Mr. roped me into noticing some cool spring things happening this week. It wasn’t hard to do. Especially when I heard him yell from the other room. He had walked into the room after the rope lights turned off, opened the kitchen blind, and saw something that made him yell:
“Holy sh*t, you’re not going to believe what I’m seeing.”
Me: Grabbing my camera and running to the kitchen to snap whatever was in the scene. “Oh, my gosh, that’s amazing, how many are there? They’re everywhere.”
We commenced counting and couldn’t agree if there were 300 or 1000 Robins. Or more, or less.
We had seen a few Robins here and there for the past few weeks. I’ve never seen them all arrive at one time like this though. So odd. What do they know that we don’t? The big flock has moved on and the usual number remain and are busy looking for their nesting materials and scouting out their seasonal homes. And, trying to find worms brave enough to emerge from the semi-frozen ground.
The previous batch of American Goldfinches came back to see what was happening when the Robins arrived. They landed in the tree then took off to make sure their nests were safe. (I made that up. But it fits the narrative of the story. Remember – You can’t always believe what you hear in the news…distractions like little birdies are flying everywhere of late.)

The grackles arrived too. We love seeing them in our yard because they eat the ground grubs. Those stinkers turn into flying beetles that bite humans that wear yellow or white shirts and eat flowers of all sorts of colors. They seem to like marigolds the least, but they still eat them too.

The rabbit shared the yard with one of the Black Juncos. And I think I saw a white weasel through the cracks in the fence. He never came into full sight for a photo op. They turn white during the winter to stay safe from predators, then lose that coat and turn brown to blend in with the grass and dirt. Clever little animals.

So yeah, there’s been plenty of bird and nature watching happening from the windows of our house.

We haven’t been outside much. Thankfully the snow is melting nice and slow during the sunny days. But it’s been mighty windy and cold. It was 16 degrees this morning when we bundled up in 4 layers to take our morning walk. It’s part of the workout to get dressed and undressed.
The month of March is going out on a cold note for us. It’s making me want to snack and eat comfort food for breakfast. I talked Mr. into making the Carroway seed chaffle sandwiches with the Reuben fixings. I interrupted him while he was making them this morning so he forgot to add the sauerkraut. The fried egg made up for it though. It was mighty delicious.
The sun is bright today with clear blue skies. I hear the jump plane in the air. There are some brave souls willing to jump in the cold air. As if jumping out of a plane wasn’t brave enough.
I’m sure the warm sun coming through the windows will lead to the cats finding a warm spot to nap. It is a top priority for both cats. Dessy claimed the tissue paper in the rope room yesterday. Two cats, 3 ropes/strings to play with, and whoever sleeps on the orange one first is the temporary queen of the room.

I’m so ready for warmer weather, I could just scream! I know it’ll eventually arrive, and I’ll complain about the sweltering summer temps and humidity. But, still…let’s go lasso the sun and get on with Spring already!

Post Inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday – Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “rope.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!
PS – I hope you all have a great last week of March! No fooling, I hope to see you back here in April :-)!
You guys have so many cute birds, wonderful! They must get the cats riled up and chattering. The breakfast looks so delicious, I’d love to try one, please? Happy Sunday!
Hi John! Yes, the cats chatter and they duck when the birds fly at the window they’re watching them from. It’s hard to know what is more fun to watch, the birds or the cats.
I think you’d love that sandwich – it was delicious. We’ll make you one if you ever end up visiting WI! Happy Sunday to you too.
I love the sound cats make when they chatter, so cute! Thanks for the invitation, Shelley, I usually fly past Wisconsin though heading for Michigan. Probably in May.
You’re welcome! We’ll wave to you as you fly over us. May is a great time to visit Michigan.
And Wisconsin!
I’d have to drive up there, or fly in and rent a car but what to do? The Lake Michigan shorline is beautiful I’m sure…
Dessy must go crazy watching birds and bunnies playing in her yard. I love it when huge flocks of birds arrive. We have a very small lot, but every now and then the front yard is covered in grackles. That sandwich looks very good.
Yes, the cats go crazy – between the rabbits and all the birds, they wear themselves out and use the naps to recharge. MuMu would love some of their spots and the view they see. I’m pretty sure my cats would love MuMu’s sleeping spot too.
The sandwich was a yummy creation
Beautiful end of winter pictures you sent us,
Was it a breakfast only with eggs or with carbs?
Thanks, Anne, glad you liked the photos. Our regular chaffles are usually just cheese and eggs. Sometimes we do nut butter ones too.
The whole Reuben sandwich has 5 net carbs according to the recipe.
Man, I wish my DH would cook all the time like yours! So jealous.
We just have to hang in there. We’re freezing today, too. And now that we have a dog that needs walks, we dug out all our winter wraps again. The sun is out today but it’s only 27! Robins are a good sign, though!
I count my blessing daily for all the meals Mr. cooks. He does seem to have taken on our diet change as a way to learn more dishes to make. Our cupboards are getting full with all the gadgets and tools of the trade.
Maybe have DH watch Serious Keto on YouTube, he might get him to cook like Mr?

