So…how did my little magical work your butt with squats and twist and turn to tone your love handle reminders work?
Did I exercise my butt off yesterday?
Well, let’s see. Kind of. It hurt to do squats this morning while my coffee heated up.
So, I guess, they did work. Surprisingly well, for the most part.
But, I was amazed at how easily I ignored them. Humans are superb at finding the least amount of movement required to accomplish tasks they do on a routine basis.
I walked by the damn notes a lot. They were invisible many moments of the day as I got into my normal routine.
I moved too quickly, like bunnies…the ones in our yard are fast; I kept seeing their disappearing paw prints, but not them.
Occasionally I’d accidentally glance at my reminder notes and then I’d Hiit it in full gear and give it my best half-a**ed attempt.
For the most part, though, when I saw them right away, I did follow instructions.
Until dinner time.
After doing so many additional reps during the day, I was frankly kinda pooped.
And Copper pooped 4 times.
The fourth trip outside, I thought to myself I’ll just hold my squat position for as long as he does while he does his job. And…wow, he must have some really strong glutes!
My cheeks were burning by the time he was done. It took him forever…
Like the snow falling all day…it seemed to last forever, every time I stopped to squat and look out the window it was snowing!
And that meant no lunges for this gal while I set the table. Actually, Mr. already had the table set.
I remained playful, though, feeling all proud of myself and my clever notes. I took a chance to tease help in the kitchen.
Speaking of him, the exercise reminders didn’t work for Mr. I guess he needs different kinds of motivation? According to this post, (which by the way is full of fun facts about bikinis that hit on the emotional impact of bikinis on humans) men and women have different takes on the idea of bikinis and the motivation thereof.
I could sense Mr.’s not as entertained with my recent obsession of fitting into a bikini crapola I’ve got going on. Plus I’m not sure he’s in love with the additional eclectic decorating of the house like I am.
I pay attention to things like that, yes I do.
I adore this photo of Brigitte, love her innocence! I could never wear those shoes and bright red lipstick on the beach, though! What was she thinking?
I don’t blame Mr., though, it’s only been since the beginning of January that I’ve been throwing every trick at the book at lifestyle changes. He’s surviving incredibly well, despite my efforts to sway him to join me.
He wouldn’t be caught in a mankini, maybe a Speedo, but, nope, not a mankini. I guess I’ll let him off the hook on this wardrobe adventure.
As we were heating up in the kitchen last night, (aka, the soup in the microwave) I noticed coyly that he wasn’t obeying the post-it note on the microwave.
Me: “How come you’re not following the note and doing your squats?”
Mr: With you’ve gotta be kidding me chicky look, “Hah, I don’t need to do squats! I do them all the time. Didn’t you happen to notice the number of squats, lifts, twists, you name it muscle action I did moving snow, TWICE, today?”
Me: Oh, yeah, sorry, I remember now.
Me: You’re right, you’ve got me beat on the toning exercises. That’s okay, I’ll do the inside exercises then. I don’t really wanna trade spots. Even if we’ve got plenty of snow to go around.
Mr: At this rate, with the continual snow falling, I’m keeping up with plenty of exercises for my pre-trip toning sessions. I don’t need any more reminders, either, thank you.
And we’re on to Day 8 of the challenge – it’s back to below zero outside…and the bikini I ordered on a whim is scheduled to be delivered today.
Maybe that will provide some comic relief tonight for both of us, to warm up the chills of the season.
On a yay, me! note – I haven’t opened the new bag of Tostitos either!!
Oy…this winter is toying with the blues around these here parts! We’re still dreaming of the sun on a beach…and the lack of snow to move around!
Post Inspiration 28 Day Challenge – Fall In Love With Your Over 50-Self February #FILWYO50SF and Nancy Merrill’s Photography Challenge Depth of Field
PS – Tell the truth, which scene looks more appealing to you? The blue snow or the blue sky on the beach? What do you do for fun on a Friday night? Does it involve retail therapy and modeling of your trip’s clothing?
You can do it. And aren’t you glad you don’t have to do snow removal. Its been awful this year. Think Jamaica!
Thanks, Anita, that’s what I keep doing!
The blue sky on the beach, hands down Shelley. I love the photos of the snow flying from the blower, memories! It’s ironic that your bikini is being delivered in such weather conditions. Wow. The bowl of chili looks yummy!

Thanks, John – I’m not surprised by your vote for the photos – you are a fan of the warmer climates! I know, isn’t that awesome about the delivery date!! The soup is delicious!! Stay warm – enjoy your patio outside!
I admire your determination to make yourself ready for your vacation. And I won’t suggest that doing squats is my idea of torture, so instead I’ll say “you go girl!” May your efforts result in the beach bod that you want and deserve.
Thank you, Ally – I shall get the one I deserve, want…um…I’ll get back to you on that ;-)!
Hope your Mr. takes care with all the snow-shoveling. Good on ya, for your exercising! We’re supposed to get cold again this weekend. I just need one more snow I think–to get a little skiing in–but I’m feeling ready for spring!
Thanks, Rebecca, yes, he’s doing all of the shoveling. We’ve got the cold spell now, and we’re both ready for spring to arrive. But the fresh snow is pretty to look at.
That’s a ton of snow out there that Mr. is tackling – yup, he has a point, he is working his gluteus maximus off out there! The blue at the beach is more inviting. Good for you passing up the Tostitos … they’re going to get stale but don’t let that fact sending you scrambling over to break ’em open.
LOL – yes, he is getting his workouts in! I agree on the beach being more inviting. I just added up what I’m saving by not buying a bag a week – score me, $150.00 (that should cover the cost of the new swimming suit, the new shorts, and maybe some cheap flip-flops!!)
And at least one island drink with an umbrella speared into a pineapple!
Oh, I’m sure that will happen!