I’ve confessed this before – It’s the little blue bag I adore.
The party sized bag is my favorite score.
It holds a prominent spot.
It’s where it and I meet a lot.
Every night, you see.
It’s just the little ol’ bag and me.
I chew, chew, chew until all of a sudden, an out of the blue food coma sets in.
Then it is off to bed I go, to settle in.
To recharge and renew.
Hello, good morning, I think what’s the matter with choo?
To hell with the modified food goals, it’s the chew factor I love.
And with slight regret, I chew on that thought, as I perform the hide the bag in the pantry move.

Silly me, what am I thinking? No Finish book has the answers to solve my Tostitos addictions to open another bag – the one that arrived all shiny and new.
It’s true love with each munchy crunchy chip I dare to swallow.
It’s a social addiction, way more satisfying than scrolling through Instagram accounts I’ve found I accidentally follow.
Even if I hid the bag, dagnabit, I’d still wanna chew…yessiree it’s the bag I shall finish.
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hills’ Stream of Consciousness Saturday – chew/choo. And Becky B’s #JulySquares and #Blue
PS – What is your favorite snack? What do you have planned for the weekend? Are you going to finish any projects? Or bags of chips?!
For me, it’s Skinny Pop. I tell myself it’s better than homemade because I’m not melting a ton of butter and adding too much salt. But I’ve had to stop buying the big bags and get the single portion box at Costco, because I was eating half the bag at a sitting. If I sit down to watch a movie, I do make the homemade bowl…so good warm with real butter.
It’s too hot here to do anything, but it’s supposed to be cooler and less humid by evening, so I will be pulling weeds again. I need to hire a teenager for this.
I like Skinny Pop too, haven’t bought a bag for a really long time, for the exact same reason! We have a popcorn maker, and make a batch almost every day. I don’t know if it’s better or not, but we use coconut oil to pop it in. With sea salt on top, I can eat quit a lot!
The heat is a pain to work in – if you can find a teenager willing to work in it, YES, hire them!
I’m working on a bag of pretzels. Enjoy the weekend, Shelley.
Perfect with beer! Cheers to you – hope you’re enjoying the weekend too!
now I need chips and salsa
You’re welcome :-)!
My goal is to stop snacking after I recently finished a book which suggested the same. So far I am not doing well. Been on vacation this past week. Snacking on anything I can get my hands on, mainly ice cream.
What’s the book called? Aw, vacation is not the time to try to limit or hold back on things. I’m terrible when it comes to restraint on vacation. I’m not an ice cream fan, but now that you mention it, it would be quite tasty on a hot summer day!
“The Obesity Code, Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss” by Jason Fung. Not sure I agree on all points but we’ll see how it goes.
Thank you for sharing the title! I think you’re right, no matter what, there will always be something about somebody’s suggestions for weight loss that won’t work for somebody else. We’re all unique. Finding what works for us is a journey of self-discovery, and then just when you think you’ve figured it out. We age, and change, and need to readjust. ;-)!
I wish I could eat chips like you do Shelley, I love them! How about some “hint of salt” crackers from Ritz? Or zero salt saltines with No Salt on top? Yum!
I’ve found Tostitos to be the least of the worst chips. I need to find restraint though. Grr. I’ve never tried those crackers, I’ll have to check them out, thanks for the suggestion!
You make me laugh with your love of chips. My love is Cheese Nips. Keep a box in my cabinet at all times.
LOL – My daughters love Cheese Nips. When they were still at home, we always had to make sure we had a box in the cabinet. Those little squares are so cute and the perfect little crunchy munch in your mouth. Sigh…I may like them too, good thing I don’t have a box to tempt me!
LOL. Snacks do have their draw…
That they do!
I like cheese and crackers (remember Old London Cheez Waffies? Can’t find them anymore) and nuts of any kind, but really, I’m not fussy. When we go out for Mexican (which is just about never anymore) I can go thru an entire basket of tortilla chips, so we don’t keep them around…
No special plans for the weekend. “Columbo” is on this evening, so we’ll watch that.
I like cheese and crackers too – Wisconsin has good cheese. I don’t remember those crackers.
Oh, yeah, if I go out for Mexican, it’s usually a two basket serving of the chips and salsa.
Hope the episode of Columbo didn’t disappoint – I loved that show when it first came out. Haven’t seen an episode for a really long time.
Pirate Booty for me
I’ve never heard of Pirate Booty – I googled it and it does look tasty! Thanks for your snackfession.
Yes, I like a good bag of chips myself but I’ve been able to resist since March! When I was eating them I liked the low fat/salt kettle cooked version because I like crunchy.
Tee-hee! Shelley this is terrific. I loved the photos too. Hugs on the wing.
Thank you, Teagan – I appreciate you stopping by! I need to stop by your blog to catch up on the story!!
It’s more fun being a texture eater than a soft food eater. It is nicer to crunch, crunch, crunch – more satisfying and better you take out your end-of-the-day aggressions on the Tostitos, than on Mr.!
LOL – so very true. Plus I can amaze Mr. too by my ability to consume chip after chip after chip after dinner! LOL!
Oh I did that when I had the bag that I just had to have after reading all your posts about Tostitos. Eventually, I needed to put them away … they are addictive! I am like that with cheese Goldfish (at least they are whole grain), but they lack the crunch that Tostitos have so not as satisfying. Even a potato chip lacks that crunch that we texture lovers crave.
Ah, yes, the CRUNCH with salt. AHHHHHHHHHHH!
Like Cheetos, the real crispy skinny ones – I used to be addicted to those, the air-puffed ones not so much (they’re all air – no substance). It is all about crunch and snap and salt. Your lips must taste like salt and you must be satisfied from the crunch or the Tostitos or Cheetos have not done their job!
As I clicked on to this post I was crunching through a bowl of Skinny Pop. LOL!! Popcorn is my favorite go-to crunchy snack. Just the plain kind. Large bags from B.J.’s disappear way too fast. Happy Crunchy Weekend to you!
So addictive, isn’t it?
Yes it is!
Yay – a fellow crunch fan. I like popcorn too. You’re the second one to say Skinny Pop was their go-to snack. Happy Crunchy Weekend to you too!
I am glad there are lots of chipaholics out thee
Me too! I wish I would’ve bought stock in Tostitos.
But you would eat the profits

LOL – yeah, you’re right!
And, the average nacho chip only accounts for 1 percent of the total calorie requirement of a standard adult diet (2,000) calories. In my mind, you can eat many, many more!
YAY – I love your advice on chips – I shall continue to consume ;-)!
hahaha! I love crunchy chips of all kinds, but Cheetos are my favorite.
LOL – Yes! Cheetos are fun to eat too!
hee hee we all have a weakness . . .and it’s great to celebrate them!
LOL – yes, we do…I may celebrate my weakness a tad too often, but I do enjoy how much fun it is while doing so!
I certainly celebrate my chocolate one too often!!
If it’s dark chocolate, it’s good for you, right?!