From the outside, you can’t tell, but from the inside, it’s a whole different story. We haven’t sworn yet, but we’ve shared some wisecracks this week. The two guys on the installation crew are a hoot. We haven’t minded too much the interruption to our daily routine.
All the fresh air blowing in the openings when the old windows are removed and the new ones set in place has revived my desire to…well…um…redecorate.
If my brain wasn’t rambling through so many possibilities of what I’d do if I had a million dollars to just redo everything in a revived and tasteful wonder of new blingy things for the house, then I’d be even more creative in my word choices this morning.
For the most part, all throughout the house new window installations are complete. Well, one side of the house is complete. And only one window on the north side is left to replace.
They’ll be back on Monday to finish the rest. We are impressed with the quality workmanship of the installers, as well as the windows themselves.
Even the half circle that didn’t provoke any untasteful language while being installed impressed us initially.
We’ve got a real taste for erratic weather this week. From the balmy 89 degrees high on the day they started the window replacing, to the whopping high of 50 degrees yesterday. And it rained off and on throughout the week. It was quite the temptation to be less than tasteful in my word choices when I had to put on skinny jeans instead of shorts to keep warm.
Oh, and to bite the bullet and turn on the furnace. At least we made it to October before we had to turn it on.
Me: “We should turn the heat on, you know, just to make sure the furnace is working properly.”
Mr: “Whew…finally…I’ve been cold all day!”
I felt for the guy who worked the majority of the time out in the weather extremes…and the heights he didn’t seem phased by at all. He never swore out loud – that I could hear.
I’m a tad distasteful about what happened on Friday though, it affected my sleep after retiring for bed last night.
I tossed and turned, even though I was exhausted from all the extra activities during the week. I was worrying about things that went wrong, and happy about what went right. I wondered if I should leave the windows uncovered or find something new and improved to tastefully enhance the new windows while balancing the current 1990’s retro decor.
Then I flashed back to earlier in the day.
I almost swore when I first saw it.
Me: “Oh, no, is that a crack?”
Owner’s Son: “Yes…I’m just sick about it, I hate it when this happens.”
Me: “Umm…” (impressed that he didn’t swear out loud when it happened and amazed that it happens often enough for such calmness).
Me: “How did it happen?”
Owner’s Son: “All it took was one tap on the edge, and it cracked.”
Me: “Uh…dang, the guys worked so hard on that window, does it have to come out again and redo it all over?”
Owner’s Son: “No, don’t worry, these are made to be able to replace just the glass. A new window pane is already on order, we’ll be back to replace it as soon as it comes in.”
Me: “Whew, you had me really worried.”
The Other Installer: “Yeah, those half circle windows aren’t cheap to replace. But, duh you know that don’t you? It is a nice feature of these windows that just the glass can be replaced. Don’t worry, it has happened to all of us at one point during an install. We can bang on the middle of the glass, but when you get close to the edges, it’s fragile and will crack with just the right hit, it sucks when it does crack, but we’ve got it covered.”
Both of us in unison: “Well, then, I’m glad the owner’s son broke it and not us!”
I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking that a wine tasting at the vineyard today may be in order? Or a drive to look at the trees, I noticed looking out the window (around the crack) that the trees are starting to look more colorful.
Post Inspiration – New windows and Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “-tast-.” Find a word that contains “tast” and use it in your post. Enjoy!
PS – What would you have said when you saw the crack in your new window? What is your favorite word with ‘tast’ in it? Are you afraid of heights? If you had a million dollars to spend redecorating, what would you buy first?
I’m so sorry about the crack. At least they’re already working on a fix. Things happen during projects like this. After a while, it will all be back to normal…right?
Thanks, Dan. I think it’ll be just fine. We’re thankful it happened now, versus us accidentally hitting the side and breaking it ourselves. Normal…what’s that? The pets will be very thankful for only us making noises in the house!
Sometimes, the damage is done, but the crack doesn’t appear right away. That happened to a friend of mine at work. The window cracked as the seasons changed and the sun hit it strong for the first time.
