Here I stand, at my computer desk, staring at the 2nd cookie to climb its way to the top of my napkin this morning. Sitting all innocent-like. Waiting…
Right next to the 3rd cup of coffee I’m sipping from that’s causing my hands to shake.
I’m wondering what other people are doing?
Celebrating reaching their spectacular 2019 goals? I took time off blogging to reach my goal I’ve had on my bucket list for over 20 years – an overachiever, right? Now I just need to get caught up on what I let slide while I was focusing efforts elsewhere.
Unlike me, are others celebrating how they reached more goals than they planned on reaching in 2019?
Are they planning their 2020 goals from a new angle?
Or are they sleeping in so they can stay up late tonight and watch the ball drop from the view in their corner of the world? I’m pretty sure re-runs will work for me.
Then there’s Lil’ ol’ me, simply wondering if I should eat another cookie or not.
I’ll probably throw out the coffee.
But…will I eat the cookie or throw that out too?
It’s just a cookie. I either made too many or didn’t give enough of them away. Should I freeze them or toss them? I’ll decide later.
I’ve already eaten too many this season, so I doubt I’d miss them. And I certainly don’t need the extra calories. Doesn’t everyone do that? Please tell me I’m not alone in eating too many treats?! Or setting too many unrealistic goals? I’m learning after all these years, that stuff’s not good for ya!
But, it’s just a cookie. That has sprinkles on top that have seen fresher days.
I suppose I could walk 3 more hours on the treadmill to burn off the calories. Or shovel the 5 inches of snow we got overnight?
Or, I could just enjoy the damn cookie and think about starting a diet tomorrow.
What would you do?
PS – The cookie was tasty :-)!
Quick, dig out the 2019 goals and add, “eat more cookies” to the list.
LOL – True to the finish of 2019, you didn’t disappoint me with your brilliant advice!!
I’d eat the cookie–of course! And freeze the leftovers–they look wonderful. (But probably in single layers, because of the frosting.) You never know when you need a plate of cookies for a friend or a little dessert when someone stops by. I also made too many this year. My German Springerle cookies last forever, and just get better with age (kinda like us!) but my gingerbread men, not so much. I think I’ll freeze. And take to the parties we’re going to tonight and tomorrow. Happy New Year’s Eve! Happy resolution making (and breaking!).
Yay, a fellow one-more-cookie-lover!! That’s a great idea, I should freeze them so I can do that! I had to look up the recipe for the German Springerle cookies, I don’t think I’ve ever had any of those. They look yummy! I love Gingerbread cookies, but haven’t made those in years either. I bet you’re a hit at all the parties when you bring cookies!!! Happy New Year to you and yours. I’ll stick to resolutions the obligatory 2 -3 weeks, then life will get back to ‘normal’
You have a cookie army stalking you Shelley! Soldiers all in a row waiting for orders! Wishing you guys all the best for 2020.
LOL – the calories are marching with them! We’re wishing you all the best in 2020 too!
The cookies look delish! I actually had half of one last night and a lemon cookie in the morning with my coffee. Tomorrow is the start of a new year and fresh goals, whether you accomplished them all for this year or not. Happiest of New Years to you, Shelley. I’ll be watching the ball drop from my nice warm house.
They are delicious cookies – they have ricotta cheese in them, so semi-healthy, right? Way to start out the year ready for goals. I hope the ball drop watching was fun. I was sleeping well before that ;-)! Happy New Year to you too!!
I vote: eat the damn cookie!! They look really professional – done by a master baker!! Very impressive. I didn’t set a lot of goals for 2019, but one I did accomplish was posting every day. 365 posts! WooHoo
Might not happen for 2020, but it was fun to do it in 2019. Happy New Year!
I did eat the cookie. And after reading all the encouragement, I think I’ll eat another one today! Then I need to freeze them to make them less easy to grab. Congratulations 365 posts is a big deal!! I did that once too, and it helped get into the writing habit. I’m not sure how often I’ll post in 2020 either. I do know that I’m very thankful our paths crossed and I hope the continue to do so in 2020!
Good for you! Freezing is a good idea – easier to do the “one at a time” thing.
And, yes, I’m also thankful our paths have crossed. I sure hope that will continue in 2020!
