Adventures · Inspiration

It’s Monday Again

As you reflect on your weekend, are the memories of what you did a blur to you this lovely Monday morning too?


I want to run outside and scream, “Where the h*ll did my weekend go?”

It vanished right before my eyes.

Saturday morning, after taking a 4-mile walk around the neighborhood with Mr., I took a serious break from my social media scrolling addiction.  I replaced it with some YouTube and SkillShare research instead.

I scored a free two-month trial of SkillShare and found myself out in our Tea House.  Thank goodness for Wi-Fi connections and the freedom to get a change of scenery.  The windows were open, a warm breeze blowing through them, and I curled up in a chair watching as many fun videos I could.

I reaffirmed some things I already knew and learned many things I didn’t.  I won’t bore you with the details, suffice it to say, I was able to let the activity consume both Saturday and Sunday as I sat there in full-on learning mode.

As a person who craves learning and discovery, let me tell you this – those two cyber classrooms sure helped me get my fix of both.  But…my butt is sore, and I need to get back into the real world again.

To me, if life boils down to one thing, it’s movement.  To live is to keep moving. – Jerry Seinfeld

It’s Monday again.  Time to crawl back down the trusty rabbit hole of email, tasks, and such.  All that important stuff sitting there that needs to get done.  Of course, that kind of activity helps pay the bills.  So, yeah, I’m going there again.

I’ve always felt that if time flies while you’re doing something, it’s a good thing.  You’re headed in a healthy direction when it happens.  You were absorbed in it and it felt right to do.  Recharging of sorts.


The trouble with the fast lane is that all the movement is horizontal.  And I like to go vertical sometimes.  – Tom Robbins

Post inspiration – Lens-Artists #59 – Angles  and Susannah Conway’s AugustBreak2019 – Movement

PS – Have you checked out SkillShare before?  What about blurry photos?  Do you like them?  What did you do to keep moving in a new direction this weekend?  


36 thoughts on “It’s Monday Again

    1. Thank you, Drew! I’ll be curious to hear if you think 3 months flies by too quickly too? I hope you’re having a wonderful time. Happy Monday to you too!

  1. So I’m not the only one who thinks weekends go by too rapidly! It’s a consoling thought though that next week is just around the corner. Have a great week and take care. MZ

    1. Oh, MZ, you’re not alone. That’s a wonderful way to look at it, next week is just around the corner. Hope you have a great week too. Take care!

    1. SkillShare seems more organized, and you can partake in the lessons at your own pace, share if you want or don’t if you don’t want to. YouTube doesn’t seems the place to interact with unless the video just came out. Check SkillShare out – first two months are free. Let me know what you think!

  2. My “kids” gave me 6 months of SkillShare as a birthday gift a few months ago. I have not made the time to start it yet (I plan to start with the free month trial they offer first). I was going to start this summer, but life kept happening. Which videos did you go to? I was thinking of the photo and writing ones. I need to structure my time better I guess!

  3. SkillShare is new to me, and I don’t know if I could watch it from here. It sounds interesting though! Learning new things is one of the best things in life. Love your musing and discussions with yourself, Shelley. Love that rabbit or hare – you have a delightful garden and visitors!

    1. Thank you, Ann-Christine, I appreciate you stopping by and sharing your feedback. I would think you could watch SkillShare, but, then again, I’m not an expert on it. Thank you for the opportunity to join in on your challenge this week, your sand castle photos are amazing!

  4. I’ve not tried SkillShare and I loved Copper’s blurry pictures – that boy was on the move! Or mom was practicing blurring his morning routine. The blue jay sequence was great – he stopped to take a leisurely drink then vamoosed. I like seeing bunnies’ ears appear translucent in the morning sun – the first picture really shows this. The weekends are over too quickly but at least Monday has been dispensed with and I’m about ready to amble off to bed.

    1. You might find some fun photography lessons on SkillShare. They are shorter than the ones Jared did. Thanks for the feedback – I just snapped them quickly one night, the creatures were quite busy. Ah, yes, and now it’s Tuesday!

      1. Thanks for the tip Shelley – I will look at SkillShare. I need to get off automatic settings again – perhaps when it gets a little cooler. The day I took all the wildflower pics it was very hot and the bugs were biting so much that I spend a lot of time swatting them and it was hard to concentrate.

        1. Yay – let me know what lessons you use. Your photos were great despite those darn bugs they have been bad this year too. This late summer and early fall will be our time to get outside, right!?

          1. Thank you Shelley – I came home able to play connect the dots, believe me. Today’s our last tropical day and four beautiful days are on the horizon. Yes our favorite time is coming up – sweatshirt weather!

          2. Yay! Yes, we’ve been having very nice weather that is coming your way! Enjoy. And yes, jeans and sweatshirt weather is nice. xx

    1. Yeah, when the fun travels end, Monday seems quite prominent. Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate hearing from you!

    1. If you’re interested, all you have to do is Google it, or if you want me to send you an invite, I can, just message me via my Contact Page and I can email you one.

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