The first time you say something, it’s heard. The second time, it’s recognized, and the third time it’s learned. – John C. Maxwell
On the radio, Christmas songs are playing – so it’s time.
I checked the calendar, it says it’s time.
I’ll be damned, 3 days early and the ads in the papers tell me to get in my a** into some seriously awesome be the first to shop for it because you need it kind of new gear.
I get it…I get it…I get it…it’s time. One thing I’ve learned is that this time of year comes up faster and faster each year.
Why am I not ready to be the boss of this week? Where the heck did the rest of the year go? Holy sh*t – I might need to add a bigger cup of coffee to my shopping list?!
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday – It’s Time
PS – Are you a Black Friday shopper? Do you have a radio station playing Christmas music already? Do you know where the first part of 2018 went?
The holidays have sneaked up on us both, Shelley. I was contemplating yesterday about the shopping I need to do and everything I need to accomplish before Christmas. I’m not ready!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Drink lots of coffee, eat lots of turkey, and relax.
Yes, they have. Hopefully, a day dining on treats and relaxing in yoga pants will do the trick for kicking us in gear!?! Happy Thanksgiving, Mary – I remain thankful our paths crossed here in the blogosphere!
Same here, blogging buddy!
You could not get me into a store on Black Friday for all the tea in China! I am a reluctant shopper at best. Thinking about shopping on Friday gives me hives!
LOL – BFS it is definitely not for everyone. I’ve been doing Black Friday shopping since my kids were little. Now my daughters join me. We enjoy the people watching and lunch at 9 am because we’ve been out shopping since midnight – it’s become an annual tradition – all our shopping is done in one day. Enjoy the relaxation you’ll have by avoiding the crowds!
Wow! Enjoy the day with your daughters.
Thank you!
I’m not ready for Christmas music, shopping and I haven’t a clue how it got to be the end of November already. I’ve got to get a couple of packages in the mail soon, and I can’t believe I just wrote that.
Get that bigger cup, and enjoy the holiday at hand.
LOL – Time flies when you’re building garages! Hopefully, you’re like my husband and those packages are “for the garage” and you’ll be pleasantly surprised you ordered them! Enjoy the holidays, Dan – you deserve to relax you’ve worked hard this year!
Thanks Shelly.
I love Christmas music and could listen year round….but then it would not be as special. As far as shopping, yea, hate that.
LOL – now, why am I not surprised with you being okay with listening to Christmas year round??
Yeah, shopping…it’s a chore – I hope to find fun in the people watching!
We *do* have a radio station playing Christmas music. They start every year on November 1st but I have to admit — I scroll right past it until after Thanksgiving. Something about being reminded of my Christmas To Do List while I haven’t yet finished my Thanksgiving To Do List just stresses me out.
I agree with you – one holiday at a time! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I’m still trying to figure out where 2017 went…
We don’t go out shopping on Black Friday. In fact, we try not to go out shopping at all. People may hate Amazon, but they’ve been a Godsend for us. Happy Thanksgiving!
LOL – I’m starting to think Amazon is the ticket to shopping as well!
I gift with prepaid cards these days, this offers my family to use the money as they wish. Not as warm as a personal gift but they like it.
A very mobile type gift – so fitting for a guy who’s always on the go taking photos!
Well, last year at this time I was bummed that I had to work at Michaels on Thanksgiving day! Fortunately this year there is none of that. I hear Christmas music periodically throughout the year since I have my iTunes set to shuffle and it gives me a shock every time. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Shelley!
LOL – a sprinkle of Christmas throughout the year – not a bad idea! Happy Thanksgiving to you too! xx
I am NOT a Black Friday shopper. I used to be good about having my shopping done before the middle of December but have fallen farther and farther behind in recent years. I have not yet intentionally listened to any Christmas music and won’t for at least 2 more weeks. The rest of this year has been sucked into the black hole we call living, and the older I get the harder it is to retrieve memories from that voracious well.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Denny. As a PO I’m sure you’ve had many moments of seeing that black hole – you’re a saint to be able to do that work, I admire you for even being able to think about shopping or singing or holidays – I don’t know that I could bounce back! Thank you for all you do for the people you serve. xx
I used to do the Black Friday shopping adventure. Not anymore. Too much craziness. I’m not sure if it’s just more sales and stores being open earlier…or if it’s me being older. Probably a combination. Christmas music starts after Thanksgiving
Yeah, it’s a crazy deal, that’s for sure. I agree…the day after Thanksgiving, bring on the music, and my windows (down and up really fast in the cold) so I can sing along! Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Haven’t heard any Christmas music on the radio yet. I do love Christmas music but can they just wait until after Thanksgiving?? No, I’m definitely NOT a black Friday shopper. I’d rather just pay extra and avoid long lines and all those crowds! I did it once and hubby and I both said, “NEVER AGAIN!” I know some people love it and enjoy it and that’s great. More power to them!
