
I’m such a sourpuss on a Monday

I shouldn’t be ashamed, but the truth is, I played all weekend, and now it is Monday!


I watched my sunflower open up.

I colored and drank some wine.


And now I must stop all my fun and go back to work.




That’s precisely why I’m a sour puss on a Monday.

Definition credited to Urban Dictionary

But first…a couple photos of citrus?

‘Cuz, that’s the prompt for today and I was too busy playing to figure out a really good photo op!  LOL

Post Inspiration – AugustBreak2019# Citrus – and Monday.

PS – Do you see the other small citrus item in the photos?  Happy Monday – hope you’re having a great start to your week.  


37 thoughts on “I’m such a sourpuss on a Monday

  1. Well it’s a holiday up here, long weekend (Civic holiday)…so it’s quiet around here. But everyone in the service industry is working today… 🙂 Hope you have a great Monday!

  2. Sometimes the days blend into each other since I work from home and can basically be working at any time but today does feel like a Monday!

    1. Yes, they can! I’m trying to get better at enjoying the weekends without thinking about work. YES – you found the other citrus, thanks for playing along!!

        1. 3 months…now that’s a vacation. Glad you’re heading to the Carribean, I look forward to hearing if you like it like we do. Negril is our favorite. More sourpuss thoughts…the sad thing is, I have about that much PTO saved up…what am I waiting for?!

          1. Both – I’m always dreaming of a beach somewhere! When someone actually lives out the dream, I’m inspired!

  3. Uh, is that a new hangover cure, wine and popcorn? But seriously … I too am spending too much time at play. I don’t know, after hearing that the antarctic ice, or some huge ice block somewhere, is getting ready to melt, I felt an overwhelming urge for a very pretty jigsaw puzzle!
    P.S. Shelley, it took me some time to find out why I wasn’t “following” your website — but I am now and look forward to your very honest, funny, sensitive and visually lovely posts.

    1. LOL – If I’m not eating popcorn, Tostitos find their way to comfort me. Way to get a puzzle done – that’s a fun way to play. Thank you for the follow – I’m following you too, I missed you and your posts while you were gone, so I’m glad to see you back! xx

  4. All work and no play make Johnny a dull little boy. You need play diversion to be able to tolerate Monday. So have another glass of wine and think about other fun things to do. Work will be there on Tuesday…
    Uea, I know, I had to wrok today too… :0(

    1. You’re right, Anita – play is important. I did work, and did feel blah. But I made it through to Tuesday. Yay!

  5. No worries, the weekend is almost here again. Do the Orioles pucker up their beaks when they taste their orange on the nail you put out for them?

      1. No wonder you are getting so many of the Orioles then – the orange half looked big, so I knew it was not a clementines (I think clementines are out of season anyway).

        1. Yeah, they come mostly in the early spring before the flowers come out. The house finches like the oranges throughout the season. Yeah, clementines must be out of season – the last bag we bought was awful tasting!

          1. Yes, I’m like you, hate to give them up at the end of their run, and usually end up with a sour or wrinkled-up batch too. Even the squirrels don’t like them!

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