It happens to every blogger (writer). I suspect more times than we’d like to admit to. It’s called the day(s) we skip.
We skip writing.
We skip posting.
We skip on purpose.
We walk away from the screen or paper and say, “To hell with it, no one cares if I write or not, I don’t care.”
“I don’t care…I feel so alone…”
Wait…stop right there – ask yourself, “Do I really not care?”
Do you not care about the thing you started? Do you not care about your blog? Are you letting it float away in the fog of “I don’t care?”
I don’t think it is that we don’t care, it’s just that we’ve not given ourselves permission to like our writing. Even if it is still evolving. It’s a gift. Embrace the learning process.
Look through the foggy parts, find something you see to focus on and write about it. Even if you feel all alone. Write.
You don’t have to publish it if you don’t want. You don’t have to write if you have a determined schedule for writing. If it is a planned day to skip, by all means, skip. But follow your plan. If you’re stuck look at it writing from a different angle, focus on the rays of ideas that pop out in front of you.
Even if it is just the mailbox on the side of the road. Describe it, write about it, and you’ll avoid the skip!
I’ve been there and skipped because I didn’t feel like it, and when I chose to just write instead of skipping, I always felt better by following through.
If you’re learning to write, or you’re learning to blog, the awkwardness goes away the more you write. The more you skip skipping.
Post inspiration – 30 Day Blogging Challenge (for more info click here) – #MyBlogMyWritingStyle – Day 6 Word Prompt Skip and the question of the day – What does it feel like when you skip a day or so blogging?
PS – What do you do when you feel like skipping? When is it okay to skip? I have my ideas, but I’d love to hear from you, too! Do you love the late summer foggy mornings too?
Or, there are words, so many words, bouncing around inside my head but all that comes out is drivel.
I still care though.
LOL – I’ve been there as well! It is apparent you do care in the words you share in each post. Even the short ones with ‘The End’ :-)!
What a strange affliction we (writers) share … this writing compulsion … blessing, curse, gift or talent? Each day the answer will be different. With the written word, we are at the top of the hill or in an endless valley. It is the nature of our solitary endeavour. Writers are storytellers and have been since writing was drawing pictures on cave walls. A thought provoking blog post Ms Shelley. Thanks for sharing. Your illustrations are superb! g
Aw, thank you, g! I agree it is all the words you used to describe writers! Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom – glad you enjoyed the post!
I tend to write several pieces at a time, since I know what I’m going to do on a given day. That way, I have a couple of “free” days in there, so I know that even if I don’t write the day is covered. I don’t write every day, even though I post every day.
See…you are SO organized, I tell ya, I’m so inspired by your ability to keep track of all that you do!
Someday, maybe I’ll have a free day like you described!!
It does nag at me when I don’t write. When I skip a day or two. There is guilt, but then I try to give myself permission to be okay with that. A working life of deadlines – both personal and professional – set me up for a high bar of eternal hills to climb every single day. Which is exhausting. So now I’ve decided to try and give myself a break. I write often and it can remain unfinished. I find the real issue is finishing to my own satisfaction. As you so aptly put it – giving permission to like our writing – that’s the barrier. Well said, Shelley, as the inner critic rages on if we let it. However, I have discovered that with age comes not caring quite as much what people think. Perhaps the eternal question for us writers and bloggers is really….when is “this is good!” good enough? And if we care, is that enough too? And shouldn’t it be?
(and, yes, foggy mornings are nice in a mysterious sort of way!!)
Thanks for another inspiring blog post.
I’ve had that nagging feeling before when I skip writing. Balancing life can be exhausting, I find that writing is my break from that. But, like you said, the is it good enough yet feelings seem to contribute to the amount of time spent. Writing every day at a set time helps me get to the “good enough to publish” point in that time slot. Glad you enjoyed the post. As I read your words, I thought of the post you wrote about the found letters – I wonder if those people wondered if their letter was good enough or if they were discarded notes? Hmm… Thank you for sharing your thoughts!!
Sometimes I feel like I have nothing that anyone would be interested in reading. Also, time is a factor. I don’t make the time to do the writing. I do have a goal of writing more every year than the year before and I’ve done that this year already. My goal is to be like John and have some posts drafted so I can throw them out there when I have an “off” day. Following challenges is very helpful. I need to do more of that. Great post again, Shelley and you have the best pictures!
Ah, that good old time factor, it gets us all – thank you for adding the thoughts about time! That’s great that you’re meeting your goal of writing more. The draft thing…hmm…I’ll need to consider doing that! Thank you for the encouragement – I appreciate your feedback!!!
So true! Thank you for posting this!
You’re welcome, glad you enjoyed it! Happy Blogging to you!!
Since I got serious about blogging a year ago, I don’t think I’ve ever ‘skipped’ posting just because I wasn’t feeling it or thinking nobody cares or what difference does it make. But since blogging doesn’t pay, life is often hectic, and work is almost always busy, there have been plenty of days I’ve wanted to blog but couldn’t squeeze it in. If I ever become financially independent, though, I reckon I’ll blog every day!
Denny, thanks for sharing your perspective! If I could wave a magic wand and grant you the power to be financially independent so you could blog every day to your heart’s desire, I’d do it…can you imagine the stories you’d write? Ah…that’s a wonderful image to imagine!!! Happy Blogging to you!
Yes, we have!!