Thank you for sharing Gail – enjoy your restful day after Thanksgiving. I hope I’m not in the news buried in a mob somewhere…Nah…not gonna happen! I’ll head home before venturing into a really long line! Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Happy Thanksgiving to you Shelley and Happy shopping!!!!!
No more Black Friday shopping but back in the day, oh my. I stood in line in the freezing rain for discount Star Wars Monopoly that the kidlet and his friends played only once. It was very stressful.
Yes to the Christmas music. We have discovered the You Tube TV channel. Contemporary music set to flashing Christmas lights is surprising therapeutic. Like the Siberian Orchestra in our living room.
No idea where the year has gone. It disappeared right before our eyes. Might have to do something about that. “Ohm” meditation or something.
Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Ah…yes, the cold freezing lines are not a fun time. Did that once or twice too, now we avoid the outside lines and only stand in line if we need the item. Maybe the needs factor is based upon time-warp delusions kind of like the Star Wars game…?! We boldly go where no woman wants to go for that special item! That’s a great idea – contemporary music to flashing Christmas lights. Happy Thanksgiving to you and meditations of being in the moment – that’s what is important.
Good luck tomorrow!!! May the force be with you
Thank you, I’m sure I’ll find something in the crowd to blog about………………………!
I try real hard not to go out of the house on black Friday. It’s CRAZY out there! I’ll be getting ready for an estate sale while listening to Christmas music on the old vinyl records I’m keeping. I have no idea where the first part of the year went. Oh, well. Happy Thanksgiving!
Yes, it’s crazy out there. Enjoy the preparation for the estate sale – I remember those days, I wonder if listening to Christmas music would’ve made the time go by faster? Happy Thanksgiving to you!!
Listening to Christmas definitely makes the time go by happier. Thank you, Shelley. I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.
You’re welcome, and thank you, too! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Yes, I did.
I have been to the mall on Black Friday but that was when they opened at a respectable hour (maybe 9:00 a.m.) and were not open on Thanksgiving or in the middle of the night. That was circa 1982 or 1983 I believe.
It was a large mall which is on two floors and wall-to-wall people. We moved like a throng, shuffling together down the main drag of the mall, veering off at entrances to stores or shops … oh my. I never went back. I just Christmas shop for myself now and already got my presents … yes, shameless. I was not overly indulgent. WNIC 100.3 started playing Christmas music the 8th or 9th of the month. They have solid Christmas music and abruptly stop on the 26th of December. They used to start before Halloween and got a lot of pushback for doing so. Rest up so you can go full throttle on Friday morning!
Ah, yes…1982 & 1983 the MALL was the place to shop. I worked at Shopko at that time in life, and I dreaded working Black Friday shopping. My first year was working in the Trim-A-Tree department…oh my, now that’s a crazy spot to work during the holidays! Way to treat yourself to what you want, you deserve it. Enjoy listening to music, and writing cards, and pondering blog posts!
I did go on a long walk and did a funny post for today – I think it will give you a smile Shelleyl. Took more pictures which I’m uploading now. I made an appointment with Jill for my highlights and haircut tomorrow – I said “I know we won’t have a raging storm so I will cancel like last time and it’s going to be beautiful, so if you can fit me in I’m game” … so I’m going there tomorrow. Even though I was not going to go without my hat all Winter, the wiry gray strands around the crown of my hair do make my hair look a little dull and lifeless at the front and the highlights/lowlights have faded, so I will go there. Because my hair is not all that dark, it really was not that noticeable and I’m not usually fickle like that but figured I needed my treat anyway.
Enjoy the time treating yourself to highlights! Your post was funny, thank you for sharing – those squirrels are a hoot!
Well, I am back to my regular look again so that’s good, even though I’d have not removed my hat til mid-April. Those squirrels make me smile and this collection of pictures was funny as I could match their antics to human antics.
Yay sounds like a great day in my books! Hats off to you!
I saw what you did there – love puns!!
I love shopping too, Shelley! Enjoy shopping!
Thank you, Winnie – Enjoy your shopping adventures, too!
Thank you, Shelley!