If the old farmer’s saying is true, and, “It takes just 3 snows on a Robins’ tale then spring will arrive,” then why do Robins hide when it snows?”
Shouldn’t they stick around and let the snow fall on their tails? The sooner they let it happen the better. That way we can get this winter over with is my thinking!
You know, just because…I’m sick of it, just plain ol’ sick of it.
Oh, goody…just in time for…you guessed it,
“Hello, cold, wet and sticky snow…”
I found it funny that I actually saw a Robin run and hide from it when the snow started. Seeing is believing, so they say.
Then another one braved its way through the wind and flew into winters’ final crime scene –
I couldn’t miss him. Just because he stuck out like a sore thumb.
He fluffed his feathers and stayed at the top of the tree looking all around and wondering, “WTF!”

(OMG…on a side note, the WordPress editor function popped up and shared the correction to switch from WTH to WTF…so I left it, sorry if it is offensive. Just because I brought it up though…when did H get the bump back to F and it’s proper now to be more offensive? And why did I think it was funny or strange? Some things are just blogworthy to include…but I digress).
Yeah…where was I?
Ah, yes, back to the Robin who had to be thinking, “Where did all this &*$*^#! snow come from?
I took enough shots, I guess. I missed him as he flew off.
I don’t worry about such things. Just because, never fear, there’s always just some random thing to take a shot of.
I’m just lucky, I guess, ‘cuz then the dog had to go out to do his business. A photographer’s job just never ends…
I kept looking out each window, shaking my head. I followed the pup out of the room, as I left, I said to Mr, “It’s just so wrong to be snowing.”
In the other room, I continued with my rant. He couldn’t hear me, he hates it when I do that. Do you ever keep talking to your spouse from the other room and wonder why they didn’t reply?
“We just got rid of the snow yesterday. And my little green plant was starting to sprout.”
I opened the patio door and said, “Sorry pup, just because you’re a dog, out you go into the snow…walk carefully, you know, just because it’s hard to see where you’ve boldly gone before.”

That adventure was a success. So we returned to the kitchen for dinner.
Afterward, I looked at Mr. and said, “In just less than 2 hours, we got just about 2 inches of snow…WTF?!” (Yeah…note the F instead of the H…just because!)
Mr.: “Uh, huh, I was here, I saw it. Just taking photos for your blog, eh?”
Me: “Um, yes, duh…I recorded it in action, just because…”
Mr.: “Ah, yes, dear. And, don’t be so down. Just because it is April, it doesn’t mean we don’t get snow. Last year on April 12th, we had 10-12 inches of snow. Just remember, at least it won’t stick around for long.”
Me: “You’re right. And, by the way, I’ve just nailed it once again.”
Mr: “Uh, huh, what did you nail?”
Me: “The photos for my blog, duh…the letter for tomorrow is, J. I just nailed it.”
Mr: “Really…? You didn’t think of Jamaica for the J?”
Me: “Dang…no…I didn’t think of it. Just because the snow was pre-occupying my attention. Crap, Jamaica would’ve been way easier…maybe I didn’t nail it after all? Wait…there’s always N for Negril, whew…!”
Post inspiration – A-Z Blogging Challenge 2019 – J
PS – As I press to publish my post this morning, it is still blizzard-like here. How about the weather where you are, did the storm miss you? What is your favorite quote for spring? Stay safe – stay warm!
We lucked out, the snow missed us. Doesn’t mean it won’t come our way but so far it hasn’t. But it’s COLD…blah.
I hope it misses you, too! It’s only 26 degrees and the wind gusts are horrible. It looks like it did in February. I wonder how the moms with kids staying home, yet again, are feeling today? We’ve had so many snow days this season, it’s ridiculous. This better be it for us…! Blah, is right!
We shouldn’t get this storm here in NJ. The good thing about Spring snow is it melts fast.
Yay – I hope it does miss you. Yes, it’s true, at least this snow should melt fast. I hope!
Your snow looks sad, like it doesn’t want to be where it is. As for WP changing WTH to WTF I’m shocked, I tell you. Horrified, even. Wonder why it’s doing that? It didn’t do that here in my comment.
Yeah, the snow is sad. I agree…I was shocked enough to share it, which is really sad! :-(. I wonder why it did that too? I’m glad to hear at least it isn’t doing it in the comments.
today STL can look forward to the Bomb Cyclone — MAJOR windy-ness and thunderstorms. UUUGGGHHH.
I feel your pain! Stay safe!!!
I’m just hoping I closed my living room windows enough! The thunderstorms aren’t supposed to start until rush hour-ish, so I should be home in plenty of time. Thanks for your concern!
Oh, my, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that your windows are closed enough!!!
Yup, white here this AM, too. And windy. And cold. Blech. But your Mr. is so correct…at least we know it won’t last. I’m just hoping my azaleas don’t have another year where the tops are frozen and only half of them blossom. Spring weather is so iffy.
Now we’re getting thunder and lighting and snow. Crazy storm. I hope your azaleas survive too! I agree, spring is so iffy!
The F isn’t offensive at all. Poor Copper, caught in the act! The snow will be gone very soon! The wind storm is finally over here after 2.5 days, sunny and 70 is forecast for the valley today.
LOL – yeah, poor little guy. You sure had the wind, thanks for sending it our way. Enjoy the sunny, warm day! I’m jealous, by the way. Just saying!
We had nothing to do with the wind, it’s an act of God.

