Decades ago, I remember a charming downtown store that sold Berman’s leather items. I never purchased anything from them, I couldn’t afford it like my friends could. But I do remember browsing around the store with them and smelling the air full of leather scents.
When I graduated from high school and started college, I had a part-time job that provided me with some extra cash during the summer months so I bought myself a white leather mini skirt. And a special bottle of cleaner/lotion.
White mini skirt…hot, right? Yeah. And I wore it with a red silk shirt, with shoulder pads. I’d get all dolled up and join my friends as we danced the nights away to the local bands. It was the 80s folks!
Sigh . . .
Anyhoo . . .
I did save that darn white thing long enough for my youngest to wear it as a Halloween costume when she was in high school. I’d occasionally try to squeeze into it when the diet of the month seemed to work. It was stored away during the child rearing years.
I kind of wish I still had it, I think she probably donated it? She was working at Saver’s at the time. If I had it, I might just wear it now that leather has come back in style, especially vintage styles.
A girl can dream!
Never fear, I still have a piece of vintage leather that has always needed a bit of TLC like me.
After I got married, my in-laws moved and while they were sorting out their items to donate, my father-in-law offered me my mother-in-law’s leather blazer that she was no longer able to wear. He had purchased her a new one. She had bought it at the same store I remember from my high-school years. I tried it on and it fit, but the buttons and it had seen better times. It was well worn and obviously loved. And so I accepted the offer and politely stored it away for decades.
Then came 2020, aka, the year of stay at home and try to find things to occupy my mind and my time. YouTube sessions sucked me in and I discovered that leather is coming back in style, and vintage stuff is ‘cool’. I could sell the dang darling thing and make some extra cash. Or I could wear it and look ‘cool’ again.
Out came the jacket. Out came the lotion (it seemed like it was still good).
Full on incognito masked up in my mask I made from t-shirt sleeve, off I went to the store to find replacement buttons. With limited selection available at Walmart, I bought both options. And decided to go with a wood look for a playfulness factor?
The big sewing on the new buttons day came last weekend. I sipped on a cup of tea while I pondered how to attack the project. The buttons weren’t as straight-forward as I thought they would be.
I’ve sewn lots of buttons on things over the years, but this technique (not sure what it was called) was different. You can’t sew buttons on tight to the fabric because the leather is thick and you need space between the button and the fabric so you can button the jacket.
Instead of researching it, like I did this morning to find out the correct terms and techniques, I made up my own technique. And it worked. It doesn’t look quite as pretty as this expert’s technique below. When the buttons fall off in the future, I hope I remember how to properly reattach them.
The proper technique is called: Shank and the small inside button is called a Stay-Button.
I probably could’ve just flipped the buttons over? But they’re plastic and the paint is peeling off. I stuck the original buttons in the pocket and hung it back up in the closet. I saved the buttons for ‘talking points’ when I get to wear the jacket when I hang out with my girl friends again in 2021!
Now if I only had somewhere to go … then I could wear it – here’s to hoping vintage is still a thing in 2021.
Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “a word you have to look up.” We all have words we can never spell. Use one of yours in your post and let that word drive your stream of consciousness where ever it goes. Have fun!
PS – Do tell, what clothing item have you saved for decades and are ready to wear it again? What item do you wish you had saved and why? Oh, and the rental project is done – I’m off to take pictures today so I can share the big reveal of before and after!!!
I think we get a pass on anything we didn’t do in 2020. If leather isn’t in style in 2021, take your shot at starting a movement. It has to start with someone.
Have a good weekend, Shelley.
LOL – thank you, Dan! I love your take on 2020 and a movement in 2021. I hope you’re having a great weekend too.
I watched the button video — very instructive as far as not pulling it as tight as one might do with other buttons. But what kind of tea should one be drinking? Details like that count!
LOL – I love that about you Ellen – your questions are so fun. I believe it was Stress Relieving Tea. I think I’ll have another cup this afternoon.
The white leather mini skirt sounds interesting! I’ve got a black T shirt that I wore in the late 70s into the 80s that says “Detroit – where the weak are killed and eaten” Michigander to the core! I tried it on a few weeks ago actually, umm… It didn’t fit too good LOL!! I should post a photo of it.
Yes, the skirt was great. I DID see your post of the t-shirt, that’s awesome that you still have it. You could frame it for a conversation piece?!
That’s a good idea! The space above my TV is empty, too. So many crazy things went down while wearing that old T, both good and bad!
There you go – do it!! Frame those memories!
Oh man. I have always loved leather jackets, but honestly have had no where to wear any of them for quite a while. Yet I really don’t want to part with them. Good for you updating yours. I’m sure we’ll have an occasion to wear them again someday.
I’m glad I’m not the only one hanging on to leather goods. I always thought you had to have a special occasion to wear them. I have a bomber type one too – but it’s really quite large on me. I guess that look is in too? All these fun ‘in’ things and no place to go. I’m sure we’ll have an occasion to wear them again. I’ve worn the reno jacket twice so far. Yippee!
I had a suede jacket in high school that I loved dearly and wore the suede off on the cuffs. I the cuffs repaired but finally got to fat to were it. I love the clothes of yesteryear.
Aw, thanks for sharing Anita, that’s awesome that you loved it so much that it required repairing. I’m a fan of the yesteryear clothes too – so is my youngest. xx
When I quit dance, cut my hair, and went through a bit of a rebel phase, I bought a black leather jacket at my favorite thrift store. (It’s still there, actually, almost 20 years later!) I wish I still had that jacket, just for my boys to play with. And one of the prettiest items my mom bought me on our yearly post-Christmas sales outing was a lilac suede skirt–it was so pretty! Eventually, the suede got kind of mussed up, and I got rid of it. Miss that–and the things my mom gave me that I don’t have anymore. I’m clinging on to the last few things, and won’t give those away.
