
It’s not the birthday present I wanted

Just to be clear, the arrival of a winter storm was not on my wish list for my birthday.


No matter how well it was planned and orchestrated by Mother Nature.  Even if she created the perfect climate for wet-stick-to-the-fence-kinda-snow, (think snowman building sticky) making it easy for me to notice it.  She was wrong, this is perfect for a kid, not a middle-aged woman.  Unless perhaps she thinks I should take up snowman building for a new winter hobby?  I do have a new hat to wear…

Mother Nature did her part well, sending the gift a tad early, so maybe it’ll melt away on my birthday?

I still didn’t want this much snow.  Anyone know where I should send my preferred birthday request list?

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday (Congrats to her she met her NaNoWriMo writing goals – Go Linda Go!)


PS – Happy Wednesday to you all – I’m behind a shovel digging my way to the turkey and fixings that need to be prepared, all the while hoping that the power doesn’t go out!   


54 thoughts on “It’s not the birthday present I wanted

  1. At the risk of sticking a song in to your head (you may be too young for it to be sticky) – you can’t always get what you want. Maybe Mother Nature had a different idea as to what you need. Maybe building a snowman would be a good thing. In any case, Happy Birthday (in advance).

    1. LOL – thank you for the earworm for my birthday and all Thanksgiving Day! I do need that reminder running through my head, that’s for sure! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family :-)!

  2. Many of my nicest Thanksgiving memories from childhood include snow! Guests are able to go outside while waiting for dessert and catch some brisk, digestion-assisting air… unless of course it all turns to mush as the temp. climbs!

    1. Aw, you’re right, I remember many holidays playing out in the snow while the adults cooked up the magical meal. Hugs to you, Ellen, I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

  3. A snow storm on any day is not good but especially around your birthday. Hopefully the sun will come out soon but looking at the weather map, looks like your entire state is blue. Sorry. But I do wish you a happy birthday in advanced. May you be blessed in may ways.

    1. Thank you, Anita. I remember my mom telling me about the major snow storm that happened the day I was born. Thankfully they got to the hospital in time. Snow happens at this time of year, I can’t change it, I just try to focus on the beauty of it. When I’m not shoveling! 😉 May you too be blessed in many ways! xx

  4. Well, that much snow is just not necessary! The power needs to stay on and shed light on the new kitchen! As well as cooking and all that. Good luck 🙂

    1. I agree. And thankfully, the power did stay on and much of the meal prep happened. It was glorious to watch the glowing smile on Mr.’s face as he hummed around the kitchen. All is well! Thank you for your wishes. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  5. Wow, and that’s about the perfect temp for a big snow too Shelley, 25 to 32 seems to bring on the big dumps. I hope it does melt before your birthday too. Happy Wednesday!

    1. LOL – you know the weather well, John. It’s too cold to melt it, so I guess it may be here to stay. I hope you have a wonderful week – does it get busy for Black Friday shopping in Vegas? You might find some interesting photos to capture? 😉

      1. I’m a weather nut from long ago. The weather from season to season develops a clear pattern after years of observing it.

        The weather here is very different compared to Michigan of course and it’s currently raining – again. Blah.

        I haven’t been shopping like that for many years Shelley, I’ve used Gift Cards instead. The family likes it as they can purchase what they want instead.

        I’ll be back in Michigan again in early December for our always early family Christmas. So good to see everyone again!

        But today I’m alone, it’s not the first TG here by myself, a consequence of deciding to remain here after the D. I hope y’all have a great day. 😎

        1. I can see you being a weather nut. I forgot to comment on your Instagram post with the rain video – listening to your Michigan accent always makes me smile. I hope you have a wonderful time with your family. Gift certificates are a go-to gift for us as well. Stay warm(cool) while you travel. xx

          1. Thanks Shelley! Rain is in the forecast here. I’m prepared to begin packing my one tiny suitcase tomorrow for the trip. I didn’t know I have an accent Shelley. 🤔

          2. You’re welcome. Way to pack minimally! Yes, Michigan folk have a definite accent. I dated a guy from Flint, MI and he had the same accent. 😉 Makes me wonder…do you call the refreshing beverage a soda or a pop?

  6. Cool or should I say ‘cold’ photos of the snow! No matter the weather have a Happy Birthday & a lovely and warm house Thanksgiving. 🙂

  7. Hoping your power stays on! I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but from Southern California that actually looks like a really lovely view! I’m going back to visit my family in New Hampshire for three weeks at the end of December and am crossing my fingers for snow like that 🙂
    Happy Holidays 🦃🍂🥐


    1. It did, we’re grateful for it staying on. Just down the road from us, it didn’t and they were without power for a few hours. I think I’d miss the snow too if I lived in California. Enjoy your trip to NH and seeing the family – hope your little one enjoys seeing the snow too! Happy Holidays to you!!!

    2. PS – congrats on the compiled list of freezer meals! That is so smart to do when you’ve got a little bundle of joy that requires lots of attention. I did that too – I’d do once a month cooking and prepping. Ah…the joys of not having to plan for meals was wonderful!

    1. Thank you!! Yep, so far it has stayed on and the kids are on their way home to visit. It’s going to be one happy Thanksgiving and birthday for me :-)!

    1. Thank you!!! Yes, indeed it is! I appreciate your encouragement to get us to this point. I hope your week goes well – do you celebrate Thanksgiving too where you live?

      1. Hi Shelley in the UK we have Harvest Festival in October. It’s about gathering in the food that is grown all year. At school we used to take in food for an hamper in each class and have a service. But I dont think they do it nowadays, only in the religious schools. It seems to be only practised in church these days. But we do have Black Friday in the UK now. It started a few years ago. Not that I plan to buy anything as I dont need anything. Hope you have a lovely day and get spoilt. Xx

        1. Ah, thank you for sharing. We have friends in France and they always send us Happy Thanksgiving wishes, it’s nice of you to share what you do in the UK. Our Black Friday shopping has been a tradition for years, it keeps changing, so we’ll see what kind of adventure it is this year! Thank you for the well wishes!! xxxx

    1. Thank you!! I so enjoyed your post – thanks for stopping by to remind me to check in with you. Enjoy your well-deserved break!!!

  8. Happy birthday gorgeous!! Herzlichen Glückwunsch (happy birthday in German) and muchas felicidades (Spanish) 🙂 Have a fantastic day and year full of love, health, and magic! Hugs

    1. Aw, thank you, Abrie! I’m sorry for the delay in responding – I found and rescued your comment from my Spam folder. Dang WordPress! Yes, DIY and Snowmen in the winter are great gifts!

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