LOL – alright, I’ll cut you some slack!
Snow in April, totally understand why you’re using the “F”
LOL – it requires restraint NOT to use it!
Haha. Gotta love autocorrect. Of course it’s not offensive. I do wonder who at WP is in charge of that — must think they are PRETTY FUNNY!!
Anyway, I enjoy your stories and photos. Those poor birds must be so cold.
Before you know it, it will be too hot out (!)
LOL – some Happiness Engineer no doubt ;-). Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. The birds are struggling to fly today, it’s even worse now compared to last night. Please, please, please call me out if I ever complain about the heat this summer. I will.probably.maybe…
Pack up some snow and put it in your freezer as a reminder
LOL…I should do that!
I am sick of this as well…rainy cold…yuck. But I loved the one picture of the full tree in the field with the bird. fabulous.
I hope you’re not getting more flooding because of this storm. Thank you, glad you liked the photo!
It crested last night at 5 feet above flood level 20.5 feet. So hopefully it will begin going down but this much water is going to take a while.
Yikes…I hope it does go down soon!
One thing the snow’s good for is some beautiful shots!
Yes, it is pretty, that’s for sure. I especially like the first snow of the season for that reason.
Hopefully, it’s the last snow of the season for you!
I agree! It just has to be!! Please!
I’m going to add an “ugh” for all the bloggers whose significant others come up with the perfect word for the prompt after we’ve written our post.
LOL – Glad to hear it happens to the ‘best’ of us – like you!
the cities are a mess
Good thing you got out of there. Hopefully it all melts before you return!
Snow again – enough already with the white stuff, but it made for a beautiful picture of the bird in the snow-covered tree and that bird said to himself “I only came back from Florida to file my taxes, otherwise I’d have stayed there.” I had heard a variation of this quote before, so had to Google around … Mark Twain, a favorite of mine for outrageous quotes said: “In the spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.” -— Mark Twain
Yes, but, fingers crossed, it is the last storm. It left us with 10.5 inches. So, yeah, us, we’ve hit all time high record amounts, so we’re good. I love that Mark Twain quote.
A record you could have lived without. I like Mark Twain’s quotes … glad you liked this one.
That was excellent! Loved the captions, esp. the crabby/apple one, and the phrase, winters last crime scene. I’ve never heard that Farmers almanac phrase about the robin. We missed the snow, its cold though, although tomorrow will be spring again. Are you working your way through the alphabet with your posts?
Thank you, Joni, I appreciate your encouragement. I’m surprised when people haven’t heard that phrase. I grew up hearing it, so maybe it’s a Wisconsin thing? But, I’m hoping we’re done with snow now. Yes, I’m doing the A-Z Blogging Challenge 2019. It’s the 10th year (my first time doing it though).