I know how you feel with this weather and dog walking. While I miss Copper terribly, I’m so thankful he doesn’t have to go out in it. Cold weather does make us walk faster though, right? Soon Spring will be here and you’ll take nice long walks with her.
Yes, the Robins are a good sign. I think I’ve heard them chatting in the trees that maybe they came a week too early?!
It must be wonderful to see all of the returning birds… what a great sign of spring. Most of the birds here are year-round but I did see my first bright yellow oriole a couple of days ago. They come up from Mexico and stay through summer. To me, that’s the true signal that spring is here.
Hi Janis, yes, it is so fun to see the returning birds. It’s one of nature’s clock for us here in WI. The Baltimore Orioles are in the next group of birds to return. We love seeing their bright orange colors. That’s interesting that you do have yellow ones that appear through the summer for you too. Happy Spring, Janis!
(PS – enjoy the warmth you have, this morning it is 12 degrees… BRRR!).
Wow! That’s Nature Heaven in your backyard. Really great photos! I did keep thinking of the Alfred Hitchcock movie “The Birds” – but yours are much less ferocious. I like that they take care of the gross grubs.
Hi Andrea – I found your comment in my trash folder – dang WordPress, not sure why???! Yes, we’ve had quite the bird invasion this year. I think it might be due to not having Copper out in the yard? I thought the same thing about The Birds movie. I remember watching that and being so scared. I’m with you on the grub factor – we have so many of those and they are not my favorite part of living out here next to a field. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, your comments always make me smile!
Thanks for the rescue of my comment! Haha…I always check too. Interesting theory about Copper – that does make sense though. I think that Birds movie made quite an impression on a lot of people – as it gets stuck in memory quite vividly.
You’re welcome, sorry it took me so long to discover your comment.

The more we watched the birds and the rabbits yesterday, the more convinced we think that Copper, while quite small compared to the yard, had quite the power to mark his turf!
Yes, Birds had quite the impression on me – and every time I see a bunch of the birds in our trees I pay attention.
Paying attention leads to wonderful photos for all of your readers too!
Aw, shucks, thanks
Ditto to you!
I never see huge flocks of birds so you are lucky
Wow – that’s interesting. We see flocks often, just not normally the Robins. I think it’s the open field next to us that brings them here. They like to party in big groups in places where the bugs live.
Open fields does help to see flocks. There are Straw-necked Ibis in a field on the way to town but nowhere to pull off on the side of the road to get a photo
Yes, they do.
You’ll have to have someone else drive and snap photos as you cruise by them? The straw necked Ibis remind me of our Sandhill Cranes, only more interesting colorings. When the SC’s return we know spring is really here. They don’t come in big flocks though – usually pairs and claim the whole field to themselves.
I love Cranes. They are like the Brolgas who only arrive in pairs
I’ll remember that and when I see them in our field I’ll try to catch some photos.
Please do
Yep, we are done with this cold. Seemed worse this year even though snow was less for us. But I am ready to get in the dirt. Waffles look good, I may have that for supper.
Hi Anita – yes, the cold does seem worse this year. I’m with you – I’m ready to dig in the dirt and nurture my flowers. I saw a meme the other day that said gardening in dirt is proven to produce happy hormones. I agree!
The waffles were yummy – I hope you enjoyed them if you did try them.
Happy Spring, Anita – I hope you have a great week.
I always heard that seeing the first robin of spring wash luckily. You guys must be due for BIG LUCK!
I forgot about the first Robin = luck. Yes, I’m hoping we’re in for BIG LUCK too! Thanks for the message of hope today
It’s 16 degrees here this morning and I have the same feeling as you did. Getting ready to go for a walk is about as much exercise as the walk itself. Your bird photos are great. I rarely see flocks of birds so enjoyed seeing yours.
Hi, Ally! Oh, my, that’s cold too. We’re at 7 degrees, no wind so we’re layering up (AGAIN) to take a 2 mile walk in the bitter cold. We’re thinking that by walking still that we are not letting winter come back here until late in the year. Determination until it involves frozen precipitation, then the treadmill works best.
If only I could send the flock of birds to your dancing neighbors front yard. I wonder what kind of dance she’d do to that kind of arrival?!
Glad you enjoyed the bird photos
Old Man Winter is being a jerk again, Shelley. This week’s forecast doesn’t look like spring, but I’m hoping April is the warm-up month so the migratory birds aren’t thinking themselves foolish for returning so soon. It appears the robins were car-pooling in a flock to their final destinations, but I have not seen that before. Geese, yes, but not the robins. Our mourning doves are back and already making Gibbs crazy at the window. At least he is finding something to do while spring makes up it’s mind about coming out of winter’s shadow.
Indeed, Mary, OMW is hanging on to the cold way too long. I’m with you on hoping April is better and warmer. Yesterday we had freezing rain and the robins were extra active hopping around the yard and in the trees. I thought most had left, but there was a big flock again. Once it gets light enough outside I’ll look to see how the robins like the dusting of snow we got overnight. Sigh.
Dessy has been acting like Gibbs – between the birds and the bunnies, she’s been quite occupied and snores when she naps. LOL.
Hang in there, you will be on your bike trails soon!! Hello to Gibbs from Dessy and Tizzie.
We would’ve been thrilled to see so many birds at once!! Glad you had your camera handy.
Our CA weather has been sporadic and a bit crazy this winter. We had a heat wave and now 1 day of rain. lol. Ready for April.
Have a great start to a new week.
Hi Esther! I bet your kiddos would get a kick out of the flock of birds. Mr. and I stand at the window and are mesmerized watching them do their robin dances around the yard as they search for worms.