Oh, my, I sure hope that doesn’t happen to ours! I have a hunch that they’ll honor their warranty if it does.
Well, yours already cracked, so you’re good
Good luck in your new home
Thank you!!!
A pleasure
Shelley, I haven’t been here for a while, so apologies are first up.
Nice windows! I can understand how making part of the house new gives you a desire to make the rest of it new. I’ve had that feeling when moving into an apartment – wanting the funds to start over with redecorating. I found that the resale shops are fun, especially with the cost of new furniture and accessories. I hope you get the cracked window fixed without incident and have your glass of wine today. Happy Saturday!
Thank you, Mary – no apologies needed, I’m guilty for not getting around to reading your blog as well. I’m always happy when I do!
Thanks – we’re excited about the windows. And your advice is what my daughter tells me to do too. I wish we had more fun stores like they have near Madison – I bet Appleton does too?
Happy Saturday – and I’ll be cheering with you GoPackGo on Sunday!!
There are a few nice resale shops in Appleton and Green Bay. I found my dining room set at one of them about ten years ago for $125. It was like new and great for the budget.
Wow – that’s a great find. My daughter just found her new dining set via Craigslist – the table from one seller and the refurbished chairs from another and she is tickled with all of it. I may just need to go resale shopping today – it’s raining, rainy days make me long for retail therapy!
This rainy day is making my roommate and I hungry for bacon. Bacon shopping…
LOL – now that’s something I’d prefer first hand versus at a second hand store!
Hmmmm. With $1 million to re-decorate, I’d buy a whole new house. LOL. Glad the windows are almost done and that the crack can be fixed. Happy Saturday my friend!
LOL – I’m ashamed to say I didn’t even think of a whole new house…! Duh, that would make things easier, silly me! Happy Saturday to you too!!
Well, considering our current window predicament I’d say “oh well, at least the window fits.” But you know that’s just me. As for you and your mess, I think a few swear words are called for.
LOL – we did say that too – Mr. said, “Well now the glass won’t have to go through the fitting stage, it’ll just slip right into the space. I’ll swear a lot if the new glass breaks :-(!
We replaced a number of glass panes in our oversized windows when we bought our house. One was cracked when they started the installation. They put the old glass back in and ordered a new one. Ours was not as tasteful. Ha! Good job on the prompt.
I have a new level of respect for the installers after watching what they have to go through to make the installs successful. I can imagine the stories they tell their families and friends. I hope your replacement panes are holding up now!?
Same to you!
Thank you
Wow, such a huge job! Sorry about the cracked glass Shelley.
Thanks John!
Wow Ms Shelly, there’s Murphy all over the place. Hopefully, the next shoe won’t fall on you. g
Yeah, you got that right, G! I’m hoping so as well.
I get the redecorating thing but I’m with Jill, with a million I’d buy a new house! Love the look of the half circle.
LOL – you’re wise too!! Thank you – we’re enjoying the view of it, even if there’s a crack there for now.
If I had a million dollars to spend on home renovation, I’d have the current house razed and build a whole new one, then sell it and use the money to buy a brick ranch. The stairs are a pain to deal with.
We’ve gone from the 90’s yesterday to the 70’s today. Thank heaven…
That sounds like a solid plan for a home remodel.
We went from 90 to 50 in one day. I would’ve enjoyed the 70’s first. Glad you got some reprieve from the heat.
So am I, and so is Mary. Maybe even especially Mary. She has trouble breathing when it’s real hot and humid, and fall allergy season didn’t help matters.
I’m not a fan of real hot and humid weather either. Allergy season seemed to hit a lot of people hard this year. Glad the weather is turning in your favor.
Your calmness is inspiring….I would not have been calm I am afraid. Yes we turn the heat on ourselves yesterday. Lows down in the 50s last night. Poo. Guess I will have to turn my dread of cold into joy of only 4 weeks left to start organizing how to decorate.
