Happy Thanksgiving all! Today’s the day to gorge ourselves with food while we give thanks for the little things in life that bring us joy, have taught us lessons, and have made a difference in our lives.
I have so many things to be thankful for, I could go on and on, but I won’t.
But, while we’re on the food topic though, I gotta tell ya, I’m damn thankful for the Chef of our house.
If it weren’t for a downsizing of Mr.’s corporate job 17 years ago, I’m not sure if our family would’ve enjoyed meals quite as much as we have all these years.
That year, I went back to work and Mr. stayed home and took over as the main Chef for the family. If you asked him, I guess I wouldn’t argue with him, ‘cuz he’d tell you he did much of the cooking before then too. But…there’s no need to argue – it’s Thanksgiving, we forgive and forget things, right?
Anyhoo…I tell ya, not only am I grateful for his cooking, I’m in love with my Chef (aka, Mr.). He’s a miracle worker in the kitchen and fights the crowds to keep us stocked with food on a regular basis. He even makes multiple trips in one day to ensure everything turns out.
He treats me like royalty with the masterpieces that he creates in the kitchen.
Yesterday, Mr. went shopping and got all the fixings for making pumpkin pies and a salad for Thanksgiving. (As I type, I hear him making the salad…oy, I think he knows I’m off work today…I better get down there to help soon…)
After Mr. went shopping, he returned to unload the bags of goodies he bought. While he was doing all of that, I was busy working at my office desk upstairs in our house. Yes, not everyone works from home, so I get it, I’m lucky. And yes, I’m thankful ‘cuz I do get to work from home most days. But, it does mean that I couldn’t help him shop, or cook, I was busy making the dough to pay for the goodies.
I did check in with him to make sure he knew I was paying attention to his efforts. On one of my trips to the water cooler, I stopped to chat with the Chef, I noticed he was busy setting up to make pies for Thanksgiving.
He paused…looked at me and asked me a very important question. I felt honored to contribute. He knows that when I’m not working, I’m the traditional baker of the house, so I do know stuff about pies.
Mr.: “Hmm…pumpkin pies don’t go in graham cracker crusts do they?”
Me: “Nope, they go in flour pie crusts. The Pillsbury pie crusts.”
Mr: “Damn…I bought the wrong crusts. I gotta run back to the store. I guess I’ll have to make a different pie another day with these crusts.”
Me: “Bummer…”
I was thankfully thinking the whole time, this is a great photo-op to catch my MIA Chef just like the Tiny Chef! If you follow the Tiny Chef on Instagram, he’s frequently MIA and leaves tiny post-it note messages when he’s away. Mr. didn’t have to leave me a note, I watched him leave.
But his kitchen set-up for pie making was damn cute, don’t ya think?
My Chef loves cinnamon spice and everything nice just like the Tiny Chef. Mr. even likes his photographer who make fun of him when he has to run back to the store. He’s a good sport about it, really he is, so I’m thankful for that!
Now that I’ve got pie on my mind, maybe someday I’ll be able to talk Mr. into making an apple pie or two?
Until then…I’ll stuff my face with some pumpkin pie, and cool whip, all the while I’ll smile about how blessed I am to have a chef in my life.
Post Inspiration – Thanksgiving day pies and RDP – Grateful
PS – I totally forgot to take a picture of the finished pies with my big camera, but I did post a photo on Instagram…feel free to find me and my photo there. Do you follow The Tiny Chef? I’m in love with him too…! I can’t help but smile every time I watch one of his videos or posts on Instagram!
Lovely post, Shelley! I’m going over to Instagram now and praying I won’t crave. Lol
LOL – have fun, I know how hard it is to not crave…!
It looks delicious! And I’m craving! Lol. I prefer pies and cheesecakes over cakes.

Cheers! Can I have a piece please? Lol
Sure, dinner is at 12:00 pm sharp – dessert at 12:20…
Oh, my! It’s my bedtime! Enjoy your dinner!
LOL! Sweet dreams!
Thank you!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Thank you, John, same to you and Mary!!
My partner does all the cooking for us aboard Amandla! Thank goodness for the talented men in our lives who keep us happy and well fed! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
You’re lucky like me – you’re right, thank goodness for talented men! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Thank you, John, same to you!
I had not heard of the Tiny Chef! That is adorable – a bottle cap for the pie – great!! Lucky you not having to be the chef. That’s my idea of utopia – having a personal chef
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Yay, glad you found Tiny Chef cute too! I love the little pies
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving too!!
Happy Thanksgiving, Shelley. Lucky you with your personal chef.
Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving to you too
Well aren’t you lucky Shelley? I’m a terrible cook as my mom always made all the meals … I wanted to learn how to cook and she said “if you can read a recipe or cookbook. you can cook or bake.” She was wrong – I have burned slice and bake cookies.
Yes, I do feel lucky! Maybe in 2019, you could teach yourself to cook and blog about it??
Well that’s an idea Shelley but really I am no cook and ashamed to admit just how bad I am.
I love a man who cooks.