You, a rebel?! I can see that ;-). I’ve been trying to get my girls to take this leather jacket for years. This weekend I saw my youngest and she complimented me on it. Jealous I bet. She still wears my high school Levis denim jacket. She loves it, and was happy I hung on to it. I had to buy a new one after those came back in style. I have a white sweater that was my mom’s that I pull out in the winters – its oversized and cuddly and reminds me of her hugs I loved so much. I’m happy you’re clinging to those last few things. Hugs to you as you remember her fondly! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!! xx
Congrats on finishing your rental! I bet that’s a big relief. What will you do with all your extra time
I had a nice leather jacket – it felt soft like budda – but it’s long gone. Here in SoCal, there is very little opportunity to wear something that warm. I hope you have lots of occasions to wear your MIL’s jacket in 2021!
Thank you, Janis – it’s a big relief that leads us into the next apartment that emptied and needs cleaning. At least this one doesn’t require a complete reno. I look forward to the day when my time can be focused on fun projects.
I could send you some colder weather so you could grab a leather jacket? LOL – I’m guessing you live there because you don’t like the cold though. I’ve worn the jacket twice now, so I’m happy I did fix it up.
What a good story, I can relate. And if 2021 does’t work out for leather demands, your daughter can always use it next Halloween
Glad you could relate Alice! LOL – yeah, that’s a good idea, I bet she might like it for that purpose next year.
Great idea to rejuvenate the old jacket Shelley. Well done. White leather mini……hold me back
Thank you, Brian – I’m happy you’re happy reading the post!
Vintage is always a thing. Just say it is so, and it’ll be. Pretty jacket, glad you saved it.
Thank you for sharing your wise words of wisdom Ally!
I have a light red leather bomber jacket my mom bought me and I’ve saved it and I have never worn it and just thought of it yesterday – just popped into my mind. Enjoy that jacket Shelley. Glad to hear the rental work is completed.
Did you pull the jacket out again? Wear it on a walk!! Thank you, we’re happy too – now we’re on to the next one that opened up. Not a big project though and I might just hire out some of the cleaning. I’m sick of it!
No, I have it in a cloth bag and have not looked at it in many years. I should take it out – hopefully it fits as it had a snug fit, though it was a large – it was the way it was cut, but it is very soft and a beautiful light red color. By the time it is cool enough for a bomber jacket, I am usually in sweats … I have a sweatshirt jacket that is reversible – I love it as it reverses to a waterproof fabric.
I hope you find the storage has kept it in great shape. Red is such a fun color – and very in for fashion as an accent piece.
Winter is here I fear.
Stay warm and safe and keep on walking!
I should look – it is in a cloth garment bag. My mom bought me a full-length black leather coat and I didn’t want to wear it on the bus and scratch it. Sadly I have never worn it. It is also in a cloth long garment bag. I believe you have Winter big time we have a dusting of snow and 30 mph winds and 30 F on Sunday and Monday. Not going to tackle the leaves which are not mine to begin with. No one rakes so the next day, they’ll all be back in my yard. Sigh. Can we spring ahead to Spring?
You should check it out and maybe try to sell it if you’re not going to wear it?
We’ve had 25-30 mph winds since yesterday afternoon – it’s horrible and the leaves and the corn husks are everywhere. No raking happening here. Yeah, I’d like to spring forward to spring too.
We had bad winds today too and a little snow but it has not really settled and stayed. There we go, the Mitten State acting like Wisconsin.
Those winds were HORRIBLE! Thankfully no damage, just a relentless 24 hours of wind. The snow didn’t stay here either. Hopefully we’ll have a few days of nice weather this week to enjoy.
LOL – MI acting like WI!! Good one!
They finally have subsided and we may reach 70 on the weekend – now that is just crazy, but I love it! I love cheese but I don’t want your state’s snowfall amounts!
It has been gorgeous in our area all week. I’ve loved it too and have taken several long walks in it. I wish this weather could stick around all the time, it’s perfect!
Our weather too – we were supposed to tie or break a 100-year old record today, but we were one degree off. It was a delight and will continue to be so until Tuesday night’s rain and cold front whooshes in. I did all the outside tasks today and 10 yard waste bags (no leaves were mine BTW). I wish it could last too Shelley. Hopefully it’s not the calm before the storm!
Wow – 10 bags of yard waste that wasn’t your own. Hope your neighbors thanked you?!
I’m afraid the nice weather has ditched us and left behind wind and cold. Sigh.
Who knew it would be such a challenge to sew a button on a leather jacket? But it is. One more thing to deal with in 2020. However! A big congrats on finishing the rental project from hell. Time to celebrate…somehow.
I had a suede jacket in the 70s – tan with a belt. Add in the aviator sunglasses. So very cool LOL. It went off to a new home in donation land somewhere. I really don’t have anything saved that I’d wear again – yet!
Yeah, who knew. My attempt wasn’t as thorough as the video, so I may be back at the sewing spot again next year. I think the few times I’ll wear it this year I’ll avoid buttoning it. LOL.
That suede jacket is in too – I bet whoever found it in donation land is smiling as they’re styling their way to the essential shopping locations?! I’m getting rid of some things and reviving others. I’ll take any small joys I can in 2020.
Avoiding buttoning it – that’s brilliant
Small joys rule these days.
Small joys are big wins this year, that’s for sure!
Most definitely!