I’m getting better and better with letting go when things go wrong. Plus the guys that are installing the windows are inspiring to me – they have a great outlook – ‘there are no problems, only solutions to be found’ and ‘if we looked at every window as hard, the job would be miserable – we just look at it as easy and then deal with the situation if it arises.”
Way to keep up the spirit with the appearance of cooler weather!
I bet you’re getting excited for decorating – I wonder if Daisy be a good puppy with the decorations?
We already have a plan for Miss Daisy, hope it works.
Whew, I figured you would! I’m looking forward to seeing how it all works out!
Your title even made me smile, Shelley. “Crack” made my mind go in many directions. The weather is getting colder fast, even in my neck of the woods. I realize your home is in flux right now. I actually tried to remove the “crack” with my finger, since it looks like a strand of hair on my laptop. Wine right about now may help:)
LOL – glad you smiled. I actually thought maybe the guy had accidentally drawn on the window – I couldn’t imagine a crack! The wine tasting did help, by the way ;-)! Thanks for cheering us on.
I understand your frustration. Just when you thought….
That kind of thing has happened to me/us more times than I can count. Cracked shower wall still in the box for one. If I had a million dollars to redecorate, I’d go for the new house part too.
Thank you for the sympathy. Yikes, that’s not good to have a shower wall still in the box. Can you make it into art of some kind?!
It appears the new house is the winning idea!!
You’re welcome. Well, that was years ago – and the shower piece went back to the company. And we waited…and waited…for the replacement. Par for the course when remodeling.
Sigh – that’s good it went back. We’re on the waiting mode for our replacement window. In the meantime, I can admire the view and decide if I want to cover it up again or not. Remodeling definitely has it’s ups and downs.
I love the curved window and have always wanted a round one somewhere. Seems like decorating is a joy that continues – even more so with an empty nest. And we can always admire improvements. So glad they’re on it with the crack.
Thank you, JoAnna. I agree, decorating in an empty nest is getting more fun each year. I’m glad they’re going to fix the cracked pane too.
The windows look great! And I’m so happy for you that the installer caused the crack and not you.
We have some huge windows and a couple big ones had broken seals. We had the glass only replaced, and the installers cracked one installing it. Like you, I was SO happy it wasn’t me. That’s a tough job.
Thank you!! Yes, it is a good thing when the installers do the cracking. Their job is not easy, that’s for sure. I will be really happy once it is all done and we can put the house back together again!
A little swearing would be in order I would think. Do you have to revise your house insurance with the new windows, especially this one in the event of hail striking and breaking it, or is it only fragile from the install tapping around the edges? I one time was replacing a light fixture’s light bulbs which were two circular (7 and 9 inch) bulbs respectively. I laid each of the fluorescent bulbs on the couch for easy access so I only had to step down the ladder to retrieve each one . One was too close to the edge, and fell off … the light could not have fallen more than 24-30 inches tops and it fell onto the carpet and shattered into many pieces. The carpet was soft! At that time, I had to special order it from a light store and they were pricey the first time, let alone the second. I was pretty annoyed, but at myself.
LOL – just a bit of swearing. If I had cracked it, I’d really be swearing. It cracked due to a tap with a hammer on the edging he was installing. The window has already withstood hail. Our weather has put it to the rain test this week.
Yeah, light bulbs break easily too. I bet that was fun getting all the glass out of the carpet!
The light store said it was because of its shape – but it didn’t fall that far and on the carpet for goodness sake. Glad the hail stayed at bay – I worry about the blinds for the hail as I mentioned it is a big job to remove them – I assume that would be covered under homeowner’s insurance.
Craziness! I would hope hail damage is covered, but it is hard to tell, the fine print is not exactly light reading.
Ah yes … the fine print. You should ask the glass installation company, since the installers are gone, if they suggest a separate policy for that window (if they think it is necessary). I’m not big on the fine print either.
I’ll ask them that when they install the new glass. The original window was fine all these years. It did leak, but with caulk it was fine.