
If you’re not a Twitter, are you a Twit?  

Is it still hip and trending to be a Twitter user?  I know, I know, I know, that question alone dates me.  After all, Twitter has been around since their launch in July of 2006.  There must be something to it if 330 million users trill their words of wisdom via tweets every day?

Since I don’t, I guess that makes me an official boycotting twit for almost 12 years?  Sue me (no don’t – I don’t think you can for not using something, can you?)!

Yay, me!  Way to stand my ground!!

I don’t understand this whole Twitter, Facebook stuff.  I don’t get it.  Make a phone call.  Talk to somebody.  – James Avery

In all frank honesty, I’m a self-proclaimed-twit when it comes to Twitter.  Since I don’t have a Twitter account, I don’t know how to tweet.  I don’t see the ‘fun’ in it.  Am I missing out on anything substantial in my life?  Is there something to it that should spill over into my world of social media accounts and convert me to a user?  I doubt it.  I seem to have enough to do with my blog, Facebook, SnapChat (which is broke now because of my outdated phone…at least that’s what I think, or maybe I need to delete some messages or photos?), Pinterest, and Instagram activities.

What is the big deal about Twitter?  Is it the skill involved?  Is it the thrill of trilling?

I don’t really care if I’m unable to join the tweeters out there by sending off into the cyber noise bucket my little old peep of 140-240 characters? (149 characters to be exact). 

Try again…You know, a grand, short, quirky statement to the rest of the twitter users so they will sing along with me? (108 characters).  

Oh, my…it is kind of challenging.  But, on second thought, I don’t need it, I’m doing just fine without Twitter, thank you.  (125 characters…I’m done counting now!) 

I don’t use Twitter.  I’m a serious person. – Paolo Sorrentino

I was recently tempted to dip into the tweeting habit, though.  When I read this book I was fascinated by the story of how Twitter formed.  Biz Stone’s recounting of the journey was thought-provoking and inspiring.  His messages on how to unblock your creativity, and free yourself to be adventuresome stood out more than any takeaway feeling of “you should have a Twitter account.”  I’d highly recommend it as a book to read.  Go ahead, use your Kindle instead of buying the paperback version.  I’m good with some technology!


But in the end, Biz left Twitter…

I wonder if he still has a Twitter account?  As one of the founders, I wonder what he thinks of Twitter now?  I wish he’d write another book about that.

Since I don’t want to tweet, does that mean I shall forever accept the title of Twit?  Is there a convincing argument to get me to convert to being called a Twitter?  I just can’t hear it through all the other social media noise.  Or…wait for a second, what is that noise I’m hearing???


Dammit, I forgot all about my oatmeal in the microwave………………… media distractions I tell ya, they get me every time!

Tweet (quirk) me – what do you think of Twitter?  Do you use it?  Do you love it?  Or can you live without it, too?  Have you read Biz’s book?  What did you think about it?  



31 thoughts on “If you’re not a Twitter, are you a Twit?  

        1. Certainly not a person on a skinny jeans kind of diet! There’s a long history behind worms though, so I’ve read…even read about someone tempted and cursed at the bowl to give worms a try!?!!

  1. I like Twitter. It’s a great way, for me, to get the daily news and find out what’s happening in my town and social events. Plus its also a great way to contact people directly.
    But lately, Twitter has changed. They started masking my incoming tweets and not allowing me to read tweets because THEY said the tweets were offensive. WTF? To whom? Not me, for sure. Twitter was shunning tweets from Trump, Laura Ingrahm and other people Twitter deemed to be ultra conservative or right wing. So not fair!
    The last straw for me came this week when Cher slammed press secretary, Sarah Huckabee and was making fun of the woman’s clothes, calling her a remake of ‘sister wives’ and Cher made the tweet complete with photos of dowdy women. I responded and said Cher should look at her own way of how she dresses and with that, I get a notice from Twitter that my comment was offensive and I have now been forever banned from Twitter.
    Guess there really is no such thing as ‘freedom of speech’ anymore. Twitter got to decide what I can read and what I can say.
    You’re best not to belong to Twitter. They’ve now given in to 100% censorship and they should’t be allowed to continue. I really don’t know where I am going to get my ‘real news’ anymore. Oh well.

    1. Thank you, Cindi, for your tips and tales about Twitter! Not that I follow it, but I had heard it was going in a non-favorable direction. I shall remain a Twit when it comes to Twitter!

    2. A perfect description Cindi of everything that’s bad about social media. There’s some high profile examples in the U.K. at the moment where the use of a particular word “f****ard” got a prominent news editor banned from Twitter, but 60+ left leaning individuals who used the same word he was trying to expose were NOT banned. Twitter clearly has a political agenda.

      1. Twitter is just plain awful. Censorship is at an all time high. If I were to go back to Twitter now, they want my cell hone number and my consent for them to access my computer. Can you imagine? “F” them. And Cher still dresses like a prostitute and she should keep her big mouth shut when it comes to Trump’s press secretary! ‘Nuff said!

  2. I have a twitter account but I only peeked at it once in a while. Maybe once a month he he. I only a take a look when my daughter points out something interesting. I am a Facebook user though because I got to take a look what my friends and acquaintances from different parts of the world are doing 😉

        1. Thank you, Dr. B for sharing your thoughts and link to your take on this subject – you have valid points, no doubt!

  3. I just reopened my Twitter account, dormant for 6 years. I also opened a Facebook and Pinterest account. I cannot believe how “difficult” it is to navigate these sites. I have no idea what I am doing?! It’s a strange world we have found ourselves in. I would hum a space tune here, but it’s just not my thing. Lol.
    Great post, Shelley!

    1. Thank you, Donna! I waiver back and forth about the “need” versus “want” or “discard totally” fence, especially when the navigation of it seems a waste of time! So true, it is a strange world indeed!

  4. I don’t have a Twitter account, and have leaned toward a concerted effort to avoid it all these years. But there’s been some temptation. That is, I don’t see myself tweeting messages, but more on the receiving end of it.

    As one example, being a weather geek (especially this time of year) there are some meteorologists that’d be cool to get thoughts/predictions from. And the functional: my boys’ pre-school to hear of any school closing or happenings. Maybe a few specific celebrities and entertainers who I’m okay with hearing what’s on their mind. And so forth.

    But I’m still very hesitant to join and participate in that circus. Even though I could obviously just use it for my own means, I haven’t had a very positive view toward that social media platform as a whole, for various reasons.

  5. I feel the same way about twitter. I don’t see the need. I have instagram but feel it is just duplicating the photos I post on facebook but in a business sense not everyone is on both sights so to get it all covered you have to post to both. I can’t get in to instagram, I’d rather facebook. I just want to blog lol!

  6. I set up a Twitter account when I started my blog. It’s a good job I have more people following my blog than Twitter, otherwise I might have thrown the towel in by now! It is so hard to attract followers. Do your self esteem a favour and steer clear!

  7. Hi Shelley. I think something was wrong with my click back on my previous comments. For some reason by clicking on my name it brought people to a defunct blog I used to have on Word Press. I think I have corrected it. On this particular comment, if you click on my name, does it bring you to: Diary of a Mad Retiree?
    Technology! UGH!

    1. Hi Cindi – Yes, now when I click your name it goes to There are so many settings in WordPress, it’s easy to miss one when you’re setting up a new blog. I believe you’ve got it fixed now!!

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