It sounds like you’re having up and down weather too. One more day until April. I’m hopeful as if it’ll magically be ‘nice’ weather. On April 1st
I hope you’re having a great week. Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts, it was so nice to hear from you!
We’d love to see all those birds. We started a bird science study last fall, but birds do not like San Jose apparently. Small variety and lost interest quickly. So our bird watching notebook turned into a flower identification notebook.
The birds have been extra fun here this year. Maybe it’s because we don’t have a dog out in the yard? It’s nice you had flowers to switch to from the lack of birds. Way to compromise
All those Robins – wow. I like them moving in a line – an army of Robins moving toward you. They can’t reach worms as the ground is so cold and they wish they had stayed in a warmer place. Soon you’ll be putting up the oriole feeder and hanging non-GMO oranges off the big nail. That will be a comforting thought. By now, we’re sick of Winter and ten days into Spring with nothing to show for it. I like the breakfast sandwich – I’d jump out of the cozy bed for that tasty-looking sandwich!
You’re right – I don’t know what the birds are eating but they seem to find things. Today it’ll be warm enough to make the ground soften. Once bugs can be found the Orioles will return. April showers will help too.
The breakfast sandwich was so yummy. Mr. appreciates the compliments.
We had some snow this morning, but not on cement and it’s gone now – my kind of snow, but could it do it in the afternoon, not the morning please? Going to the Park in the afternoon is not as nice and yesterday a man was walking over to where I put peanuts and then feeding the squirrels with them – not eating them himself, no he was not homeless, just giving them out. Ultimately it does not matter who gives them to the squirrels, but I put them in a pile due to the ever-present hawks circling around. I was later going to the Park yesterday as my phone died, I ordered another one from Amazon and it didn’t arrive Friday, but yesterday morning and had to wait on it – we have porch pirates. So he is not someone I normally see as I was later and I’ve not seen him on a weekday. There was another guy doing that a few weeks ago, only he was moving them to another location – no words. There are a lot of kooks around these days. The sandwich looked delicious.
You’re so kind to keep the squirrels hidden in one spot.
What phone did you decide to buy?
The sandwich was delicious and we had another version last night. It might make a cameo appearance in a post in the future.
I got the same phone I had before, but I contacted them again this morning and said “there was no battery” – he was supposed to send it out today, but I asked for tracking info and he never got back with me. I will contact him again tomorrow – they don’t want to lose a vendor status with Amazon, but the phone is useless like this and how do you forget to have the battery in a new phone at the factory. The box was sealed?? I will get a smart phone when I don’t need the landline anymore, then go to just one phone (I think). I see so many hawks flying overhead it makes me cringe for them being a targt.
When my daughter got her new phone they didn’t send headsets with it, or a charging cord (I could be wrong about that). Those accessories aren’t always used Apple says so they charge extra for them. Sigh.
I hope you get your purchase all figured out. I’m just not sure what phone I’ll go for. One of these days my battery will go totally dead and then I’ll have to scramble
All the birds are hungry right now, once the frosty nights leave and the bugs fly around more hopefully the predators will be less prevalent for the squirrels!
I have heard that about Apple before and I’ve also heard that if Apple products, specifically iPhones, have an issue they must be taken in for service as there are no gizmos/tools you can use for a fix. However, they just changed this recently – you can now purchase a tool kit to make your own fix.
I’ll have to look into that. My current 5SE battery life is dwindling so fast it might not wake up some morning.
I don’t want the new face recognition functions, so we’ll see what I do – I better start planning now. LOL!
You might be better with a refurbished phone and there is a new model of iPhone coming out (maybe already out), which does NOT have all the bells and whistles on it and is brand-new (not refurbished). It is for people who do not need/want all the extra features and it’s half the cost. That may be the way to go. My all-news station has tech talk from CNET so I learn some things on it. The AT&T store does not sell new cellphone batteries – they have to be special ordered from a battery place and shipped to you. That seems odd to me but the sales person said there are so many types of batteries they can’t keep them all in stock. I found an article on this new iPhone, if you are an Apple person, not Android. I will send it separately as I know links need to be moderated by you.
Thanks for the information to consider. One of these days I have a feeling I’ll just be forced to go to the store and get one because mine will be dead and unable to be revived.
I was told LG phone batteries lasted the longest – I don’t know what this one is. It arrived this morning priority mail. Not walking tomorrow and likely not Saturday due to wintry mix both days, so will replace the battery Sunday. Just silly that they sold a phone and no battery in the package.
I agree. I hope it all works out for you.
I’ll be researching a new phone this weekend.
Here you go Shelley – this would be what I would get in a smartphone as I really don’t need a lot of bells and whistles as I never call anyone. It just came out in March 2022.
Thanks. I couldn’t read the article because I’m not subscribed. But the title helped give me a hint as to what to look for.
That’s odd – I’m not subscribed either and I wonder if they only allowed one view? Sorry about that Shelley. I hate on Twitter when I see a story and you can’t read it as there is a paywall up. It turns me off. You can read COVID stories and I believe Ukraine conflict stories for free, but that’s it. “The Guardian” keeps track of how many views you have and then want $$$.
No worries, I’m getting used to seeing the pay to read. I agree, it’s getting annoying. You’ve identified the key narratives they want to keep going. I’ve found better sources to read and get details the others won’t share. It’s maddening to say the least.