I have to confess, the soft chewy cookies have become a wonderful replacement for the chips. But just one per day with my morning coffee.
Yes, indeed, our paths will continue to cross in 2020!
Never! waste cookies. Unless they’re with something you don’t like (like raisins for me).
Happy New Year!
LOL – thank you for the support! Happy New Year to you too!
Life is short…eat the cookie! You can always join the rest of the country and start a diet in the new year. Ha! I have one chocolate turtle calling my name and it’s not going to make it through the day. I made a lot less cookies this year, but I did hide that little box of turtles away for myself away from all the sugar mongers in the house. They all had their cookies, fudge, peppermint ice cream and licorice. But no one even realized I had that little box of turtles. It’s our little secret. LOL.
Laurel, I so appreciate your encouragement to enjoy life to the fullest! It’s the 1st today and I haven’t had a cookie (yet). But, I sure want one. Way to hide a stash for yourself and enjoy it too!!!
I’d eat the cookie and a bunch more. Hey, caffeine and sugar, breakfast of champions, right?
Happy New Year!
LOL – I love your advice, John! Happy New Year to you too!
So glad you ate the cookie. No cookie should every go to waste, especially as pretty as those were. Its the punishment the cookie gets for climbing onto your plate.
Have a great new year.
Thanks for the encouragement, Anita!! I hope you have a great new year too. Thank you for being a wonderful part of my 2019. I look forward to staying in touch in 2020 too!
Happy new year!! Wishing you a great year filled with blessings, good health, and lots of blogging success.
Those cookies look so delicious. I’d have a hard time stopping myself at one, or two, etc. And then I’ll be mad at myself for eating the whole batch. oyyyy, I did that with chocolate yesterday. At least it was dark.
Thank you, Esther, Happy New Year to you too. Your recap of the decade was so heart-warming. Thank you for sharing. All the comments about the cookies made me cave and have another one. I can’t believe how much I like them this year. Way to go for dark chocolate, it has health benefits, so I hear. Thanks for stopping by, it’s always nice to hear from you!
Happy to share…Thank you for your sweet comment! I hope you know that your encouragement in my early blogging days helped tremendously.
Have a wonderful new year and for yummy treats to eat (in moderation) and enjoy!!
You’re welcome. The same to you, Esther. I so appreciated (still do) your comments and your encouragement when I started out too. I don’t get around to the blogs I followed originally as much as I’d like to. I’m so glad I get to see photos on Instagram and that I’ve kept my spreadsheet list with all the blogs I like to follow so I can remember to stop by, or get nudged to stop by when someone comments on my posts. Keeping up in blogging can be challenging.
I wish you and your family well and many, many, many more smiles in 2020.
I’m happy to see you on Instagram too! I know what you mean about keeping up with reading blogs. It’s a common time crunch for bloggers!
I hope you have a great first weekend of this new year and happy blogging!!
Yay – I don’t post a lot there, but it is fun to scroll when I’m waiting for something else to happen. I agree, it’s surprisingly time consuming.
I hope you’re off to a great start to the new year – happy blogging to you too!
Eat the cookies burn them off shovelling snow , after all you need fuel for energy
Thank you, Julie. Does it count that I stood while watching Mr. do the shoveling?
Who could resist if they are lined up looking at you – I would not mind a few right now myself. You could shovel, run the treadmill or start anew in 2020 – I like the latter choice the best myself.
Having them all lined up was quite the temptation. Is it bad that I already had a cookie for 2020?
Oh I believe that – I could tell you what my mom said to me “eat everything I put in front of you, there are starving children in ____________ (fill in the blank). It is your obligation to eat those cookies Shelley.
LOL – yep, my parents said the same thing. And I’m sure their parents said it to them too. Don’t worry, I’m eating my share. Just one a day to replace the Tostitos! xx
Yes, I got mostly “starving kids in India – eat your peas please.” I abhor peas but they weren’t as bad as chicken livers and brussels sprouts which were favorites of my father so we had them once a week – ugh.
Yep, I heard that one too. Only I liked peas, so my mom would say that to my brother. I’m with you on chicken liver, but I do like brussels sprouts. I bet you’re glad you can choose what to eat all on your own now!