the toaster oven for some dishes, like quiche and other smaller items. I left it there to fill the spot, but don’t use it.
I have to take it off and put it on a card table that I have just for that purpose. But it is annoying to do that all the time.
I can imagine it is frustrating. Yet you make it all work for you.
I must admit that I am not for everyone though.
I’m not either ;-)!
I just moved to MacOS 10.15 Catalina this week.
How long have you had this computer? My guess is that it’s probably a better bet to buy a new computer with Windows 10 already installed and migrate everything off the hard drive in the old computer. You’re not going to find a computer with Windows 7 installed at this point.
I’ve never heard of an appliance garage…
Congratulations on your computer updating. My computer I’ve had since 2014. That’s what I did do, so now I’m hoping that the hard-drive didn’t fail.
Appliance garages seem to be a short-lived deal?
If it did, there are companies that can help you get the data off the hard drive. Don’t give up hope.
Thank you for encouraging me – your words give me hope!
Sorry, I take for myself the sentences of your readers that are true for me too.
1- “An appliance garage, I’d never heard of that! I can see how useful it was. Mostly I need more counter space, then I could may be use all the nifty small appliances that are now hidden away in tall cabinets. Too much trouble to get them out to use”. SO TRUE!
“I’m holding on to my old appliances. They work and they keep me moving, It is hard to move on from things we depended on for so long”.
Rather than buying new kitchen tools , I am tending to empty the cupboards… BUT, by kitchen is in a sorry state. To modernize it, to give it a facelift, I removed the doors that opened on the entrance and the dining room. Then I snatched the old tapestry with chickens and roosters. It was necessary to change the refrigerator, the hob, the oven and the dishwasher. They all broke down last winter one after the other. But since, the decoration of this room is not finished, it is always the building site.
2- My son (high level computer engineer student who is living 600 kilometers away) always told me that Apple computers: Macintosh are very expensive. On the other hand, they are not compatible with other brands. The person, who owns one, MUST GO ON with their expensive products. According to him, it’s just a matter of fashion, wanting to show off, to impress, I sent him your sentences by mail, hoping that he could write me back some expert advices.
Thank you for sharing and adding your thoughts. Your kitchen adventures sound familiar to me. A work in progress, indeed.
Thank you for the wishes for my computer – I think I may have to toss it in the garbage :-(.
How to give a second life to your computer by creating:
bird feeder, beer shooter, jewelry, barbecue, mailbox, percolator, n wall of colors, hamster cage, robot, original Christmas decorations, PCB sculptures
Oooh…that sounds interesting!
I send the the article at your e mail adress : s…y@q…r…com
I hope you could read it.
Thank you!! I’m very behind in emails, but I will definitely look for it, much appreciated!!
No problem!