Can you imagine how quickly a personal blog would die if you had to pay to read it?
Yes, it’s ridiculous. I just hit a paywall in trying to read a story on Twitter. I follow a newspaper columnist on Twitter and he just switched to another Detroit daily paper. Before, he would include his columns and some stories he wrote for free but evidently his new gig at “The Detroit Free Press” doesn’t allow it. Yes, who would pay to read posts? I read the info in Reader about the rates for WP blogs. I told a fellow blogger who has a free blog and has created two new blogs while I’ve followed him. He’s a photographer in the UK and does posts several times a day so keeps creating new blogs. So they’re letting no-pay bloggers get more space now. I read it and not sure how it affects me – it was late, so have to read it more thoroughly.
Do you think it’s a product of the censorship? Some people are forced to go to paid platforms and they need to pay for their efforts to keep going? I’m sure each platform has its own rules. One blog is more than enough for me, I can’t imagine (at this point in my life) to have more. Good for your blogging buddy to do what works for him. I hope you’re able to get more space for free if you’re running out of it on your blog.
I don’t know – that is a good question Shelley? My renewal for my blog doesn’t come until February. I can’t imagine having more than one blog either … I struggle to stay afloat with this one!
You know Spring isn’t far off when the birds return. Dessy is looking extra “fluffy” these days. LOL! She’s so cute.
That’s a LOT of robins! If they all nest think how many baby robins you’re going to have! And that is an amazing sandwich. Also…cute kitties!
It was a LOT of them. My daughter who lives in Minnesota sent a Snap of the Robins arriving in her yard and the field next to her. Same thing happened. They were so happy until the Hawk flew by.
The sandwich is a hit for sure. Aw, thanks – the kitties enjoy being featured and applauded.
I’ve never seen such a huge flock of robins–I always see them singly, and thought they were more like loner birds. Ha. Glad spring is on its way!!!
Same for us, it was an interesting site to see.
I’m glad spring is on its way too!! I look forward to seeing you and your family enjoy the summer time and adventures with Rufus!