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Irie Mon – True love of the sea

In all the world (that I’ve seen – which is very, very, limited), one of my favorite places to visit is the 7-mile beach in Jamaica.  Negril, Jamaica to be exact.

I know I’ve fallen in love with a place when I feel love at first sight, it is hard to leave,  and I do make a point to go back again.  Each time I go I’m instantly reminded of why I love it.

The moment I step on to the beach, I’m in one of my ‘happy places’!

Words escape me, but the waves of memories come and go, as I remember all the new ones we made each visit to Jamaica.  Relaxed smiles take me back in a heartbeat!


I’d say my favorite time is the early morning – my husband and I adore strolling along the beach.  As we walk or run, it is so calming to listen to the waves splash, the seagulls’ chirp, and the beach crew shuffling around as they get things ready for the day.

No matter how many times the surf, seashells, seaweed and salty air beats the beach, it bounces back from being weathered.

As vivid blues of the sky deepen, and the sunshine rises high in the sky, the activities of the day heat us up.  Sunscreen is a must!  (Forgot it once, been there, done that, don’t recommend ever repeating it – the sun in Jamaica is HOT!  No wonder the locals cover up!) 

The waves crash and fade back into the sea all day long.  I never tire of watching it.  It is so peaceful to watch.

The sun lowers in the sky and casts a golden shimmer to the waves.  Another gorgeous time of the day.

Yep, it’s true love – Irie Mon…  (Ya mon, we need to go back…!!!) 

Wednesday 158c

Daily Post Prompt:  Undulate

Weekly Photo Challenge:  Weathered

19 thoughts on “Irie Mon – True love of the sea

  1. The more and wider you travel Shelley, the more favourites you will have. At our age we have loads, and for quite different reasons: Swayambhu in Nepal (my wife’s birthplace) for tranquillity, Union Square San Francisco, watching the world go by, Beaune, Place Carnot, drinking the best Burgundy at so cheap a price, Budapest Parliament Building, watching the Danube flow, London Embankment ….. Shakespeare’s Globe, St Paul’s Cathedral, the mother of Parliaments …….. just so many! Try googling a few for images, see what you think

    1. Aw, thank you, Winnie! It’s one of our favorites. I can’t believe we were smiling – it was the day we left the resort!!

          1. Oh! You’ve just got ahead of me. I was going to nominate you also 😄. I accept your nomination. I hope you don’t mind. I’m going to combine yours with another liebster nomination for my single post. This is great! 😄

    1. Oh, my, goodness…I’m so touched, thank you, for the nomination! I’m so happy to hear you enjoy my posts! I appreciate your nomination and accept. Now I need to read about it and answer your questions!! xx!!

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